Travels from Los Angeles, California, USA
Nely Galan's speaking fee falls within range: $50,000 to $75,000
As the first Latina President of Entertainment at Telemundo, Nely Galán is a self-made media entrepreneur who empowers women to become financially self-reliant and grow from failure.
Galán, an Emmy award-winning producer of over 700 television shows, produced the hit reality series The Swan for 20th Century Fox through her multi-media company Galán Entertainment. Her company also launched over ten television channels abroad for companies like HBO, ESPN, FOX, MGM and Sony.
Galán authored The New York Times bestselling book Self Made, Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant, and Rich in Every Way (2016) about the revolution in women’s entrepreneurship led by multicultural women in the U.S. and around the world.
Since then, Galán has founded the Adelante Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to empower and train Latinas and other enterprising women around the world, economically and entrepreneurially. Her digital platform,, hosts content on financial literacy and self-made stories of women of color and offers a range of virtual and webinar programming. The platform offers over 300 hours of content to small business owners of color for free.
Galán shows audiences how to develop and scale their businesses with insights on financial literacy and messages of empowerment for diverse communities. She has spoken at The United Nations, The United States of Women and at major corporations such as Coca-Cola, American Express, J.P Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Walmart—and at tech companies such as Google, Facebook, eBay and Uber. Galán has also inspired thousands of students on university and college campuses across the country.
Becoming Self-Made
With stories from her book about inspiring women who started and grew businesses out of ingenuity, opportunity and need, Nely Galán empowers women (as well as the men and the organizations that support them) to take financial control of their own lives with a self-made mindset. In this presentation she inspires people to explore their entrepreneurial potential and arms them with resources and tools to gain financial self-reliance.
Fear and Failure
Fear is a feeling, not a fact. And “failure” is a word that gets a pretty bad rap. If someone or something in your life is hurting you, you have the strength and the ability to put a stop to it and to make a change. Pushing through fear is never easy, but you learn from it and you grow, and ultimately, it changes you. And as for failure? What would happen if you recast the word in your mind? What if it’s nothing more than a springboard for success? Nely Galán shows audiences how to distinguish feeling from fact, think differently about failure, and refuse to let either one stop you—ever.
“Dear Dr. Galan, Thank you so much for your incredible keynote and presence. It was so exciting and powerful to have you take the stage, and share your inspiring journey. Your talk was energetic and changed the mood in the room! I loved how you tightly connected the theme of “Belong” into your presentation from an individual and company standpoint. Thank you for encouraging us to embrace the immigrant spirit and find ways for us to be self-made in all aspects of our lives! Cheers!” –National Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Conference
“I have dedicated much of my professional life to helping women thrive, navigate their leadership journeys, believe in their own limitlessness, embrace each other. And you facilitated – in fifteen minutes – what it takes so many years to embrace. You helped women see themselves and each other as their biggest and best allies in this life. You are a leader of this time. I see you, value you, and am grateful for you. And I believe it is no accident that you and your work have come into my life at such a pivotal professional moment. Thank you so much for giving yourself over to your purpose. It is alive…and I can feel it. ” –Tara Jaye Frank
“Nely is a fantastic storyteller! She has a phenomenal ability to compel an entire room to not only listen, but to feel, which is critical to making a memorable impact. Her examples were funny and familiar, her tips – progressive and practical. We are so grateful we asked Nely to close our biggest day of the conference. She not only delivered useful content, but she also left us all with a gift we won’t soon forget! ” –NEW Leadership SUMMIT
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Self Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant, and Rich in Every Way
For readers of #GIRLBOSS and viewers of Shark Tank—a global revolution in entrepreneurship is under way, inspiring women to blaze a trail of financial self-reliance and become self-made. Featuring a foreword by Suze Orman.
What does it mean to be self-made? It’s not just about having money, but financial empowerment is where it begins. It means getting out of survival mode, where you are one problem away from catastrophe. It means changing your mindset from instant gratification to goal orientation. It means being able to sleep at night without worry. It means being rich in every way: rich in money, rich in family, rich in love, rich in time—abundant!
For Nely Galán—entrepreneur, TV producer, and real estate mogul—helping women to become self-made is a movement and a mission. Galán pulls no punches. She is the straight-talking friend and mentor you’ve always wanted, and here she shares valuable, candid, no-nonsense lessons learned on her own path to becoming self-made (“There is no Prince Charming”; “Think like an immigrant”; “In your pain is your brand”; “Don’t buy shoes, buy buildings!”). You’ll read inspiring stories of women who started and grew businesses out of ingenuity, opportunity, and need. You’ll find exercises to help you identify your goals and your strengths. You’ll learn tips and tricks for saving money, making money, and finding “hidden money” that can help jump-start your self-made dreams.
When you become self-made, the change in you inspires change in those around you, because one of the greatest rewards of a self-made life is seeing how the sparks from your personal revolution can light a fire in others. So come, join the Self-Made movement. The revolution starts inside of you!
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