
Todd Buchholz Profile

A managing director at the $15 billion Tiger hedge fund, Todd Buchholz has an extraordinary resume, encompassing the presidency of an international consulting firm employed by many of the top financial institutions of New York, London and Tokyo, a spell (1989–1992) as Director for Economic Policy at the White House, numerous of published books, articles and media appearances as well as numerous academic honors.

Buchholz’s education comprised advanced degrees in economics and law from both Harvard and Cambridge Universities; he was a Fellow at Cambridge and won the Allyn Young Teaching Prize at Harvard.

His revolutionary, sometimes controversial and always entertaining views on economics, finance and business strategy are much in demand. As well as his time in the White House, he was sought after as an adviser to President Bush and can frequently be seen on ABC News, PBS and CBS.

Buchholz’s published work has included Market Shock: 9 Economic and Social Upheavals that Will Shake Our Financial Future (“outstanding” – Wall Street Journal), New Ideas from Dead Economists and From Here To Economy, which received rave reviews throughout the financial press. His latest publications are New Ideas From Dead CEOs and The Castro Gene, a novel.

A contributing editor to Worth magazine, where he writes a column on “Global Markets,” Buchholz has also published articles in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Reader’s Digest, amongst others. He has lectured at the White House and been invited to give the keynote address at gatherings hosted by the likes of Microsoft, IBM, Goldman Sachs and the US Chamber of Commerce.

A man with a constantly inventive mind, in addition to all his other achievements Buchholz has been awarded several engineering and design patterns and co-produced the runaway Broadway hit “Jersey Boys.”

  • View Extended/Alternate Bio
      • Todd Buchholz “lights up economics with a wickedly sparkling wit,” says the Associated Press. He recently jousted with James Carville and Ben Stein, and

    Successful Meetings Magazine

      • named him one of the “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century.” His editorials in the

    Wall Street Journal

      • and commentaries on PBS correctly forecast the ups and downs in the economy. The

    New York Times

      • has turned to him to decipher terrorist threats and the job market.


      • raved about his book

    Market Shock

      • , which warned of the quicksand facing the stock market. Buchholz entertains his audiences and shows them how to thrive in a challenging economy, while gearing up for future prosperity.

    A former director of economic policy at the White House, a managing director of the $15 billion Tiger hedge fund, and an award-winning economics teacher at Harvard, Buchholz targets his entertaining remarks to the cutting edge of economics, finance, and business strategy. He has advised President Bush, and is a frequent commentator on ABC News, PBS, and CBS, and recently hosted his own special on CNBC. Buchholz has debated such luminaries as Lester Thurow and Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz. He is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Two Oceans Management, LLC and has been a fellow at Cambridge University.

    He has authored numerous books that have been translated into a dozen languages and are used in universities nationwide, the likes of which include Harvard, Brigham Young and Princeton. Market Shock: 9 Economic and Social Upheavals that Will Shake Our Financial Future, was released to rave reviews and dubbed “outstanding” by the Wall Street Journal. Buchholz is also author of the best- selling New Ideas from Dead Economists and From Here To Economy, which were lavishly praised by The New York Times and Financial Times. His newest books are New Ideas From Dead CEOs, and a novel, The Castro Gene.

    Buchholz is a contributing editor at Worth magazine, where he writes the “Global Markets” column, and he has penned articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Reader’s Digest. He delivered a lecture at the White House entitled “Clarity, Honesty and Modesty in Economics,” and has been a keynote speaker before such groups as Microsoft, IBM, Goldman Sachs and the US Chamber of Commerce.

    Before joining Tiger in 1996, Buchholz was President of the G7 Group, Inc., an international consulting firm, whose clientele included many of the top securities firms, investment banks and money managers in New York, London, and Tokyo. From 1989 to 1992 he served at the White House as a Director for Economic Policy. Buchholz won the Allyn Young Teaching Prize at Harvard and holds advanced degrees in economics and law from Cambridge and Harvard. He also holds several engineering and design patents and is a co-producer of the Broadway smash “Jersey Boys.”

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Todd Buchholz's Speech Descriptions

Todd Buchholz is in demand for his extraordinary experience, visionary insights and sharp wit relating to global economics. He not only has a reputation for accurately predicting market trends but just as importantly for sharing with his audience the tools they will need to adapt in changing markets.

In an age of next to zero interest rates, businesses are feeling the pressure of competition harder than ever. Buchholz guides his audience through the changing times and shows them that the flipside of every challenge is an opportunity for the right investor and business.

