
Roberto Carlos (RöC) Profile

  • He is one of Latin America's most influential leaders in innovation, and the creator of Factor WOW, a methodology that is revolutionizing the way organizations do business.

  • He is the CEO of two award-winning firms, Factor Wow and the idea factory Kakumen, and has twice been named to the list of Mexico's most promising entrepreneurs.

  • His upbeat and entertaining keynotes are packed with solid content and practical takeaways that can be put into action the very next day to take your customer service, marketing, or team performance to the next level.
  • One of Latin America’s most influential leaders in innovation, Roberto Carlos (RöC) is the creator of Factor WOW, a methodology that is revolutionizing the way organizations do business. Twice voted one of Mexico’s most promising entrepreneurs, RöC has helped hundreds of companies stand out by creating unforgettable customer experiences. His clients include Nissan México, Cemex, Bioderma, Gruma, Banorte, Afirme, CFE, Sigma Alimentos, Coca-Cola, and many more.

    RöC is the founder and CEO of Factor WOW Consulting, a top-notch innovation firm based in Mexico and Paraguay. Since 2001, he has also been the owner and CEO of the award-winning idea factory, Kakumen, which specializes in branding strategies, graphic design, advertising, illustration, and VR360 photography.

    As a speaker, RöC motivates and inspires audiences while equipping them with solid content and practical takeaways that they can immediately put into action. He has delivered hundreds of keynotes and workshops in his home country as well as the USA, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Colombia, Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. His 2010 book Factor Wow is widely used in businesses, governmental agencies, and universities throughout Latin America as a guidebook for creating a competitive edge by pleasantly surprising consumers through extraordinary customer experience.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Roberto Carlos (RöC) is the creator of Factor WOW, the innovative methodology that is revolutionizing the way organizations in Latin America do business by helping them create extraordinary customer experiences. He is the founder and CEO of Factor WOW Consulting, a top-notch innovation firm based in Mexico and Paraguay.

      Twice named to the E-100 – the most promising 100 entrepreneurs in Mexico – RöC has delivered hundreds of keynotes and workshops in his home country as well as the USA, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Colombia, Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. He is a leading speaker and consultant on innovation, marketing, branding, leadership, creativity, and customer service. His clients include world class companies like Nissan México, Cemex, Bioderma, Gruma, Banorte, Afirme, CFE, Sigma Alimentos, Coca-Cola, and many more.

      As a speaker, RöC motivates and inspires audiences while equipping them with solid content and practical takeaways that they can immediately put into action. Every presentation is entertaining, meaningful, and memorable. While his keynotes are delivered in Spanish 95% of the time, RöC is fully proficient in English and possesses valuable insights on engaging the growing market of Latino consumers.

      Since 2001, RöC has been the owner of the award-winning idea factory, Kakumen (taken from an old Mexican regionalism, cacumen meaning “ingenuity, insight, and intellect.”) Kakumen specializes in branding strategies, graphic design, advertising, illustration, and VR360 photography.

      RöC is the author of ten books, most notably 75 WOW – Seventy five awesome things that happen to your business with Factor WOW and 40 Upsides of Being Bald. The light-hearted illustrations throughout his books are an indication of his past career as a comic strip artist. His 2010 book Factor Wow is widely used in businesses, governmental agencies, and universities throughout Latin America.

    Roberto Carlos (RöC) Speaking Videos

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    Roberto Carlos (RöC)'s Speech Descriptions

    When was the last time a keynote changed your life? Marketing, branding, and innovation expert, Roberto Carlos (RöC) delivers lively, dynamic, and entertaining presentations that will help your business make customers say “Wow!” RöC shows entrepreneurs, marketing executives, university audiences, and business leaders how to build and grow a thriving enterprise or reinvigorate and reinvent an existing business. His practical interactive programs delve into topics that are key to success, such as building trust within your teams, turning clients into raving fans, and fostering a culture of innovation in your workplace.

    RöC is frequently called upon to address the following themes:

      World Innovation Trends

      The accelerating pace of technological changes is forcing businesses to rethink their innovation models. How much innovation is enough? How do I know if I’m creating evolutionary or disruptive innovation? Who is doing it well and how can I make that happen in my business?

