
Mary LoVerde Profile

Mary LoVerde is one of the country’s leading experts and strategists in work-life balance. Since 1994, she has helped boost levels of engagement, connection, profitability, and joy at organizations like Apple, LinkedIn, NASA, The Mayo Clinic, Pepsi and the American Trucking Association.

Mary has published four books in three languages and has appeared four times on Oprah, a 20/20 special on stress, and was featured on ABC World News Tonight. Her blog is read in 35 countries. Her original work is published in the Wall Street Journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Ladies Home Journal. She served on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine for 15 years as the Director of Hypertension Research Center.

Mary’s history as an employee, an employer, an entrepreneur, RN, and NP make her realistic about the challenges of long hours, family commitments, crazy travel, and the desire to have a life that includes sleep. She tests every work-life balance strategy in her own life first, and only the five-star ones make it to her platform.

  • View Extended/Alternate Bio
      • Mary LoVerde believes life is a balancing act. Her passion is finding creative ways to live a joyful and successful life. She has delighted audiences from Bangkok to Biloxi with her step-by-step strategies for a more balanced life. Embraced by both men and women alike, her diverse client list spans from the Mayo Clinic to the American Trucking Association.

    She is the author of three best selling books: Touching Tomorrow, I Used to Have a Handle on Life but It Broke and Stop Screaming at the Microwave. She has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, a 20/20 special on women and stress and four times on the Oprah Winfrey Show. She is a contributor to the best selling books Chocolate for a Woman′s Soul, Chocolate for a Woman′s Heart and Young for Your Life: The Best Anti-aging Secrets for Women. Mary has touched millions through her articles in prominent magazines from the Wall Street Journal to Family Circle.

    Mary served on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine for fifteen years as the director of the Hypertension Research Center.

    She proudly serves as the national spokesperson for Camp to Belong, which reunites brothers and sisters placed in different foster homes for events of fun and empowerment.

    Mary is the mother of three children. She happily resides with her family in their living laboratory in Aurora, Colorado.


Mary LoVerde Speaking Videos

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Mary LoVerde's Speech Descriptions

Internationally recognized expert in life-work balance, Mary LoVerde offers proven strategies for thriving and finding happiness in a world of overwhelming distractions, long, stressful workdays and the never-finished race to get it all done. Her innovative, practical ideas center on staying connected to what’s really important. Mary’s laugh-out loud stories, meaningful dialogues, and tested takeaways will leave you with the tools to build stronger relationships, produce real-world results, and stay tethered to what makes you happy.

    I Used To Have A Handle On Life, But It Broke
    You’ve organized, prioritized, and delegated. You’ve made friends, linked in and have klout. You’re a veteran of the time-management wars, fighting for the life-balance ideal – and you’re losing! In this humorous and fast-paced presentation, you’ll learn a new work-life balance approach. You’ll leave armed with “works in real life” ideas for staying connected to what matters most.

    The Elusive Work-Life Balance: What’s In It For Business?

    Emerging research from neuroscience and economics show that the link between a thriving workforce and better business performance is absolutely clear: Happy employees scored three times higher in productivity, sales, and creativity, and felt ten times more engaged. But leaders’ plates are full. Who has time to make people happy? In this fun, interactive session you’ll learn strategies to enhance your own work-life balance and feel more energy at both home and office.

    The Invitation: When You Are Ready To Take Your Next Step
    Do you believe there’s more to life- and just aren’t sure how to move forward? In this interactive session you’ll explore what’s holding you back and receive valuable lessons to help you lead the life you want now…not someday. If you are ready to quit what’s not working and kick-start what does then take your next step and say yes to The Invitation.

    Programs Tailored Towards Women’s Conferences:

    Stress & Work-Life Balance: I Used To Have A Handle On Life, But It Broke
    At work, are you thinking about family responsibilities… and at home, are you thinking about work responsibilities? If so, join the club. In this interactive program Mary facilitates a fascinating exploration of how women can create connection while addressing multiple demands. You’ll love her stories of women just like you who have learned how to honor their different roles with strategies that keep you focused on what’s most important, even when you have a dozen things to do, yesterday.

    Leadership/Career Development: Ready To Take Your Next Step?
    In a research study of thousands of business leaders,* women outscored men in all but ONE of the 16 leadership competencies. What was it? “Develops a Strategic Perspective.” More men than women focus on developing skills and relationships that support their success. In this high-content program, you’ll get clear about what you want and what you need to quit in order to advance your career and develop an improved strategic perspective. There’s no reason we can’t make it 16 out of 16. (*Jack Zenger, Joseph Folkman, Harvard Business Review)

What People are Saying about Seeing Mary Speak

Rating Entries

    “Immediately following your moving, entertaining and meaningful talk during this year′s Executive Conference we knew you had hit a home run. We committed to you right then to have you back next year. We have since learned that not only did we enjoy hearing what you had to say, but what you said works!”
    Robert Schwarze, President and CEO Association of Sales and Marketing Companies

    “After experiencing your talk on two occasions, I am fascinated by the way you seem to lift the audience out of complacency into action with your touching stories and sound advice.”
    Karel Horney, American Heart Association

    “It is rare indeed to find someone who can stand in front of a class of 500 educators and make each and every one of them feel special and valuable.”
    Maria Grier, Director Chapman University

    “You touched the lives of everyone in that room including senior level executives from clinical research, vice presidents and CEOs from pharmaceutical, biotechnical, medical device and contract research organizations. Many delegates approached me to say it was a perfect conference. I believe this was because of you.”
    Andrea Szigethy, Vice President Institute for International Research

