
Nathan Gold Profile

My name is Nathan Gold, Chief Coach of The Demo Coach. I hail from the San Francisco Bay Area and travel the world speaking about and coaching people on how to prepare for high-stakes speaking opportunities and how to harness speaking anxiety. I do this through keynotes, experiential interactive workshops, live streaming, and 1:1 sessions, both in person and online.

I have personally delivered thousands of presentations along with thousands of hours of coaching. I’ve worked in and with small and large companies, including, Glue Networks,,, Innovation Norway, SanDisk, Kaiser Permanente, Plantronics, and IBM — on designing, scripting and delivering more compelling and memorable presentations and product demos, especially in situations where you cannot afford to miss.

The Wall Street Journal called me an “elevator pitch expert” after coaching the Top 5 Finalists in the Startup of the Year award, in the actual WSJ elevators in NYC! I’m the pitch coach for dozens of accelerators and incubators around the world, an Industry Fellow at UC Berkeley and Hong Kong Baptist University, and a guest lecturer at Wharton Entrepreneurship. Recently, I’ve been coaching TED and TEDx presenters while also being featured on The Kauffman Founders School website in a video series called Powerful Presentations and Mastering Q&A.

Nathan Gold Speaking Videos

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Nathan Gold's Speech Descriptions

How to Harness Your Speaking Anxiety
Everyone has speaking anxiety. Some people use it as a powerful tool while others let it stop them cold in their tracks from even speaking up. This keynote is designed to help you harness your speaker anxiety and turn it into a powerful tool you can use during formal presentations, weekly staff meetings, or even during job interviews. You will hear about proven tools, techniques, and tips, many backed by science and research, that you can start using immediately to harness your speaking anxiety.

Proven Ways to Connect Emotionally with Your Audience
People always say the best presenters have a knack for getting you to feel something. They usually do this by creating a situation where their audience responds with one or more emotions. In some talks, you experience this multiple times. This talk will share 10 proven ways you can do this with your audience of 1 or many. It’s actually very simple once you discover how persuasive people have been doing this since language was invented. Using the tools, tips, and techniques demonstrated in this talk, you will be able to generate your own authentic emotional response from people in your next presentation or in a conversation with anyone.

How to Captivate Any Audience in Less Than 30-Seconds
In this talk, attendees will hear about The Red Box Method, which includes nine tools to help presenters captivate their audience more quickly, easily, and dramatically. The audience will learn techniques on how to be more memorable in any high-stakes presenting situation such as with a TED talk, keynote, board meeting, investor pitch, sales meeting, or job interview. After this talk, attendees will be better prepared to present more confidently, close more deals, persuade more investors, and you may even receive a standing ovation.

AHA! Networking 2.0
Networking is a bit of both art and science. This talk will help anyone who has hesitation or difficulty connecting or generating a conversation with someone new. It will help alleviate the anxiety of those initial few minutes because you will be armed with tools to help in any networking situation. Attendees will learn how to instantly find something in common with anyone anywhere on the planet, how to become the most sought-after person in the room, and how to start creating more meaningful, lasting relationships. This talk will energize the crowd and especially helpful to any audience after a long day of conferencing just before breaking for drinks, networking, and dinner.

Q&A: Mastering the Unpredictable
Handling question-and-answer sessions before, during, or after a presentation is a continuation of the presentation, but is often overlooked. This talk will teach attendees how to be more effective and confident when facing those unpredictable situations with an audience. The techniques shared here will ultimately give presenters tools to be more confident, competent, and authentic in how they answer any question, including the ones to which the answer is not known.

Designing an Unforgettable Handshake Introduction
When people greet each other for the first time, often they ask, “What does your company do?” This talk will prepare attendees for this most common question received in business. Using the Handshake Introduction framework, everyone will be prepared to offer a compelling answer whether talking to one person, participating on a panel in front of hundreds of people, or facing the interview question “Tell me about yourself.” Using the techniques shared in this talk, attendees will be more effective at standing out in a crowd.

How to Design and Deliver a TEDx-like Talk
TED talks are famous for how their presenters deliver stories, insights, and extraordinary information in 18-minutes or less. This talk extrapolates the main techniques people use on the TED stages to captivate audiences from all around the world. Attendees can start using what they learn in their next presentation, such as how to make the audience the hero in their talks, not the presenters themselves.

Persuade Anyone with Five Slides in Five Minutes
This talk unveils a simple, effective, and proven framework for persuading an audience with five slides in 5-minutes or less. Attendees will learn how to synthesize their message into one sentence to compel their audiences to pay very close attention to their pitch. The techniques discussed in this talk are constantly in use by some of the most confident, competent, and memorable presenters. Attendees will be able to use this framework in their next presentation.

