
Sarano Kelley Profile

The founder of The Game and author of The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days, Sarano Kelley grew up in the gang-infested neighborhood of Brownsville, New York. His life changed for the better when, at sixteen years old, he was accepted into Vassar College. By the age of 23 he was incredibly successful, pulling in over $400,000 in commissions as a Wall Street stockbroker. At the height of this success came personal tragedy as a sudden fire claimed the lives of members of Kelley’s family. This was a turning point for Kelley, driving him towards a new journey, and a life based on the dual principles of balance and purpose.

Throughout the course of his career as a motivational speaker and life coach, Kelley has trained over 250,000 people. In his role as media coach, he trained many corporate leaders and government representatives, including President Clinton’s White House Fellows and General Colin Powell. Since his trainees are frequently interviewed on networks such as CNN, and for shows like 20/20 and 60 Minutes, Kelley coaches them on how to handle themselves, and their stories, under pressure.

For several years Kelley has been ranked as the number one speaker at the Securities Industry Association at the Wharton School of Business. His not-for-profit foundation applies the basic principles of his ABC primetime special for children, The Game: Winning at Life, to schools across the nation. Kelley and his team of financial literacy advocates speak out about the need for a universal approach to teaching fiscal education and responsibility. Their efforts have created a national dialogue that has ultimately created a unified financial literacy campaign in the financial services industry.

In November 2009, VH1 premiered the docudrama Broke and Famous, the story of the powerful journey undertaken by former child-star Willie Aames. The show followed Aames as he worked to pull himself back into financial prosperity with Kelley’s coaching. The docudrama served as a catalyst for the IAFSCA’s launch of the Stand Up for Financial Literacy Campaign (STAND4FL).

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    Sarano Kelley, Founder of The Game and Author of, The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days, grew up in a gang-infested neighborhood of Brownsville, New York. At 16 years old he Kelley was accepted and began his studies at Vassar College. By the time he reached the age of 23 he was already earning 400,000 dollars in commissions as a Wall Street Stockbroker. It was at the height of his professional success when a family tragedy occurred and Kelley lost some of his beloved family members in a sudden fire. The somber experience was the driving force behind Kelley’s journey of new beginnings where he discovered how to produce results, while achieving a life mounted on the principles of balance and purpose.

    Kelley’s experience as a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach has allowed him to train more than 250,000 people. While serving as a media coach, Kelley trained several corporate leaders and government representatives. Because his trainees were frequently interviewed on CNN, 20/20 and 60 Minutes, it was up to Kelley to properly prepare these individuals for their highly publicized stories. His media coach experience also gave Kelley an opportunity to coach President Clinton’s White House Fellows, a leadership group which included Gen. Colin Powell.

    For several years running now, Kelley has been rated as the number one speaker at the Securities Industry Association at the Wharton School of Business. Kelley has appeared on, Good Morning America, and his not for profit foundation applies the same principles to schools across the nation and in his own ABC TV primetime television special for children called The Game: Winning at Life.

    On Nov. 5, 2009, VH1 premiered, Broke and Famous, a docudrama showcasing the powerful journey of former child-star, Willie Aames. The show trails Aames as he pulls himself back into financial prosperity with the help of Kelley’s unique coaching style. The financial docudrama was a heart-felt story of redemption and also served as the catalyst for the IAFSCA’s launch of the Stand Up for Financial Literacy Campaign (STAND4FL).

    Kelley and his team of financial literacy advocates continue to speak out about the need of a universal approach to fiscal education and responsibly. So far, their efforts have fostered a national dialogue around the issue and have ultimately creating the largest unified financial literacy campaign in the financial service industry.

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Sarano Kelley's Speech Descriptions

Sarano Kelley offers several programs that target specific issues of businesses and organizations of all sizes. His programs will help audiences discover their true, full potential by challenging them to work different, smarter, and harder.

“The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days” is a motivational program designed to help companies and workers better integrate to reach their maximum potential. The one of a kind presentation is a “reality check” as participants learn that excellence in sports and other high performance activities require the willingness to focus on the process in order to attain the result.

