
Peter Hinssen Profile

Peter Hinssen is a serial entrepreneur, adviser and keynote speaker on the topics of radical innovation, leadership and the impact of all things digital on society and business.

Peter is the author of four bestselling business books. ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ is about surviving in times of radical innovation. ‘The Network Always Wins’ explains how and why companies have no choice but to become a network when the outside world has evolved into one. In ‘The New Normal’, Peter writes about how companies should explore the limits of the digital world, and what happens when technology just becomes ‘normal’. ‘Business/IT Fusion’ is a guide about how to solve the conflict between business and IT. Peter is frequently asked to contribute to (international) publications and is a Forbes contributor as well as a LinkedIn Influencer.

Peter has given numerous keynote speeches around the world, among which those for Google Think Performance, Nimbus Ninety, Gartner, NEXT Berlin, Tedx, PayPal, MasterCard, Microsoft, CIO City, SAS, Accenture and Apple. He lectures at renowned business schools like the London Business School, the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine. He is also a multiple board advisor on subjects related to innovation and technology.

For more than fifteen years, Peter led a life of technology start-ups. His first company e-COM was acquired by Alcatel-Lucent, his second, Streamcase, by Belgacom, and Across Technology by Delaware Consulting. His third venture (Porthus) was quoted on the stock exchange and acquired by Descartes. Between start-ups, he has been an Entrepreneur in Residence with McKinsey & Company, with a focus on digital and technology strategy. Peter’s current company nexxworks helps organisations become fluid, innovate and thrive in The Day After Tomorrow.

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Peter Hinssen's Speech Descriptions

The phoenix and the unicorn
Unicorn start-ups are brilliant. But, let’s be honest, very few of us will start one, become one, or work for one. Most of us are connected to large companies that often struggle to keep themselves relevant for the ever-changing customer. That’s why this keynote is about a creature that’s just as magical but perhaps offers a more realistic inspiration: the Phoenix. These are the companies that – just like this mythical bird – are able to rethink themselves in cycles: time and time again they rise from the ashes of the old, and come out stronger than ever before. They are the Walmarts, the Volvos, the Disneys, the Apples, the Microsofts, the Ping Ans, the Assa Abloys and AT&Ts of this world.

The day after tomorrow
With ‘The Day After Tomorrow’, Peter speaks about an exponentially changing world and its consequences for organizations of Today. He introduces those pioneers who managed to move (way) beyond Tomorrow-thinking in innovation and were able to change the course of entire industries. Above all, he writes about the business models, the organizational structures, the talent, the mindset, the technologies and the cultures needed to maximize our chances for survival in the Day After Tomorrow.

Most of us focus on Today: on the meetings we will be having, the e-mails we will respond to, the price offers we need to send out while deadlines are breathing down or neck. And we should. Today is what pays our bills. We also think a lot about Tomorrow, about our future value and how our company will survive disruption. Tomorrow is what keeps us awake at night. But let’s face it, most of us don’t think (much) beyond that.

The two faces of innovation: insights from silicon valley & China
Silicon Valley and China’s tech ecosystem cities (such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shanghai) are the fastest evolving innovation hubs in the world. But inspiration from pioneering startups, corporates and academics from these distant corners of the globe should not be an ‘either, or’ story. Each has its very own background, innovation DNA, culture, methods and strategies. Each has the potential to trigger you in ways you’d never thought possible.

And who better to inspire you in the matter than serial entrepreneur & Silicon Valley aficionado Peter Hinssen and China evangelist Pascal Coppens?

What People are Saying about Seeing Peter Speak

Rating Entries

“Peter took us on a rollercoaster ride, which shook us all up and got us focusing firmly on The Day After Tomorrow. His presentation style is compelling, funny, surprising and slick.”
– Interel

“The keynotes are enriched with Thought Leadership content. Peter is also adapting all the time to the audience.”
– EMC Greenplum

“Peter’s presentation was highly stimulating and motivational on two levels; firstly, the content was compelling, informative and thought provoking; secondly, his delivery style and approach are captivating, a lesson to all of us who regularly do presentations!”
– Colin Bannister, VP & CTO UKI – CA Technologies

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Books by Peter Hinssen:

The Day after Tomorrow: How to Survive in Times of Radical Innovation

In ‘The Day After Tomorrow’, Peter writes about an exponentially changing world and its consequences for organizations of Today. He introduces those pioneers who managed to move (way) beyond Tomorrow-thinking in innovation and were able to change the course of entire industries. Above all, he writes about the business models, the organizational structures, the talent, the mindset, the technologies and the cultures needed to maximize our chances for survival in the Day After Tomorrow.

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