
Walter Bond Profile

With knowledge that was forged in the cauldron of the NBA, Walter Bond is known as “Mr. Accountability,” due to his credo that every person must take responsibility for his or her situation. He teaches that everyone who wants to become personally accountable, successful and confident can do so if they really want it enough.

Walter’s principles of success were applied to his own career, in which he moved from a reserve player to the first ever rookie free agent to earn a starting place for the Dallas Mavericks. Since his retirement hundreds of thousands of people have heard his story and taken on board his message.

With unrivalled real-world experience, not only as a basketball player but also as a salesman and entrepreneur, Walter Bond provides dynamic and intriguing presentations which will continue to have an impact on your audience for life.

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    Walter Bond is called “Mr. Accountability” because he forces each one of his listeners to learn to be responsible for whatever the situation they are in. Through his programs, workshops, books and CDs, he travels the world teaching that personal accountability, confidence, and success are possible for all who desire it; from frontline personnel to the CEO. Walter reveals how to harness the power of accountability and become a rock star of your industry.

    A former NBA athlete, Walter rose from being a reserve player coming off the bench to become the first rookie-free agent to start for the Dallas Mavericks. This astonishing journey provides the foundation for the principles he teaches to help empower people in their own personal jouney. Today he is recognized as one of the world’s preeminent experts on personal accountability. Walter has impacted hundreds of thousands of people in his rapid rise to the top of the speaking industy.

    Walter will captivate your audience through his unique and memorable personal stories, teaching them the lessons learned from his in-the-trenches experience in selling, as an entrepreneur, and being a team player. He will help your people see how they can transform challenges into opportunities, obstacles into testimonies, and success is a matter of personal choice.

    Walter’s presentations are an experience that audiences have enjoyed worldwide and never forget. These dynamic and compelling programs provide both the motivation and the strategies to excel in business and in life.

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Walter Bond's Speech Descriptions

Walter Bond puts accountability at the heart of all his programs. He shows that if everybody in a team takes responsibility for mistakes and shortcomings then highest-level achievement is possible regardless of external circumstances. Walter is available for follow-up training to ensure that an organization keeps the culture of accountability which he has taught it.

Speaking on leadership, Walter asks leaders to step aside and let their employees go on to take ownership of their own processes, something that can only be positive for the company. He shows how employees can be motivated to look up to the highest possible pinnacle of achievement, rather than just straight ahead at the next promotion.

Walter also offers programs on sales which will re-energize your sales professionals, re-establish their passion, desire and commitment in a way which will stop them just selling and start them making customers only too happy to buy.


No One Can Stop You, But You
Does your organization have a culture of accountability? When something goes wrong, does everyone start pointing fingers and making excuses?
How much more productive would your organization be if everyone took responsibility for their mistakes and shortcomings and continuous
improvement was a team effort?

Walter Bond delivers a solid message of personal accountability, overcoming adversity, power of confidence and pursuit of excellence to the highest degree. Your organization will be rocked with enthusiasm, inspired to work as a team and motivated to achieve to the highest level regardless of the stock market, mortgage crisis or credit crunch.

This extraordinarily popular program helps audience members to point the finger at themselves in a fun and safe way. When your audience leaves, they will know they have been Bonded by Mr. Accountability. They’ll return to their careers with the motivation and skills to take responsibility for their own continuous improvement.

Are You Still Unstoppable?
Has the culture of accountability in your organization kept growing as fast as it did right after Walter’s first keynote? When you want Mr. Accountability to rekindle the fires of enthusiasm for personal responsibility, book Walter for this encore performance.

With fresh stories and engaging analogies, Walter introduces new techniques that strengthen every member of your team, as well as proven strategies that integrate accountability even more deeply into your operations—leaving your attendees motivated, inspired, and ready to take sustained action.


Leaders: Get Out of The Way!
Think about it for a moment—have you ever met a person that enjoys being bossed around? The most common form of leadership is micro-management—which is destructive, expensive and an organizational buzz kill. Most leaders micro-manage because they have never been sufficiently trained on “how to lead.”

In this program, Walter tells how to turn the destructive dangers of micro-management around with the fundamentals of leadership. Leaders learn how to empower employees to own and be accountable for what they do. As a result, employees feel engaged, inspired and motivated, and leaders go on to create and grow a culture of accountability that builds retention and productivity for years to come—which is nothing but good news for your bottom line!


