
Vikram Mansharamani

Business, China, Economic Outlook, Economy / Economics, Finance

Travels from Lincoln, New Hampshire, USA

Vikram Mansharamani's speaking fee falls within range:
$20,000 to $25,000

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Vikram Mansharamani Profile

Dr. Vikram Mansharamani is a global trend-watcher who shows people how to anticipate the
future, manage risk, and spot opportunities. He is the author of THINK FOR YOURSELF:
Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts
and Artificial Intelligence and
BOOMBUSTOLOGY: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst
. He has been a frequent
commentator on issues driving disruption in the global business environment. Linkedin twice
listed him as their #1 Top Voice for Money, Finance and Global Economics and Worth has
profiled him as one of the 100 most powerful people in global finance.

Vikram is currently a lecturer at Harvard University, where he teaches students to use multiple
perspectives in making tough decisions. Previously, he was a Lecturer at Yale University. In
addition to teaching, he also advises several Fortune 500 CEOs to help them navigate the radical
uncertainty in today’s business and regulatory environment. He has a PhD and two Masters
degrees from MIT and a Bachelors degree from Yale University, where he was elected to Phi
Beta Kappa. Vikram lives in Lincoln, NH with his wife, daughter, son, golden-retriever, and two
cats, one of which he believes maybe clairvoyant.

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    Expert on Bubble Scenarios and Author, Boombustology

    Vikram Mansharamani is an experienced global equity investor and Lecturer at Yale University. Dr. Mansharamani teaches the seminar “Financial Booms & Busts” to Yale College undergraduates, an extremely popular course as indicated by student reviews and enrollment. He is also the author of BOOMBUSTOLOGY: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst and is a regular commentator in the financial media, having contributed to Bloomberg, MarketWatch, CNBC, Forbes, Fortune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Yale Global, The South China Morning Post, The Korea Times, The Khaleej Times, and The Daily Beast, among others.

    Dr. Mansharamani has been an active participant in the financial markets for the last 20 years. His Experience includes positions in management consulting, investment banking, and asset management. Analysis has been the focus of his professional endeavors and his current research interests include bubbles in both financial and non-financial markets, the unsustainable dynamics of food and fuel, and the relative value of experts and generalists in understanding complex problems.

    Dr. Mansharamani currently serves as chairman of the Torit Language Center Montessori school and is a member of the Board of Governors of the Association of Yale Alumni. He is a former director of the US-Pakistan Business Council, Interelate Inc, and ManagedOps Inc. He earned a PhD and MS from the Sloan School of Management at MIT, an MS in Political Science from MIT, and a BA from Yale University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and graduated with distinction.

    Dr. Mansharamani is an aspiring triathlete, a Las Vegas regular, and a formerly competitive squash player.

Vikram Mansharamani Speaking Videos

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Vikram Mansharamani's Speech Descriptions

With 20+ years of groundbreaking research on boom and bust cycles, Virkam Mansharamani provides an entertaining look at the shifts and changes of the next 1 to 30 years that will influence your business and industry. True, the future is filled with uncertainty, but the experienced trend watcher is an expert at connecting dots that may at first glance seem unrelated. Dr. Mansharamani draws solid financial and economic forecasts from events that are occurring now such as population declines and booms.

While economics might often leave some people’s heads spinning, audiences have praised Dr. his ability to break down complex issues and explain them in terms that everyone can understand and remember.

    "The Generalist Advantage: Going Beyond Expertise"
    Blinded by expertise and single-minded focus? It happens. But in a fast-paced world driven by complex and diverse factors, connecting the dots is often more important than developing the dots. Vikram Mansharamani shows why generalists are better-suited to navigating uncertainty in this environment than specialists; he provides audiences with real tools to help them avoid tunnel vision and think beyond their area of expertise. The talk is based on Mansharamani’s much-discussed HBR blog post, All Hail the Generalist, one of the site’s most-read in 2012. Entertaining and empowering, with examples drawn from finance, politics, agriculture, medicine, and education, Mansharamani helps people manage risk and anticipate the future with intriguing specifics to convince the audience of his generalist approach.

