
Michael Treacy Profile

President and founder of Treacy and company, Michael Treacy specializes in helping companies to refocus in order to attain their growth ambitions. With over 30 years working to help companies around the world reshape their strategies, he is in high demand as a consultant, author and public speaker.

A Ph.D. from MIT, Mr. Treacy has served as a professor of management at the Sloan School of Management at the same institution. His academic experience is combined with his track record as a consultant and also as an entrepreneur; his firm funds and launches at least one new start-up each year with the aim of transforming its target market.

Mr. Treacy’s books have gained worldwide credibility, with his The Discipline of Market Leaders, which proposes principles to gain a competitive advantage through value leadership, becoming a New York Times bestseller. Double Digit Growth, a BusinessWeek bestseller, showed readers how to implement rapid growth on demand.

It is Mr. Treacy’s thesis that the increased size of the middle class worldwide represents a prime opportunity for businesses, but only for those that focus on the future and learn to increase their scale and scope to match this new market. His experience, both academic and practical, helps companies be on the right side of this game-changing equation.

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    Michael Treacy is the President and founder of Treacy & Company. He brings over 30 years of experience helping companies achieve market leadership. Mr. Treacy’s ideas about customer value propositions and growth disciplines have been used by companies across the globe to reshape strategies, bolster competitive positions and dramatically improve top and bottom line performances.

    Mr. Treacy’s ideas have been shaped by his rich experiences as an academic at MIT, as an advisor to some of the most successful firms of the past decade, and as an entrepreneur who has established and led several successful firms. In his career he’s encountered and surmounted almost every obstacle to achieving exceptional company performance and building extraordinary firms. Treacy & Company’s work draws on Mr. Treacy’s three decades of research on business performance.

    His most recent book titled, Double Digit Growth: How Companies Achieve It No Matter What, has been a Business Week bestseller. It presents a common sense approach for achieving superior, profitable growth. His earlier coauthored book, The Discipline of Market Leaders, has been a New York Times bestseller; it outlines the principles of leadership in a competitive marketplace – focused on an unmatched customer value proposition delivered through a unique operating model design. Many companies large and small have adopted these principles to drive their own business strategies and build competitive advantage.

    Mr. Treacy has also published numerous articles over the past two decades in many popular magazines and journals and is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review. Mr. Treacy is currently engaged in a major research study to understand the performance discipline that allows certain companies to routinely achieve high performance – in growth, cost control, safety, or other important goals – while other firms struggle with uncertain results.

    Formerly a Professor of Management at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Treacy received his PhD. from MIT and his engineering degree from the University of Toronto. He has served as a board member for several leveraged buyouts and new ventures. Mr. Treacy resides in Needham, Massachusetts with his wife and three children.

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Michael Treacy's Speech Descriptions

Mr. Treacy shows in his talks that growth is not a game of chance but a predictable and achievable goal. He can show his audiences how to embed growth into the organizational culture for sustainable increasing results.

Personalizing his presentations for your specific audience, Mr. Treacy will lead you through the techniques you need to compete in an age of globalized markets and how you can respond to the direction in which those markets are going, not where they have been. His talks will show you how to boost growth by reorganizing your organization’s structure to develop and improve customer and shareholder value. He can also prepare companies for the “fight of a lifetime” in the battle to attain market leadership in a globalizing economy.

    Growth – No Matter What

    Over the past two decades, most organizations have mastered how to improve quality, cut costs, accelerate product development, and strengthen value to the marketplace. But for many, growth remains a game of chance, determined as much by outside forces as by skill or discipline. It doesn’t have to be that way. Growth performance can be dialed up to steady and predictable rates and it can be a greater source of profits than cost cutting. What are your challenges to growth? Treacy tailors his hard-hitting presentation to address them, replete with compelling case studies. He’ll show how to: imbed growth into the culture of the organization; identify the most attractive and achievable opportunities for profitable growth; decide what needs to be done first; set the plan to make it happen; create a superabundance of innovations that relentlessly bolster the value being provided to the marketplace; and improve the ability to market, sell and retain business. This presentation will lead to breakthrough results for leaders looking to grow – no matter what.

    Competing in an Age of Globalizing Markets

    Globalization is a relentless march that will impact every industry, every job function and every market segment – though not at the same time nor in the same ways. Globalization of competition is both a threat to established leadership in developed markets and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for dramatic growth in developing economies. What does your future hold? Michael Treacy will prepare a presentation that looks at the global drivers of change in your industry and the opportunities and challenges they represent. He’ll reveal the strategies and tactics being used by companies who are on the offensive and succeeding. A sample of the issues he will address: how to blunt the impact of upstart companies; how to disable “rise from the bottom” strategy competitors; how to localize new markets effectively; how to organize around where the market is going, instead of where it has been; how to create an operating model that lashes together the best capabilities from around the globe; how to avoid the five common strategic mistakes companies make.

