
Rachel Botsman Profile

  • Botsman is a leading expert on trust in the modern world.

  • Botsman is the author of two groundbreaking books and has been recognized as one of the world’s 30 most influential management thinkers.

  • Botsman shares the four traits that create trustworthy environments and how to empower leaders, employees, and colleagues to harness its true value.
  • Rachel Botsman is a leading expert on trust in the modern world. She is the author of two critically acclaimed books, What’s Mine is Yours and Who Can You Trust?, that have been translated into 14 languages.

    Botsman is consistently recognized as a top keynote speaker and her TED talks have been viewed more than five million times.

    Botsman is recognized for identifying ground-breaking paradigm shifts in business and society. She teaches entrepreneurs and leaders at Oxford University, Saïd Business School and created the first courses on trust in the digital world.

    Her writings on trust have been widely published in the Guardian, Financial Times, The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, and Wired. Through her popular newsletter, Rethink with Rachel, she engages with a community of over 75,000 subscribers every week. On top of this, Rachel is an experienced broadcaster hosting the BBC series ‘Money, Money, Money’ as well as her own podcast called ‘Rethink Moments’ in which she challenges different cultural ideas and events with the help of experts in the specific field.

    Rachel Botsman Speaking Videos

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    Rachel Botsman's Speech Descriptions

    Rethinking Trust

    Trust is both the foundation and the result of strong relationships. It is fundamental to meaningful interactions with employees and customers. Yet, there are misconceptions about how trust really works. How do you earn trust in the early stages of a relationship and sustain it over time? What does it mean to be a trustworthy leader or brand? Does transparency lead to more trust? Can trust be fixed when it breaks down? In this session, Rachel will help participants rethink what trust is and why it’s so critical in the digital age. Please note that this keynote can be customized to focus on leadership, culture, or innovation. e.g., ‘Rethinking Trust & Leadership.’

    Designing and Innovating With Trust

    Why do some innovations fail, and others succeed? Trust is often the key differentiator. You can only get people – employees or customers – to use a new product or service if they’re willing to take what Rachel calls a ‘trust leap’ – to take a risk to do something new or different. Based on a decade of research and teaching with Fortune 500 companies and start-ups – Rachel will map out the principles of how you ‘Design for Trust’ in ways that help new ideas succeed. She also shares how designers, entrepreneurs, and leaders can improve practices to ensure new technologies are trustworthy.

    Trust and The Future of Work

    A profound trust shift is happening in our workplaces – the old hierarchal rules of trust are no longer relevant. As employee and cultural dynamics evolve faster than ever before, how can we lead with trust amid all this uncertainty and flux? What does it take to be a trustworthy leader in these trying times? In this talk, Rachel explains the trust shift underway and how leaders can navigate and adapt to new employee expectations.

    Fireside topic – AI’s Trust Problem

    As AI rapidly expands its role in our lives, an important question is being asked: what level of trust can – and should – we place in AI systems? Renowned trust expert Rachel Botsman brings a different perspective to panels and leadership discussions on what trusting AI really means. She will explain why we need to think differently to earn and maintain trust in AI – and propose how we can make AI systems more trustworthy.

    Rachel is available for fireside conversations with leaders or to join panels on the important and timely topic of trust and AI.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Rachel Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Rachel scored 5 out of 5 from all participants that completed the post event survey”
    – PwC

    “A huge thank you for delivering a stellar session yesterday. I personally found it insightful, practical and incredibly aluble and the feedback we received has been absolutely superb.”
    – LinkedIn

    “Her presentation was super interesting, interactive and we were able to gain a lot that can be implemented in the working world.”
    – Siemens

    “What a session! We got some really positive feedback about the content but also about the virtual repport that you managed to create.”
    – Mastercard

    “She kept our 2000 delegates on the edge of their seats for over an hour, not only with the quality of her content but also with her humour and engaging style.”
    – CIPD

    “Rachel’s talk both provoked and inspired, setting off an active conversation that continues to this day and worldwide within the company.”
    – Microsoft

    “Not one single day has gone by since the event without external and internal commendations on her engagement with our audience. Her message really connected and impacted the entire audience.”
    – Adobe

    “Rachel is a genuine world class speaker who knows how to stir thinking and encourage an audience to open their minds.”
    – Commonwealth Bank

    “Rachel’s insightful session was engaging and authentic. She really made a personlised connection. The informal, open-ended format and seamless online experience allowed our audience to ask questions and engage in a lively conversation with her.”
    – KPMG

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    Books by Rachel Botsman:

    What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

    In the 20th century humanity consumed products faster than ever, but this way of living is no longer sustainable. This new and important book shows how technological advances are driving forms of ‘collaborative consumption’ which will change forever the ways in which we interact both with businesses and with each other. The average lawn mower is used for four hours a year. The average power drill is used for only twenty minutes in its entire lifespan. The average car is unused for 22 hours a day, and even when it is being used there are normally three empty seats. Surely there must be a way to get the benefit out of things like mowers, drills and even cars, without having to carry the huge up-front costs of ownership? There is indeed. Collaborative consumption is not just a buzzword, it is a new win-win way of life. This insightful and thought-provoking new book by Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers is an important and fast-moving survey of the dramatic changes we are seeing in the way we consume products. Many of us are familiar with freecycle, eBay, couchsurfing and Zipcar. But these are just the beginning of a new phenomenon. Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers have interviewed business leaders and opinion formers around the world to draw together the many strands of Collaborative Consumption into a coherent and challenging argument to show that the way we did business and consumerism in the 20th century is not the way we will do it in the 21st century.

    Who Can You Trust?: How Technology Brought Us Together and Why It Might Drive Us Apart

    A vivid memoir of food and family, survival and triumph, Love, Loss, and What We Ate traces the arc of Padma Lakshmiís unlikely path from an immigrant childhood to a complicated life in front of the cameraóa tantalizing blend of Ruth Reichlís Tender at the Bone and Nora Ephronís Heartburn

    What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

    If you can’t trust those in charge, who can you trust? From government to business, banks to media, trust in institutions is at an all-time low. But this isn’t the age of distrust — far from it.

    In this revolutionary book, world-renowned trust expert Rachel Botsman reveals that we are at the tipping point of one of the biggest social transformations in human history — with fundamental consequences for everyone. A new world order is emerging: we might have lost faith in institutions and leaders, but millions of people rent their homes to total strangers, exchange digital currencies, or find themselves trusting a bot. This is the age of “distributed trust,” a paradigm shift driven by innovative technologies that are rewriting the rules of an all-too-human relationship.

    If we are to benefit from this radical shift, we must understand the mechanics of how trust is built, managed, lost, and repaired in the digital age. In the first book to explain this new world, Botsman provides a detailed map of this uncharted landscape — and explores what’s next for humanity.

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