
Suneel Gupta Profile

  • Expert in connecting well-being and performance – pioneering the strategic balance of energy management to foster emotional resilience, engagement, and organizational success.

  • Healthcare entrepreneur and visionary in wellness technology as the founding CEO of Rise – driving innovation in personal and organizational health.

  • Bestselling author of Backable and Everyday Dharma, offering transformative insights for personal and professional success.

  • Host of the American Express Business Class TV show, showcasing stories of entrepreneurial resilience and innovation, streaming on Amazon Prime.
  • As the founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company, Suneel Gupta helped thousands of people build better habits for life and work. Now as a bestselling author and Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, Suneel has taken his mission one step further – helping people reset, reignite, and find meaning in their work by bolstering emotional resilience and engagement. Suneel asks, “How can an organization excel on the outside if its people are exhausted on the inside?” Grit and hustle are simply not a long-term answer to dealing with nonstop change and stress. Suneel offers leaders and teams a better way to work; one that results in sustainable innovation, productivity, and fulfillment. He arms people with science-based habits that will avoid burnout, boost energy, and improve their professional and personal lives.

    Suneel is a business survivor and the author of the international bestselling book Backable (2020). That book is rooted in his inner journey from twice-failed entrepreneur to becoming a leader behind two IPOs and being named “The New Face of Innovation” by the New York Stock Exchange. The book reveals the mindset shifts and hidden habits of people who are extraordinary at pushing new ideas forward.

    His transformative book Everyday Dharma (2023) codifies Suneel’s mission to help people reset, reignite, and re-engage through a timeless practice called Dharma. Simply put, Dharma brings “who you are” and “what you do” into alignment. When we’re aligned, we’re able to produce our best work and lead ourselves and others effectively, experiencing true joy along the way.

    As visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School, Suneel researches and teaches the interconnection between inner well-being and outer leadership. He is also emissary for Gross National Happiness between the United States and the Kingdom of Bhutan.

    As CEO of RISE Suneel helped thousands of people establish a way to personalize their physical and mental health journey while connecting with certified nutritionists and trainers at an affordable price. The company was named “App of the Year” and partnered with then First Lady Michelle Obama before being acquired by the NASDAQ-listed company One Medical Group. In 2022, with its acquisition of One Medical Group, RISE is now part of Amazon.

    Suneel is the host of Business Class, a 2023 Webby Award-winning docuseries created by American Express (streaming on Amazon Prime), where he showcases entrepreneurs and business visionaries who embody struggle and resilience. He is joined on the show by guests like Top Chef’s Tom Colicchio, former monk Jay Shetty, and Martha Stewart.

    He has partnered with The Second City comedy theater to teach students and executives how to innovate “on-your-feet” during times of rapid change.

    Suneel has also personally backed ventures including Impossible Foods, Airbnb, 23andMe, and SpaceX. He was one of the very first investors in CALM, which now helps millions of people achieve a greater sense of work/life balance.

    When a reporter once asked Suneel about his purpose, his response was to “find good people, and inspire them to do what inspires them.”

    Suneel Gupta Speaking Videos

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    Suneel Gupta's Speech Descriptions


    We can’t create more time – but we can elevate our energy. Understanding that is the first step to increasing our capacity – personally and professionally – to build momentum and keep up with daily demands without succumbing to exhaustion. “People who fall short of their goals rarely run out of time or talent – they run out of energy,” says Suneel Gupta. As founding CEO of RISE (now part of Amazon), Suneel helped thousands overcome challenges with physical and mental health. Now, he’s committed to bringing a sustainable solution to the energy crisis at work. Grounded in his exclusive teachings at Harvard Medical School as well as over a decade of studying the work habits of extraordinary leaders, Suneel delivers insights about the “why” and “how-to’s” of strategic energy management – showing people practical ways to unleash momentum crucial to performance, innovation, collaboration, and overall well-being.

