
Roger Crawford Profile

  • Sports Illustrated calls Roger Crawford “One of the most accomplished physically challenged athletes in the world.”

  • Recipient of the prestigious ITA Achievement Award, presented by the International Tennis Hall of Fame

  • Member of the Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities
  • Former athlete, Roger Crawford has been teaching audiences all around the world how to achieve the impossible and redefine what’s possible through his personal success story as an NCAA Division 1 tennis player with four impaired limbs. Hailed by Sports Illustrated as “one of the most accomplished physically challenged athletes in the world” Roger embodies an “I can” attitude.

    Born with a rare birth defect, Roger’s doctor told his parents that he would never be able to walk or take care of himself; luckily, his parents didn’t believe that. Instead, Roger’s dad taught him to play sports from a young age. After accidently getting his finger wedged into a tennis racket in a sports shop, Roger took up tennis, practicing five days per week after school everyday until he eventually started winning matches. By the end of his college career he had won 66% of his games. In 2013 he received the ITA Achievement Award, the highest honor bestowed by the International Tennis Association.

    For over two decades, Roger has been inspiring people around the world to learn what they can do and do it with passion. He speaks in front of 75 to 100 groups per year. In addition to reaching out to people in person, his story has touched people through print and film, having been featured in the original Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology and the Emmy award-winning movie A New Light.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Roger Crawford possesses the unique combination of being recognized as both a Hall of Fame Athlete and Hall of Fame Speaker.

      He draws on his real-life experience as a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and award-winning speaker to develop powerful presentations that deliver inspiration and insight.

      On center court, Sports Illustrated has acknowledged Roger as “One of the most accomplished, physically challenged athletes in history!” In recognition of his athletic success, Roger was given the ITA Achievement Award, presented by the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

      Roger’s life story brings instant credibility, and he has the unique ability to connect with any audience. His presentation is authentic because he not only speaks about but lives his message every day.

      On center stage, Roger is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world today and has been inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame. He has inspired organizations like yours to conquer challenges, accelerate performance, and transform results.

      The true measure of realizing your potential is how well you respond to change, self-doubt, adversity, and fear. Roger Crawford’s presentation helps others build a mindset powerful enough to overcome these obstacles, become the best version of themselves and reach next-level success.

      You may have seen Roger Crawford interviewed on Good Morning America, CNBC, Monday Night Football, The Today Show, and many other prominent television programs.

      He was the host of the weekly feature “Motivational Mondays with Roger Crawford,” on the Tennis Channel.

      Roger has been profiled in publications such as The Wall Street JournalUSA TodayMen’s FitnessFast Company, and Tennis Magazine, and an Emmy Award-winning NBC TV movie, “In a New Light,” was based upon Roger’s remarkable life story.

      Roger Crawford is also a Best-Selling author whose books have been translated into 17 languages. His most recent book Think to Win, The Power of Possibility Thinking helps readers embrace change, improve their mindset, and achieve breakthrough performances.

      In addition to tennis, Roger also excelled on the football field. During one particular game, the crowd in the stadium witnessed something they will never forget. He recovered a fumble and was bolting for the end zone when an opponent pulled his artificial leg off! Undaunted, Roger hopped over the goal line for a touchdown! If that story sounds familiar you’ve likely read the very first book in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series!

      Roger’s most cherished award is having been inducted into the International Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities. He shares this honor with two of his lifelong heroes, Christopher Reeve and Helen Keller.

    Roger Crawford Speaking Videos

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    Roger Crawford's Speech Descriptions

    “The only difference between you and me is that you can see my handicap, but I can’t see yours. We all have them.” For three decades now Roger Crawford has been transforming lives by teaching people to focus on their abilities rather than their disabilities. Thousands of organizations have benefitted from Roger’s heartfelt and humorous take on how we can reinvent our way of thinking and reach greater heights than we ever thought possible.

    Celebrated keynote speaker Roger Crawford has spent a lifetime motivating, inspiring and elevating the performance of leaders and organizations around the world. As a NCAA Division One Hall of Fame athlete who overcame physical adversity, he has the innate ability to help people far outperform the level of success they believe is possible by driving them to excel both as individuals and as part of a team. His customizable presentations, relevant stories, and thought-provoking charm will keep your audience engaged, energized and ready to take their game to an elite level.

    Roger will make your next meeting inspirational, transformational, and serve as a catalyst for new attitudes and actions that deliver real results. Having Roger Crawford as your keynote speaker is an experience your audience will never forget!


    Build Resilience and Rise Above Challenges

    What do remarkable people and successful organizations have in common? They have built a resilient mindset that enables them to bounce back and rise above challenges regardless of the circumstances.

    How you view challenges impacts your level of success and is one of the most important reasons having a resilient mindset is so valuable. Being resilient means that when you face adversity, you have the confidence, clarity, and courage to bounce higher. You don’t see failure or mistakes as a negative reflection of your abilities but as an opportunity for growth.

    Resilient people focus their energy on what they have control over and resist worrying about the uncontrollable. This increases their resilience because they feel energized, positive, and proactive.