Sell It Like You Mean It!
Whether you’re looking to get your sales team’s year off to a fast start, give it a mid-year jolt, or fire it up to finish the year with momentum, this program is full of principles that will empower your sales professionals to be re-energized with passion, desire and commitment regardless of their success levels. You might have a team of high producers that have flat-lined or maybe your whole team needs to crank it up. Either way, you need your sales force to outthink and outperform the competition and win big in the sales game.

Mr. Accountability believes that some sales people are born but most of them are made. So Walter teaches every member of your team how to overcome objections, incorporate storytelling, and establish him or herself as an expert. As a result, they stop selling and start influencing your customers to buy! This program will inspire your sales team to produce at the next level.


Dominate Right Where You Are
Do your employees enthusiastically pursue the pinnacle of excellence? More likely they’re just looking to reach the next level—just chasing their next promotion.

Let Walter prove that the key to getting ahead lies in their current situation. He explains, “If you dominate right now, right where you are, your superiority will become so obvious that new opportunities and promotions will chase you!”

Inspired by Mr. Accountability, every attendee will find new ways to own and pursue excellence in what they do. As a result, employees return to work truly engaged and motivated to attain higher levels of productivity.

What People are Saying about Seeing Walter Speak

Rating Entries

“Walter, just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for the great job you did at our 2005 Fall Conference in September. Our Fall Conference has been held for almost 30 years, featuring some of the top names on the speaking circuit. After you presentation, I had a number of long-time conference veterans tell me that you were the best speaker they had ever seen. Having been involved with the conference for the last 14 years, I would have to agree with them. Thanks for being the highlight of our weekend.”
Neil Christy,
VP of Education and CU Development,
Minnesota Credit Union Network

“Walter′s message is definitely one that all of our employees need to hear. The message was right on target!!”
Ellen Graber,
Manager, HR
Maytag Services

“Walter Bond gives a humble, dynamic and humorous well-paced program that keeps attendees riveted to the edge of their seats when they’re not almost sliding off from laughter. Sharing his own life experience, opening our eyes to our own life’s parallels and ′how to’s′ was an incredible experience for all our attendees. Walter may have been a former NBA player turned professional speaker, but his program is a ′slam dunk′ no matter how you lay it up! Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to expand upon the pleasure our breakout attendees experienced with Walter’s dynamic program! I see GREAT things in his future and made some life altering decisions for my own ′off season′ as a result of participating in his program. For that, our family is very grateful!”
Gloria Nelson,
Gloria Nelson Event Design, LLC

“Walter set just the right tone for the opening session of our 2005 Annual Conference and Business Opportunity Fair. He was entertaining and inspiring, enthusiastic and energizing. Most important, his message had value for everyone in the audience. He was, without a doubt, the hit of the conference.”
Harriet R. Michel,
National Minority Supplier Development Council

“I recently had the opportunity to hear Walter speak at a Conference in Las Vegas. I have to say he was the best speaker there! Not only did he hold your attention and make you laugh, his insight was right on! I′m so glad I got the chance to hear him and look forward to receiving his newsletter.”
Lisa Haveman,
Operations Manager,
Management Services Northwest, Inc

“You promised to deliver and you did! Your presentation to our members was truly outstanding. Our members ′got′ your message and enjoyed your humor, style, and poise. I was especially impressed with your confidence, but you did not cross the line into arrogance. Thank you for applying your real life scenarios to what our members experience in their lives. We were impressed with your versatility and ease of delivery. If you have not heard Walter Bond speak, I would highly recommend you have him at your next event. We anticipate having Walter back again.”
Terry Murphy,
Education Director,
Missouri Association of REALTORS

Partial Client List:

Allianz Life
American Car Care Centers
American Family Insurance
American Farm Bureau
Association of Legal Administrators
Athena Health
Baxter Pharmaceuticals
BF&M Insurance
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Bridgestone/ Firestone
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Cayman National Bank
Cellmark Paper
Coldwell Banker Burnet
Continental Tires
Country Financial
Dow AgriSciences
Express Employment Professionals
Fairview Health Systems
Farm Bureau Federation
Farm Bureau Insurance
Fifth Third Bank
Fish and Richardson, PC
Gilead Sciences
IHC Health Solutions
Knife River
LaFarge Construction
National Assn of Realtors
Northwestern Energy
Prudential Realtors
Questar Capital
RSM McGladrey
State Farm Insurance
Sterling Jewelers
TDS Telecom
Thorp Reed Armstrong, PC
Transamerica Capital
US Oil Company
Wells Fargo

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