    Sample takeaways tailored for each audience:
    • Why managing energy is as important as managing time.
    • 4 ways to build “emotional runway” and avoid burnout using science-based practices.
    • Master everyday habits to boost momentum, engagement, and morale.
    • Reframe failure as a pathway to success.
    • Remain resilient and balanced in the face of constant change.


    Leadership has changed. To get things done and drive bottom-line results, leaders must embrace a striking truth: they don’t just impact people’s work, but their overall health and well-being. Leaders who understand how physical, mental, and emotional health drives business performance will build trust, become magnets for exceptional talent, and elevate overall productivity. Suneel Gupta’s ‘Head, Heart and Hands’ framework empowers leaders with new strategies to create a work environment where well-being drives outstanding outcomes. Drawing on over a decade of experience as a healthcare CEO, bestselling author, and host of an award-winning television show on leadership, Suneel empowers audiences through interactive experiences and demonstrates how a focus on purpose (head), well-being (heart), and action (hands) transforms organizational performance.

    You’ll learn to:
    • Motivate your people to be “all in” without burning out, by teaching them how to manage not just their time, but their energy.
    • Learn the art of aligning “who you are” with “what you do” so you can inspire your team and carve result-oriented paths for their daily work.
    • Cultivate a meaningful sense of belonging in your team, whether in-person or remote.
    • Discover the key drivers of emotional resilience and how to deal with daily setbacks.
    • Renew a sense of commitment and momentum in your team’s day-to-day life.


    More than ever before, people are struggling to find meaning in their work. In this talk, Suneel Gupta helps people reset, reignite, and re-engage through a timeless practice called Dharma. Simply put, Dharma brings “who you are” and “what you do” into alignment. When we’re not aligned, we become exhausted, depleted, and burnt out. When we are aligned, we feel creative, energized, and lit up. We’re able to produce our best work and lead ourselves and others effectively, experiencing true joy along the way.

    Suneel first learned the practice of Dharma from his grandfather on a porch in New Delhi. Years later, when he was lost and exhausted — struggling to find a sense of meaning in his own work — he returned to the playbook his ancestors left behind and related it to today’s fast-paced, changing world of work.

    Suneel shares deeply personal stories of how he found a path back to purpose and joy – and how others have done the same. By the end, you’ll be inspired with actionable tools to re-engage in your work and life with a renewed sense of vigor and meaning.

    You’ll learn how to:
    • Rediscover your “essence” and express that through your work
    • Be “all in” without being “always on”
    • Find comfort in the most uncomfortable of situations
    • Deal with failure and use it as a pathway to success
    • Find yourself by losing yourself through leading and lifting up others
    • Blur the lines between work and play to reach your highest potential
    • Forge ahead and take decisive action, even in the face of uncertainty

    What People are Saying about Seeing Suneel Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Thank you for being such a gracious and impactful keynote speaker for our Leadership Summit. Our attendees are already sharing positive feedback and echoing key takeaways in our breakout sessions. I loved the sewing story you shared and the story of your Mom and Dad made me tear up. Very inspiring.”
    – Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, Brother International Corporation

    “I appreciate how personable Suneel is – he’s very easy to talk to! He was open to take the conversation where Bio-Techne needed it to go and was flexible in the moment to speak to questions that our audience had, taking time and care with his responses. He was engaging through his stories and examples which kept our audience’s attention and has inspired a continuing conversation. I loved having the opportunity to connect with him prior so that we could build rapport with each other to create a comfortable, conversational experience for our attendees. Finding joy in our work struck a chord with the team – we know that the work we do at Bio-Techne has a positive impact in our industry and the lives of patients, but every job has the risk of becoming a grind. This session with Suneel gave the team permission to pause and focus on the bright spots.”
    – HRBP, Human Resources, Bio-Techne

    “Outstanding feedback overall (best speaker, very motivating, impactful messaging). One person was even brought to tears after picking up their index card due to how much their item resonated with others in the group.”
    – Shell

    “Suneel was extraordinary! His ability to connect, inspire and teach left us better equipped to not only face our jobs, but the world-at-large. The post feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with a request for more.”
    – SVP-CHRO, Human Resources, Bio-Techne

