
Mark Victor Hansen Profile

Known as the “Master Motivator,” Mark Victor Hansen has spent a quarter of a century focusing on, speaking to, and helping all manner of organizations and individuals to recalibrate their vision of what is possible. His message has influenced the lives of millions of individuals and thousands of organizations across the globe.

Mark is perhaps best known for the Chicken Soup for the Soul books; with his business partner Jack Canfield he created “the publishing phenomenon of the decade” (TIME Magazine) which sold over 90 million books in North America (and many more worldwide) and has over 100 licensed products associated with it.

However, phenomenally successful as the series was, there is much more to Mark than a single hit product. He has had a lifetime of entrepreneurial success in addition to being a successful author with popular books including The Power of Focus, The Aladdin Factor, Dare to Win and The Miracles in You. His book The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth has the modest aim of creating one million new millionaires in the USA in this decade.

Mark has appeared in every media outlet of importance, including Oprah, CNN, The Today Show, TIME, US News & World Report, USA Today, The New York Times and Entrepreneur. In all his appearances he drives home his fundamental message, “you can easily create the life you deserve.”

A passionate philanthropist and humanitarian, Mark is involved with Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, the March of Dimes, Childhelp USA among many others. Mark’s achievements have been acknowledged with many awards, including the prestigious Horatio Alger Award, the Outstanding Business Leader of the Year from Northwood University and an honorary Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Toledo. The latter institution has established the Mark Victor Hanson Entrepreneurial Excellence Fund to help find the business leaders of tomorrow.

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    “The Master Motivator”

      • In the area of human potential, no one is better known and more respected than Mark Victor Hansen. For more than 25 years, Mark Victor Hansen has focused solely on helping people and organizations, from all walks of life, reshape their personal vision of what′s possible. His powerful messages of possibility, opportunity, and action have helped create startling and powerful change in thousands of organizations, and millions of individuals worldwide.
      • With his endearing charismatic style, Mark captures his audience′s attention as well as their hearts. With his one-of-a-kind technique and masterful authority of his work, time and again he continues to receive high accolades from his audiences as one of the most dynamic and compelling speakers of our time.
      • You may know Mark better as “

    that Chicken Soup for the Soul guy

      • .” It′s true. The last handful of years has seen Mark, and his business partner Jack Canfield, create what


      • magazine calls “

    the publishing phenomenon of the decade

      • .”. With more than 90 million

    Chicken Soup for the Soul

      • books sold in North America alone and over 100 licensed products in the marketplace, it is one of the most successful publishing franchises in America today.
      • But the Chicken Soup idea was just one of many that has propelled Mark into a worldwide spotlight as a sought-after keynote speaker, best-selling author and marketing maven. His credentials include a lifetime of entrepreneurial success, in addition to an extensive academic background. He is also a prolific writer with many popular books such as

    The Power of Focus

      • ,

    The Aladdin Factor

      • ,

    Dare to Win

      • and others. Mark has also made a profound influence through his extensive library of audio programs, video programs and enriching articles in the areas of big thinking, sales achievement, publishing success and personal and professional development.
      • His new book

    The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

      • is destined to inspire the creation of one million new millionaires this decade. He has co-authored this book with Robert G. Allen (best-selling author of

    Nothing Down

      • ,

    Multiple Streams of Income

      • and

    Multiple Streams of Internet Income

      • ) published by Harmony Books, a division of Random House Publishing.
      • His energy and exuberance travels still further through mediums such as television (


      • ,


      • and

    The Today Show

      • ), print (


      • ,

    US News & World Report

      • ,

    USA Today

      • ,

    The New York Times and Entrepreneur

      • ) and countless radio and newspaper interviews as he assures our planet′s people that “

    you can easily create the life you deserve

      • .”
      • Mark is the founder of MEGA Book Marketing University and Building Your MEGA Speaking Empire. Both are annual conferences where Mark coaches and teaches new and aspiring authors, speakers and experts on building lucrative publishing and speaking careers.
      • Mark is also known as a passionate philanthropist and humanitarian, working tirelessly for organizations such as