Avoiding the Top 12 Mistakes People Make When Presenting
People make dozens of mistakes when presenting, but all those mistakes can be avoided. This talk will make visible the top 12 mistakes people make when presenting and address how to avoid them. This talk includes everything from giving too much information on one slide to avoiding boring, sleepy, and ineffective slideware. Attendees will also hear about such mistakes as forcing the audience to read their slides, not using enough visuals, and not connecting with the audience on an emotional level.

What People are Saying about Seeing Nathan Speak

Rating Entries

“Nathan is an elevator pitch expert!”
— Wall Street Journal

“Nathan is a presentation skills expert.”
— Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

“Thank you, dear Nathan, for the AHA-Erlebnis. You have the power to unleash hidden capabilities in people. You truly inspired me. I had the pleasure of discovering that I was not the only one. I look forward to exchanging some wisdom with you in the near future.”
— Joris Vermeir, Chef and Strategy Manager

“I have worked with many great executives in the world’s best technology companies, and Nathan belongs at the very top. His presentation skills are inspirational, and leave customers, partners, and colleagues in awe of his contribution. If you need to win business, Nathan makes the difference, he is a superb talent, and one that clients ask for time and time again.”
— Brian Mort, EVP EMEA Sales, Extensity

“When I first saw Nathan Gold was presenting ‘How to captivate any audience’ at an Innovation Norway event I was attending, I must admit I was skeptical. I have been to many seminars where presenters talk about how to do great presentations and I guess I was tired of hearing the same stuff over again. Nathan told us many things that other trainers also will tell you, but he told it with such precision, so many great natural examples, his wealth of experience and with such a genuine interest in his audience that I was totally amazed. After his presentation we all got to practice some of his techniques, and the way Nathan walked around the room and carefully guided and coached every one of us was what convinced me that this is a man who really teaches what he lives. Therefore he would be my first choice of a person to coach me on how to deliver compelling presentations and product demonstrations!”
— Magnus Ingebrigtsen, CEO and Accelerated Learning Strategist

“Nathan is a great pitch coach! He does a fantastic job for his clients at DEMO, in Silicon Valley and throughout the world. I highly recommend him to anyone who needs help with their presentation. He is a very bright and caring human being as well! If you engage with him, you won’t be disappointed.”
— Max Shapiro, CEO, PeopleConnectStaffing and PitchForce

“Nathan is by far one of the best presenters I have ever seen. He taps into every capability of a product or system creating an environment where the audience envisions their own success. I strongly recommend Nathan as a coach to anyone interested in really mastering the art of live communications.”
— Tom Roslak, Managing Partner at TRi

“Nathan Gold is a black-belt pitch coach.”
— Scott Case, Co-Founder & CEO at Main Street Genome; Founding CTO

“Nathan’s grasp of how to construct a good venture pitch is among the best I know of. At PlugandPlay, we run into a variety of individuals who claim to be able to support entrepreneurs with their pitch to investors. Nathan is one of few who can actually deliver on that promise.”
— Jameson Buffmire, Business Analyst, Orange

“I met Nathan about two years ago through Sam Zaid, founder of GetAround. Nathan helped Sam win TechCrunch Disrupt in 2011 (Sam raves about Nathan). When we applied for Disrupt, we were fortunate enough to be able to engage him, and eventually with his help, we won Disrupt in 2012. First and foremost, Nathan is an incredibly nice person – he is very patient, he doesn’t give up, and he is always trying to find ways to work with you rather than force his ideas on you. Secondly, he is extremely good at what he does (two disrupt wins in 2 years is not luck). Not only he can help with the big picture (the right story to tell), but he also cares deeply about the little things – how you stand, how you move, how you pronounce different words, how to build inner excitement before you present, how you dress and much more. I had no idea how much goes into making a great presentation. Nathan genuinely cares about making his clients successful. I have worked with him twice and benefited greatly from him expertise and his willingness to help. If I ever hear anyone looking for help with pitching, I always recommend Nathan.”
— Abhas Art Agrawal, CEO,