    "Global Prosperity – Why Everything is About to Change"
    As the middle-class booms in emerging nations, a global consumption boom is likely to have an unprecedented impact on a wide range of commodities – food, fuel, precious metals - that will impact the global standard of living. The result will be geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Vikram Mansharamani untangles these dynamics through easy-to-understand, entertaining, and engaging analysis that evaluates the effect of a ballooning middle-class on an unlikely collection of industries -- from education and entertainment to defense, finance and healthcare. Mansharamani’s insights help audiences look differently at the nature of global prosperity and how it may shape their business and their future.

    "The End of Cheap Food – A Global Forecast"
    Food is emerging as one of the future’s most volatile assets. Shifting political, economic, climatic and societal change all factor into the equation. Vikram Mansharamani applies his multi-lens bubble-spotting approach to the key drivers of food prices in a global marketplace. He suggests that the era of cheap food is over and describes the geo-political and geo-economic ramifications of such developments – from Wall St. to Pudong. Audiences will leave with an understanding of the dynamics of land grabs, water scarcity, and the implications of food (in)security for national defense.

    "The Global Economy - An Unconventional Look"
    Europe falling apart? China collapsing? Treasury bubble popping? Japan economic implosion? Social networking bubble? Alternative energy dynamics creating geopolitical unrest? Vikram Mansharamani applies a unique combination of practitioner experience and academic perspective to help audiences navigate the seemingly unending cross-currents of global economic, financial and political developments. While audiences often find themselves agreeing with Mansharamani each step of the way, they’re frequently surprised by what turn out to be unconventional conclusions.

    "Spotting Bubbles Before They Burst"
    In a globally dynamic environment, boom and bust cycles are more frequent than in the past. It seems there’s always something that has reached unsustainable levels. The trick, of course, is recognizing it and taking action before the bubble bursts. In direct contrast to the views espoused by most academics, Vikram Mansharamani makes a persuasive case that it is possible to identify financial (and other) bubbles before they burst. He draws on entertaining and engaging examples from art markets, architecture, and popular culture - as well as economics and politics - and powerfully demonstrates that you do not need to be an expert to effectively anticipate the future. Audiences walk away empowered to think independently and to connect obvious dots to generate not-so-obvious conclusions.

What People are Saying about Seeing Vikram Speak

Rating Entries

    “Dr. Mansharamani is a talented speaker who connects with his audience. He is able to distill broad themes into relatable bites through illustrative and effective storytelling and use of visual images. He invites the audience to engage directly with him and they do! He is adept at and seems to enjoy responding to questions and challenges to his point of view. Dr. Mansharamani was among the best speakers we’ve had in our Author Series – evidence: the long line of people who sought to meet him and ask more questions following his presentation.”
    Suzannah L. Susser, Deputy Director, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Washington, DC

    “Rare is the speaker that offers a perspective culled from a variety of disciplines. Seeking such a person, we booked Vikram to speak to our group, which is comprised of CFA charter holders with a wealth of experience in financial markets. He was someone we thought would inspire outside-the-box thinking, and he delivered in spades. Vikram offered a broad, macro-level presentation that exposed our audience to potential opportunities and threats facing the world. He’s an incredibly knowledgeable, dynamic speaker whose presentation just might change your worldview – he certainly changed a few among our group.”
    Sayer P. Martin, CFA, President, Sagacious, Programming Chair, CFA Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA

    “Vikram is a lively and engaging speaker. Right from the first moment Vikram steps on stage he captivates the audience and involves them in the session- no one is looking at Blackberries or leaving the room – they are all fascinated with what he has to say. Vikram is a very versatile speaker- he can give thoughtful and entertaining solo presentations communicating a clear and relevant business message but in addition he is a real asset to panel discussions- he encourages debate and creates a compelling dialogue. You can trust Vikram to add value, insight and personality to any conference.”
    Victoria Chatterton, Conference Director, ICBI, London, UNITED KINGDOM

    “Vikram is a wonderful speaker. He engaged the audience from his opening comments and kept them entertained and informed until the end. The Q and A session was equally beneficial. He handled all the questions with colorful concise answers and encouraged everyone to participate. The audience clearly enjoyed the presentation and gave him great reviews in the survey. I would certainly recommend him to any group that needs insight into Bubbles and the Global Economy.”
    Richard L. Ware, CFA, Program Chair, CFA Virginia, Richmond, VA

