
Marty Makary, M.D. Profile

A Professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Marty Makary is a gastrointestinal surgeon, researcher, and expert in healthcare and nutrition. His New York Times bestseller Unaccountable, which details the revolutionary effects of transparency on healthcare, is a Library Journal Book of the Year. He was a leading expert on the World Health Organization’s technical workgroup that developed metrics for measuring surgical quality around the globe.

The recipient of the “Best Teacher” award at Georgetown University Medical School, Dr. Makary has published over 150 papers or articles on medical quality and health policy. He regularly appears on CNN, NBC News and FOX News as a medical commentator.

Named one of the“20 Most Influential Leaders in American Healthcare” by Health Leaders Magazine, Dr. Makary has been funded by the Department of Health & Human Services for the study of surgical outcomes; his current research is funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality and aims to implement an intervention which will decrease surgical complications in one hundred American College of Surgeons participating hospitals.

He is a member of the leadership council of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. In addition to his writing, speeches and public service, Dr. Makary still practices laparoscopic surgical oncology and gastrointestinal surgery and is also the director of the Johns Hopkins Pancreas Islet Transplantation Center.

Using colorful stories and humor, Makary explains how innovation is shaping the future of health care.

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    Dr. Makary is a health care futurist, Johns Hopkins surgeon, and Professor of Public Health. Makary is a frequent medical commentator on NBC and FOX News and a leading voice for physicians, writing for the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. He advises policy leaders at the highest levels of government on health care and leads an advocacy effort to re-build the public trust in American hospitals.

    Dr. Makary is a champion of lifestyle medicine and the re-design of how people interface with the health care system. As gastrointestinal surgeon, he is a strong proponent of healthy foods and the impact of the microbiome on health.

    His bestselling book The Price We Pay is a call to re-build the public trust in the medical profession.  He advocates for the new movement of relationship-based clinics that spend time with patients to address the social, economic, and lifestyle determinants of health.  His book has been described as “a must-read for every American” by Steve Forbes and a “deep dive into the real issues driving up the cost of health care” by Dr. Don Berwick.  His previous bestselling book Unaccountable was adapted for television into the hit medical series The Resident.

    Dr. Makary has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine and named one of America’s 20 most influential people in health care by Health Leaders magazine. He is the Editor-in-Chief of MedPage Today and speaks frequently the future of health and health care. His current research focuses on the appropriateness of medical care and the impact of the health care cost crisis on low-income populations.  Using a non-partisan approach, Dr. Makary explains the current billing-throughput system of medical care and explains how the disruptors who are revolutionizing the way we get care.

    Dr. Makary was the lead author the Surgical Checklist and later served in leadership with Atul Gawande on the World Health Organization Surgery Checklist project. Makary has published more than 250 scientific articles, including articles on organizational culture in health care, price and quality transparency, and public health.

Marty Makary, M.D. Speaking Videos

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Marty Makary, M.D.'s Speech Descriptions

Dr. Makary brings his experience as professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins University to a series of speeches investigating the transformation taking place in medicine in the USA. He examines the effects of Obamacare, from a nonpartisan perspective, detailing the effect it will have on every business and individual in the USA.

Through entertaining use of anecdotes, he lays out his vision of the future of healthcare with his nonpartisan, commonsense solutions. He has a particular focus on issues of transparency and how it can improve healthcare and patient choice for the better.

An expert on nutrition, he explores the myths and truths of healthy living, cutting through the mixed messages with the latest research on diet, exercise and disease prevention to provide a clear and no-nonsense holistic approach to a long and healthy life.

Understanding "Obamacare": Navigating the future of Healthcare

The Affordable Care Act allowed many provisions to be written and clarified over the years after its passage. A professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Makary provides an entertaining and informative non-partisan overview of how "Obamacare" that will impact every business and every person in America. On a day-to-day level, the new law changes the way we will all interface with our doctor, hospital and insurance company.

The Future of Healthcare

Using entertaining stories, Dr. Makary advocates for non-partisan, common-sense ways to address medicine’s challenges. He correlates the history of American medicine with it’s modern day conundrums. Healthcare is complex and it’s problems can be difficult to solve. Dr. Makary uses first-hand stories to illustrate the decision points that await policy makers and patients. He reviews the resultant scenarios and explains how consumers can prepare for upcoming changes to healthcare. In a non-partisan way, he highlights both the exciting positive changes in healthcare as well as it’s concerning trends.

-What will healthcare look like in 10 years?
-How can I prepare for the new healthcare landscape?
-What are the best and worst aspects to the new healthcare system ahead?

Modern Medicine’s Transparency Revolution

Many people find the healthcare system difficult to navigate. Finding the best care can be a challenge even for the most educated consumer. Dr. Makary describes how a new movement in American Healthcare seeks to make medical care safer, more transparent, and more honest. He details how doctors are at the helm of a national effort to fully disclose everything from bedside options to hospital performance.