    “We had great feedback on Suneel’s presentation, and I heard participants quote some of the learnings throughout the conference.”
    – Riveron

    “You brought the house down, full stop. Your presentation was exceptional and really resonated with our audience and the interactive card exchange delivered just as predicted.”
    – Vice President, Business Network, PeopleForBikes

    “People cannot stop raving about your session; it was just what the organization needed at this time. Thank you again for your generosity and vulnerability on stage.”
    – GitLab

    “The feedback of the day was more than we could have ever hoped for. Thank you for your gift of time, your message was well received and was a topic of side conversation throughout the day.”
    – CEO, Medical Alley Association

    “He was perfect! He joined the Board members at the reception the night before and then delivered a great presentation at the Summit the next day to a packed audience. He set the tone for our event and we’ve received incredibly positive feedback.”
    – Event Planner, Medical Alley Association

    “Your presentation was inspiring and helped to remind us how much we lean on each other for our own success and happiness.”
    – EVP & Managing Director, Americas, Dynata

    “My phone has been blowing up with the overwhelming response. It was an honor having you with us and thank you for sharing your message to us here in Tupelo!!”
    – Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, Community Development Foundation

    “You jump-started our annual kickoff meeting with the perfect message and tone. What moved people the most were your stories and practical techniques for how to manage our energy and deepen our level of engagement. With the changes we’re facing, you delivered exactly what we needed to rise to the challenge. As the weeks pass, your message is sticking with us!”
    – Chief Executive Officer, Constant Contact

    “For a group of driven, competitive, analytical, type-A people that is one thing – and for people who are very proud of the service-oriented leadership work they and their organizations perform, it is quite another. The purpose in their work and their purpose as individuals are commingled, if not inseparable. To understand and value the differences, let alone demonstrate them to others in ways that connect, is very difficult. Your presentation provided keys to unlock the potential in self-awareness and leadership by example.
    – COO, National Rural Electric Co-op Association

    “Suneel knocked it out of the park! He was so wonderful to work with and the consensus is he was great. We are hearing a lot of great accolades and people have been citing his keynote takeaways.”
    – Director of Events, AppFolio

    “You exceeded our expectations! When we brought our company together for KnitCon 2022, we wanted a message that would help our people turn inspiration into realization. Like so many companies, success is directly related to how engaged our team is with their goals and one another. You gave everyone practical tools to increase focus, tame distractions, and assure that we have the energy to overcome the inevitable challenges. As a result of your keynote, we are more resilient, engaged and ready to face our rapidly changing world of work.”
    – Engineering Manager, Pinterest

    “Thank you for giving us a new way to think about how we work. At a time when work itself is being redefined and stress is coming from every direction, your presentation gave us real tools to use every day that will make us more effective, focused, and fulfilled at work and home. I could not be more impressed with what you delivered for our group.”
    – CEO, Campbell Soup Company

    “Deeply memorable and inspiring. Suneel blends science with storytelling in a way I haven’t quite seen before. We referred to Suneel’s takeaways throughout the event and put them into practice immediately.”
    – CEO, Lighthouse

    “I didn’t know what to expect and I’m still in awe. This wasn’t just a keynote – it was a unique experience. I’d strongly recommend that every emerging leader go through this experience; it’s inspirational and transformative.”
    – Vice President of Human Resources, HARMAN International

    “Suneel Gupta is one of the highest-rated speakers we’ve ever had. His talk was filled with great insights on the essential ingredients for successfully accomplishing your goals by winning support from others along the way. I plan to put many of his ideas into action to become a more “backable” leader, and I know others who heard his talk plan to do the same. But, beyond all of the practical lessons, the lasting impression our audience had was that Suneel is a genuine, caring person who understands leadership challenges. His stories were filled with humility, empathy, and emotion, traits we rarely encounter from our keynote presenters. If you’re looking for an excellent talk delivered with a strong sense of humanity, I recommend Suneel Gupta.”
    – President, Association for Advancing Automation