    This presentation is designed to give others the ability to build a resilient mindset, bounce back from setbacks and reach higher levels of achievement. You will develop beliefs that build resilience, drive the right behaviors, and create the best results.

    Key Takeaways:
    - Discover the difference between fear and anxiety
    - Focus on the known instead of the unknown
    - Prioritize progress over perfection
    - Develop the ability to unlock your grit
    - - How to build resilience in good times
    - Create a new way of thinking and push past obstacles
    - See adversity as an opportunity to build resilience
    - Understand how actions follow assumptions
    - Turn disruption into development
    - Build a bounce-back mindset


    Acceptable to Exceptional

    Your mindset is the single best predictor of success. You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can control your mindset, and the way you think controls your life.

    Individuals and organizations who accomplish exceptional goals, did not necessarily have better ideas or talent. Rather, they developed a growth mindset that gave them the ability to deal with failure, the confidence to take risks, and the perseverance to achieve their desired outcomes.
    An important relationship exists between mindset, motivation, and results. People act in a manner consistent with their beliefs. To perform at your best, you must first have the right mindset because you live life from the inside out. Mindset gives you the ability to see what’s possible and the inspiration to achieve what’s possible.

    This program is designed to give others the strategies, methods, and techniques to move beyond acceptable and reach exceptional performance. You will build the dedication, consistency, and mindset to go from where you are to where you want to be and have the courage to go there.

    Key Takeaways:
    - Focus on consistency rather than perfection.
    - Enhanced clarity on what’s possible
    - Tap the power of a startup mindset.
    - Understand why small victories are crucial for long-term success.
    - Make your desire stronger than your disappointments.
    - Be willing to let go of what makes you comfortable.
    - Learn the difference between real and imagined obstacles.
    - Discover why lack of belief can be your biggest handicap.
    - Identify and work within your unique sweet spot.

    Rebound, Reset, and Reach Higher

    Turn Change into Opportunity

    Now more than ever, the true measure of success is how well you respond to change, uncertainty, and disruption. To rise above these circumstances and uncover opportunity you need grit, adaptability, and a positive outlook. Constant change is inevitable and depending on your mindset, it can either be seen as overwhelming or as an opportunity
    When facing short-term challenges or long-term changes successful organizations find new and creative ways to achieve their objectives. Experiencing change provides them the chance to dig deep, discover capabilities, and clarify purpose!

    For organizations to turn unexpected change into unexpected opportunity, it’s vital they adapt, transform, and reinvent. As a result, “We have always done it that way” is no longer a viable philosophy for long-term success.

    Rebound, Reset, and Reach Higher is designed to help audiences rebound from change, reset their mindset, and reach higher levels of achievement. This powerful presentation will equip your team with daily practices and powerful strategies they can use to become even better than they are today. In addition, Roger Crawford’s story will inspire your people to put change and challenges they face into perspective.

    Key Takeaways:
    - Build the mindset and skillset to turn change into opportunity
    - Find today’s solutions by letting go of yesterday’s thinking
    - Discover how to release resistance to change
    - Understand how to decrease excuses and increase results
    - Develop the ability to see possibility in adversity
    - Realize why change is needed for innovation, progress, and growth
    - Think strategically and link change to the big picture
    - Why no organization can afford to stand still

    What People are Saying about Seeing Roger Speak

    Rating Entries

      • Aetna
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      • American Airlines
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      • Blue Cross-Blue Shield
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      • Bristol Myers Squibb
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      • Travelers Insurance
      • Jostens
      • Amway
      • Northrup
      • Wilson Racquet Sports
      • Boise Cascade
      • Internat′l Assn. of Fitness Professionals
      • Netcom
      • Institute of Management Accountants
      • Thrifty Nickel Want Ads
      • Nat′l Assn. of Chain Drug Stores
      • In-N-Out Burger
      • Nat′l Sash & Door Jobbers Assn.
      • Nat′l Business Education Association
      • Marriott
      • Thermogas
      • National Assn. of Life Underwriters
      • AFLAC
      • Nat′l Assn. of Elementary School Principals
      • Hormel
      • IGA
      • Cushman & Wakefield
      • Institute of Real Estate Management

    • Lucent Technologies
    • A T & T
    • Nat′l Telephone Cooperative Assn.
    • American Assn. of Health Plans
    • Silicon Graphics
    • Equifax
    • Legent
    • Bank of America
    • Wachovia
    • Louisiana Tech University
    • Arizona State University
    • American Optometric Assn.
    • PictureTel
    • Century 21
    • Fairbanks Scales
    • Compucom
    • John Hancock Insurance
    • The Guardian
    • Nat′l Assn. of Credit Management
    • Elkay Manufacturing
    • The Federated
    • Assn. of Housing Management
    • Bell Telephone
    • Mortgage Bankers Assn. of America
    • ICG Telecom
    • JBA International
    • Pentland Sports Group
    • Petsmart
    • Foodservice Equipment Distributors Assn.

    • Satisfied Clients Are Saying:
      Bristol-Myers Squibb:

      “Thank you for the outstanding presentations you delivered to both groups. You were consistently mentioned by each sales representative that your presentation was the best part of a three-day program!”