    “I count myself fortunate to have heard many of the world′s leading presenters, but rarely have I witnessed anyone who delivers their message with the simple intensity that you have mastered. At every conference there are always one of two speakers who steal the show. In your case you didn′t so much steal it, as hijack it.”
    Tim Webster, Director Bodylife, Ltd United Kingdom

    “It is obvious that Mary′s high energy, engaging style, combined with a sincere and self effacing manner, established a very quick rapport with all participants.”
    Richard Palmer, Jr., Discover Cards

    Client List


    Agilent Technologies
    Alabama Power
    American Express Travel
    Bell South Mobility
    Colorado Rockies
    Discover Cards
    Dominos Pizza
    Four Seasons Hotels
    General Mills
    Hallmark Cards
    Hershey Company
    Hilton Corporation
    Hoffman La Rouche
    Kimberly Clark
    Lockheed Martin
    Lucent Technologies
    McKinsey & Company
    Merck and Co
    Ralston Foods
    Saks Fifth Avenue
    Sonic, Inc.

    Finance and Insurance

    AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
    Aid Association for Lutherans
    All State Insurance
    AmerUS Life
    AT&T Capital Corporation
    Central Pacific Mortgage
    CUNA Mutual
    First Data Corporation
    Franklin Insurance
    Key Bank
    Missouri Independent Bankers Association
    National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
    Price Waterhouse Coopers
    Transgeneral Insurance
    Wealth Enhancement and Preservation LLC
    Wells Fargo

    Government, Education & Miscellaneous

    Chapman University
    City of San Antonio
    Colorado State University
    Environmental Protection Agency
    For The Love of Kids
    FPMI Solutions
    International Customer Service
    Mount Mercy College
    National Education Association
    NWWDA – National Association of Wood Windows & Doors
    Portland Community College
    Reading Community College
    Sinclair School of Nursing – University of Missouri-Columbia
    SOCAP – Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business
    University of Missouri
    Wholesale Florists of America


    American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
    American Association of Plastic Surgeons
    American Dietetic Association
    American Heart Association
    American Hospital Association
    Association of Operating Room Nurses
    Benco Dental
    Body Life England
    Colorado Healthcare Association
    Columbia Medical Centers
    Emergency Room Nurses Association
    Florida Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
    Genentech, Inc.
    Health Care Food Manufacturers
    Idaho Hospital Association
    Illinois Department of Aging
    Illinois Health Care Association
    Lourdes – Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center
    Mayo Clinic
    National Association of Chain Drug Stores
    National Association of Oncology Nurses
    North Dakota Long Term Care Association
    Ohio Hospital Association
    Scottsdale Healthcare
    Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation
    Society of Otolaryngology Norses
    Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging

    Male Dominated Industries

    American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
    American Farm Bureau
    American Feed Association
    American Trucking Association
    American Urologist Associates
    Association of Sales & Marketing Companies
    BKD Accounting
    Fluid and Power Distributors Association
    National Association of General Contractors
    National Association of Welders
    National Community Pharmacists
    Nationals Automobile Dealers
    Northrup Grumman
    Radio Advertising Bureau
    Rubber Manufactures Association
    The Society of the Plastics Industry
    Vision Council of America
    Young Presidents Organizations

    Real Estate

    Allen Tate Realty
    Coldwell Banker
    FC Tucker Realty
    Greenridge Realty
    Harry Norman Reaty
    John L. Scott Network
    Latter and Blum Realty
    Northwood Realty
    Realty Alliance
    RELO – National Relocation Council

    Women′s Conferences

    American Heart Association
    Bakersfield Women′s Conference
    Baystate women′s Conference
    Blue Cross Blue Shield Women′s Conference
    California Governors Women′s Conference
    Ernst and Young
    Frito Lay
    General Mills
    Junior Leagues
    Legacy Health Systems
    Merrill Lynch
    MFS Funds
    Mississippi Nurses Foundation Conference
    NAWBO – National Association of Women Business Owners
    North Dakota Governors Women′s Conference
    Palo Alto Women′s Conference
    Pennsylvania Governors Women′s Conference
    Proctor and Gamble
    S&T Bank
    Spirit of Women
    Storage Tech Women′s Alliance
    Texas Governors Women′s Conference
    US Air Force Academy
    Women′s Success Forum
    Women′s Wellness Expo

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Books by Mary LoVerde:

The Invitation: When You’re Ready to Take Your Next Step

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP Do you believe there’s more to life – and just aren’t sure how to move forward? Are you feeling stuck or facing a challenge – and don’t know what to do about it? Do you have a big dream – but nay-sayers are telling you, “It’ll never work”? Are you ready for a new adventure – and would love to know what that looks like? If you said yes to any of the questions above, you’ve come to the right source for answers that will help you transform your life, starting today. With her trademark combination of humor and wisdom, life balance expert and frequent Oprah guest Mary LoVerde will help you shine a light on what is holding you back. She’ll challenge you to face the reasons why, and then offer you an abundance of valuable lessons to help you lead the life you want now … not someday. Are you ready to quit what’s not working and kick-start what does? If so, take your next step and say yes to The Invitation. Mary LoVerde is an internationally acclaimed Hall of Fame speaker and the author of three best-selling books: I Used to Have a Handle on Life but It Broke, Stop Screaming at the Microwave, and Touching Tomorrow.

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