Peter Docker
Business, Corporate Culture, Leadership
Travels from London, United Kingdom
Peter Docker's speaking fee falls
within range:
$25,000 to $30,000

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Peter Docker Profile
Peter is passionate about enabling people to unlock their natural talents. He teaches leadership that is focused on commitment and human connection. This approach harnesses the collective wisdom of teams to generate extraordinary outcomes. He illustrates his insights by drawing on examples from his previous industry, flying, and military careers to explain powerful concepts that can be applied in any business.
Peter worked with Simon Sinek for over 7 years and was one of the founding ‘Igniters’ on Simon’s team. He took his years of practical experience to co-author Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team, with Simon and David Mead. Published in September 2017, it has been translated into more than 25 languages and has sold over 420,000 copies.
In December 2019, Peter stepped away from Simon’s team to focus on sharing his wider insights into how organizations thrive. His new book, Leading From The Jumpseat: How to Create Extraordinary Opportunities by Handing Over Control, will be published in October 2021. A trained leadership consultant and executive coach, Peter’s commercial and industry experience has been at the most senior levels in sectors including oil & gas, construction, mining, pharmaceuticals, banking, television, film, media, print, hospitality, manufacturing and services – across 92 countries. His clients include Google, Four Seasons Hotels, Accenture, American Express, ASOS, EY, NBC Universal and over 100 more.
Peter served for 25 years as a Royal Air Force senior officer, has been a Force Commander during combat flying operations and has seen service across the globe. His career has spanned from professional pilot, to leading an aviation training and standards organization, teaching postgraduates at the UK’s Defense College, to flying the British prime minister around the world. Peter has also led multibillion-dollar international procurement projects and served as a crisis manager and former international negotiator for the UK government.
He has been married to his wife Claire for 33 years and has two grown-up children from whom he learns a great deal.
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Peter gets up every day inspired to enable people to be extraordinary so that they can do extraordinary things. Extraordinary in the areas that really matter to them, areas that genuinely inspire them.
“What fires me up everyday is to see people achieving incredible things by being their true selves. Everyone has extraordinary talents and, when these are given space to breathe, combined with a clear sense of higher purpose, remarkable performance has a tendency to flow. Put simply, it’s about reconnecting to what it is to be human.”
Peter believes that when similarly inspired people come together in organisations, remarkable things can happen. Great performance is achieved by connecting people to a higher, common purpose – a ‘Why’. This leads to places to work in which people feel more fulfilled, there is a high level of discretionary effort, innovation and empowerment thrives – and sustainable results follow. Peter is committed to helping shift the world of work to be a place where the vast majority of people go home fulfilled, energised and inspired by the work they do. Passionate about enabling people to be extraordinary and inspired by the theory of The Golden Circle, Peter has collaborated with Simon Sinek for over five years and has the role of Igniter and Implementation Specialist on the Start With Why team (startwithwhy.com).
Peter’s commercial and industry experience has been at the most senior levels in sectors including oil & gas, construction, mining, pharmaceuticals, banking, television, film, media, manufacturing and services – across 80 countries. His career has spanned professional pilot; leading an aviation training and standards organisation; teaching post-graduates at an international college; and running a multi-billion pound procurement project. A former Royal Air Force senior officer, he has been a Force Commander during combat flying operations and has seen service across the world. He is a seasoned crisis manager, a former international negotiator for the UK Government, and executive coach. Peter is now dedicated to continuing to learn and share insights into how humans operate, communicate and relate.
A keynote speaker and facilitator, Peter presents around the world, offers workshops and bespoke leadership programmes. His talks include: Harness the Power of Why; Truly Human Leadership; and Leadership during Crisis.
A Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and of the Chartered Management Institute, Peter holds a degree in mathematics, an MSc in aeronautical systems, trials and design, and an Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence.
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