
Robert Siciliano

IT Security, Security, Technology

Travels from Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Robert Siciliano's speaking fee falls within range:
$10,000 to $15,000

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Robert Siciliano Profile

  • CEO of Safr.Me

  • Security & ID Theft Expert: Cyber Security, Data Privacy, Global Cyber Threats, Ransomware, Wire Fraud, Risk Management, Security Awareness, Social Media Security, Technology, Workplace Violence, Fraud prevention, Hackers, Hacking, Identity Theft, Active Shooter
  • Best-selling author Robert Siciliano CSP, is fun, funny, but serious about teaching you and your audience fraud prevention and personal security. He is a United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla Staff Officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security whose motto is Semper Paratus (Always Ready). For over 30 years, he has been the #1 choice of multiple organizations to equip their teams with the information and deep sense of understanding they need to protect their families, company, and even country from the criminal elements unfolding everyday in the virtual world and the physical one.

    Siciliano is frequently called on by mainstream media to offer his trusted advice on how individuals, businesses, and government institutions can increase security and reduce liability. Accessible and professional, he often serves as an expert analyst in the wake of breaking news related to security breaches. He has appeared as a guest commentator on The Anderson Cooper Show, John Stossel, The Steve Harvey Show, The Today Show, CBS Early Show, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, Inside Edition, and Extra, among others. In addition to his role as a frequently quoted television news correspondent, Siciliano is the author of four books: The Safety Minute: Living on High Alert— How to Take Control of Your Personal Security and Prevent Fraud; 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Identity Was Stolen; and 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Mobile Was Hacked.

    Siciliano is a 5 time Boston Marathoner and Private Investigator. His passion for teaching and empowering others to be proactive about their security stems from a number of events in his personal life from being bullied as a child to being stopped less than 50 ft. from the second bomb in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. As a Certified Speaking Professional, his “tell it like it is” style is sought after by leading corporations and meeting planners to get the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Personal Security Expert and Identity Theft Speaker Robert Siciliano

      ROBERT SICILIANO, CSP, the #1 Best Selling author and CEO of Safr.Me, may get your attention with his fun engaging tone and approachable personality—but he is serious about teaching you and your audience fraud prevention and personal security.

      Robert is a security expert and private investigator fiercely committed to informing, educating and empowering people so they can protect themselves and their loved ones from violence and crime in their everyday lives, both in their physical and virtual interactions.

      Robert, a Certified Speaking Professional with a “tell it like it is” style, is a favorite source for dozens of major media outlets, leading corporations and organizations looking for the straight talk they need to stay safe in a world in which physical and virtual crime is commonplace.

      Robert is accessible, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment with down-to-earth insights at a moment’s notice on breaking news that affects us all.

      When the internet was still coming of age, Robert’s startup security company’s financial holdings were under attack by cybercriminals, and he lost thousands of dollars due to credit card fraud. In becoming one of the earliest victims of internet crime, Robert gained the knowledge and experience to teach others how they can position and protect not only their companies but also themselves from falling prey to internet thieves. His years of experience, combined with extensive study, have allowed him to become one of the nation’s most well-respected and trusted experts on cybercrime. He has worked with such companies as ExxonMobil, Intel, McAfee, MasterCard, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, KPMG, MIT, Transamerica and UPS, and almost every major media outlet has turned to him for information on identity theft, internet safety, crime prevention and security.

      Robert works with both private and public businesses as the president and CEO of, and he teaches clients how to keep their money, privacy and data secure against acts of fraud, identity theft, corporate espionage, and purposeful or accidental exposure of private information—all acts that cost companies billions nationwide.

    Robert Siciliano Speaking Videos

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    Robert Siciliano's Speech Descriptions

    Robert Siciliano, CSP, delivers serious content on fraud prevention and personal security in a fun and entertaining way, pulling stories from the stranger-than-fiction world of the cybercrime that unfolds every single day. His programs are cutting edge, easily digestible, and provide best practices to keep you, your clients, and employees safe and secure both in the virtual world and the real one.

    Siciliano goes beyond security awareness, connecting audiences with the issue of security on an emotional and personal level, in order to build a strong foundation for true effective change. Your audience will walk away as experts in identity theft prevention, online reputation management, online privacy, and data security.

    Providing Client Security and Ensuring Loyalty: A Guide for Financial Firms
    Every week, Robert Siciliano inevitably hears from a distressed financial advisor who has to rescue a client whose accounts have been compromised. The fact is, your moneyed clients are big targets—and they aren’t necessarily cyber savvy.

