
Phillip Van Hooser Profile

Hall of Fame keynote speaker and author on leadership performance and service

One of the country’s foremost leadership experts, Phillip Van Hooser has helped over 900
organizations build leadership bench strength, performance, and productivity. Driven by his belief that
“Leadership is not a position but the ability to offer service and a willingness to take action,” Phil’s material is unique in that it’s hands-on and based on his experience across a variety of platforms.

After working 10 years as a Fortune 500 HR Manager and earning what he calls a “master’s degree in ‘What the Worst Leaders Do in Poorly Managed Companies,’ Phil chose to take his rural American values and work ethic to corporate America. He founded Van Hooser Associates, Inc. Since 1988, his company has consistently experienced double-digit growth while sharing leadership truths with companies who care and are willing to listen.

Phil is the Founder, Partner, and Leadership Training Expert of Leaders Ought To Know®,
a comprehensive leadership development program using online and on-site training to maximize leadership performance. In addition to being a CSP, he is the former president of the National Speakers Association.

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    Phil Van Hooser is a Hall of Fame keynote speaker and author who helps organizations transform their business outcomes by transforming the talent of their people.

    Top U.S. companies and small-town entrepreneurs alike experience strengthened employee and customer relations, heightened levels of engagement and better bottom line business results using Van Hooser’s commonsense approach to leadership development and service professionalism.

    An accomplished speaker, author and business leader, Phil has written multiple books including Leaders Ought To Know: 11 Ground Rules for Common Sense Leadership,We Need to Talk: Building Trust When Communicating Gets Critical and Willie’s Way: 6 Secrets for Wooing, Wowing and Winning Customers and Their Loyalty.

    Phil is a 30+ year member of the National Speakers Association and has been inducted into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame. In 2014, Phil started a non-profit initiative for the development of rural-area millennial leaders. Calling it one of the most rewarding efforts of his career, Phil serves as advisor, leadership instructor, mentor and coach for 25 to 35 year olds seeking leadership growth and training.

Phillip Van Hooser Speaking Videos

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Phillip Van Hooser's Speech Descriptions

Phil Van Hooser promises trust, inspiration, and results, with every speaking event. He uses his knowledge and practical experience to help organizations large and small improve communication skills between employees and superiors; manage conflict, confrontation, and change; and create a culture of continuous leadership growth. Using clean humor and stories from real life, he will establish an immediate connection with attendees while giving them practical steps to improve their performance and productivity.

Ground Rules for Leaders
New leaders, mid level managers and executives – any leader who is feeling the pressure to perform — needs to know the essential, yet often, unspoken ground rules of building cohesive leadership relationships. This keynote, drawn from Phil’s popular book, Leaders Ought to Know, delivers leadership strategies that propel managers into respected, integrity-based leaders — leaders with staying power — leaders who can perform at ever increasing levels of responsibility. When practiced consistently, these leadership strategies help leaders know:

- How to motivate — not manipulate — to get results
- How to communicate with honesty, integrity and confidentiality
- How to earn the respect of those you lead
- How to manage fear and control emotions
- How to take responsibility and be accountable

We Need to Talk: Building Trust When Communicating Gets Critical
Knowing how to communicate is a huge factor in leadership and organizational success. A leader’s ability to communicate impacts all facets of business operations — bottom line issues like: sales and production — customer and employee relationships — productivity, cost reduction and profitability. For leaders who need help with their communication skills, this keynote, based on Phil’s book by the same title, presents six commonsense strategies that help leaders immediately improve the results of their communications efforts. When applied to their own enterprises, managers and front line staff understand:

- How to improve employee morale through listening skills
- How to reduce conflict and improve team relations by building trust
- How to rein in “brutal honesty”
- How to rebuild believability when truthfulness hasn’t always been practiced
- How to deliver difficult or sensitive messages with tact
- How to get results by ensuring messages are interpreted correctly

Motivating Managers, Millennials & Misfits
More than any other issue, leaders struggle with how to motivate employee performance — yes, the performance of Millennials, but also the performance of other generational employee groups. Whether it’s Millennials, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, or the up-and-coming Gen Zers you’re working with, learn the methods that really motivate individual employee performance long-term.

