
Marni Spencer-Devlin Profile

Bestselling author, Marni Spencer-Devlin uses her harrowing story as the example to teach her empowering brand of personal and professional Authentic Leadership to corporate professionals worldwide.

Audiences are enthralled to learn how Marni was molested, raped and forcibly addicted to heroin. She became a prostitute, a criminal, was homeless for a time and finally, ended up in prison.

After eighteen, long months in prison, Marni emerged deeply determined to create a better life for herself. With hard work and grit, she created a multimillion-dollar marketing company with seventy employees. Her life became a fairy tale, yet she sensed that somehow something was missing. Still trapped in a prison of sorts; she didn’t realize that she had merely traded police handcuffs for golden handcuffs.

What happened next drove home the point with ferocity. She was diagnosed with a deadly disease and only given a year to live. Surprisingly, this became her greatest gift. With seemingly nothing left to lose, Marni discovered the phenomenal power behind profound authenticity. This helped her, not only to survive but, thrive.

Today Marni is passionate about sharing her unique insights to show corporate audiences how to use Authentic Leadership to create exponentially increased effectiveness, far higher productivity and much greater happiness and fulfillment, both professionally as well as personally.

Marni was named a Top 100 Who’s Who by Women in E-Commerce Magazine and was a cover and featured article in Grey Matters Magazine. She has been a sought-after guest on radio shows on business and personal empowerment.

She is the author of two books, her bestselling autobiography, Crawling into The Light as well as The Iceberg Principles, which outlines the philosophies the make Marni’s strategies so transformational and empowering. She was also a contributing writer to the book, Insider Strategies of Industry Leading Consultants.

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Marni Spencer-Devlin's Speech Descriptions

Marni’s unique and illuminating and approach shows women in positions of middle and senior level management how to navigate elegantly through the multi-faceted issues of systemic gender-bias, harassment and politics and stride with absolute clarity and confidence to be highly-paid, competent, impactful and effective leaders.

Anyone having a strong desire to advance in their chosen careers yet finding herself or himself themselves ignored, silenced or side-lined and passed-over in favor of potentially less talented colleagues will find value in Marni’s unique and powerful approach that teaches the secret of how never to be passed-over again and showing how to find the clarity and confidence to advance to top level positions.

Seven sure-fire strategies that build collbora.tion by using conflict and strive and turning it into a great asset Format: Keynote or 3-Hour Workshop This program is perfect for:
- ​Low-performing creative teams and customer service personell struggling with conflict and workplace hostility
- Ineffective Management teams struggling to find ways to collaborate better.

The audience will leave with: Tools and strategies to actually turn conflict into an asset that paves the way towards greater understanding and more effective collborations.

Format: ​45-60 Minute Keynote or 2-Hour Breakout This program is perfect for: For those in senior level management struggling with forward momentum. The audience will leave with: ​Unshakable confidence that meets any challenge self-awareness facilitating greater communication, more personal authenticity that leads to higher performance ability. ​This program is unexpected and thought provoking with lasting take-aways. After this presentation planners told me time and time again that I was the best speaker they’ve ever had.

“The Number One Reason People Don’t Get What They Want Is That They Don’t Know What They Want” T. Harv Eker” How do you find a way to stand out? It’s not working harder – if hard work were the key, all ditch diggers would be millionaires. It’s not a higher degree. It’s certainly not emulating others – that’s just annoying! To lead you have to can’t want to be part of the crowd, you have to have the guts to be one of the few.

This talk is perfect for: Those looking to be empowered to be their very best. The audience will leave with new-found clarity and confidence about their unique contribution and how to turn it into cold, hard career advancement currency.

Steps to take when your career no longer feeds you. You’ve done everything right – went to a good school, found a great job, advanced into leadership, everything is going great and suddenly you find yourself dreading going to work. The thrill is gone and you have no idea how to get it back. Format: Keynote, morning or all-day workshop This program is perfect for: ​Women in the workplace. The audience will leave with: ​Awareness of personal significance Renewed sense of passion and purpose Tools for reconnection to use again and again.

