
Sondra Thiederman Profile

Sondra Thiederman, Ph.D., is President of Cross-Cultural Communications, a San Diego-based training firm. She has served as a consultant to the University of California and the American Cancer Society, and she was appointed by Elizabeth Dole to serve on the Diversity Cabinet of the American Red Cross. Her extensive media experience includes mentions in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and U.S.A. Today. She has written on diversity for, and she has been published in professional journals like Training and Development, Real Estate Today and Association Management. She is the author of four books, including Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace.

Thiederman is a speaker, trainer and author with 25 years of experience helping professionals in Fortune 500 companies, public sector organizations and associations successfully navigate our increasingly diverse workplaces. Her clients include Xerox Corporation, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Mariott Corporation, Century 21 Real Estate, American Express, The Federal Reserve Bank, Motorola and AT&T. She has addressed associations like the Arthritis Foundation, the Society for Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, the American Society of Association Executives and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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    Sondra Thiederman is one of the nation′s leading experts on workplace diversity, cross-cultural business, and bias reduction. As President of Cross-Cultural Communications, a San Diego-based training firm, Sondra has 25 years experience as a speaker, trainer, and author helping professionals in Fortune 500 companies, public sector organizations, and dozens of associations find ways to successfully navigate our increasingly diverse workplaces. Since receiving her doctorate with an emphasis on cross-cultural studies from UCLA, Sondra has helped hundreds of groups develop solutions to their cross-cultural and diversity leadership challenges.

    Perfect for any conference theme, Dr. Sondra Thiederman’s programs on bias-free leadership, diversity, and cross-cultural business provide audiences with what they need to lead more effectly and work more profitably in our increasingly diverse world.

    Widely-known as one of the nation’s leading experts on diversity issues, Sondra brings 25 years experience as a speaker, trainer, and author to delivering programs that diffuse resistance, motivate, and provide the practical information that today’s audiences demand. Using humor and often unexpected illustrations, she takes a fresh and inspiring perspective that leaves audiences laughing, thinking, and, most important, changing.

    Sondra’s various programs will show your audience how to:

        • Lead more effectively by reducing subtle “Guerilla Biases”™ within themselves and others.
        • Model the behaviors that help create a diversity-friendly and productive workplace.
        • Reduce diversity- and bias-related barriers to successful sales relationships.
        • Convert diversity-related conflicts into opportunities for increased understanding.
        • Build more productive teams by using the “Magic If” strategy to identify shared values and goals.

    Among the clients who have received this information are such leading organizations as Xerox Corporation, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Marriott Corporation, Century 21 Real Estate, American Express, The Federal Reserve Bank, Motorola, and AT&T. She has also addressed notable associations including the Arthritis Foundation, the Society for Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, the American Society of Association Executives, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. In addition, she has served as consultant to the University of California and the American Cancer Society and has been appointed by Elizabeth Dole to serve on the Diversity Cabinet of the American Red Cross.

    Sondra has extensive media experience including mention in such national publications as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and U.S.A Today. She is published in professional journals ranging from Training and Development to Real Estate Today to Association Management, has written on diversity for the web site, and is the author of four books including the ground-breaking Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace.

Sondra Thiederman Speaking Videos

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Sondra Thiederman's Speech Descriptions

Thiederman is widely known as one of the nation’s leading experts on workplace diversity, cross-cultural business and bias reduction. Her programs are designed to diffuse resistance, motivate and provide the practical information that today’s audiences demand.

Her fresh perspective combines humor and illustrations to leave audiences laughing, thinking and changing. She will show your audience how to lead more effectively, create diversity and productivity, reduce bias-related barriers, build more productive teams, and convert diversity-related conflicts into opportunities for increased understanding.

“Bias-Free Leadership: Your Competitive Advantage”

One trait possessed by every successful leader is the ability to interpret accurately the needs and motivation styles of team members and colleagues alike. Most of us would find this task fairly easy were it not for the distortion caused by the subtle biases and pre-judgments that afflict all but the most enlightened among us. This practical, entertaining, and motivating program focuses on how subtle biases interfere with the decision-making process and demonstrates how to minimize their impact on our ability to lead effectively.

“Becoming Bias-Free: Your Workplace Advantage”

The ability to see accurately the people around us is a trait possessed by every successful team member. This task would be fairly easy for most of us were it not for the distortion caused by the subtle biases and pre-judgments that afflict even the nicest of people. This entertaining and practical program focuses on how subtle biases interfere with workplace relationships and demonstrates how to minimize their impact on our ability to form effective teams with people whom we perceive to be different from ourselves.