“I have known Nathan my entire career. When we first worked together, he did an outstanding, professional job in growing and supporting an increasing number of high-profile customers, while at the same time supporting a growing organization. One of the outstanding traits he still has is the ability to help people clearly understand how technology, old and new, can have a direct, immediate and positive effect in support of their objectives. The next time we had the opportunity to work together, Nathan was providing tactical and strategic leadership in a successful startup. Here, both attention to detail and strategic vision were clearly integrated as the company led the industry, and Nathan helped shape the industry through many public and industry venues. I know Nathan to be an honorable man who has never gone back on his word – coming from someone who lives in Texas – this says it all. I look forward to the day when we might have the opportunity to work together again.”
— Michael Bigbee, CEO, TIBA Parking Systems

“Nathan is one of the most energetic, passionate and professional persons I have ever come across. I would hire him any day if he was available! It is a true pleasure to work with him!”
— Net Jacobsson, Co-founder & General Partner, SparkLabs Global Ventures

“Passionate, exciting, clear, enlightening are all words people use to describe the best demo and presentation jock I have ever met. He can sell sand to the arabs, no one does it better.”
— Guy Tweedale, SVP Sales EMEA, Sitel

“I met Nathan when he was #1 hire at U3 and he was evangelizing the U3 platform. I have looked to Nathan for advice so many times that I must include him on my mentor list. Nathan is a relentless results orientated individual yet he conducts himself and interactions with others at the highest levels of decorum and respect. He is a born teacher and communicator and loves to interact with people. It’s no surprise that business at his new company, The Demo Coach, is ramping up quickly. Proactive, visionary, and a person who “walks his talk”; Nathan leaves little to chance so it’s small wonder that he has won two Demo God awards in addition to many other achievements. Business development, product or business evangelism, building community – it doesn’t really matter what the job is as Nathan has the “can do” attitude, personable demeanor, and pride in everything that he does that makes him unstoppable and a total gas to work with.”
— Kurt Webster, CTO, Social Thinking

“What can I say about a great guy and a two time winner of the DEMOgod award? Not only that, he was instrumental to a win. If you need a business development maven or an evangelist, Nathan is your man.”
— Dani Shefer, Business Development Executive, SanDisk

“In the short time spanning my relationship with Nathan, I have received tremendous benefit from his expertise and experience in presentation preparation and coaching as well as his personable and creative approach as a valuable component in what we are building with our startup. His commitment and dedication in helping me personally have resulted in recognition and awards FamilyNation has received in the past year and Nathan continues to inspire and support me as we work to bring the company towards our initial product launch. There’s no way I would be able to move forward without Nathan.”
— John Spitters, CEO, FamilyNation

“There’s an art around storytelling, but also a science. Nathan can explain the science, but he has an unrivaled eye for the art — an instinct about what works, and what doesn’t. That, together with his gentle way of providing feedback, can transform the lifeless into dynamic and engaging, with minimal pain. He worked wonders for me, while producing DEMO and our own events at VentureBeat. Before, I was a plodding, fearful, and impersonal public speaker. After, I went out there with more confidence, and to have fun.”
— Matt Marshall, Founder & CEO,

“Have you ever seen one of those presenters that just nails it, from content and delivery to audience engagement? Nathan builds that by taking ideas and very complex technical concepts and turns them into extremely compelling and engaging presentations. His style is warm and helpful as he teaches the compilation, techniques, and delivery methods to elevate any discussion into a true and compelling stage presence.”
— Michael Brady, Global CIO, USAA and former SVP, Infrastructure Management Group, Kaiser Permanente

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Books by Nathan Gold:

Harness Your Speaking Anxiety: And Connect Emotionally With Your Audience

When it’s your turn to speak, do you experience: ✓ Heart racing ✓ Tunnel vision ✓ Shoulder tension ✓ Butterflies in your gut ✓ Shortness of breath ✓ Cold clammy hands ✓ A blank mind ✓ Dry mouth ✓ Nauseousness Yes? Good! You read that right. Good! Anyone of these symptoms means you are human and someone who cares about their audience when you speak. It’s how we’re all wired – we ALL have speaking anxiety in varying degrees depending on the situation. This book contains 28 practical tools to help you discover how your nervous energy can be harnessed and used as a potent force when speaking in any situation whether on stage delivering a TED talk, presenting the keynote at a conference, pitching to management or investors for resources, or even answering questions during a job interview. You’ll learn: • What are the origins and causes of your speaking anxiety • The simplest and easiest way to take control of your speaking anxiety • How to introduce yourself to a new group of people with confidence • How to turn your speaking anxiety into authentic enthusiasm • How accent reduction for ESL speakers can reduce speaking anxiety Ready to get the upper hand on your speaking anxiety – and level-up your career AND your life? Harness Your Speaking Anxiety promises to give you compelling answers and help you Connect Emotionally With Your Audience.

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