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Dr. Janet Lapp Speaking Demo Video

Dr. Janet Lapp

Robert Kriegel: ON Sacred Cows

Robert Kriegel

Catherine McCarthy Speech Excerpt

Catherine McCarthy

Mark Mobius: Keynote speech

Mark Mobius

David Feinberg Keynote Speech

David Feinberg

Suneel Gupta - The Science Behind Tiny Breaks

Suneel Gupta

Shannon Miller, Olympic Champion: Keynote

Shannon Miller

Jesse Itzler Sizzle Reel

Jesse Itzler

Vito Di Bari, Futurist and Innovation Keynote Speaker: Introduction

Vito Di Bari

Robin Roberts, Journalist: Commencement Keynote at College of New Rochelle

Robin Roberts

Jean Houston Keynote Speech

Jean Houston

Vinh Giang, Magician and Motivational Speaker: TEDxMacquarie University

Vinh Giang

Neil Pasricha, Leadership Speaker: TEDxToronto

Neil Pasricha

Bruce Schneier at TEDxCambridge

Bruce Schneier

John Rossman, Digital Disruption Authority: Keynote

John Rossman


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