“’Gateway Events’: How to Turn Diversity Tension into Diversity Dialogue”

Moments of tension are inevitable when working with people whom we perceive to be different from ourselves. These moments might include: • An incident in which we inadvertently utter an offensive comment. • An incident in which someone around us says something offensive to ourselves or a third party. • An incident in which we must discuss a diversity-related issue, but are concerned that it will create tension, bad-feeling, or embarrassment.

As grizzly as these encounters can be, they need not be destructive nor disruptive to our ability to sustain productive relationships. They can, instead, if handled correctly, serve as “Gateway Events” that open to increased understanding and reduced bias. This skill-based presentation supplies participants with techniques for reaching this goal. Illustrated with real-workplace examples and sprinkled with respectful humor, participants will learn exactly what to do when workplace tensions arise.

“The Business Case for Diversity: It’s Right, It’s Smart, and It’s Profitable”

Making the business case for the presence of diversity in the workforce has not always been an easy task. In fact, many of us have been guilty of over-stating the business value of diversity. Fortunately, it is no longer possible to fall into this trap – diversity has been proven repeatedly to benefit the bottom line of corporations in all parts of the country. This research-based presentation uses real-workplace examples and hard data to show audiences that, yes, diversity is the right thing to do, but it also has a measurable impact on the bottom line.

“The Impact of Bias on Innovation and Performance: The Problem, the Solution”

This involving presentation uses research and workplace examples to drive home the fact that a diverse workforce is the best source of cutting edge ideas and profit yielding innovation. It then goes on to point out, however, that this innovation does not happen automatically, but requires a bias-free environment in which contributors of all backgrounds feel comfortable speaking up and making their views known. Specific strategies are then provided for minimizing bias and, thereby, increasing the effectiveness of the client’s diverse workforce.

“Resolving the Diversity Paradox: From Differences to Commonalities”

Identifying what we share is one of the key strategies for defeating bias and creating an environment in which we can work productively together. All human beings, despite their differences, share a great deal more than we realize. This sharing results in the formation and identification of what we call “kinship groups.” This lively and interactive presentation demonstrates specific strategies for identifying “kinship groups” and moving forward in our efforts to achieve harmonious discrimination-free workplaces.

“Is ‘Guerilla Bias’™ Making War on Your Organization?”

This presentation uses much of the same material employed in Sondra Thiederman’s other programs, but, rather than focusing on bias in general, hones in on a particularly insidious brand of prejudice that has thus far gone unrecognized in our workplaces: “Guerilla Bias”. This kind of bias bears this peculiar label because, like a guerilla warrior who lies concealed in beautiful jungle foliage, “Guerilla Bias” hides behind good intentions, kind words, and even thoughtful acts. Designed to involve and entertain while providing practical skills for bias reduction, the program uses real workplace anecdotes and humor to motivate change.

“Bias-Free Sales: Your Key to the Close”

In today’s increasingly-diverse marketplace, sales professionals cannot succeed without the ability to interpret accurately the needs of each and every prospect. More than any other single factor, it is biases– inflexible beliefs about a particular category of people–that create the misunderstandings that in turn bring about reduced sales, lost prospects, and, ultimately, diminished profits. Using real workplace examples along with a touch of humor, this presentation provides skills for overcoming the subtle biases that all-too-often interfere with successful sales relationships.

“Bias-Free Customer Service: The Key to Business Success”

It is common knowledge that bad customer service is responsible for the loss of millions of dollars in business every year. What is less well-known is that it is personal bias -- inflexible beliefs about particular categories of people -- that accounts for much of this loss by creating tension, misunderstanding, and instances of inadvertent offense. Using real customer service examples along with a touch of humor, this interactive presentation provides participants with the tools to identify and defeat the biases that are so damaging to business success.

“Getting ‘Culture Smart’ ™: Skills for Doing Business Across Cultural Lines”

Whether domestically or internationally, learning to do business with other cultures is a necessity in today’s increasingly diverse marketplace. Sondra Thiederman uses her 25 years experience in the field to provide audiences with entertaining yet practical insights into how to do business across cultural lines. Beginning with resistance-diffusing humor and anecdotes, this presentation then achieves participant “buy in” by briefly surveying the demographics of the cultures and groups with which the specific participants most often do business. The talk then uses real workplace examples to introduce immediately-applicable cross-cultural business skills that are pertinent to the client’s needs and marketplace.

“Culturally-Competent Patient Care: Your Competitive Advantage” (Health Care Industry)

At no time in the history of this nation has competition for patients been more intense and the diversity of the population more widespread. If we add to this the fact that close-knit immigrant communities provide wonderful opportunities for positive word-of-mouth, it becomes imperative that we take culture and language differences into account when designing our patient care strategies. Intended to entertain and motivate while providing immediately applicable tools, the program provides the skills necessary to deliver optimum care to the patients most often found in the specific client’s base population.