Buchholz addresses all the key issues of the moment; from the 2016 presidential race to the challenges and opportunities from China, from the personal attributes of a successful CEO to the threat of global terrorism, he distils and shares his incredible knowledge in the most accessible and engaging fashion imaginable.

Buchholz is an international economist, hedge fund manager, former Harvard lecturer and frequent TV and radio commentator. He has written several bestselling books on the economy, including New Ideas from Dead Economists, New Ideas from Dead CEOs and Market Shock. Buchholz is a widely sought keynote speaker addressing a variety of topics, from the U.S. financial markets to geo political debates to economic policies that impact business strategies around the globe. With an incisive wit and entertaining style, Buchholz' keynote presentations reveal the economic challenges and opportunities faced by our changing society and propose important strategies for success.

Prosperity Ahead — Or Not?
As President Donald Trump promises to reshape policy from taxation to healthcare to foreign affairs, governments and companies must grapple with crucial questions: Can the new President’s tax cuts prod the economy to roar ahead, despite worldwide worries over Brexit and trade disputes? Will the Fed keep its independence? Can the president repeal Obamacare and Dodd-Frank, while fostering a new era of deregulation? Will the U.S. build up bigger and bigger debts without tackling entitlements? What’s at stake for the economy, the financial markets and geopolitics, amid foreign policy crises in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and China? Todd Buchholz has delivered keynotes at the White House, Treasury Department, UK Parliament and stock exchanges from Mexico City to Tokyo to Abu Dhabi. His just-released book The Price of Prosperity is ranked #1 on Amazon for government and received rave reviews from advisors to Donald Trump, as well as from Hillary Clinton. On a nationwide radio show, Trump counselor Stephen Bannon “congratulated Buchholz for so presciently analyzing today’s economic issues.” By “connecting the dots” of the world economy, Todd will inspire you and help you develop a timely vision for the economy, the financial markets, and the dramatic impact of the presidential election.

The Price of Prosperity: How to Renew Rich Nations
What’s wrong with America and the modern economy? When rich nations begin to shatter, “everyone has a comfy bed—but fewer people have a reason to get out of it.” Todd Buchholz’s new book The Price of Prosperity is earning rave reviews from leading minds on the Democratic and the Republican side of the aisle, from Larry Summers and Alan Blinder to Larry Kudlow. In this entertaining speech Todd explains the 5 factors that can undermine rich countries, and he puts forth bold solutions to address the eroding work ethic, rising debt loads, and the challenge of patriotism in a multicultural country. Todd takes audiences on a fascinating historical tour, from ancient Sparta to the Habsburg Monarchy to the fall of the Ottomans to identify how rich nations get in trouble, and how they can get out. Here’s what the Wall Street Journal reviewer said about Todd’s approach: “Mr. Buchholz was economic adviser to George H.W. Bush. He has run a hedge fund. He teaches and writes books and is popular with TV talk-show hosts. His book reflects that range of talents in that it has the tone of a provocative and entertaining dinner speech, studded with factoids and witticisms…The result is entertaining and informative…Mr. Buchholz has raised his warning flags in a charming way.” Audiences will come away enlightened, motivated, and uplifted.

Prosperity Ahead – Or Not?
As the presidential election race threatens to reshape policy from taxation to healthcare to foreign affairs, governments and companies must grapple with crucial questions: How can the Fed prod the economy to recover, while Brexit and other worries drag down sentiment? Will the Fed keep its independence or be turned into a tool of the White House? Will the next president look to hike the minimum wage and tighten overtime rules, or give firms more leeway on employee work rules and compensation? Will the U.S. build up bigger and bigger debts without tackling entitlements? What’s at stake for the economy, the financial markets and geopolitics, amid foreign policy crises in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela and Iran? Todd Buchholz will help you figure out whether the Washington sweepstakes makes life easier or tougher for your company’s profits and its share price. Todd Buchholz has delivered keynotes at the White House, Treasury Department, UK Parliament and the Mexico stock exchange. His just-released book The Price of Prosperity is currently ranked #1 on Amazon for government and received rave reviews from advisors to Hillary Clinton and from advisors to Donald Drumpf. By “connecting the dots” of the world economy, Todd will inspire you and help develop a timely vision for the economy, the financial markets, and the dramatic impact of the presidential election.