What People are Saying about Seeing Marni Speak

Rating Entries

“I used Marni as a career coach. She provided so much clarity and helped me realize that I wasn’t thinking big enough for myself. I am on track to do 6 figures and there is no way I could have done it without her.
Valentina Soto, President, HUMANElevated

“Marni is an amazing leader/teacher/coach. You cannot go wrong with her. Enjoy the journey,”
Sara Rogers, Acting Coach

“Marni spoke at our recent Women’s Empowerment Summit and was a certified hit. She has new and thought provoking content for executives and employees that you don’t get anywhere else. We highly recommend Marni at Passion4Profit Inc.”
Alan Armijo, Tech International

“Marni is a thought provoker, accountability coach and forward thinker! I highly recommend using Marni as your leadership coach if you want to catapult to amazing success! Thank you Marni!”
Maggie Decker, Interior Designer & Author

“The process that Marni takes people through creates amazing clarity for the direction of your business or organization. I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to improve their career and life.”
PMC Events

“This woman is phenomenal. Her energy is immaculate!!! She has been such a huge inspiration to me! And she still keeps upgrading everyday in every way!!!”
Yemen B, Laurinburg, NC

“Marni is a wonderful motivator that creates results. Where there is passion for something, you will succeed. Marni is a great person to know.”
Marcia Sapoznik, LMFT; Ph.D. (ABD) – Relationship Coach

“Marni offers excellent coaching and guidance for women in leadership. I recommend her highly!”
Patty Blakeley, Business Owner, Racine, Wisconsin

“Working with Marni was a wonderful experience. She is an expert,. She listens well. Her guidance was exceptional and tailored precisely for my needs. It is easy to recommend Marni.”
Rosalind Russell, Executive Director, R* Foundation

“Absolutely fantastic – Marni is so passionate about helping women grow. She delivers above and beyond! If you are serious about advancing your leadership career I highly recommend working with Marni’s program!”
Kathryn Lorenzini, Founder, Unique Image

“Marni is a wise, passionate teacher who has great insights when it comes to business and women. She has great insight on effective leadership and how to improve performance and it translates and upgrades workplace culture. Her zest for what she is doing makes working with her a lot of fun, as well as provoking deep ideas.”
Ruth Tongen, Business Owner

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Books by Marni Spencer-Devlin:

Crawling Into The Light: From Tragedy To Triumph And Beyond

Crawling Into The Light tells a brutal and true, story of molestation, rape, physical abuse, heroin addiction, prostitution, and even prison and a subsequent, triumphant rise to power and the building of a multimillion-dollar business. When a deadly diagnosis once again changes everything Marni is forced to fight one more time and emerges filled with insights that offer profound hope, inspiration and light.

The Iceberg Principles: The Truth About The Universe And Your Place In It

The Iceberg Principles are a concept that illustrates the truth of who we are as human beings.

As with an iceberg, only 4% of us shows. Our physical DNA describes us but it does not really define who we are. Our talents and strengths, things we love, our unique gifts and quirks – those are the 96% that define us and those things are invisible.

We exist to express what lies in the 96% in the 4%; only in this way can we feel whole.

When we think we are nothing more than what shows in the mirror we are separated from ourselves and everyone else; lonely and exposed to the dangers. Life is about competition. We compare ourselves to others and always somehow we come up short.

When we ignore or suppress the gifts and talents in our 96% we experience depression. We feel anxiety because we know deep down that there is more to us and we are wasting our life. We feel out of sync and eventually we end up in dis-ease, which causes physical and emotional pain, and that is the root ofaddictions like overeating, alcohol and drugs misuse – prescription or otherwise, and even smoking.

When we cultivate what lies in our 96% we tap into an inexhaustible storehouse of inner strength, vitality and energy. When we honor our gifts and hone our talents we do what we love and life becomes passionate.

We benefit and so does everyone else around us. When we love and honor ourselves ourrelationships automatically become more loving. Life is no longer about unmet needs but about what we have to share with the world. Then we open up the flood gates to abundance and affluence. Ease and harmony prevail and life becomes so good that we have to pinch ourselves. Everything that we desire as human beings is right at our fingertips and there is not a thing we need to change to get it. On the contrary, The Iceberg Principles show that in order to feel complete we must become more of who we already are.

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