      How to Turn Your Clients into Fans

      Why do my clients leave me? How satisfied are my clients with me? How can know if my brand has customer loyalty? This keynote takes an in-depth look at the 10 best tools for achieving not only client satisfaction, but creating true fans of your brands.

      How to Market your Brand for Free

      Do you know that there are hundreds of ways to market your business without paying anything? In this keynote, RöC shares the top 20 techniques for generating free publicity, many of which you can use the very next day.

      Building Trust in your teams

      This program offers leaders practical tools that will help them strengthen their teams in the areas of integration, trust, and feedback.

      How to Make a Million-dollar Business

      This inspirational keynote (featuring a bit of shock therapy!) shows you how to lay the foundation for creating high-growth businesses.

      How to Create Extraordinary Customer Experiences

      What is about great businesses that leave us pleasantly surprised? What do they differently? Factor WOW is a highly successful keynote that outlines effective methodology for generating extraordinary client experiences that will never be forgotten.

    Keynotes range from 50 to 90 minutes in length, depending on the requirements of the event.

    Detailed Keynote Descriptions:

      Wowing Your Customers
      The world is changing fast and companies that aren’t truly focused on the client can easily become forgotten and obsolete. What is it that great companies do to pleasantly surprise us? This interactive keynote presents strategies to generate extraordinary customer experiences that they will never forget.

      Key Topics Covered:

      • How to identify your client’s“pain points.”
      • What world class innovators have done to revolutionize customer service in the world.
      • Why price is never the deciding factor in a purchase.
      • How to attract, amaze, and retain clients.
      • The ABCs of shifting focus in your company.

      You will come away with an exciting vision that helps you think of your clients 100% of the time, resulting in customer that are “in love” with your companies as well as employees who are happy knowing that they are changing lives.

      4LEADER: Leading with Your Strengths

      4LEADER is based on self-awareness – your ability to describe your biggest strengths of your natural character and use those strengths to develop an unprecedented ability to lead.

      Everyone, absolutely every collaborator in your company, can be a leader. Nevertheless, the majority of leadership programs look to change people to “converter them into leaders” rather than focusing on their own characteristics and abilities. RöC's focus is different.

      Key Topics Covered:

      • 4LEADER helps you understand people’s behavior from the perspective of human nature.
      • How human behavior can be constructed within the four basic elements of personality: Action, Knowledge, Humanity, and Passion.
      • Training that will enable you to understand your own nature and the nature of your team. You will be able to understand why people do what they do and how behavioral differences are key to building outstanding teams.
      • You will better understand people, how to motive and influence them, and be a better leader that they admire and follow, regardless of formal hierarchy or its absence.

      4LEADER will awaken your natural inner leader without forcing you to be a different person. You only have to understand how human nature works and acts on your strengths.

      4LEADER is a tried and tested tool to raise your self-awareness and influence others. It is especially useful for:

      • Developing leadership abilities from your own being.
      • Increasing sales.
      • Boosting your negotiation power.
      • Identifying what motivates others.
      • Fostering empathy and your ability to “put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”
      • Developing teams that are more united and able to identify with one another.

      Innovate or Die
      The acceleration of technological change is forcing businesses to revise its innovation models. How much innovation is enough? How do I know if I’m creating evolutionary or disruptive innovation? Who is innovating well and how can I make that happen in my company? Do we really live in a world where we must innovate or die?

      Key Topics Covered:

      • You’ll find out where ideas come from…and how you can get more great ideas!
      • Get to know a practical method for filtering and selecting the best ideas.
      • How bright ideas, creativity, and innovation differ.
      • New business models that are changing the world through innovation.
      • How to foster teams that are more creative and innovative.

      You need more than just good ideas and intentions to innovate. Successful innovation requires a methodology and the creation of a culture that encourages experimentation. This keynote provides a giant dose of motivation and a toolbox of innovation that you can use systematically.

      Networks of Collaboration

      This interactive keynote ensures that participants in the chain of value understand the advantages of having a solid network of internal and external collaboration. It is packed with practical exercises allowing participants to put theory into action.