Each of his programs is a variation of “The Game,” and focuses on changing different aspects of how you see yourself, and your business, in order to maximize your performance. They range from “The Game: Double Your Business in 90 Days” to “Winning The Recruiting Game: 90 Days to a Disciplined Process and Effective Recruiting Results.”


In this highly dynamic keynote presentation, using lecture, group exercises, audience interaction and active self examination techniques participants learn that "accountability produces results" and that they are tapping merely 10% of their true potential across the varied areas of life. Humor and “real world experience” are layered in throughout the intense delivery creating the perfect blend of entertainment and introspection.

Utilizing a time honored system derived from work with the CIA, the U.S. Military, the NFL and top sports psychologists "The Game" is a proven system for producing results. The incredible results of this process have been featured widely on television shows like Good Morning America but because the game is proven system it has also been turned into an ABC primetime television show working with the nations school children to rave reviews and more recently VH1 produced a docudrama showing the rapid turnaround in the lives of celebrities and athletes using "The Game" which aired under the name Broke and Famous.

This one of a kind presentation is a "reality check" as participants come to understand that excellence in sports and other high performance activities require the willingness to focus on the process in order to attain the result. They come to rapidly see that the same structures and processes of training, practice, coaching, planning, mentorship, prizes and consequences make for superior performance in any area of life.

Participants are challenged in the presentation to make an immediate change and follow up consultation is available to insure long term application and retention of the keynote principles making this uplifting presentation one of the highest rated on Wall Street.


Audiences are challenged to go through the intellectual and then planning exercise of discovering what it would take to literally "double their business in 90 days". Using lecture, Q&A, self diagnostic tools and small group exercises participants are forced to critique their own level of business performance compared to their "full potential". The diagnostic is an eye opening look at how this process was used by Legg Mason to take their million dollar clients in the Southern Division up by 6,320 percent in just 90 days while the number 3 female adviser in the nation used this process to grow her practice from $600,000 to $6.5 million over just 5 years.

Learning the key skills of "mind dumping", "time blocking" participants begin to see the value of maximizing their focus and identifying the key relationship drivers of their business referred to as Advocates. In a sudden paradigm shift audience members define what they are "uniquely qualified to do" and realistically assess how much time they really spend doing it. This shift continues as participants recognize the importance and a process for tracking their behaviors as not just the leading indicator for the results they can produce but the emotional downfall of focusing on outside lagging indicators like ones current income, the economy or the stock market.

From this incredible "intervention" participants typically see at least a 100% rise in the amount of times they ask people to do business, a sharp reduction in stress and overwhelm from outside forces along with a proven strategy for getting referrals that has an exponential impact on how often they will leave the session as put themselves "in position" to gain relationships through referrals consistently, not just conceptually.


This process allowed one participant to reach and build a relationship with the wealthiest man in the world in just 90 days. Uncovering the "unconscious" process by which people largely "accidentally" develop relationships participants come face to face with a "purpose driven" approach that not only provides incredible reach but maximum value for all parties involved.

Using a unique self diagnostic tool for the first time audience members are able to see the "underlying" pattern that has accounted for all of their relationship success in business to date. They will also discover what is the single greatest area of "relationship deficiency" that will prevent them from ever maximizing their full potential. Once a person is able to distinguish and "plug" this hole they are able to move on to the highest level of challenge which is referred to as "reversing the deal flow," a point at which prospects are the ones looking to build the relationship.

This step by step process allows participants to build a self motivating relationship action plan for prospecting and reaching anyone over 90 days while avoiding those misconceptions about "how to prospect" that generally create "call reluctance" or ineffectiveness at gaining valuable relationships. A highly engaging presentation using lecture, partner exercises and audience interaction participants are challenged during the break or at the end of the presentation to make the one call that will make the biggest difference for them and launch this process decisively into action making it one of the most memorable presentations ever experienced according to audience members.


