
Liz Wiseman Profile

Liz Wiseman is president and founder of the leadership research and development firm, Wiseman Group, which operates out of Silicon Valley. Her services have been employed by some of the true global giants in business such as Apple, Nike, PayPal and Twitter. On the Thinkers50 rankings she is recognized as being one of the ten most significant leadership thinkers on the planet.

Liz, the holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a Masters in Organizational Behavior from Brigham Young University, originally developed her thoughts on leadership in her position as an executive at Oracle Corporation, where for seventeen years she was Vice President of Oracle University and the global leader for Human Resource Development.

Liz’s wide-ranging research into leadership and collective intelligence has resulted in two books, Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (a Wall Street Journal bestseller) and The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools. She writes for the Harvard Business Review among other respected publications.

As well as her global teaching activities and speeches, Liz is in demand as a frequent guest lecturer at her alma mater, Brigham Young University, Harvard, the Naval Postgraduate School, Stanford and Yale.

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    Liz Wiseman is a researcher and executive advisor who teaches leadership to executives around the world. She is the author of New York Times bestseller Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools, and Wall Street Journal bestseller Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work.

    She is the CEO of the Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development firm headquartered in Silicon Valley, California. Some of her recent clients include: Apple, AT&T, Disney, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Nike, Salesforce, Tesla, and Twitter. Liz has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and in 2019 was recognized as the top leadership thinker in the world.

    She has conducted significant research in the field of leadership and collective intelligence and writes for Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and a variety of other business and leadership journals. She is a frequent guest lecturer at BYU and Stanford University and is a former executive at Oracle Corporation, where she worked as the Vice President of Oracle University and as the global leader for Human Resource Development.

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Liz Wiseman's Speech Descriptions

Liz demonstrates the two different types of leaders; there are those who take from their subordinates, draining their intelligence, energy and capability to make themselves seem brighter. These are the people who demotivate others; who’s going to work hard and give of their best in order to make someone else look better?

The other type of leader amplifies and multiplies the intelligence and capabilities of others; they inspire harder work and more innovative thinking.

Liz will show you that this is not just a theory; using her in-depth research into the effects of different leadership styles on organizations she will demonstrate how “multipliers” can do more with less, how they bring out the best in others and make others want to join them and how they inspire a flow of new ideas. She will tell you about the five crucial differences between “multipliers” and “diminishers” and show you how you can develop a “multiplier” leadership style.

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter

We've all experienced two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type consists of individuals who drain intelligence, energy, and capability from the people around them and always need to be the smartest people in the room. They are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. The second type, on the other side of the spectrum, consists of leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the intelligence and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk into a room, light bulbs go off over people's heads, ideas flow, and problems get solved. They are the leaders who inspire employees to stretch themselves and get more from other people. They are the "multipliers." And the world needs more of them, especially now that leaders are expected to do more with less.

In this highly engaging talk, speaker Liz Wiseman will share the research behind "multipliers" and illustrate the resoundingly positive and profitable effect these multipliers have on organizations - how they get more done with fewer resources, develop and attract talent, and cultivate new ideas and energy to drive organizational change and innovation. She'll introduce the five disciplines that distinguish "multipliers" from "diminishers" and provide practical tips for leading like a "multiplier."

What People are Saying about Seeing Liz Speak

Rating Entries

This presentation was over the top! Everyone from the warehouse supervisor to the senior executives raved about it. Great presence, wonderful engaging stories, solid concepts for use by leaders at any level and wonderful slides with videos. Liz engaged the audience along the way and ended with a one-to-one exercise that left everyone thinking, talking and involved.
    The Alternative Board

“Having secured keynote speakers for close to 30 years, I have Liz Wiseman at the very top of the list. Her energy, knowledge and preparation are second to none. If you want ‘take home value’ for your teams, book Liz Wiseman… I have twice, and she is off the charts.”.
    Gary Williams, VP, Franchise Relations, MRI Network.

“You have NO IDEA how great that talk was. I have never been in a Tech Talk here where there wasn’t a room full of open lap tops. Never. Twitter is a laptop-open culture and you managed to pull off what I thought was an impossible feat! I was impressed by the level of engagement and the number of questions at the end. You are certainly a powerhouse!”.
    Janet Van Huysse, Vice President of Human Resources, Twitter, Inc.

“Liz Wiseman has a powerful message and research to back it up Three days later, I’m still processing the content and how it plays out in my company, my personal relationships and in my role as a sales leader.”.
    Mike Weinberg, SVP, Gabriel Group & Fortune Growth Summit participant

“I’m a newly promoted Vice President and Multipliers has unlocked for me how I need to lead in my new role. It is the leadership approach that will take me through the next 10 years of my career.”.
    Allison Mast, Vice President, GAP, Inc.

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Books by Liz Wiseman:

The Multiplier Effect

The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools
Why do some leaders double their team’s effectiveness, while others seem to drain the energy right out of the room? Using insights gained from more than 100 interviews with school leaders, this book pinpoints the five disciplines that define how Multipliers bring out the best across their schools. By practicing these disciplines, you’ll learn how to:

  • Attract top teachers to your school
  • Create an intense environment that demands people’s best thinking
  • Drive sound decisions by constructing debate and decision-making forums
  • Give your team a sense of ownership for responsibilities and results

  • Multipliers

    Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
    A thought-provoking, accessible, and essential exploration of why some leaders (“Diminishers”) drain capability and intelligence from their teams, while others (“Multipliers”) amplify it to produce better results. Including a foreword by Stephen R. Covey, as well the five key disciplines that turn smart leaders into genius makers, Multipliers is a must-read for everyone from first-time managers to world leaders.

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