    Habitat for Humanity

      • ,

    American Red Cross

      • ,

    March of Dimes

      • ,

    Childhelp USA

      • and many others.
      • In the year 2000, The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans honored Mark with the prestigious Horatio Alger Award. Each year, this association honors American leaders who personify the virtues and principles inherent in the success stories written by nineteenth century American author Horatio Alger, Jr. As an award winner, Mark′s extraordinary life achievements stand as a powerful example that the free enterprise system still offers opportunity to all. In 2000, Northwood University honored him as the Outstanding Business Leader of the Year. In 2002, The University of Toledo presented Mark with an Honorary PhD in Business Administration and established the

    Mark Victor Hansen Entrepreneurial Excellence Fund

      • , which will help shape the minds of future business leaders and assist in the development of the faculty who will teach them.
      Mark presents 50-75 seminars each year, serves as chairman of Mark Victor Hansen & Associates, Inc., co-founder and chief visionary officer of Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc. and president of One Minute Millionaire, LLC.

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Mark Victor Hansen's Speech Descriptions

Mark has a series of tried and tested programs for various audiences, including entrepreneurs, salespeople, company leaders and more. At the center of all his programs is his belief that you can achieve anything you want if you approach it in the right way.

Mark explains how by “daring to win” you can indeed win; he shows you how to visualize the results you desire, how to ask for things in a way that can only receive a “yes” and how to network and prospect for success.

There is no better advertisement for Mark’s programs than his own incredible success; can you afford not to learn his secrets?


    How to Outperform Yourself Totally
    or Dare to Win

    In this popular program, Mark will inspire you to believe that life has much more to offer... if you only dare to reach for it. Mark offers a plan for doing just that - by helping you developing the confidence and self-esteem that allows you to think like a winner. These are winning life strategies Mark′s personally learned from some of the world′s greatest success stories-athletes, business greats, civic leaders and others. You′ll learn to conquer your fears, accept life′s challenges and achieve the happiness and success you deserve.

    The Aladdin Factor...
    How to Ask for
    and Get Everything You Want

    Now bestselling motivational author Mark Victor Hansen introduces us to The Aladdin Factor - and help us put it into effect in our own lives for untold enrichment and success. You′ll learn not only how to ask for what you want, but how to ask and what to ask for. You′ll discover the five barriers we all face in asking for what we want and how to overcome them, and you′ll read about the seven characteristics of those who ask successfully.

    It′s an important process business and industry leaders have already learned - and want to impart to you. And, it′s a concept you′ll use - everyday - to move outside your comfort zone and seize the prosperity, fulfillment and happiness you deserve. The Aladdin Factor is a practical guide for taking control of your life, realizing better business and personal relationships, having and giving more love, maximizing your talents and skills - and enriching your lifestyle like never before.

    Visualizing Is Realizing...
    What You See is What You Get!

    In this powerful program, you′ll discover that visualizing the results you desire is the most important step you can take in achieving them. Not only will you learn to stop living under limited reality, you′ll actually learn to amplify your thinking - and - once you′ve fully developed your goals, you′ll discover how to instruct your subconscious mind to actually bring them to fruition!

    The Secret of the Super-Successful...
    Mastering the Mastermind Principles

    It′s a proven fact that we grow and prosper from the people and projects we associate with. In this practical program, Mark Victor Hansen brings you the ultimate tool in improving your associations and achieving your goals - the Mastermind Group. Long used by business leaders, the Mastermind concept actually insures you′ll have the keenest, brightest minds working to support you, empower you and help you achieve.

    Members of your Mastermind Group can contribute time, money, inspiration, contacts, education and other attributes you may lack, while you in turn support and empower them in the fulfillment of their goals. Secret of the Super-Successful shows you how.