    “One of the most important topics in global economics today was presented with enthusiasm and humor, supported by well-researched analysis. This attention-grabbing presentation is a must for anyone who’s looking ahead to the Next Big Boom (or Bust).”
    Trey Seitz, Investment Manager, External Equities Department, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    “PwC engaged Vikram Mansharamani to conduct a two hour session in August, 2011 as part of the firm’s full day pension plan Trustee education session. I worked with Vikram prior to his presentation and found him to be very responsive and easy to work with. Roughly 20 people attended the session. We asked Vikram to talk about his book, Boombustology. We provided the book to the attendees prior to the meeting; however, time constraints prevented many of the attendees from reading the book prior to the meeting. Vikram’s presentation — the first of the day — was very engaging… We were entertained, but we learned a lot…His arguments were very specific and quite convincing. His methodical approach resonated well with our group of accountants and financial professionals. Vikram kept the group’s interest and also entertained them. His professorial approach made me wish I were back in school… Of the four groups that presented that day, I felt that Vikram’s presentation was the best. We still discuss his material six months after the presentation.”
    C. B. Bianco, Director of Investments, PricewaterhouseCoopers, New York, NY

    “We host a variety of authors, professors, economists, doctors, and architects for a lecture and Q&A session. Typically, these lectures draw between 30 and 60 members. On Wednesday September 28, 2011, Vikram Mansharamani joined 50+ members to discuss his book entitled Boombustology. Our members thoroughly enjoyed the evening and were very impressed with Dr. Mansharamani’s engaging style and charisma. After the Q&A section of the lecture, members swarmed Dr. Mansharamani to continue asking their questions before he had to depart for a flight to another lecture. I received positive feedback about Dr. Mansharamani’s lecture from our members and am pleased that his lecture could kick-off our fall season of library lectures.”
    Lesley Kiger, Activities Manager, The Yale Club of NYC, New York, NY

    “I want to thank you for the terrific presentation you made to the Hamilton Trust on November 10, 2011 at the Brae Burn Country Club. Our membership enjoyed your talk and thought it was one of the best presentations we have had. Our 60-person membership, consisting mostly of CEO types, is a very sophisticated and learned audience. As you know, I was initially concerned that your subject on Boombustology and Yale connection might be too academic and that you also might have a challenge in controlling the questions and debate from our group. Well, I was amazed that your presentation totally captured their interest without exception, and you controlled their questions without losing a beat on your subject matter.”
    David Quade, President, Berkshire Income Realty, Chairman, Program Committee, The Hamilton Trust, Boston, MA

    “I have had the pleasure of working with Vikram on a number of occasions. There are few Academics that are as abreast of market concerns as he, but even more, there are few market strategists that can remain on top of the latest research and thinking. Vikram remains one of’s top speakers and dinner guests. His insights and easy-going, straightforward speaking style make him the go-to expert for China and anything global.”
    Robert Savage, Chief Executive Officer,, New York, NY

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Books by Vikram Mansharamani:

    Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst

    A multi-disciplinary framework through which to spot financial bubbles before they burst.

    Based on a popular undergraduate seminar, entitled Financial Booms & Busts, taught by the author at Yale University, Boombustology presents a multi-disciplinary framework for identifying unsustainable booms and forthcoming busts.

    The magnitude of our recent financial crisis mandates a firm understanding of this phenomenon before the next crisis occurs. Boombustology provides an in-depth look at several major booms and busts and offers a solid framework for thinking about future occurrences.

    • Examines why booms and busts are not random and can therefore be identified
    • Focuses upon various theoretical and disciplinary lenses useful in the study of booms and busts
    • Contains a framework for thinking about and identifying forthcoming financial bubbles including several tell-tale indicators of a forthcoming bust.
    • Illustrates the framework in action by evaluating China as a potential bubble in the making.

    If you want to make better decisions in today’s turbulent investment environment, understanding the dynamics of booms and busts is the best place the start. Boombustology can help you achieve this elusive goal.

    Vikram Mansharamani is a Lecturer at Yale University and a global equity investor.

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