
Tammy Hughes Profile

Tammy Hughes is the President of the Heim Group, one of the nation’s premier consulting firms for gender differences and communication in the workplace. As a speaker, workshop facilitator, and experience business leader, she helps companies learn how to value the unique styles of men and women and turn them into a competitive advantage.

Tammy spearheaded the design of the highly successful GenderSpeak workshop, used in countless organizations. A former high-ranking sales and marketing officer at Xerox, she has worked closely with the Heim Group’s founder, the internationally renowned Dr. Patty Heim, for over 15 years, developing and executing cutting edge curriculum that is changing the way companies of every size view and approach interrelationships.

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      • Tammy has been with The Heim Group working closely with Pat Heim for fourteen years. In addition to being the President currently, she has served in a variety of roles during her tenure including spearheading the design of the highly successful workshop, “GenderSpeak”. Tammy worked closely with Pat to create a highly interactive and experiential workshop which could be delivered with success by organizational facilitators.

    Tammy has been delivering training for more than 18 years throughout the U.S. and around the globe. Some of her clients include McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, TGI Friday′s, GE, BP, CB Richard Ellis, Adventist Health, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Castrol, Equity Office, and Wells Fargo.

    Tammy has earned the title of Master Instructor and is responsible for the training and certification of all new “GenderSpeak” facilitators. She delivers fun and informative keynotes on the topic of Gender Differences in the Workplace, Productive Conflict Skills, and does High Performance work with Teams. Her energy has been widely appreciated by our clients.

    Tammy came to our group from a successful high level sales and marketing position with Xerox Corporation. In her capacity there she managed several of the largest national accounts. She holds a B.A.A.S. degree from Midwestern State University in Texas. Tammy is married and has two young sons. She enjoys cooking, athletics, and working with adolescents in her community.

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Tammy Hughes's Speech Descriptions

Tammy Hughes delivers 100% of her knowledge and passion about gender and generational differences as well as the way they shape dialogue in the workplace. She paints the research with fun, real-life stories from her professional and personal life that will have audiences laughing while discovering solid ways to improve their own approach to conversations and interactions wherever their work takes them.

Gender Differences
Men and women grow up in different cultures and learn different lessons about "appropriate" teamwork, problem solving and leadership; however, those differences are often difficult to see—let alone manage. This humorous keynote addresses the central factors that drive gender-related communication problems and emphasizes the importance of men and women valuing each other's strengths.

Conflict to Cohesion
Remember, there is no silver bullet! There's no 5 step process here. Each and every conflict is uniquely different. This session will present the many tools one can draw from and discover how to use them effectively, in the right situation, and at the right time. The group will take a learning journey to help them slow the adrenaline down and take the time to open the tool box and have all the tools ready and available so you can then pick the one that will work most effectively for this conflict. Key to this topic is knowing how to sort out what's causing the conflict and manage it - not simply react to it.

How to Handle Difficult People
Nothing is more frustrating than having to deal with an impossibly difficult person. Whether it is the hostile bully who attacks for no reason or the super agreeable who smiles, promises everything and delivers nothing, difficult people can drive us to distraction. The difficult person prevents us from being productive and destroys the morale of others. This workshop teaches strategies for dealing with difficult people in general, as well as specifics for handling the most common types: the bully, sniper, know-it-all, and the chronic complainer.

Developing Your Team
The effectiveness of any group is impacted by its ability to work as a team. Because a group works together on a regular basis does not guarantee a team effort. This workshop is designed to meet the needs of a particular group. You will learn how to build a strong team through diversity, identify an appropriate leadership role, motivate group members, and devise an action plan for development. You will also come away with an understanding of how teams develop, common barriers to building a team, managing differences, and creating cohesion among team members.

Productive Conflict Skills
How do you deal with the person who barges in and blows up? What do you do with the co-worker who constantly creates problems for you but won't talk about what's wrong? Conflict is a reality of organizational life, but often we just react rather than respond strategically. This workshop covers 15 strategies to make difficult discussions more productive. Topics include how to respond when attacked, how to determine what the conflict is really about, and ways to prevent defensiveness.

What People are Saying about Seeing Tammy Speak

Rating Entries

    “Tammy Hughes′ presentation, ′Gender Differences and How to Leverage Differences in the Workplace′ at our recent Womens′ Forum event was by far the most popular agenda item! She presented this fascinating subject matter mixing market research and conventional wisdom with passion, humor and audience engagement. Our audience rated this event as ′extremely valuable′ and noted on several verbatim comments that they would now consider ′gender as a culture′ and be much more ′conscious about differences and perceptions′.”

    Bhavani Chandramouli
    Head, Executive & Internal Communications
    Novartis Oncology US

    “Tammy presented Conflict Management and Gender to our organization of highly successful financial services professionals. She provided us entertaining and useful tips for our professional and personal lives. She was great, with lots of thought provoking and practical advice.”

    Brent Novoselsky, ChFC
    Premier Resource Group

    “It was truly a great event and workshop that you provided for us, but your synergy was so overwhelming that we are still talking about the differences between men and women in business. This was probably the best event that we have had in 2006, and I hope that their are plans to have you back in the near future, and Michael, Pedro and myself want to congratulate you on job well done.”

    John Goldrick
    Director of Property Management
    MAS Asset Management Corporation

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