
Maddy Dychtwald Profile

Maddy Dychtwald, author, speaker and Age Wave co-founder, works at the cutting edge of demographic analysis, predicting the ways in which both generation and gender shifts will change every aspect of commercial and social life. For more than twenty-five years she has been researching the market habits of older persons and the “baby boomers,” providing influential analysis as to the market trends they will lead. In recent years she has expanded her field to become an acknowledged expert on the increasing economic influence of women and the effect this will have right across the commercial world.

Hugely in demand as a speaker, Maddy has thrilled more than 300,000 business and social service leaders across the world with her insights, addressing organizations including Blue Cross of California, Chevron, Direct Marketing Association, Fidelity Investments, Lincoln Financial, LPL Financial, Global Women Leadership Network, Mastercard, National Association of Educators, Network of Executive Women and the World Future Society. She has also featured in many prestigious global media outlets, including Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Newsweek, TIME, U.S. News & World Report, Fox Business News, CNBC and NPR.Her contributions to The Huffington Post and have been highly praised.

Maddy has published several books, including Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy which won the National Community Colleges Association 2004 Book of the Year Award. She is the co-author of Gideon’s Dream: A Tale of New Beginnings (2008), an illustrated children’s book exploring ideas of personal reinvention. Her latest book, INFLUENCE: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better (2010), explores the growing influence of women and the changes they will impose in the next decade.

Age Wave was co-founded by Maddy and has become the most respected company in the USA for the provision of research, analysis, consulting and marketing relating to the trends of an ageing population. The company now lists over half of the Fortune 500 companies as clients.

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    Author, speaker and Age Wave co-founder Maddy Dychtwald is a leading expert on the changing demographic trends—both generation- and gender-related—shaping the marketplace, the workplace and our lives.

    Maddy has spent more than 25 years investigating and forecasting lifestyle and market trends of older adults and the 79 million baby boomers. Building on this knowledge, she has recently emerged as a renowned authority on the rising economic influence of women and their impact on industries, ranging from financial services and healthcare to consumer marketing.

    A high impact speaker, she has addressed more than 300,000 business and social service leaders worldwide for organizations such as Blue Cross of California, Chevron, Direct Marketing Association, Fidelity Investments, Lincoln Financial, LPL Financial, Global Women Leadership Network, Mastercard, National Association of Educators, Network of Executive Women and the World Future Society. Maddy has been regularly featured in prominent media worldwide, including: Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Newsweek, TIME, U.S. News & World Report, Fox Business News, CNBC and NPR. She is also a popular contributor to The Huffington Post and

    Her newest book, INFLUENCE: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better (2010) explores how women are the major change agent of the decade to come. Maddy also wrote Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy (2004), the winner of the 2004 Book of the Year Award from the National Community Colleges Association, and co-authored an illustrated children’s book on personal reinvention entitled Gideon’s Dream: A Tale of New Beginnings (2008).

    Maddy co-founded Age Wave, the nation’s foremost thought-leader on population aging trends and their profound business, lifestyle and cultural implications. The company provides breakthrough research, award-winning communications, and results-driven marketing and consulting initiatives to more than half of the Fortune 500.

    A graduate of New York University, Maddy has been married for more than 25 years and has been a working mom living in the San Francisco Bay Area for much of her adult life.

Maddy Dychtwald Speaking Videos

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Maddy Dychtwald's Speech Descriptions

Maddy provides customized presentations which draw on over a quarter of a century of analysis of market trends relating to the older population and the increasing influence of women. She demonstrates how the “Age Wave” of generations of older persons will transform workplaces and marketplaces.

She examines new ways of looking at retirement, both from the point of view of the consumer marketplace and with personal analysis of the best ways to plan for your post work decades. She also explores the implications of an increasingly ageing population for the healthcare system.

Maddy also speaks with great insight on the rising power of women in the workplace and in the consumer sphere. A critical mass of women is now assuming power, both financially and socially, but many businesses and marketers have not adapted their traditional practices to account for this. Maddy gives an historical overview of women’s increasing influence and explains just how your business can profit from it.

    Note: All of these presentations can be customized to specific audiences and industries.

    How the Age Wave Will Transform the Marketplace, the Workplace
    and Our Lives

    Increasing longevity, declining fertility and aging baby boomers are triggering an enormous “age wave.” This demographic tsunami has the potential to create ground-breaking marketplace and work/talent opportunities—and equally compelling social and financial challenges.

