
Shola Richards Profile

  • Founder & CEO, Go Together.

  • Workplace Civility Activist and Founder of The Positivity Solution.

  • Global Bestselling Author of Go Together and Making Work Work.
  • Shola Richards is a dynamic keynote speaker, and the best-selling author of Making Work Work, and Go Together, he’s an in-demand workplace civility expert, and he is a prolific writer with passionate worldwide following. His articles and wildly-popular Monday morning “Positivity Solution” email series have been read by readers in over 160 countries, and his work has been featured on the Today Show, CBS This Morning, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Complete Wellbeing India, and Business Insider Australia.

    Over a decade ago, Shola was drowning in the despondency of yet another workday. His success as the top regional performer had been numbed by a culture of incessant workplace bullying. And, he’d recently made the situation worse by filing a formal complaint. In short, he was collateral damage in a company without the process or intention to address his experience.

    Exhausted from the drama, with an unrecognizable version of myself at the wheel, he intentionally swerved off the interstate in an attempt to take his own life. But in that half-second, his reflexes responded, and he yanked the wheel away from disaster. As he clipped the guardrail on I 405, something changed…HE UNCOVERED A POWER WITHIN HIMSELF

    …a burning desire to reverse a trend that happens daily to sixty-five million people in this country alone. This catalyst has since become Go Together™ Movement – a transformational roadmap of mindset, behaviors, and tools that transform workplace cultures and drive results.

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    Shola Richards's Speech Descriptions

    The Courage to Go Together: Three Questions to Change How You Work, Live, and Lead

    In his highly-inspiring flagship keynote, Shola will introduce the transformative concept of Ubuntu (pronounced, "oo-BOON-too") which translates to "I am, because we are." The Ubuntu philosophy, along with three powerful questions, will provide the audience with actionable strategies to transform their work culture, amplify team civility, and inspire themselves and others to consistently bring their best to their work.

    This keynote is ideal for individual contributors, leaders, and teams who are:

    -Searching for proven strategies to strengthen team cohesion and togetherness (despite these deeply divisive and polarized times) in order to maintain a healthy workplace culture and optimal business results.
    -Struggling to keep themselves engaged, energized, and positive when managing the nonstop challenges and complexities of life (both inside and outside of the workplace).
    -Feeling as if they do not have the influence, professional title, or education to make meaningful positive change in their organization.

    The audience will leave with:

    -The three key questions that they need to ask themselves to increase the likelihood of civil, engaged, and productive work culture.
    -The answers to the most common objections to beginning the important (and challenging) work of positively transforming their work culture.
    -The self-awareness to become mindful of how their words, actions, and behaviors affect others.

    Unstoppable Resilience: The Keys to Staying Strong During Any Challenge

    This is a uniquely difficult time for leaders and staff in workplaces all over America. We have been dealing with the effects of battling a deadly pandemic for well over a year (and still going), there are deep divisions that have been exposed within our country, parents are being asked to balance working and homeschooling their kids simultaneously, employees are feeling increased anxiety as they return to on-site work, and according to recent studies, Americans are the unhappiest they have been in the past 50 years. Needless to say, navigating all of the aforementioned challenges can have a significant impact on one’s overall resilience and mental health. The Unstoppable Resilience™ keynote provides the audience with the highly-practical strategies to build unshakable strength within themselves and within their teams.

    This keynote is ideal for individual contributors, leaders, and teams who are:

    -Feeling overwhelmed with the multiple competing priorities (both at work and at home) that are draining them mentally and emotionally.
    -Experiencing heightened stress levels as they manage the seemingly nonstop onslaught of incoming unpleasant news happening in the world around them, the anxieties of returning back to on-site work, and the challenges of adjusting to life in the “new normal.”
    -Unsure of how to support their colleagues who may be struggling.

    The audience will leave with:

    -The keys to creating a resilient mindset, regardless of the circumstances.
    -The strategy to apply the aforementioned keys to any challenge that the attendees are currently facing (professionally, personally, or otherwise).
    -Three personalized commitments that the attendees will use to build their resilience, and a strategy to stay accountable to their new commitments.

    Courageous Civility: Creating a Culture of Equity Diversity and Belonging

    Creating and sustaining a culture of equity, diversity and belonging can be challenging and exhausting work. Not only does it require the willingness to actively work against inequities, bias and discrimination in the workplace, but equally as important, it requires the courage to actively take part in uncomfortable (but, necessary) discussions. The highly-engaging Courageous Civility™ keynote provides the audience with the key tools, strategies, and information necessary to engage in this important work, while also ensuring that the commitment to this work remains long after the keynote ends.

    This keynote is ideal for individual contributors, leaders, and teams who are:

    -Ready to create a culture of equity, diversity and belonging, but don’t know where to begin.
    -Concerned about the current civil unrest, and its impact on BIPOC’s (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) mental health, safety and overall well-being.
    -Unaware of how to effectively engage in difficult conversations with colleagues and others about race, bias and inequities.

    The audience will leave with:

    -The discovery of the history of systemic racism and its impact on the modern-day workplace.
    -Strategies to recognize bias, prejudice, and/or microaggressions in the workplace, and how to address it immediately.
    -The education and the inspiration to stay committed to the ongoing work of equity, diversity and belonging.

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    Books by Shola Richards:

    Go Together: How the Concept of Ubuntu Will Change How You Live, Work, and Lead

    Workplace positivity expert Shola Richards (Making Work Work) explores a radical new concept for rethinking our personal, professional, and social lives: togetherness.

    The illusion that we are separate from each other, more different than similar, is eroding our ability to work, live, and lead effectively. What if we all focused on the powerful idea of ubuntu instead? This transcendent African philosophy embraces the belief that we are universally connected to each other—and Shola Richards suggests it could transform the way we treat others, making us kinder and more respectful to others, on and off the job. Without ubuntu, he argues, we cannot truly live a productive and satisfying life. Go Together is a thought-provoking read that could change our own behavior . . . and the world around us.

    Making Work Work: The Positivity Solution for Any Work Environment

    Is your office a place of soul-destroying negativity? Shola Richards-keynote speaker, award winner, and creator of The Positivity Solution blog-is about to change that . . . forever.

    “My mission was clear: I needed to fix the problems facing the workplace. As quickly as I came up with my new mission, I came up with the solution: We need to treat each other better. Period.”

    Shola Richards had reached the end of the road: after nearly two years at a soul-sucking job, he felt numb and suicidal. So he quit and devoted himself to nothing less than transforming the workplace, turning it into a space of respect, courtesy, and endless energy. Making Work Work focuses on inspiring current and future leaders to start a movement that will banish on-the-job bullying, put meaning back into work, and enhance coworkers’ happiness and engagement. Richards, whose popular blog has a worldwide following, explains why inaction is insane, why we must move forward with positivity, and why the “abc” employees (asshats, bullies, and complainers) are so destructive. This motivational guide will stay in listeners’ hearts and minds long after they finish listening to it.

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