“Bias-Free Health Care Leadership: Managing Effectively in a Diverse Environment” (Health Care Industry)

One trait possessed by every successful health care leader is the ability to interpret accurately the needs and motivation styles of team members and colleagues alike. Most of us would find this task fairly easy were it not for the distortion caused by the subtle biases and pre-judgments that afflict all but the most enlightened among us. This practical and yet entertaining program focuses on how these subtle biases interfere with the decision-making process and demonstrates how to minimize their impact on our ability to lead effectively in the health care setting.

What People are Saying about Seeing Sondra Speak

Rating Entries

    “Sondra was professional, approachable and most gracious. The audience and workshop participants felt they were really able to connect with her and get their questions answered without a lot of ′speaker speak′. The thing they appreciated most besides her knowledge was her down to earth openness. People felt they were “heard” and given practical advice or strategies to work through their own situations. Sondra was a joy to work with. And we would consider having her back in the future. “
    University of Waterloo
    (Event booked by Speakers Platform)

    “When we invited Sondra to join our International Leadership Team and address the issue of how to do business across cultural lines, she gave a session that few of us will forget. In particular, I appreciated the fact that she brought the group into the presentation in a way that challenged some of their perceptions and also acknowledged their experience. In fact, one senior manager had been skeptical about the topic and had to admit it was one of the best training sessions he had attended at AirTouch.”

    Laura Kerekes
    Former Vice-President, International Human Resources
    AirTouch Communic

    “AT&T Microelectronics held its Super Achievers banquet on a boat in San Diego Bay and Sondra was the keynote speaker. Everyone found the presentation informative and relevant. I hope to have Sondra speak to a wider AT&T audience in the future.”

    William R. Spivey, Ph.D.
    Vice-President, Systems and Technology

    “Sondra has been a pleasure to work with and has been more than willing to customize several programs to meet our needs. Her presentation style, ability to answer often complex and delicate questions, and her enthusiasm for involving participants in the learning process has resulted in excellent evaluations.”

    Carole Rabin
    Former Manager Compliance, Global Diversity Programs

    “When Sondra gave a presentation to our training officers throughout the region, she obviously made an effort to tailor the material to the specific challenges we were facing. Her information was current and relevant to our needs. In addition, she was extremely responsive to individual cocerns raised by the program participants.”

    Randall McLelland
    Assistant Vice President
    Orange County Training Center
    Bank of America

    “I worked with Sondra for eighteen months while she conducted cultural diversity programs for our bank. Our participants were very enthusiastic about Sondra and about having a better understanding of what cultural diversity means to our business. Sondra was a pleasure to work with and willing to partner with us to design a schedule and a program that was perfect for our needs. We made an excellent choice when we hired Sondra; what she did for us made a real and tangible difference in how we do business.”

    Michelle Garland
    Former Vice-President, Training
    California Federal Bank

    “Sondra′s comments were the highlight of our recent Forum. In fact, her presentation became the subject of discussion at virtually every dinner conversation. Sondra provided everything we hoped for. In particular, she met my two principal objectives: an increased awareness and understanding of cultural diversity, and an entertaining and humerous presentation.”

    Jon MacKay
    Law and Regulation
    Allstate Insurance Company

    Among her clients are such leading organizations as General Motors, Xerox Corporation, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Marriott Corporation, the Mayo Clinic, Century 21 Real Estate, American Express, The Federal Reserve Bank, Motorola, and AT&T. She has also addressed notable associations including the Arthritis Foundation, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the American Society of Association Executives, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

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Books by Sondra Thiederman:
    Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace

    Thiederman, a speaker on workplace diversity and author of Profiting in America′s Multicultural Marketplace, offers practical ways everyone can be more aware of their biases, stereotypes and negative attitudes. It′s essential, according to the author, that everyone, from low-level employee to business owner and executive, be more mindful of diversity in order to communicate more effectively, manage others and be more successful at work. Biases hurt everyone because they hinder decision making, hiring and keeping workers. “One of the really creepy things about biases is that they can easily become self-fulfilling prophecies. If a manager believes that an employee has a certain characteristic, darn if she doesn′t find a way to make that characteristic come true.” The author offers concrete steps to combat biases, including dissecting those biases and “putting them through triage.” Thiederman uses her own experiences as well as those of others who give firsthand accounts. The writing is clear, and her approach is textbook-like with chapter summaries and sidebars emphasizing key points. In the end, this is a levelheaded examination of this important topic, which is already covered in many other books. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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