Why do some people find it easy to be disciplined while others struggle to do the very things they know they need to do to be successful? Why and how do people sabotage themselves and prevent themselves from ever feeling the satisfaction of giving something their all? What does it take to use adversity like athlete′s do as an opportunity to perform at even higher levels to get that final point, that final touchdown against all odds?

Using a special self diagnostic tool audience members are able to "see themselves" objectively for the first time and to discover their "primary weakness" that is at the source of any loss of energy or personal power. This systematic approach unleashes a person’s full potential, gives them the ability to develop true "willpower" and the profound understanding of where they need to focus that willpower that would have the biggest impact on their ability to perform in life.

As participants learn to or the first time to gain control over their "attention" they take the most important step on the road to self mastery based on self understanding. The core principles of this process can be found in the training of Navy Seals, the development of an "Iron Man" and even in literature dating back thousands of years, yet audience members are amazed and inspired when they learn how to apply such techniques practically to any area they chose of their live.

Audience members are left excited at the prospect of engaging in a 90 day challenge to test their new found skills and insights by taking on their own greatest weakness and the biggest "obstacle" that has traditionally stopped or sabotaged them from being able to consistently deliver on their innate personal power.


In this powerful keynote a call to action is created that can literally shift an entire organization from "victim" to "victor." Participants confront personal responsibility and the need for an agreed upon purpose, vision, mission, and specific goals and agreed upon group rules for managing themselves to cultural excellence that has been required of every great team that was facing a seemingly overwhelming opponent or set of circumstances.

As individuals see the direct connection between their enthusiasm at embracing change in their business life and their sense of empowerment in their personal and family life participants begin to see that they have a common stake in not just surviving change but being responsible for generating "thriving" from change.

The audience agrees upon a single challenge as a 90 day "rallying point" that gives them a common place to direct their new skills and attitudes and create a group challenge. The challenge is turned into a 90 day competition with self imposed group celebration and group consequences for failing to reach their goals. As the audience comes together as a single team taking on one specific cultural challenge common to all and beneficial to all they begin to apply the lessons learned immediately to their business environment and into their everyday life.


This dynamic process allows a manager to see what are the common mistakes and pitfalls that all managers fall into but often fear discussing. As the session explores the best practices for developing an effective personal recruiting plan managers are able to identify the self sabotaging behaviors that are typically in the way of having a disciplined approach.

As managers take control over their recruiting process and engage in our patented "Game" processes of "peer mentoring", "weekly coaching" and "quarterly mentoring" they experience a direct improvement in their personal well being, the health of their family as well as the vitality and enthusiasm in their work place.

Taking control of their time, their activities enhances their control of their emotions and reactions leaving the manager free for better decision making and allocation of the valuable resource that they are.

Each manager leaves the session designing a 90 day game plan that they turn into a personal challenge with other managers as a share quest for excellence and an opportunity to grow exponentially in their own skill set by continued positive, structured interactions with one another.

What People are Saying about Seeing Sarano Speak

Rating Entries

    “Over the last four days I have spoken to or received emails from dozens of our FA′s (financial advisors). The theme is the same, from FA′s with 30 years of experience to FA′s with 30 days of experience: it was the best conference they have attended and the impact of your presentation was remarkable”…

    “Their personal lives have also been impacted – better relationships, better results. One FA said she committed to walking 30 minutes several times a week and even though it was raining she forged on so as not to let her partner down. A new FA opened a $1.7 million account Monday because he said he felt so confident after our meeting in Tampa.”
    Jeff Durkee Director, Southern Division Legg Mason

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Books by Sarano Kelley:

    The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days
    by Sarano Kelley

    Book Description
    Want to change your life in 90 days? Get in The Game. For over 15 years Sarano Kelley has shown over 250,000 people how to become more successful and have more enjoyment–in whatever areas of life they chose. Now he’s ready to share the rules of The Game with the rest of us. The Game is a proven structure for you to break old habits, create new ones, and accomplish things you’ve always wanted to do.

    How to order :
    Click here to learn more about this book and to order it securely online from When the screen comes up, simply click “add it to your shopping cart” to order.

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