- Learn the secrets to communicating with Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials or Gen Zers
- Learn two motivational truths that apply to all generational groups
- Identify five clues to an employee’s level of motivation
- Explore methods to discover what will motivate each employee

Professionalism Is a Choice
Is the unprofessional “good enough is good enough” mentality costing your organization money, market share and reputation? In this keynote presentation, discover practical ways to set yourself apart from the competition and save your organization the high cost of unprofessional choices. Set your organization ahead of the competition by knowing:

- How to solve problems rather than assign blame
- Why integrity cannot be compromised — ever
- How to reverse the negative habits of whining and whispering
- The personal and professional costs of immoral or unethical choices
- That perfection is impossible — but excellence and continuous improvement are essential

It's Your Call! Tools & Rules for Big League Decision Making
It’s Your Call: Tools & Rules for Big League Decision Making will show you and your team how to take the lead in making smart decisions. From Phil’s training at Wendelstedt’s School for professional umpires, his
 work in Employee Relations, Human Resources 
and Safety Training, and his experience
 as a leadership training expert
 for top U.S. companies, you will:

Discover the importance of having the necessary – but seldom taught — tools for decision making.
Assess your understanding of the written — and unwritten — rules for smart decisions.
Consider how you are positioned before making critical decisions.
Understand the factors affecting how and when to make “the call.”

What People are Saying about Seeing Phillip Speak

Rating Entries

    • BlueCross BlueShield
    • Dade Behring
    • Independent Connecticut Petroleum Marketers
    • KemperSports Management
    • KeyBank
    • KPMG
    • Lifetouch National School Studios
    • Lockheed Martin
    • Osram Sylvania
    • P & G Pharmaceuticals
    • Ralcorp
    • Subway
    • Verizon
    • Wells Fargo
    • Amelia Island Plantation
    • American Economic Development Council
    • Arthur Andersen, LLP
    • Association of Dermatology Administration Managers
    • BellSouth
    • Broward County Sheriff′s Office
    • City of Phoenix, AZ
    • Glaxo Wellcome
    • KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP
    • Lockheed Martin
    • Credit Union Executives Society
    • National Grocers Association
    • Oklahoma State School Boards Association
    • SC Johnson Wax
    • Southeastern Gas Association
    • Sprint Yellow Pages
    • State Farm Insurance Companies
    • Texas Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Stores Association
    • U.S. Postal Service
    • United Van Lines

      …and more than 475 other clients across the U.S. and beyond!

    What Clients Are Saying about Phil

    Avesta Sheffield Pipe Company

    “Our employees have benefited tremendously from the training. The messages you gave in each session were down to earth and could be applied immediately. It was almost as if you had studied our facility before your sessions because we could identify with your analogies and examples. The things you spoke about happen on an everyday basis. It was very nice to be able to walk directly from your training to the plant floor and apply your techniques.” David L. Bates, Manager, Human Resources

    Bostik Findley

    “It requires a special talent to take a complex concept like leadership and distill it down to a few simple ideas or phrases that people can ′take home′ with them. You obviously have this talent! Your forthright style, with just the right amount of humor was also well appreciated by the managers…you sent us off on a positive note with good things to think about and take back to the job.”
    John W. Seferian, Vice President & General Manager

    Ponte Vedra Inn & Club

    ” . . . thank you for the outstanding presentation on ′Leadership′. . . your message impacted our group immensely . . . outstanding . . excellent! . . . a perfectly suited theme for our needs . . . a five star speaker . . . to mention but a few . . . thank you for your deep interest in our organization′s needs prior to and during the presentation. You are truly a professional!” Jacqueline A. Wilson, CTC, Training Director

    State Farm Insurance Companies

    “I was particularly impressed with the way you knew your audience. Your analogies and examples were those that we understood and are interested in. Your message was thought-provoking, timely and made good ′common sense.′”
    Cindy A. Doyle, Agency Field Executive

    Core Construction

    “…you took a critical management topic and made a direct connection with our group…from your insights and illustrations, it was apparent you did your homework…our group was treated to an excellent presentation that was tailored to our needs and interests.”

    KeyCorp, Client Services Group

    “Your points…will provide my managers with guidance and tools to use, not only over the next few months, but also over their entire careers.”

    Western Association of Industrial Distributors

    “…we want the attendees to take back ideas to their companies to improve performance. Phil, you exceeded our expectations -you made our board of directors look good…”

    Computer Services, Inc.