    How To Think Like An Entrepreneur

    Entrepreneurs are the pioneers of our time. Their ideas, talents, resources and abilities drive the world forward and upward. Mark Victor Hansen, one of America′s leading personal development trainers, has developed the ultimate program to stimulate the minds of those who are ready to make a profound difference in their lives. Mark will demonstrate how to apply easy-to-understand methods and techniques that will increase your results...immediately! Mark will move you to take ACTION with your ideas and assist you to find the hidden opportunities in everyday life.

    Marketing / Sales:

    Sell Yourself Rich
    A Proven Path to Financial Freedom

    Designed specifically for commissioned salespeople and independent professionals, Sell Yourself Rich will help you attain the time, money, freedom and respect you want - and deserve - with principles, laws and concepts that are proven to earn six-figure... even seven-figure incomes.

    The Fine Art of Closing Sales

    Sales experts know that over 70% of all sales interviews end in a failure to ask for the transaction. In one of the most practical programs ever developed for professional salespeople, Mark Victor Hansen reveals secrets that have been used, time-tested and proven by top sales professionals for closing sales easier, faster and more lucratively. Not only will you learn to study, master and then actively employ these techniques and technologies, Mark will show you how to use them to enjoy even greater prosperity, freedom, acclaim and rewards. You′ll learn the three aspects of selling: prospecting, presenting and closing - and how to fine-tune your approach to each for maximum leads and closures. You′ll learn to handle any one of the 30 to 50 known objections... how to make your offer irresistible... and how to push emotional hot buttons for even greater sales. You′ll listen as Mark walks you through a proven four-point qualification process and gives you six ways to be unique, novel, innovative and creative in getting the appointment. And, you′ll discover the Erroneous Conclusion Question and how to use it to stimulate buyers to make a decision now.

    Prospecting and Networking
    for Qualified Leads

    With effort, personality and the skills you′ll learn in this powerful video from Mark Victor Hansen, you too can create a steady stream of highly qualified leads that convert into lucrative sales and profitable, long-term customers. In Prospecting & Networking for Qualified Sales Leads, you′ll discover twelve fail-safe networking principles to help you become a confident, competent networker. Not only will learn to enroll others to become great networkers on your behalf, you′ll learn the smart way to keep in touch with leads, how to create functions and events they′ll want to attend, how to become a great problem-solver and opportunity-maker - and how to multiply your selling activities many times over. Once your lead generating program is churning out enthusiastic new leads by the dozens (or even hundreds), Mark′s Law of Compensation will show you how to actually guarantee you′ll become prosperous as you stretch and grow into sales goals that are bigger than you are.

    Get Rich in Your Niche

    A specific niche or micro-market is all you need to earn an unlimited income. Master the fine art of profitably harvesting a niche market, and spend a lifetime selling to this market. Hear how 23 superstar salespeople discovered their niches and in one year made over $1,000,000 each! These concepts are easily learned, completely transferrable and totally duplicatable.

    The Referral Road To Riches

    Without leads, there are no sales. Finding new customers is the key to an expanding sales career. Finding new QUALIFIED customers is THE key to a fulfilling and prosperous sales career. Why cold-call when you have hot leads right in front of you? Selling by referrals is a fold-mine of an opportunity for those who take advantage of, and master, this rewarding method of prospecting. In this program, Mark Victor Hansen will reveal everything he knows about referral selling. His concepts are proven time and time again, he has consistently used referral selling to build his multimillion dollar speaking and consulting business. Let Mark give you the tools you need to boost your sales NOW!

The Future of Entrepreneurial/Enlightened Leadership

Mark Victor Hansen looks at leadership as having the unwavering ability to not look at the world as it is, but as it can be. Leadership is about discovering what is inevitable, transformative, and in alignment with all the resources; and using them to prosper greatly now.

The wisest man of all time, Solomon said: “Without vision people perish,” Mark says: “With vision people, companies, and associations flourish, grow, expand and vastly improve immediately!” Mark enlightens his audience about achieving the qualities of limitless vision to achieve their ultimate potential, creating practical, measurable progress by elevating everyone’s successes.