    Social Media Security: Marketing, Extending and Defending Your Online Reputation
    Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, YELP and LinkedIn are popular social networking sites in both the personal and professional lives of business leaders and their employees. However, the risks we face from sharing too much information are substantial—from personal security to damaged reputations to significant business liabilities that put all operations in jeopardy.

    Putting Your Digital Data, Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information on Lockdown: Knowledge is Power You Don’t Want to Lose
    In a high-tech, information-based economy, everything we do as a business is recorded and tracked or stolen by someone—whether by your competition, criminal hackers, or a domestic or foreign authority. Once extricated from your hands, the bad guys exploit your valuable information to their advantage or use it against you.

    Defending Against the Data Breach: Protect from Spyware, Malware, Ransomware and Keyloggers
    Every few seconds, someone has his or her identity stolen. Computers are hacked, wallets are stolen, credit cards are compromised, credit is ruined…and the instigators make more in a day than most of us make in a year. The fact is, the system we function under is set up to fail—and unless consumers know their options, it’s just a matter of time before they are victimized themselves.

    Security Appreciation, Not Security Awareness: How Corporations and Financial Institutions are Following Their Hearts to Avoid Being Scammed
    Every few seconds, someone’s identity is stolen because data is breached, computers are hacked, credit cards are compromised—and often, as a result, reputations are ruined. When this happens, fingers point at IT, other employees or problem clients.

    Protect Your Privacy and Credit From Prying Eyes! Identity Theft Protection Prevention and Awareness
    There’s a new face of organized crime: Dumpster divers, criminal hackers, database attackers, carders and mules are all part of organized criminal syndicates, and the work is not all done in a smoky back room anymore—they work out of cheap hotel rooms and mahogany-paneled corporate offices.

    Take Charge, Fight Back!: Street-Smart, Street-Safe Personal Security

    It’s not just law enforcement professionals and first responders—ordinary men, women and children face risk every day. Consider real estate agents, auto-show presenters, nurses, and many other professionals who interact with strangers—and are often unprepared for an attack by known and unknown assailants.

    Mortgage and Real Estate Fraud: A Real House of Cards

    Did you know mortgage and real estate fraud is one of the most profitable of all organized criminal acts? With buyers, sellers, mortgage brokers, banks, appraisers, housing inspectors and real estate agents in the mix, a combination of just a couple of these parties working together to “fudge and flip” a transaction can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars lost to myriad innocent parties—and once the fraud is discovered, the finger-pointing begins.

    Active Shooter Workplace Violence Prediction and Prevention: Spotting the Red Flags

    “If you see something, say something” is a familiar refrain on public transportation and at sporting events, but it doesn’t work without open, proactive, security-conscious minds to go with open eyes and open mouths. Every school shooting and workplace shooting—could have been prevented with crowdsourced awareness.

    Corporate Travel Security at Home and Abroad: Strangers in a Strange Land

    There’s nothing like getting out of the office and away from your troubles…until trouble finds you. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, there are certain pitfalls you face when leaving the comforts of home.

    Cyber Social Identity and Personal Protection: Overcoming Cultural Myths and Inaccuracies to Achieve Safety, Security, and Privacy

    This is a story of good versus evil. Black hat bad guys versus white hat good guys. The smartest people on earth battling it out 24/7/365 and it’s not just billions of dollars at stake, it’s also life and death. The characters in this real-life drama used to be hooded criminals in their mom’s basement or just back-alley street thugs. Today it’s organized crime syndicates aka “web mobs” all the way up to state-sponsored geniuses with unlimited access to the best technologies on the planet. But don’t be mistaken, the word “hacker” doesn’t properly describe them. These are Predators and their methods mirror the deviousness and callousness of the worst sociopaths on earth.

    Their targets: YOU. Your organization, its money, client data, propriety secrets and war room strategies.

    Their methods? Preying upon your people’s good nature via the civilized conditioning that’s been used by their parents to raise good boys and girls. In this story, for starters, we expose raw data, Social Security numbers on Russian hacking forums, millions of usernames and passwords in plain sight and credit card numbers for sale on the Dark Web, and so much more.