      Barbara F. Sullivan, Director of Training
      Bank of America Arizona:

      “You more than delivered on our expectations. A true measure of your impact on the event, it seemed as if every speaker that followed quoted something you said in their remarks. I also want to thank you for the effort you made to tailor your address to our audience. It was widely noticed and truly helped drive home your core message of optimism and the power of positive thinking.”

      Dave Howell, Vice President
      AT & T Capital Corporation:

      “The feedback from the audience was overwhelmingly positive. I was quite overwhelmed myself when I walked up to the stage to thank you and saw 600 people on their feet applauding with great energy! I can′t think of a better way to end a conference.”

      Jeffrey L. Teucke, Vice President
      The Equitable:

      “The story about your extraordinary life kept all of us in rapt attention, and your delivery really energized us. The standing ovation was a testimony to the power of your message.”

      James M. Benson, President and CEO
      Marriott Hotels:

      “Everyone was very impressed with your wonderful presentation and I think all of us could use about an hour of you at least once a month! Mere words can′t express our appreciation, but I think the standing ovation you received will give you some idea of how everyone felt.”

      Michael S. Lupfer, National Sales Administration

      “To receive a standing ovation from this crowd is no easy task and to my knowledge has never been done before! Congratulations on a speech that was so well received. Thanks for making my program so professional and entertaining.”

      D. Thomas

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    Books by Roger Crawford:

    Think to Win: The Power of Possibility Thinking

    What do all remarkable people and organizations have in common? They embrace the power of “possibility thinking.” The most successful people and organizations think again or think differently from those less successful. By developing the habit of possibility thinking, you are mentally prepared to tackle your next challenge and optimize your next opportunity.

    Everyone encounters circumstances that are uncontrollable and unchangeable, but we can learn to control and change our mindset. When you put the skills of possibility thinking into practice, your productivity increases, performance is enhanced and new possibilities emerge.

    Challenges are Inevitable: Defeat is Optional
    How do you become an award-winning, Division 1 college athlete despite a disability affecting all four limbs? The answer has inspired countless people throughout the world.

    Roger Crawford’s incredible life illuminates the truth that while challenges are inevitable, defeat is optional.

    When most people would have given up hope, Crawford found a way to work around his physical challenges to eventually become a tennis champion, innovating a way to hold onto a racket with just one finger on his right hand and two fingers on his left.

    His story demonstrates the power of an “I can” attitude inspiring readers to reach past their own difficulties and live up to their true potential.

    Challenges are Inevitable provides both the inspiration and motivation needed to break through self-imposed obstacles and limitations that often hold us back from fulfilling our purpose. Readers will discover new ways of thinking and be empowered and encouraged to unleash their potential, allowing them to redefine what is truly possible. As they apply this new mindset, they will learn to achieve exceptional results in their own life!

    Roger has become one of the most in-demand motivational speakers today, equipping others to follow his lead in breaking down barriers. He is dedicated to helping organizations conquer change, increase performance and produce exceptional results. Roger’s presentations go beyond a feel-good message, teaching actionable ideas that impact lives forever. This book is no different. Expect to walk away feeling emboldened and inspired that nothing can standing the way of accomplishing your wildest dreams, and that challenges are meant to be overcome.

    How High Can You Bounce?

    Roger Crawford is one of America’s most highly regarded speakers and a shining example of the power of resilience to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Physically challenged from birth, he has learned from experience that resilience–our ability to thrive under stress and bounce back from hardship–is a skill that we can all develop and maintain. Now, with his unique blend of humor, savvy, and hard-won wisdom, he shows you how you can make resilience the springboard to your own success.

    Where are you coming from? How long have you been there? Where are you going? Starting with these fundamental questions, How High Can You Bounce? invites you to take stock, to examine your attitudes, the way you see yourself, and your motivations. Then, from this new wellspring of awareness, you can begin to build your resilience–and reap the benefits of living a healthier, happier, more productive life.

    Let Roger Crawford help you discover:

    The Best Defense Against Hard Times–how to harness the extraordinary power of humor and optimism
    The Keys To Success You Already Possess–how to take an inventory of your personal riches and make use of all your resources
    The Greatest Confidence Builders–how to fortify your positive attitudes and rethink the perceptions that are holding you back
    What’s Better Than Money In The Bank–how to stockpile resilience so you can draw on it whenever you need it
    The Friends You Can’t Afford To Be Without–how to attract strong, nurturing friends who lift you up and cheer you on
    How To Write Your Own Life Script–knowing when to take responsibility puts you in the director’s seat
    When Challenge Is Sweet–why obstacles should be embraced, as springboards to new levels of
    achievement and as exciting opportunities
    The Secret Of Becoming An Effective Leader–how your unshakable resilience can win you respect at home, at work, in the community

    Elevating and inspiring, How High Can You Bounce? introduces you to dozens of unforgettable men and women who illustrate these principles in every walk of life. Their amazing stories of courage and resourcefulness make this a book to treasure in good times and bad.

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