Mark understands from leading his own empires, that the gold standard of leadership is leaders that consistently and effectively re-invent themselves and their organizations. He inspires everyone to fulfill their destiny and fully utilize their potential, starting by overcoming all obstacles, challenges, and resistance. One must master the fine art of self-leadership, so they can lead all others. Mark discusses the principles that work and are time tested and those that don’t work in business and in life. Attendees quickly take ownership and mastery of the four great principles of leadership. He will show that all great leaders are focused. They are insistent, consistent, and persistently passionate and purposeful. Mark has proven to audiences worldwide, that every person can foster and embrace a magnificent obsession to achieve beyond their limitations, no matter what.

Bringing America Back

America’s success depends on your success. A successful country starts with independent, successful individuals who are groomed and inspired to lead. Success is organizing, prioritizing, and orchestrating macro to micro-goals and accomplishments. We must recognize our role individually and collectively to serve greatly the total world population of seven billion.

The business of America is business. With massive innovation and marketing we can, again, create a super strong economy. Mark delivers seven principles to get America going and keep it going. As Mark has traveled around the world, he has found everyone, everywhere wants to sell into our market, yet American’s are here are under-served and can easily and profitably sold to. Mark will make what is invisible—visible—that which is hidden in plain sight. He brings to audiences the ultimate roadmap to the riches and potential that can be had achieved by focusing on the proper principles. He shows how to do that right here and right now; in the most affluent country in the world, America.

Social Entrepreneurship

Mark teaches that Social Entrepreneurship starts with the idea of doing business, which creates more than enough for everyone by building enterprises, dedicated to doing just that. Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Yunus invented Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship with Micro-Credit and Micro-Finance. Mark has expanded it to be useful to every business, company, and association to vastly multiply its respective effectiveness and imprint on the world.

With Mark’s vast experience working with audiences and people around the world, he believes that everyone has a soul level need to contribute and give back; thus, creating legacy wealth and a heritage worthy of remembering. Whatever is given comes back multiplied, magnified, and magnetized. He teaches that social entrepreneurship signals the imperative to drive social change, and it is that potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefit to society, that sets the field and its practitioners apart, opening gateways to a much bigger global presence for every business.

Like most entrepreneurial endeavors, social enterprises start with an innovative idea that has the potential to solve a community or societal problem. Mark teaches that as we create more abundance, more individuals will be willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in society through their initiatives.

Social Enterprise is the gift that truly keeps giving.

What People are Saying about Seeing Mark Speak

Rating Entries

    “Your presentation was a valued segment of our meeting and was instrumental in helping us achieve our objectives. Your lively presentation provided a REFRESHING CHANGE OF PACE with emphasis on balancing business priorities and the individual′s important personal life and well being.”

    “THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO CUSTOM TAILOR your presentation to our Product and Strategy Meeting. Your continuous questions about our company, concerns and issues really showed us you are a speaker who was actually interested in doing more that collecting your fee. Thank you for making sure you delivered a speech for us and not just to us.”

    “AWESOME, INSPIRING, DYNAMIC, MOTIVATIONAL!” Our Managers and Consultants came away from your session with a renewed sense of drive and determination…I especially want to thank you for taking the extra time to learn more about our organization to customize a program to fit our very specific needs.”

    “IT WAS THE PERFECT SEND-OFF!” Your presentation included all the necessary ingredients, including enthusiasm and caring that made for a great closing session. We were extremely pleased with the preparation you exhibited through incorporating as much about our organization as you did.”

    “I knew you would be the perfect speaker for our group, but I was surprised by the incredible interaction you had with the audience. I was amazed at how you kept them INVOLVED, RESPONSIVE and LAUGHING for the entire 90 minutes! The left our 20th Anniversary Convention truly energized!”

    “WOW! You did such an amazing job. The Turner employees felt especially honored to have met you. YOU MADE US ALL FEEL LIKE WE COULD MORE FORWARD IN SUCH A POSITIVE WAY IN LIFE with your creative exercises for personal and professional focus. You were a major hit!”

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