
Roie Galitz Profile

Roie Galitz (born 1980) is an award winning wildlife photographer, entrepreneur and public speaker, currently based in NYC. He is also honored to serve as a Greenpeace ambassador, calling to protect our planet.

For over a decade, Roie has been exploring and documenting our planet’s wildlife. His photographs get great exposure worldwide, millions of views and frequent appearances in the media (BBC, PBS, National Geographic and more). It was presented in local and international exhibitions, featured in exclusive magazines and honored with many international awards over the years.

Roie is one of Israel’s leading figures in the field of photography and was named to The Marker’s 40 under 40 list. He shares his knowledge and passion with tens of thousands of photography lovers at the establishments he founded: Galitz School of Photography; largest photography school in Israel, Phototeva Expeditions; one of the world’s top 10 photography expeditions companies, Composition Magazine; Israel’s most popular photography magazine, and the Annual Israeli Photography Convention.

Roie also co-founded TalkMaster School of Public Speaking. He is a sought-after public speaker, frequently giving talks in photography conferences and environmental events all over the world.

Roie Galitz Speaking Videos

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Roie Galitz's Speech Descriptions

Wildlife Photography Around the World: The Little Secrets Behind the Big Photographs. In his fascinating talk, Roie Galitz, one of the world’s top wildlife photographers, shares his personal experiences from intimate encounters with rare animals around the globe. This popular lecture is both inspiring and practical for nature lovers, adventurers, and dreamers everywhere.

To the end of the world: a wonderful journey to the wildest corners of the world, form the Arctic to Antarctica, Africa to Siberia. First hand experiences accompanied by incredible images and videos.

Super Moms of the Wild: There are no greater heroes in this world than the apex predator mothers. Single mothers of Polar Bears, Cheetahs, Lioness and others, are fighting on a daily basis to raise 2-5 cubs while hunting to provide food, fighting away aggressive males and teaching the cubs to be successful adults on their own. This empowering talk is a prime feature in conventions.

Living your life dreams: We all have dreams and life aspirations, why not make a career out of it? In this inspiring yet practical talk, Roie is explaining how he has shaped his reality to correlate with his dreams, living by the known saying “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. How to make your daily life efficient and satisfying, by creating a 9 days week without giving up your passions. Living by his preach, Roie has founded 5 successful businesses out of his passions, while maintaining an active family life and raising 4 adorable sons.

10 things I’ve learned from a polar bear about success: a lifelong chase of capturing “the picture never taken”, produced meaningful insights on setting goals and persistence. In this talk, you’ll get Roie’s insights, ideas and practical tools for self and business management. Can be modified to a short and to the point “Ted” style talk (18 minutes).

Drone Photography: a new exciting angle to photography from the air. Practical and inspirational talk by a drone specialist who has taken it to the edge. Roie is DJI Ambassador.

Entrepreneurship and business development: essential photography tools, applied it the business world. Crucial moment taking, focusing on the objectives, and composition are an essential part of every business transaction.

What People are Saying about Seeing Roie Speak

Rating Entries

“Roie gave a talk in our medical conference for the second time. It was fascinating, enriched with unique interesting colors. Our jaws dropped to the sight of his incredible nature photographs and even more so when we heard the stories behind it! Roie is a wonderful man, and so does his talks. The doctors had a great time, and my phone kept ringing with praising calls all weekend.”
~ Yona Reuven, Production Manager, Medical Media

“Roie was well prepared to his talk about the secrets behind nature photography, and the audience could feel it. He looked closely at us and understood our environment, then he skillfully aimed his words to his listeners. Roie’s ability to combine on-point, interesting, intriguing and even breathtaking words with winning frames, is inspiring and reviling a whole new world. His emotional connection, reactiveness, way of thinking and experience makes every moment of his lecture an unusual experience, leaving us asking for more.”
~ Ruthie Moses, Tel-Hai Photography Museum

Roie as a host and moderator of Israel’s Public Speaking Convention: “I was extremely impressed by Roie as the convention’s host. He was well-spoken, warm and highly connected to his audience. Roie created a pleasant atmosphere and it was easy to see that .he was comfortable on stage and feeling the room.”
~ Abigail Tenembaum, Communications and Leadership Consultant, TED Global Speaker Coach

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