    “Suneel is a true master of storytelling and his message was delivered to our audience at just the right time. Creating engagement at annual conferences can be tough. But when you couple that with a virtual conference environment, connecting with the audience is no easy feat. Suneel’s keynote on beating burnout to drive innovation was timely and his ability to draw in the audience resulted in the highest engagement numbers of all the sessions for our event. Some speakers can be too in the weeds, while others tend to speak over attendees’ heads. Suneel provided the perfect mix of actionable insights with passion for the topic. Attendees left refreshed, energized and appreciative of the experience.”
    – Freddie Mac

    “Suneel left our team at Walgreens smarter and ready to innovate.”
    – Former Chief Marketing Officer, Walgreens

    “Thought-provoking and inspiring. He resonated deeply with our audience.”
    – Global Head of Wealth, Dow Jones

    “Remarkable! Extremely valuable! You ignited discussions for the rest of the conference. Hundreds of members have already downloaded your Backable principles, and I can already see them being used to spark fresh, creative ideas. I can’t wait for the book to come out! Can we have you back next year?”
    – Executive Director, State Association of County Retirement Systems

    “Suneel was a keynote speaker at our most recent #AssetMark #GoldForum conference, and he was incredible! Suneel was able to share key insights from his best selling book “Backable”, while incorporating those insights with his personal experiences. He took time to learn about our business, the great work that financial advisors do for their clients, and made his lessons impactful for the entire audience. We loved his energy, story telling and spirit! Thank you Suneel!!
    – President, AssetMark

    “We brought Suneel in to speak to our portfolio executives and deliver a fresh outlook for leading through chaotic times. We were dazzled from the start and took notes non-stop. The talk was packed with fresh insights and non-obvious takeaways that we could put into practice that same day. I’d highly recommend bringing Suneel to your next leadership event.”
    – Partner, ABS Capital Partners

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    Books by Suneel Gupta:

    Backable: The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take a Chance on You

    No one makes it alone. But there’s a reason some people can get investors or bosses to believe in them while others cannot. And that reason has little to do with experience, pedigree, or a polished business plan. Backable people seem to have a hidden quality that inspires others to take action. We often chalk this up to natural talent or charisma…either you have “it” or you don’t.

    After getting rejected by every investor he pitched, Suneel Gupta had a burning question: Could “it” be learned?

    Drawing lessons from hundreds of the world’s biggest thinkers, Gupta discovered how to pitch new ideas in a way that has raised millions of dollars, influenced large-scale change inside massive corporations, and even convinced his eight-year-old daughter to clean her room. Inside Backable are long-held secrets from producers of Oscar-winning films, members of Congress, military leaders, culinary stars, venture capitalists, founders of unicorn-status startups, and executives at iconic companies like Lego, Method, and Pixar.

    Backable reveals how the key to success is not charisma, connections, or even your résumé, but rather your ability to persuade others to take a chance on you. This original book will show you how.

    Everyday Dharma: Turning Purpose into Action

    Find your Dharma—your inner calling—and learn to integrate ambition, work, and wellbeing to create a balanced, joyous life with this practical, life-changing guide from the beloved speaker, bestselling author, and visiting scholar at Harvard Medical School.

    We’ve been conditioned, from an early age, to believe that one day we’ll reach a moment of “arrival.” But no matter how much we achieve or acquire we still don’t feel as satisfied or as fulfilled as we thought we would be. Exhausted, we become burned out and cynical, questioning the purpose of it all.

    An expert on happiness and work, Suneel Gupta argues that for too long society has been fixated on the Future of Work and ignored the Future of Worth. We’ve compartmentalized work and well-being and ignored the fact that both are essential for sustained success. We’ve assumed that outer success leads to inner well-being–despite history showing us that this has never been the case.

    In Everyday Dharma, Suneel helps us break this negative cycle. A captivating storyteller, he weaves personal stories, history, science, Eastern philosophy, and Western modalities in this engaging, enlightening, and prescriptive book. He begins by helping us identify our dharma, the essence of who we are. When you’re in your Dharma, you feel confident, creative, and caring, with a sense of purpose, and that shines through your life and work.

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