    “Phillip′s ability to delivery a message with his stories left my customers entertained and inspired! His talk at our annual Customer Conference of over 500 bankers received the highest ratings of any professional speaker we have had over the last eight years.”

    Sun Valley Masonry

    “Phil′s presentation is nothing less than sensational! What brings us back to Phil time and time again is his ability to break down ′leadership′ into personal and manageable goals. What I have learned most from Phil is how to ′manage′ my personal attributes in order to provide better ′leadership′ for others.

    Canadian KFC Franchisees Association

    “Without doubt, you were the most interesting and motivating guest speaker we have ever had.”

    P&G Pharmaceuticals

    “Wow, what a day! …this was an inspiring program that far exceeded their expectations.”

    “…absolutely wonderful job with our group. I only heard positive feedback…”
    B. Jones, Agronomy Manager, Anheuser Busch

    “Phil Van Hooser has helped my team immensely. He has adapted his style to every situation we have utilized him for and the results are just outstanding.”
    D. Goff, Division Manager, Helena Agri-Enterprises

    “…you rocked again!”
    D. Hanks, Training Specialist, Coca Cola Credit Union

    “Great insight into how leaders should behave in today’s business climate.”
    J. Belcher, Director, General Manager, Lockheed Martin

    “…truly impactful.”
    M. Flynn, Human Resources Manager, ABC Home Medical Supply, Inc.

    “you were a big hit!”
    B. Natz, CEO, Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association

    “…his session was awesome! I have many take aways…”
    K. Opland, Human Resource Business Partner, HORIBA Instruments Incorporated

    “…the best speaker that I saw during the conference…”
    D. Ritter, Human Resource Generalist, Rowe Professional Services Company

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Books by Phillip Van Hooser:

Leaders Ought to Know

Leaders Ought To Know: 11 Ground Rules for Common Sense Leadership
There are just some things every leader ought to know—like how to earn an employee’s respect, how to be truthful, how to make good decisions, how to motivate others—how to be taken seriously as a leader. Leaders Ought to Know is a must-read for leaders feeling the pressure to perform.

Vetted for real world practicality, the book shows leaders how to motivate—not manipulate—to get results; maintain honesty; communicate hard truths without damaging relationships; earn the respect of those they lead; manage fear and control emotions. Certain to be one of your top books on personal leadership development, Leaders Ought To Know will get all leaders—new leaders, mid-level or executive managers—familiar with the ground rules of leadership. Kick start your leadership development plan with one of the most commonsense books on leadership development!

We Need to Talk: Building Trust When Communicating Gets Critical
Will your business relationships suffer or be saved by your ability to communicate? Like it or not, our professional relationships are impacted positively or negatively by the ability to communicate. Customers are won or lost. Employees are encouraged or de-motivated. Our network is expanded or extinguished all by how well we communicate.

We Need to Talk reveals key strategies to help you build trust, win respect and sidestep common minefields when communicating gets critical. Discover how you can:

    • Establish empathy and trust when communicating with subordinates, co-workers, superiors or customers
    • Rebuild the believability quotient when truthfulness has not always been practiced
    • Rein in brutal honestly and the damage it causes
    • Build rapport by actively listening; earn respect while delivering difficult or sensitive messages
    • Build integrity while eliminating communication barriers like the grapevine
    • And get results by guaranteeing the message was interpreted correctly

Through a masterful use of stories and illustrations, Phillip Van Hooser shares six unique, power strategies for communicating when relationships and results are riding on your abilities.

Willie’s Way: 6 Secrets for Wooing, Wowing & Winning Customers and Their Loyalty
Willie’s Way was inspired by an actual service encounter author and keynote speaker, Phillip Van Hooser had with a South Carolina taxicab driver, William “Willie” Watson. Most people can’t imagine a cabdriver as a role model for customer service. But Willie is different! And audiences everywhere will be a different too once they learn the secrets Willie employed.

In both the book and his keynote presentation, Phillip Van Hooser presents the real-world customer service wisdom Willie, and other “Willie’s Way” service providers have used to provide exceptional service experiences even under challenging circumstances. If your clients are looking to build their brand, develop top performing service professionals and increase their competitive advantage, Phillip Van Hooser provides fresh ideas and insights with Willie’s Way.

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