
Ron Gutman Profile

  • Ron Gutman is an inventor, a serial entrepreneur, and an investor, as well as an educator and a writer.

  • His mission is to help everyone live happier, healthier lives.

  • As the inventor of the popular On/Go COVID-19 rapid at home test, and the leader of the team who brought it early in the pandemic to many millions in the US, Gutman knows how to step in quickly in times of real need to create all-in-one quality solutions that help people at scale.
  • Ron Gutman is a serial technology and healthcare entrepreneur, an inventor, investor, philanthropist and a Stanford University adjunct professor. His life mission is to help everyone live happier, healthier lives. A modern-day renaissance man, Ron passionately believes humanity’s and humans’ well-being can be transformed by pioneering technology, positivity, and a big genuine smile.

    Ron has dedicated his life to the health and well-being of millions everywhere. As the founder and CEO of multiple health and technology enterprises, he has continued investing in and growing health and technology companies, serving hundreds of millions of people around the world and saving tens of thousands of lives. His cutting-edge AI and advanced diagnostic solutions have pushed the frontier of health and well-being to the next level.

    Ron holds a series of patents in healthcare technology and artificial intelligence. He is also a World Economic Forum Pioneer and TED speaker. His TED Talk on the power of smiling has been viewed millions of times, translated to dozens of languages and turned into a best-selling book titled Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act.

    Ron Gutman is also a prolific best selling author. He has written many thought leadership pieces on innovation, technology, and leadership in highly respected media channels such as the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fortune Magazine, Fast Company and TechCrunch.

    As an educator, Ron has devoted his life to enlightening people everywhere, improving human welfare, and helping everyone feel better and smile more.

    Ron frequently delivers keynote talks at health and healthcare technology conferences. He is a key authority on the topics of leadership and innovation in an era of exponential change. He has spoken at the World Economic Forum, TED, CES, SXSW, Health 2.0, and Fortune Tech Brainstorm, among many other conferences.

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    Ron Gutman's Speech Descriptions

    A recognized thought leader in health and innovation, Ron Gutman is a valuable contributor to technology and health conferences. Laying out a wealth of solid research, he focuses on the power and benefit that smiling and emotional expression have and how the virtual health industry is using those simple but powerful tools to enrich the quality of patients’ lives and health care. He has shared his groundbreaking accomplishments and innovative thoughts at
    TED, SXSW and Health 2.0.

    Suggested Speaking Topics:

    • Life Optimization and Longevity
    • Smiling and Positivity
    • Sapient Leadership
    • Agile Development of Next Generation Companies
    • How to Live a Fulfilling Life: Have the Cake and Eat It Too

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    Books by Ron Gutman:

    Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act

    Smiles come and go everyday. Often times the simple act of smiling is not considered to have monumental impacts on the lives of people smiling as well as people being smiled at. Author, Ron Gutman challenges this thought in his book, “Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act.” Gutman explores the power of a simple smile through personal anecdotes, appeal to logic, and surprising statistics.

    Gutman opens strongly with an unexpected story of his own experience on a bus in Africa. He embarked on a year long journey around the world to experience different cultures. In one particular instance, Gutman was travelling on a bus in rural Zambia when he was met with hostility and distrust. With a bump in the road and a flat tire, Gutman quickly found himself spending even more time with people that seemingly shared no commonalities with him. He then decided to try something simple: smiling. His experiment was met with hesitation and then returned grins. The smiles began to travel through the whole bus and soon everyone was engaging in “smile-driven conversations” (Gutman 13). This astounding story led into an exploration of how smiles really can affect people. Smiles are not always simply the result of a feeling, but sometimes they can be the initiation of a feeling. Smiles actually create reactions within a person and present numerous health benefits (Gutman 33). Gutman most successfully paints his view through an anecdote involving a young American woman and her Japanese host family. In Japanese culture, it is uncommon for women to smile widely and frequently. The young woman could not find many similarities to bond with, but by the end of the trip her host mother explained that she learned “smile is beautiful” (Gutman 37). This genuine moment in the book offers a lovely insight into the connection and unity a smile can bring between humans.

    Overall, Gutman translates his point, but he lacks engagement and dynamics within his work. I enjoyed the book as a whole, but it left me searching for more concrete data and validation to his claims. However, I concluded feeling inspired and encouraged by the ripple effect one act can have. Ron Gutman offers ideas that smiles can bridge cultures, increase success, provide health benefits, and create an overall more positive being. He portrays his intriguing findings and offers hope of that smiling is a gift to the receiver as well as the giver. I would recommend this book for a simple encouragement but not for an overwhelming amount of knowledge.

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