    Tuning the Innovation Machine

    With the competitive landscape changing on a weekly basis, the ability to orchestrate innovation swiftly and in sync with changing strategic priorities is more important than ever. Nimble is everything these days. How do the best companies innovate with consistent and successful results? What can you learn from them? How can you adopt and adapt their principles and tactics to tune your innovation machinery to deliver critical improvements in customer value or go-to-market capabilities in record time? How can you anticipate a competitor’s challenge and deliver new value quickly to blunt their effort. Tuning an innovation machine begins with the end: what is your vision of where you want to be? Just as important, will you be leading the needs of the marketplace or behind the curve? Michael Treacy asks the questions that need answering before showing how to organize around a set of principles that are crucial to becoming a high performing innovation machine. Treacy shows how to marshal your physical, intellectual, financial and human capital to develop a consistent and disciplined process that delivers innovation that keeps ahead of the competition.

    Leading Growth-Obsessed Organization

    The leadership challenge of our time is to align talent and resources to create a culture that’s committed to growth through innovation. Treacy helps leaders look closely at whether the organization’s structure reflects where the business has been – or where the market is going. More than a plan, Treacy will show leadership specific ways to engage the broad organization to identify, develop, and deploy a mass of innovations in what is offering and in how the firm goes to market that exploit opportunity and compound upon each other to improve customer and shareholder value. Because each company and each industry presents a different set of challengs, Treacy uses extensive research and client interviews to customizes his compelling tools, frameworks and case studies to the specific needs of each audience. He delivers fresh thinking that hits close to home and will inspire the team to look at things differently. Treacy shows how to rise to the growth challenge and engage leaders at every level to communicate an exciting vision of the future that drives the innovation that delivers growth.

    National Policy for a Globalizing Economy
    Market leadership in a global economy is the fight of a lifetime with nothing less than the national interest is at stake. This presentation is meant to be a call to action for policy makers and shapers – examining how the U.S. lost market leadership in key industries and what lessons we can learn to avoid a repeat. Treacy arms the audience with the new rules of the global competitiveness and advocates the creation of national policies that will ensure competitiveness, job gains, economic growth, international prestige and security. He looks at the role wage rates, labor productivity and fiscal policies play in the competitive landscape. Treacy looks at how government can incent innovation through the competitiveness of domestic markets, ease of access to capital, labor flexibility, and modified levels of regulation. He suggests a more realistic view of immigration and beefed up commitment to education which will put the U.S. on a par with the nations turning out to be our most competitive challengers in the marketplace. Finally he suggests a re-evaluation of how corporate and individual tax policy affects where corporate headquarters, operations, and jobs are located.

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    Partial Client List:




    Bell South

    Berkshire Partners

    Charles Schwab

    Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce



    ConAgra Foods


    Duke University




    Financial Services Institute

    Florida Health Plan Administrators

    General Mills




    Hitachi Capital





    International Dairy-Deli Bakery Association

    International Paper

    Land O’Lakes





    National Association of Realtors

    OshKosh Corporation




    Sage Software

    Schwan Foods

    Siemens Medical

    Sonoco Products

    Sprint Nextel

    State Farm

    Sun Microsystems

    Telecomm Services of Trinidad

    Thompson Learning

    Thomsom Reuters

    University of Denver

    US Chamner

    Virgin Atlantic


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Books by Michael Treacy:

    Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It–No Matter What

    In their 1995 blockbuster The Discipline of Market Leaders, Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema explained how great companies dominated their markets by offering superior value propositions. Now Treacy is back with an equally groundbreaking book—revealing how great companies master growth each year and how all businesses can identify and exploit opportunities for increased revenues, gross margins, and profits.

    Treacy′s main point is simple—it really is possible to grow your business by 10 percent or more, year after year, in good times and bad, without cheating. Great companies already know how to do it, and the rest of us can learn their strategies and do the same thing. Using case studies from industry leaders such as Dell Computer, Home Depot, and GE, he shows the five steps that are imperative to ensure growth:

    • keep the growth you have already earned
    • look for growth where it′s likely to be found
    • take business from your competitors

    Treacy believes that any business can grow at a consistent double-digit rate, and with Double-Digit Growth, managers and investors now have the tools to achieve that lofty goal and maintain corporate success.

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