
Michael P. Solomon Profile

    • Michael is a former NYPD Special Investigator. He is the recipient of 19 awards for Excellent and Meritorious police work. During his tenure in the intelligence division, he was assigned to protect numerous foreign dignitaries, including the Shah of Iran and Madame Chang of Taiwan. He was assigned as the intelligence officer to the U.S. State Department during treaty negotiations between the United States and Turkey.

Michael, proposed a change to the NYC tax laws, which saved them over $120 million, reduced payroll taxes and balanced the city’s budget. He has personally met four U.S. Presidents.

After retiring early from the Police Department, he joined the corporate sector in finance and management. After losing three corporate positions, he embarked on his own and was twice nominated as having the best company in America in his field by a national magazine.

Michael holds a Bachelors Degree Magna Cum Laude in Behavioral Sciences, from the New York Institute of Technology and a Masters with Distinction in Public Administration from Long Island University. As an adjunct professor, he taught Political Science and Public Administration at William Patterson College in New Jersey.

After becoming successful, he returned to his old beliefs and started to take care of the less fortunate. His work for various charities with enthusiasm earned him the respect and praise of his community. In 2003, he was cited by both houses of the New York State Legislature in Senate and Assembly Resolutions as Humanitarian of the Year.

He has published two books. Of Success By Default: The Depersonalization Of Corporate America, Forbes magazine book club said, “This book belongs on the desk of every CEO in America.”

Michael′s second book, Where Did My America Go? was listed as number six on the Amazon Bestseller List. It explores the hypocrisy in American politics and how Political Correctness is causing a great divide in America today. N.Y. Post columnist Steve Dunleavey said, “[his] only regret is that [he] didn’t write it.”

He has been the subject of numerous magazine and news articles. Michael has appeared as a guest on over 225 radio and Television talk shows. He is the former host of the national talk radio show “Bring Back My America.”

Michael is an active member of The World Affairs Council, The Economic Forum and the Palm Beach Forum Club. In 2007, he presented the Keynote address to the Graduate School commencement at the New York Institute of Technology. Michael travels across America conducting motivational, business and college lectures.

Michael P. Solomon Speaking Videos

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Michael P. Solomon's Speech Descriptions

    How to Succeed in A Bad Economy
    Michael will show his audience how a bad economy can be an opportunity to become more successful than ever before. The speaker began his business in 1983 during the worst recession in America and within five years was one of the most successful businesses in his field. He now shares his secrets with his audience. 


    “The Purple Pen.”
    How political correctness has invaded our educational system and is creating a generation of potential losers by not teaching students how to turn around failures. How political correctness is destroying American culture and values, as we know it by making winners out of everyone. Based on my book “Where Did My America Go?”

    “Henny Penny The Sky Is Falling.”
    The truth about the political myths and scientific facts about Global Warming are explored during this humorous but serious discussion. How green has become the next gold rush.

    “How To Win A War Without Using An Army.”
    A look into the four elements of the strategy that can defeat a nation without using an army or firing a single shot.


    The problem is you don′t know your problem

    The best time to start or expand a business is during a recession. That is just what the speaker did. He started his business during one of the worst recessions of the 20th century and blew his competitors out of the water. How to prosper your business during bad economic times will leave his audience with hope not despair. You will learn how to make you business grow while others are struggling just to keep their heads above water. In this enlightening talk Solomon offers guidance in how to step outside your business and take a long hard look at it. Though his witty but serious view he shows his audience how to think not only outside the box, but how to make it work for you.

    “From The Gutter To The Stoop.”
    In the cutthroat world of business, many aspiring moguls reject kindness as a virtue and develop a sharp competitive edge that can wound struggling colleagues. For those who wish to rise to the top without knocking others down, Michael Solomon offers guidance in how to put the humanness back into business. No matter what business you are in, no matter what your product or service, the only thing that runs a business is people. Through his own struggles with unscrupulous entrepreneurs, that left him unemployed and close to bankruptcy the speaker has developed a business plan steeped in humanism, which he now shares with his audiences. His plan led him to being nominated as the best company in America in his field by a national magazine. Based on his book “Success By Default: The Depersonalization of Corporate America.”

    “Where Have All The People Gone?”
    Do you really know who you are doing business with? You cannot shake hands with a fax or email they don′t have facial expressions. For those who wish to rise to the top, Michael Solomon offers guidance in how to put the humanness back into business. No matter what your product or service is people want do business with people not emails and faxes. 

     During this presentation Solomon motivates his audience on how to think outside the box and put the humanness back into business.  His human touch, not giving into or relying only on electronic options as most companies do, lead him to be nominated as the best company in America in his field.

    Solomon also explores how customer service in America has vanished. Why are consumers treated like the enemy?  This lecture is filled with real life humorous and horror stories about how the technological revolution has hurt businesses by removing the human touch.  Based on the Solomon′s book, "Success By Default - The Depersonalization of Corporate America."

    “Why Does An Egg Turn Into A Bird?”
    How to spread your wings and rise to the top of your potential. If you dream it, you can do it. A motivational and inspirational look into becoming successful in business. This presentation is filled with anecdotal wit and humor that prescribes lessons in becoming successful. Based on my book “Success By Default”.

    Good Leaders Are Followers Too.
    The best leaders are those who know when to lead and when to follow and know how to do both effectively.

What People are Saying about Seeing Michael Speak

Rating Entries

    Michael has been motivating groups with his witty, spirited but serious lectures since 1997. His pundit, humorous political and motivational talks have left his audiences laughing in tears, outraged and begging for more.

    He has appeared as a guest on over 120 Radio & TV talk shows, written guest editorials for magazines and has been the subject of many magazine and news articles.

    Some of his appearances and speaking engagements include:

    • National Women′s Republic Club
    • Fox News, Your World with Neil Cavuto
    • Fox News Americas Election 2008 with Eric Shawn
    • Political Forum Palm Beach Community College
    • ABC, Eye Witness News
    • Midland, Texas Woman′s Republican Club
    • The World Affairs Council
    • Business Network International
    • The New York State Builders Association
    • United Hospice
    • Meals on Wheels
    • Barnes, Buchanan & Mallon, Mergers & Acquisition Conference
    • The Firestone Sales Group
    • Key Note Speaker, 2007 Graduation of the MBA Program of the N.Y. Institute of Technology.
    • The Legend Group.
    • Palm Beach South County Business Association
    • Leadership Business Council of Palm Beach
    • Florida Atlantic University
    • Palm Beach State College
    • William Patterson College
    • Fox Business Network The Mangru Report

    “Wow! What more can I say except thank your for your most insightful and motivating presentation to our group. Your knowledge of your subject and witty presentation left those present encouraged and laughing to tears. Our staff and guests were sitting on the edge of their seats!”
    David J. Thompson, President/CEO, Calixto Consulting Group

    “On behalf of the membership, Board of Directors and attendees, we would like to epxress our gratitude for your participation in our special event “A Presidential Debate” which was a huge success. The attendees were motivated, stimulated and totally immersed in the dialogue that was exchanged between the debaters. Presenters such as you are what make the CLL a destination and thought provoking life long learning center.”
    Alan Egenthal, Executive Director, CLL

    “On behalf of the over 100 persons and myself who attended the event you so graciously spoke at, I want to thank you for a most entertaining and enlightening evening. Our members and their guests could not stop talking about your presentation. My only wish is that we had more time. I know everyone who attended was begging for more. Thank you again, for making our evening a huge success!”
    Susan Hug, Vice President, The Women′s National Republican Club

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