
Ty Bennett Profile

Ty Bennett is one of the youngest ever recipients to become a Certified Speaking Professional, the benchmark for the best speakers in the world that only 5% of professional speakers ever receive. Achievement at a young age is nothing new for Ty, who started a direct sales business with his brother Scott at the age of 21; before the decade was out the company was bringing in $20 million in revenue. Since then, while still engaged in entrepreneurship through a multimillion dollar sales organization, he has personally assisted the development of more than 500 sales managers across the world in 37 countries.

Founder of Leadership Inc, Ty uses his real-world experience as a very successful leader to give his audiences the secrets of his practical and applicable techniques that have brought about his success. His roster of blue-chip clients has included Coca-Cola, Subway, Wounded Warrior Project, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Remax.

Ty has written two bestselling books, The Power of Influence and The Power of Storytelling: The Art of Influential Communication, both of which are widely used on graduate courses in some of the most prestigious universities in the country, including MIT.

Ty takes complex ideas and makes them simple. Using the disciplines of leadership, Ty discusses real techniques for success, while remaining a good guy. His down to earth style has made him a popular speaker worldwide and he has shared the stage with President Clinton, President Bush, and numerous celebrities and Olympians.

Ty brings a youthful voice to his engagements – covering topics such as leadership, employee relations, and management skills. His books are used to teach graduate courses at universities, including MIT and at just 32 years old he has won the coveted Certified Speaking Association Designation-an honor shared by less than 5% of certified speakers.

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    When Ty was 21 years old, he and his brother Scott started a business in direct sales, which they built to over $20 million in annual revenue while still in their twenties. Since that time, he has developed over 500 sales managers globally with sales and leadership in 37 countries. As a young entrepreneur, Ty continues to engage his team’s focus to grow sales. He uses the power of influence and storytelling to get buy-in to the vision of growing their multimillion-dollar sales organization.

    With a natural ability to engage and empower others, Ty draws on his experience in the trenches to share real and tangible techniques about the principles of leadership that continue to create his success. The founder of Leadership Inc., who has been featured as one of the Top 40 Under 40, Ty is a young fresh voice providing interactive presentations that are engaging, dynamic and inspiring.

    His clients include some of the most recognizable brands in the world such as: Coca-Cola, Subway, Wounded Warrior Project, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Remax. Ty has shared the stage with celebrities, Olympians and world-renowned thought leaders such as President Bush and President Clinton.

    Ty’s best-selling books – The Power of Influence and The Power of Storytelling: The Art of Influential Communication – are used in graduate courses at multiple universities including MIT, as today’s version of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

    In June 2014, Ty Bennett received the CSP Designation. At just 32 years of age he is one of the youngest ever to receive the award in the shortest amount of time. Less than 5% of speakers earn the CSP honor.

    Ty lives in Utah with his wife Sarah, daughters Andie and Lizzy and sons Tanner and Drew.

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Ty Bennett's Speech Descriptions

Ty Bennett’s seminars focus on leadership, influence and what leaders want from their people-commitment. Ty shares his insights into what keeps people committed to a company. He talks about building relationships and the importance of communication and how these tools will increase your influence and engagement.

Ty’s programs also highlight the value of storytelling and creating an emotional relationship with clients. He stresses the importance of creativity and standing out among your peers as ways of becoming relatable to your audience.

Sharing his tried and tested strategies and techniques which are guaranteed to increase the productivity and commitment of your employees and colleagues, Ty Bennett offers a series of presentations which focus on partnership, influence, storytelling and presentation.

It is Ty’s belief that all business is the business of people, and that you can be trained to have a greater influence over them. He puts forward a roadmap for engaging with your people by being interested in them, not trying to be interesting yourself; his message that you should be investing in your people will lead to significant improvements within your teams.

A sales expert, Ty knows all there is to know about storytelling as a communication and sales strategy. He explains how to choose your stories so that they will engage the emotion and attention of your intended market; once you have engaged the emotional and creative side of the brain your chances of sales are massively increased.

Relevant Leadership
Leadership is NOT about your name on the door. Your years in the business. The title you hold or where your office is located. It’s about your people and the significance, value,and connection you share with them. Bottom line? Relevance Equals Influence. Which equals commitment, collaboration, trust, teamwork and performance. Ready to make a transformational change in your business? Raise your relevance and increase your influence.

Partnership is the New Leadership
Cultivating Commitment, Collaboration, and Consensus

Over the last five years a survey of more than 5,000 leaders asked one question: what do you want from your people? The overwhelming answer? Commitment. And what it takes to both create and retain that commitment is NOTHING like it used to be. That’s where Business Keynote Speaker and Leadership Expert Ty Bennett is helping organizations bridge the gap between old school mentalities and real-world solutions that connect with team members of every level today.

Consider the adage, “Old ways won’t open new doors.” In Ty’s view, that is the rallying cry for leaders all over the globe. Business is changing. Communication is light years from what it was. People purchase differently. Customer expectation is at an all-time high, and their tolerance at an all-time low. It’s time to open new doors. Adopt new skills. Challenge old mindsets. And embrace innovation. Ty Bennett has the tools you need to do all of these things and then some.