    This is a fully interactive event from the moment Robert gets on the platform. The audience asks a TON of “how, why, and what do we do now?” questions. Most have never had the chance or opportunity to ask a seasoned expert any, and all questions they’ve ever had regarding all things “predatory mindset” designed to facilitate a robust security culture. The goal of this event isn’t the common requested “Security Awareness”, but an evolved behavior changing “Security Appreciation” that gets results.

    So, when the meeting planner wants “Something Different” tell them they want “Cyber Social Identity and Personal Protection: Overcoming Cultural Myths and Inaccuracies to Achieve Safety, Security, and Privacy”

    Robert Siciliano on Speaking

    My ultimate goal is for my audience to “get it,” meaning that in the end they have a greater appreciation for their personal security.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    SICILIANO: Security first and foremost is personal which means we only care about it in regard to protecting ourselves before we would even consider protecting our business or frankly our country. “What’s in it for me” is simply the way we are.

    My ultimate goal is for my audience to “get it,” meaning that in the end they have a greater appreciation for their personal security. This appreciation not only protects them and their families but also does a great deal in protecting their employers’ place of business and ultimately their homeland.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    SICILIANO: Every client has very different needs and requires a different focus based on the problems they face. I like to discuss those issues with company officers or boards of directors, management, or front-line employees. This way I get a full understanding of the company culture and how various security issues are being handled or in some cases not addressed at all.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    SICILIANO: Recently, I presented to a group of small businesses in regard to protecting their devices and data. At the conclusion of the event I had a line of people wanting to have discussions concerning their own security situations. One after another they told me of significant data breaches that resulted in six-figure losses to their businesses. What makes this so memorable is that stories like these continue to come at an accelerating rate – a trend that is more than alarming.

    Security is a back burner topic that only comes up when bad things happen. We as a culture, as a society, and even as a species are reactive rather than proactive.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    SICILIANO: If you have a pulse, security is certainly something you should be concerned about, yet I find in the majority of my audiences that less than 15% of the attendees are engaging in ongoing security awareness and security appreciation training. That means 85% of corporate America is significantly under prepared for a breach or attack.

    Security is a back burner topic that only comes up when bad things happen. We as a culture, as a society, and even as a species are reactive rather than proactive. Audiences that would most benefit from my message are those who have an inkling of awareness and know they need to put systems in place now before something bad happens.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?


  • Security Appreciation, Not Security Awareness: How Corporations and Financial Institutions are Following Their Hearts to Avoid Being Scammed
  • Think Like a Thief to Catch a Thief: How to Beat Organized Criminals at Their Own Game
  • Take Charge, Fight Back!: Street-Smart, Street-Safe Personal Security
  • Defending Against the Data Breach: Protect from Spyware, Malware, Ransomware and Keyloggers
  • Social Media Branding and Security: Marketing, Building, Extending and Defending Your Online Reputation

    Why? I have a family to protect. Every one of my programs I teach to my kids, too. Prior to and with the birth of my two young girls, I have filled my life with moments and experiences that I use to enhance my family’s and my audience’s well being on so many levels. This is personal for me. It matters.

    In 2013 I was stopped less than 50 feet from the second bomb after running 26 miles in the Boston Marathon.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    SICILIANO: My life has been a series of personal security events starting from when I was bullied as a kid and got into a variety of confrontations in middle and high school. Self-preservation was my first concern. Early on in my teens, I had met a number of young women who had been sexually assaulted, which ultimately inspired me to teach self-defense classes.

    In 1995 I established a small business online and was hacked within a week of launching. Cyber crime wasn’t a thing then, but for me it was. That woke me up to black hat hacking.

    In 2013 I was stopped less than 50 feet from the second bomb after running 26 miles in the Boston Marathon. My wife and kids were 100 yards away from me, near the first bomb at the finish line. I didn’t know if they were maimed, alive, or dead for at least 30 minutes.

    Personal security means much more than protecting yourself in the physical world; it means protecting yourself in the virtual world too. My broad knowledge and understanding of a variety of security issues has resulted in four published books including a bestseller, and I have appeared in several thousand media interviews including over 600 TV spots.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    SICILIANO: There is nothing more fascinating than the battle that goes on 24/7/365 between the good guy “White-hat” security professionals and the bad guy “Black-hats” that are intent on taking us down. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t come upon stories of brilliant underground criminals attacking our critical infrastructure in ways that are incredibly fascinating. Blockbuster movies and television are no match and fail to tell the stories of what these criminals are doing worldwide. My presentations are filled with these events and how they play out and affect us in every way.