    This informative, motivating and entertaining presentation will explore: How will people use their newfound “longevity bonus?” Why will the “cyclic” lifeplan replace the traditional “linear” model? How will aging boomers change established paradigms of work, leisure, learning and retirement—
    as well as lifetime brand loyalty? What’s the most effective way to market and sell to “middlescent” boomers wishing to enrich the quality of their lives, while forestalling aging? Why is managing a four-generation workforce the new diversity mandate? (Note: This presentation can be shaped to focus either on the US, North American or global Age Wave.)

    Re-Visioning Retirement: New Timing, New Purpose, New Planning,
    New Funding

    Everyone’s retirement clock has been reset as a result of the recession. But highly acclaimed Age Wave research reveals a surprising finding: This could be a good thing, for individuals, the consumer marketplace and financial planning professionals.

    This presentation will explore: Why financial “peace of mind” has become far more important than “wealth” in the new American dream. How women’s rising financial power is transforming their attitudes and behavior toward money, their family dynamics and the field of retirement planning. How the adult lifestage demands of eldercare, sibling care, grandparenthood, singlehood and rehirement will dramatically impact retirement preparation and funding. We’ll also discuss the products, services and guidance people now seek from financial professionals to safeguard a successful retirement while avoiding the five retirement “wildcards” that could shatter their dreams.

    The Cure for Our Aging Healthcare System

    Whether we live long lives with vitality and purpose or sickness and suffering will depend to a great extent on our ability to reshape the skills, services and incentives of our current healthcare system. This new presentation provides a visionary glimpse into the future, outlining the critical course corrections required to create healthy aging and productive longevity.

    Topics to be covered include:

    • Why we must accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to prevent, delay and eliminate the horrific diseases of aging (such as Alzheimer’s);
    • why training healthcare professionals to become “aging-ready” will both saves lives and money;
    • how the boomers’ proclivity toward control, self-care and connectivity can help make disease prevention and self-care a national priority;
    • how new technologies and emerging community-based services can enable us to shift the healthcare focus from hospitals and nursing facilities to home-based care;
    • why establishing a humane and dignified approach to end-of-life care has reached a critical tipping point.

    Optimizing Generational Diversity:
    Four Cohorts Rethink Work, Money, Family, Retirement and Success

    For the first time in history, four generations of active adults are simultaneously participating in the workforce and marketplace. Each has its own lifestyle values, attitudes about work and money, means of connecting and communicating, role models and marketplace preferences.

    This high-impact presentation will examine: What key social forces have shaped each generation and produced their distinct, core lifetime characteristics? What does each generation hope to get from—and give to—their jobs/careers? How do you manage and motivate each generation, from
    “encore” workers seeking stimulation and self-worth, to older workers looking for balance and purpose, to mid-career workers trying to reboot their enthusiasm for a longer and more demanding worklife, to young workers struggling to enter the workforce during tough economic times. How does each measure success?

    This presentation can focus on how to attract and retain valuable talent and enhance productivity through the creative use of flexible work arrangements, innovative learning, mentoring and sponsoring opportunities, sabbaticals, retraining, re-careering, flex-retirement, and creative compensation and benefits programs. Alternatively, it can orient toward the most effective ways to reach out to—and connect with—Millennials, Gen Xers, Boomers and members of the Silent Generation.

    Influence: How the Rising Power of Women Will Transform Money,
    Men and the Marketplace

    We have reached a tipping point where a critical mass of women, bolstered by unprecedented levels of education, workforce participation and escalating income are assuming more powerful roles in their family’s purchasing decisions. This is particularly true in the traditionally male-dominated
    sectors of financial planning, real estate, automotive and technology. Yet most marketers don’t fully understand how today’s woman thinks, feels, cares and buys and how women and men are increasingly partnering to make large purchasing decisions. Drawing on proprietary Age Wave research as well as dramatic insights from her landmark new book, Influence: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Change Our World for the Better, Maddy Dychtwald explores how the ascent of women is transforming their relationship to their money, their mates, their families, their careers and the marketplace.

    Her presentation examines:

    • The historic scope of women’s financial influence and their expanding monetary power;
    • the five things that all men need to know about marketing to influential women;
    • the key ways that women are transforming the workplace and leadership; and how they’re trying to use their increased clout to transform our world for the better.

    (Note: This presentation can be customized for the financial services, healthcare, consumer products and retail industries.)