In this enlightening keynote, your team will learn how to:
• Create consensus and encourage creativity
• Overcome the three biggest obstacles that cause leaders to fail
• Master conversational leadership
• Develop a more connected and cohesive team
• Adopt essential relationship skills that cultivate commitment

Leading with fear or trading on titles is no longer effective. In their place, partnership, communication, inclusion, and connection have become game-changers. Ultimately, we are in the people business, which is, without question, the business of building relationships. How? Using specific, time-tested skills and solutions to cultivate trust. Encourage collaboration. Deliver value. Inspire ideas and insights. And yes, fuel commitment amongst team members to do more, reach higher, and develop their own leadership skills.

The Power of Storytelling
Cultivating Connection and Strengthening Engagement

500% better. That’s how much more we retain information when told to us in the context of a story. Five hundred percent! Why? Because communication plus storytelling creates connection. Invokes passion. Engages emotions. And most importantly? Moves people to take ACTION. Teaching audience members to effectively and creatively adopt the skills and mindsets necessary to communicate at their highest level is exactly what Business Keynote Speaker Ty Bennett delivers in this game-changing topic.

Essentially? We are ALL in the business of people. Developing relationships, cultivating trust, and weaving a connection that allows for deeper understanding is ultimately a big part of why we are all here. Life is all about contribution – and how we connect through communication determines our level of influence. With heart and high-energy, Ty teaches leaders and sales professionals to adopt valuable storytelling skills to leverage that influence, extend their emotional reach, and even create customers for life.

Your team will learn how to:
• Make the shift from sales pitch to creating a human connection (and why that matters)
• Create the balance between credibility and relatability to strengthen relationships
• Engage the emotional, creative side of the brain to cultivate trust and connectivity
• Ask questions that engage and create true conversation
• Tell a story that connects on common struggles and helps illustrate powerful solutions
• Master the blueprint for a great story

In today’s world, the right communication skills top the list of the most valuable tools sales that business professionals can cultivate. By mastering the art of storytelling communication your team can connect more. Close more. Retain more. And develop long-term valuable relationships both personally and professionally.

The Power of Influence
Cultivating Change Through Empowered Leadership

INFLUENCE doesn’t happen by chance or circumstance. Not in today’s world. It happens by DESIGN. It takes empowered leaders cultivating leading edge insights and practicing extraordinary people skills. It takes candor and compassion. Strength and strategy. That’s what Business Keynote Speaker Ty Bennett brings to the stage. Ty challenges leaders to shift old mindsets, perceptions, and even skill sets – to take a broad, expansive view of what’s possible. To envision – then design a life and career filled with extraordinary possibility. The kind that has both rock-solid foundation and sky’s-the-limit potential.

Your leaders will learn to …
· Invite creativity and collaboration within their teams
· Re-engineer relationships to cultivate value, trust, and mutual respect
· Develop and nurture honest and effective communication
· Bring care and compassion back into the mainstream
· Love what they do and inspire others to do the same

The time to break away from old ways is right here, right now. Ty Bennett can help you truly design a team and a workplace where eagerness replaces apathy. Where teamwork is alive and well and building momentum for your organization. Where INFLUENCE grows within every member of your team, from the corner office to reception and everyone in between.

The Psychology of Customer Service
In this powerful and insightful presentation, Ty Bennett expertly breaks down the psychology behind customer service and your organization’s growth and retention. From every level of leadership to every level of your team, the culture and communication you foster equate either to customer relationships for life – or a revolving door. Either high volume, high retention – or low productivity and the high cost of new customer acquisition. With practical strategies, Ty helps your team create a customer loyalty that will rival the best of competitors.

In this game-changing keynote Ty will share how to:

Develop customer loyalty at a high level
Drive referrals through increased connectivity
Build long-lasting relationships
Fuel customer acquisition and retention
In today’s world, excellence in service is the difference between status quo and top of the competitive ladder. Customer expectations are at an all-time high – and their tolerance at an all-time low. Invite Ty Bennett to share the skills, strategies, and psychology that will bring growth-producing results for your organization.

How to Sell Yourself Without Bragging
Ty Bennett’s new program ‘How to Sell Yourself Without Bragging’ is highly interactive, amazingly insightful and distinctly practical. Your people will be engaged in a process to develop an effective story that will build connections and win them new business.

This program is ideal for salespeople and entrepreneurs. Realtors, Financial Advisors, Insurance Agents, Mortgage Brokers and salespeople from many industries have benefited from Ty’s method on How to Sell Yourself Without Bragging.

Learning Outcomes:

How to Promote What You Love Instead of Bashing What You Hate
The Three Things that Make You Stand Out from the Competition
The Keys to Connection and Engagement
How to Identify the Key Story to Sell Yourself Without Bragging
The Three-Step Formula to Tell a Winning Story

Ty Bennett on Speaking

I teach sales and leadership groups how to develop more influence with their clients, customers and teams. I want them to learn specific strategies and techniques that they can apply when they walk out the door that are going to make them more influential in their leadership roles.

SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

BENNETT: I teach sales and leadership groups how to develop more influence with their clients, customers and teams. I want them to learn specific strategies and techniques that they can apply when they walk out the door that are going to make them more influential in their leadership roles. I also want them to come away inspired to take action and make a bigger impact.

SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How to you prepare for your speaking engagements?

BENNETT: I do my own research on the company and then we have an in depth call with the event team to discuss the theme, key messages, agenda, purpose of the event as well as the struggles, success and triumphs of the team. Depending on the group, I often do calls to top leaders or key individuals to discuss further what they are dealing with on a daily basis. That entire prep works allows me to customize to each group.

SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

BENNETT: I think the life of a road warrior is always fun and memorable :-). I had a really cool situation last week that sticks out. I was traveling home from a speaking engagement and I looked across the aisle on the airplane and the gentleman across from me was reading my book! I said, “What book is that?” He held it up and said, “The Power of Influence.” I asked if it was good and he said, “I like it so far.” I said, “Good, because I wrote it.” He was shocked and I had to show him my headshot on the last page for him to believe me.

SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

BENNETT: I primarily speak to sales and leadership groups. Those that are entrenched in the people business and want to increase their influence are the perfect groups for my message.

SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

I have had great experience in business that has given me key insights and I have a desire to impact the most people possible. So it is a perfect fit.

BENNETT: This is hard to explain but it is what I feel like I am meant to do. I have a talent for speaking, I have had great experience in business that has given me key insights and I have a desire to impact the most people possible. So it is a perfect fit.

SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote topics are the most popular? Which of your keynote speeches do you enjoy the most and why?

• Partnership Is The New Leadership
• The Power of Influence
• The Power of Storytelling

I enjoy each of these three speeches for different reasons.

Partnership Is The New Leadership (which has become my most popular speech) is a total shift in approach and mindset for leaders. It gets them thinking about leadership in a new way and allows me to share relevant case studies and techniques of today’s most effective leaders.

In The Power of Influence I share great strategies to build influential relationships that work for both salespeople and leaders. I also get to share some great inspiration in this speech.

And The Power of Storytelling is very hands on, breaking down techniques that can help sales people share their story more effectively. I love feeling as though I have taught a skill set.

SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients make?

BENNETT: On the sales side, I have many testimonials about the increase in sales that have come as a result of my sessions. On the leadership, what I typically hear about is the change in culture that begins with the change in the leaders who attend my speech. Exclusive Interview with Ty Bennett
Ty Bennett on Leadership and Storytelling
Ty Bennett discusses:
  • Some of the main challenges and opportunities faced today by leaders.
  • How organizations can embrace storytelling as a communication and sales strategy.
  • Tips for building relationships that last. Read the Full Interview
  • "Companies who embody storytelling, preach storytelling and train their people to do it effectively are thriving."
    - Ty Bennett

    What People are Saying about Seeing Ty Speak

    Rating Entries

    “The feedback from our attendees was the best received/highest rated on a keynote speaker ever!”

    – DeMarcio Slaughter | Senior Manager, Sage Hospitality

    “It was as if you were not a corporate motivational speaker, but instead a member of our team …”

    – Camille Chavez | Director of Training, Farmerboys Food Inc.

    “I look forward to working with you on future events for our group and would eagerly recommend you to others looking for the “best conference ever!”

    – Brian Tyndall | Local Sales Manager, Midwest Family Broadcasting, Inc.

    “I was particularly impressed at how he related his message directly to our audience of financial advisors.”

    – Ed Slott | Founder of Ed Slott’s elite IRA Advisor Group

    “He really got to know our culture and provided leadership development skills that our managers could immediately use to grow our people.”

    – The Team at Tijuana Flats

    “Our President came to me after you spoke and thanked me for inviting you. He said that you ‘exceeded expectations”

    – Jay Bunkowske | Smokey Bones Director, Training & Operations

    “You have great skill for presenting to a variety of individuals from various educational and business backgrounds … I would definitely recommend you to other business schools.”

    – Kristal Kareh, MBA | Associate Director U of U School of Business

    “We would absolutely recommend Ty for any event! He was phenomenal!”

    – Paparazzi Accessories

    “The feedback from our audience was extremely positive and we heard consistently that he was the best speaker we had ever hired. In fact, we conducted a survey and our organization voted to have him back again this year!”

    – Gary Turnidge | Subway Inland Development NW

    “We had Ty Bennett as the closing speaker at our national conference. Everyone left that day feeling energized. I believe everyone was impressed with Ty’s personable style and helping us all to start thinking outside the box in today’s difficult climate. We have had tough changes in the healthcare industry lately and Ty’s perspective and humor helped. I hope to have the opportunity to hear Ty again. He was terrific!”

    – Kelli Katlin | Blue Cross Blue Shield

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