-What resources exist to help me find the best medical care?
-How can I make informed decisions about my care?
-What are the barriers for healthcare to conform to standard business principles?

The Myths And Truths About Living Healthy

With many mixed messages from medical research, how can one know what to do when it comes to maximizing their personal health. Dr. Makary reviews the bottom-line take home points from the latest research on diet, exercise, and disease prevention. He debunks many popular myths and offers the latest research on what really makes us healthy. He challenges the status quo teachings and advocates for a holistic approach to living long.

-From everything I hear on T.V. about my health, how can I know what to trust?
-Which traditional diet plans flawed and why?
-What the bottom-line when it comes to preventing health problems?

What People are Saying about Seeing Marty Speak

Rating Entries

“Marty Makary was simply superb! His talk was incredibly engaging and a perfect start to the meeting. I could not have hoped for better.”
– Pediatrix Medical Group

“Dr. Makary’s presentation was very well received with enthusiastic participation in the Q&A that followed. Marty is an excellent speaker that presents the healthcare clinical care, cost/financial and quality of care topics in a manner that is both thought provoking and humorous. One might ask how these topics could be humorous but he did a great job of weaving stories and pundits into his material and it was most enlightening, thought provoking and entertaining. Simply excellent! We were fortunate to have him as a speaker and I am fortunate to know of yet another surgeon with outstanding credentials who lives in DC and practices at JHHS. If you haven’t heard him speak personally, I would highly recommend it.”
– HSRC and McKenna Foundation at ASU

“Dr. Marty Makary spoke at the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association’s 2015 Virginia Patient Safety Summit in Richmond, Virginia. The evaluations for his presentation were outstanding. “Some of the attendees comments: Fantastic, Best Speaker, Excellent Presentation, Great! Awesome! Engaging, with Sense of Humor! EXCELLENT AND INSPIRING!, Wonderful, Best of the Conference, Excellent Presenter”. Overall the response was a big WOW!! Dr. Makary is a pleasure to work with for any event!”
– Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association

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Books by Marty Makary, M.D.:

The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care–and How to Fix It

From the New York Times bestselling author, Marty Makary, comes an eye-opening, timely, urgent critique of America’s broken healthcare system and the change agents working to fix it.

One in five Americans now has medical debt in collections and rising healthcare costs today threaten every small business in America. Dr. Makary, one of the nation’s leading healthcare experts, travels across America and details why healthcare has become a financial crisis. Using vivid stories and original research, Dr. Makary explains how a new business model of price gouging, middlemen, and a series of elusive money games is in need of a serious shake-up. He shows how so much of healthcare spending goes to things that have nothing to do with health and what you can do about it. Dr. Makary also untangles medical bills that are so confusing most doctors can’t interpret them and challenges the medical establishment to remember medicine’s noble heritage of caring for people when they are vulnerable.

The Price We Pay offers a roadmap for everyday Americans as well as business leaders to get a better deal on their healthcare, and looks at the disruptors who are innovating medical care. The movement to restore medicine to its mission, Makary argues, is alive and well–a mission that can lower costs and save our country from the crushing cost of the medical industrial complex.

Marty Makary, M.D., M.P.H., is a Johns Hopkins surgeon and a leading health care expert. He is a prominent voice for patients writing for The Wall Street Journal and USA Today and has published over 250 scientific research articles focusing on health care costs, quality science, and vulnerable populations. Dr. Makary was the lead researcher of landmark articles introducing the surgical checklist, later adopted by the W.H.O., frailty and its role in predicting of surgical outcome, a survey to measure hospital safety culture, and contributions to the field of surgery. At the W.H.O., Dr. Makary led the technical workgroup on measuring surgical quality worldwide and served in leadership with Atul Gawande on the W.H.O. Surgery Checklist committee—work that later became disseminated in the book The Checklist Manifesto. He has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine and named to one of America’s 40 smartest people in health care by Becker’s Review. He lives in the Washington DC area.

Unaccountable What Hospitals Won't Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Health Ca

Unaccountable: What Hospitals Won’t Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Health Care

Dr. Marty Makary is co-developer of the life-saving checklist outlined in Atul Gawande’s bestselling The Checklist Manifesto. As a busy surgeon who has worked in many of the best hospitals in the nation, he can testify to the amazing power of modern medicine to cure. But he’s also been a witness to a medical culture that routinely leaves surgical sponges inside patients, amputates the wrong limbs, and overdoses children because of sloppy handwriting. Over the last ten years, neither error rates nor costs have come down, despite scientific progress and efforts to curb expenses. Why? To patients, the healthcare system is a black box. Doctors and hospitals are unaccountable, and the lack of transparency leaves both bad doctors and systemic flaws unchecked. Patients need to know more of what healthcare workers know, so they can make informed choices. Accountability in healthcare would expose dangerous doctors, reward good performance, and force positive change nationally, using the power of the free market. Unaccountable is a powerful, no-nonsense, non-partisan diagnosis for healing our hospitals and reforming our broken healthcare system.

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