What People are Saying about Seeing Maddy Speak

Rating Entries

    “Maddy Dychtwald did an outstanding presentation. The program was very informative and was delivered in a powerful manner. Her insight and knowledge of the financial services industry provides a perfect ending to motivate the audience in taking advantage of the wonderful market opportunities.”
    Gordon J. Sprague, Senior Vice President, AIM Distribution

    “Maddy gave more than a presentation. She offered an exceptional degree of intellect, passion and knowledge that was both empowering and contagious. Through various channels and methods, including PowerPoint, video clips, statistics, personal stories and genuine conversation, Maddy truly engaged our female leaders. It is clear that Maddy not only understands the political, business and socioeconomic factors that shape the world for women today, but she has a firm grasp of how those trends will evolve and impact our world in the future – and is ahead of the curve in recognizing them.”
    Joan Walker, Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations, Allstate Insurance Company

    “Your entire presentation was spectacular and the clips you wove in were hilarious at times and certainly right on cue for our audience.”
    Bethany H. Corum, Executive Vice President, Florida Bankers Association

    “You rock! I have heard very few speakers so brilliantly keep an audience focused with a combination of spoken and audio-visual material. I have to tell you I was bowled over. You have a vital message for women – and men – with Influence and you match the vitality of the message with a vibrant delivery.”
    Jane Glenn Haas, Columnist, Orange County Register and Founder of WomanSage

    “The audience certainly enjoyed the stories you added to personalize the message and the multi-media photos, charts and videos were exactly right to illustrate and affirm your points. Those in attendance were captivated throughout your lecture.”
    Larry Whiteworth, President, Washtenaw Community College

    “The program was thought provoking, and provided data that was fact driven and brilliantly presented. Interweaving live video clips kept the audience entertained while ingesting a good deal of information. I would highly recommend your presentation to any group, large or small.”
    Rita Hernandez, Vice President, Property Management, JMA Ventures, LLC

    “Your presentation was a highlight of our meeting. I’ve heard numerous comments regarding the applicability of your message given the current economic times we all face.”
    John D. Patterson, CACUBO Program Committee

    “Attendees raved about the great job Maddy did. The material was not just a bunch of theories, but something that could be used immediately. Maddy’s preparation and presentation style were excellent.”
    Jim Cooper, CHA, Vice President, Education & Training, Choice Hotels

    “Maddy was fantastic. Her personal, interactive, and multi-media presentation style was an excellent role model for all speakers in this edu-tainment age. Her presentation injected new, powerful and provocative marketing paradigms into our business and inspired us greatly in our innovation drive.”
    Nira Jang, USA Trends, Coca-Cola USA

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Books by Maddy Dychtwald:

    Influence: How Women′s Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better

    Publishers Weekly
    Dychtwald, a demographer and marketing executive, provides a riveting exploration of female economic emancipation in the 21stcentury as unprecedented numbers of women all over the world are becoming financially powerful enough to stand on their own and tip global power balances: individually, as their attitudes toward money changes; in the home; in the work place; and in society at large, as gender gaps in health and education in even the poorest nations are narrowing.

    Dychtwald shows how women are upending the status quo in corporate America through this rapid economic shift and offers a welcome, more micro look with her five “money profiles”—archetypal ways that modern women relate to their money, how financially self-confident they feel, and what they expect their money to do for them. She provides fascinating glimpses of women from all corners of the globe who are taking advantage of this change, from Uganda to Northern California, and her rousing and well-researched book contains valuable insight into a pivotal movement that holds vast and heartening advancements.

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    CYCLES: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy

    Dychtwald runs Age Wave, a consulting firm specializing in teaching clients how to sell to baby boomers and mature adults, two rapidly merging categories. As life expectancies continue to grow, boomers are staying active and, Dychtwald argues, rapidly replacing the 18-to-34 demographic as the prime force driving the economy. She shows how they′re defying conventional wisdom about growing old in the arenas of work and leisure, as well as with relationships and the concept of retirement. Although her cultural references are up-to-date, her conclusions seem at least five years behind the times, e.g., her idea that people are getting remarried and starting second families is already a cliche. People who worked for dot-coms in the mid-′90s or found themselves out of a dot-com job by 2001 already know the importance of developing new skills to shift to a second or third career. Likewise, the “self-responsibility and empowerment” trend she sees in Americans′ personal health regimes should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the increased interest in everything from yoga to gingko pills. Boil it all down, and here′s what you′ve got: previous generations had a “midlife crisis,” but boomers have put a positive spin on the process and “reinvent” themselves. It′s no wonder Dychtwald finds herself repeatedly defending the “Me Generation” against the specter of narcissism. The book sets itself up as a successor to Gail Sheehy′s “important but increasingly obsolete” Passages, but it is already behind the times itself.

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