    Audiences walk away engaged, enthused, motivated, and feeling much more in control and appreciative of their role and responsibilities to protect themselves, their employees, employers, and their country.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    SICILIANO: Fortunately I am often brought back to provide encore engagements for repeat clients. The reason I know that my presentations work and my audiences “get it” is because they tell me that the lessons they learned have enabled them to appreciate security the way I do, and fundamentally it changes their outlook and behavior.

    Nobody leaves my presentation with elements of “fear”. Instead, audiences walk away engaged, enthused, motivated, and feeling much more in control and appreciative of their role and responsibilities to protect themselves, their employees, employers, and their country.

  • Exclusive Interview with Robert Siciliano
    Fraud Prevention and Personal Security, with Robert Siciliano
    In this interview, Robert Siciliano discusses:
    • Common ways that identity theft occurs.
    • How to prevent your personal info and organization from getting hacked.
    • "Crowdsourcing security" in the United States.
    Read the Full Interview

    "A service person who takes your credit card out back to charge it can simply clone that card."
    - Robert Siciliano

    What People are Saying about Seeing Robert Speak

    Rating Entries

    “On behalf of BP, I would like to thank you for a very memorable presentation and we look forward to having you back”
        Faunne Legg Brittish Petrolium

    “On our meeting evaluations you scored a 9.8 out of 10 points and our members have given us numerous comments about what a wonderful and exciting presentation you put together.”
        Glenn Mueller, Dominos Pizza

    “The enthusiasm he generated within the group kept people on the edge of their seats. I would highly recommend Mr Siciliano as a speaker at any corporate event.”
        Brenda DeMuth, MoneyGram Int’l..

    “As you can see from the ratings, this seminar was very beneficial to the attendees. I look forward to working with you again.”
        Sandra Masters, New Hampshire Bankers Assn

    “It is with our sincere appreciation that we thank you for being our keynote speaker at our annual event. The information you presented was not only timely but eye-opening to many of out attendees”
        William Rosacker, United Bankers Bank

    “Thank you for your excellent presentation at our bankers Issues Briefings. You knew from the groups reaction that you were well received.”
        Ed Smith, Conference of State Bank Supervisors

    “Robert—Great Conference again—thanks—your evaluations were over the top!”
        Marie Anderson, Wisconsin Bankers Association

    “Very valuable seminar. Overall rating of seminar—4.56 out of 5”
        Donna Atkinson, West Virginia Bankers Association.

    “You will be pleased to know that you scored a 4.71 out of a possible 5 on evaluations of your session. Exceptionally well done.”
        Colleen Wessel, GMAC Home Services

    “Overall Seminar Quality 96.25 out of a possible 100 rating. I’d like to sincerely thank you for making the Coldwell Banker Conference a great success.”
        Richard May, Coldwell Banker

    “The best part of your presentation was everyone was glued to your message. Your timing was impeccable, your stories were hilarious, and when you finished, nobody wanted to leave!”
        Joe Williams, Keller Williams Real Estate

    “Your session was a success with excellent evaluations as the proof. In addition to helping us to make our convention a success, you were a delight to work with.”
        Gloria Curran, Prudential Real Estate

    “The feedback was extremely positive….we heard over and over—I’m glad I decided to attend!”
        Carolyn A Weber, RE/MAX

    “The evaluations of your session were outstanding and our member feedback was very positive—ratings of 10 out of 10 cant be beat!”
        Ruth Lyons, Texas Assn of Realtors

    “You did a fine job and had the audience laughing and interacting with you!”
        Peat Marwick

    “I have received many positive comments, you did a great job!”
        Best Western

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    Books by Robert Siciliano:


    99 Things You Wish You Knew Before…Your Identity Was Stolen
    This speed-read is written by personal security and identity theft expert Robert Siciliano, CEO of Robert is fiercely committed to informing, educating and empowering Global Citizens so they can be protected from theft, violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. His tell-it-like-it-is approach has been seen and continue to be heavily sought after by major media outlets such as The Today Show, CBS Early Show, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, Inside Edition, EXTRA, Tyra Banks, Sally Jessie, Montel, Maury, Howard Stern, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Cosmopolitan, Reader’s Digest, and many more.

    The Safety Minute:01 Living on High Alert; How to Take Control of Your Personal Security and Prevent Fraud
    10 Types of Personal Security: Become the master of your familys security on the streets, in your car, at home, traveling, in airports, in hotels, on public transit, using the telephone, and dating.

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