      Key Topics Covered:

      • What is a collaborative network?
      • How can I develop my own collaborative network?
      • What is the value of collaborative networking?
      • Internal and external collaborative networks.
      • The 10 most important facts you need to know about collaboration networks.
      • The four basic styles of collaboration.

      You will learn about the value of having a solid network of collaboration and you will get the tools to capitalize on your relationships in order to be more efficient, proactive, and happy.

      Turning Clients into Fans

      Why do my clients leave me? How is it that some companies have
      “fans” who literally get tattoos of the company’s logo?

      This fun and interactive keynote reveals the necessary magnetic principles for attracting fanatic clients. You will hear impactful stories of companies that have turned their worse defects to their advantage and have attracted hoards of enthusiasts. You will leave inspired and eager to implement“WOW Methods”and turn your business into an innovation powerhouse.

      Key Topics Covered:

      • Factor WOW Methodology, how to generate and validate extraordinary ideas.

      • Find out how to tell the difference between “ordinary” and “extraordinary.”
      • The importance of setting goals.
      • The power of focusing on concrete projects.
      • Case studies of innovative companies: What they do and how they do it.
      • Understand the theory of “It’s not Worth It.”

      Audiences will leave inspired and equipped to innovate and change their environment to a vibrant atmosphere that encourages them to look for the next “WOW” idea within their company.

      Generations and Degenerations

      This keynote is a visualization of the consumer trends and behaviors of the 4 generations that currently working together in the market: Silents, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millenials. Weaving an intelligent and fun narrative, RöC shows how the different styles of each generation affect the gaps between them, so that you and your group can identify behaviors and existing market opportunities in each generation.

      Key Topics Covered:

      • The characteristics of different generations and how they interact.
      • Behaviors of each generation and how they connect to their buying preferences.
      • Generational interaction in the workplace.
      • Directive styles of leaders according to their generational influence.

      You and your group will get to know the characteristics of your own generation in addition to the others, helping you to develop a full understanding of different behavior styles and consumption patterns. You will come away as a more effective leader with a sharpened ability to visualize market trends.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Roberto Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Thank you very much for your outstanding participation. If you had been a bull in a bullfight instead of a keynote speaker, the audience would have granted you a pardon due to your spectacular performance. It was a pleasure to meet you and in the future I hope to have the privilege of having your distinguished presence once more.”

    – Minister Eduardo Meléndez Salgado,
    Director – DCEA IEST Tampico

    “I had the pleasure of attending your keynote at IEST. I loved it!”

    – Judith Vallejo

    “I left with tons of information and an enormous restless urge to innovate. What a great keynote! I hope I can attend another one of your programs soon!”

    – Melissa Betancourt

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    Books by Roberto Carlos (RöC):

    75 WOW – Seventy five awesome things that happen to your business with Factor WOW

    75 WOW is a very visual, very insightful book about what happens when you set your company and yourself to WOW your customers. You may use 75 WOW as a checklist of what has your company done to delight your business community. You may use it as a source of inspiration to reinvent your products or your personal brand.

    Each one of the 75 ideas in the book are a challenge, and achieving all of them might as well be a work of mastery. Buy and share this book, you have my word that you won´t regret it. -RöC, author.

    40 Upsides of Being Bald

    Some think that being bald is a curse, a bad twist from destiny, a fatal and unavoidable genetic disorder, something that has to be hidden with faulty, complicated, painful and inefficient tricks.

    This book is dedicated to all the bald people in the world that know how to enjoy a hairless head. It is also dedicated for those that haven ́t given up yet to be bald and are still trying shampoos, ointments, injections, and magical formulations; to those who use wigs, hairpieces, craneal paints, doll hair, and all sorts of artificial contraptions. Even also to those guys that comb their hair like Oaxaca cheese to cover the bald areas, delivering a shameful and unsuccessful illusion of hair.

    This book offers 40 very interesting reasons why being bald can be a great adventure in life. Each one of this Upsides of Being Bald was illustrated by one of the best 40 illustrators of Mexico and Spain.

    40 Upsides of Being Bald is a tribute for all baldies that, with great bravery and conviction, rise their shiny heads, defying the sun, the cold and the astonished look of little children.

    My bald friend, this is your book.

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