How to Compete in a Global Economy
Never before have businesses felt such excruciating pressure to compete. The go-go days of the 1990s turned into the go-sideways days of the 2000’s. What’s next? While enjoying superlow interest rates and riding a roller coaster stock market, firms have struggled to raise prices, even when their costs go up. China poses a threat but also an opportunity for new sales. Loyal customers seem ready to jump to a competitor. How can your company or industry survive and thrive? Can the Fed keep the economy recovering in the Janet Yellen era? Will Congress try yet another “stimulus?” Todd Buchholz, who led the White House Energy Strategy, will help you figure out whether OPEC and Russia can tighten energy supplies again or whether a revolution in natural gas will reinvigorate U.S. factories. Learn how the “scissors economy” opens up new business and investment opportunities. Today might be the very best—or the very worst—time to finance a loan. By “connecting the dots” of the world economy, Todd teaches how to anticipate the new trends that open up fresh opportunities for manufacturing, service and technology companies.

What People are Saying about Seeing Todd Speak

Rating Entries

    “Todd was nothing short of outstanding.”
    Dutton Associates
    (Event booked by Speakers Platform)

    “Todd Buchholz was just amazing. His energy, effervescence and educational material was just what we needed to kick-off the Conference.”

    “Todd Buchholz lights up economics with a wickedly sparkling wit.”
    Associated Press

    “One of the 21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century.”
    Successful Meetings Magazine

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Books by Todd Buchholz:

The Price of Prosperity: Why Rich Nations Fail and How to Renew Them

In this bold history and manifesto, a former White House director of economic policy exposes the economic, political, and cultural cracks that wealthy nations face and makes the case for transforming those same vulnerabilities into sources of strength—and the foundation of a national renewal.

America and other developed countries, including Germany, Japan, France, and Great Britain are in desperate straits. The loss of community, a contracting jobs market, immigration fears, rising globalization, and poisonous partisanship—the adverse price of unprecedented prosperity—are pushing these nations to the brink.

Acclaimed author, economist, hedge fund manager, and presidential advisor Todd G. Buchholz argues that without a sense of common purpose and shared identity, nations can collapse. The signs are everywhere: Reckless financial markets encourage people to gamble with other people’s money. A coddling educational culture removes the stigma of underachievement. Community traditions such as American Legion cookouts and patriotic parades are derided as corny or jingoistic. Newcomers are watched with suspicion and contempt.

New Ideas from Dead Economists

Over 150 years ago, Scottish essayist Thomas Carlyle dubbed economics the “dismal science.” But it certainly doesn′t seem that way in the skillful hands of Todd G. Buchholz, author of New Ideas from Dead Economists. In this revised edition of a book first published in 1989, economics is accessible, relevant, and fascinating. It′s even fun–for example, when he uses the cast of Gilligan′s Island and Henny Youngman jokes to explain complex economic theories. “Why not have the last laugh on Carlyle by using the dead economists themselves to reverse their bad reputations and to teach the lessons they left to us?” Buchholz surveys and critiques economic thought from Adam Smith′s invisible hand of the 18th century to the depression-fighting ideas of the Keynesians and money-supply concepts of the 20th-century monetarists. He also relates classic economic principles to such modern-day events as the fall of communism, the Asian financial meltdown, and global warming. Buchholz includes plenty of anecdotes about the lives of the great economists: Karl Marx, for instance, was an unkempt slob; David Ricardo, the early-19th-century English politician and economist, was among the rare economists to get rich trading stocks; and Maynard Keynes was so homely his friends called him “Snout.” Here′s a lively and authoritative read for those interested in the past, present, and future of economics. –Dan Ring –This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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    Buchholz′s broad picture of the short-term socioeconomic future is cleverly written and entertaining. It′s the nature of such crystal ball-gazing that only time will tell if it′s wise as well. The nine upheavals Buchholz foresees are the graying of America; consolidation in the mutual fund industry; a “darker America,” as minorities play a larger role in the economy; a politically and economically resurgent Japan; European unification; China′s entrance into the world economy; global warming; a rise in the U.S. crime rate; and the continuing development of high-tech and biotech businesses, many of which will fail and many of which will change the way we live. To spice up his presentation, Buchholz (New Ideas from Dead Economists) writes short fictional scenarios involving average Americans coping with the upheavals he predicts. He also writes mock news flashes (e.g., French union members demanding that the “new European Central Bank slash interest rates to reenergize France′s sagging economy” while Dutch shopkeepers demand the bank raise rates to combat inflation). Such flourishes, combined with his insightful use of demographic data, make Buchholz′s look into the future an enjoyable exercise in speculation. However, when telling readers which investment strategies would be best in certain situations, Buchholz turns a bit vague, promising “financial ruin” for “the unprepared” while forecasting that the “savvy investor” will be rewarded with “tremendous opportunities to make money.”

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