
Laura Ingraham Profile

The most-listened-to woman on political talk radio, Laura Ingraham takes on the hottest topics in news and politics. “The Laura Ingraham Show” is ranked in radio’s Top 10, and heard coast-to-coast in 225 markets.

Laura is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of the new website, a cultural and political web destination for conservatives and independents. A familiar face on television, she is a regular contributor on the Fox News Channel and a permanent substitute host on The O’Reilly Factor. A five time #1 New York Times best-selling author, her well-known books include The Obama Diaries and Power to the People

Also a former white-collar defense attorney and Supreme Court law clerk, Laura is a cancer survivor and a passionate supporter of our troops. The mother of three adopted children, she advocates for increased domestic and international adoption through her website She is the 2016 recipient of the Henry Salvatori Prize in the American Founding Publius Fellow from the Claremont Institute.

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    Political Analyst and Radio Talk Show Host

    Laura Ingraham is the most listened-to woman in political talk radio in the United States. “The Laura Ingraham Show” is heard on hundreds of stations nationwide and has been addicting legions of listeners since its launch in 2001. Always smart and entertaining, Laura is a regular Fox News contributor and the principal substitute host on The O′Reilly Factor. She is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of four books–The Hillary Trap, Shut Up & Sing, Power to the People, and new smash hit The Obama Diaries, released July 2010. A former litigator and Supreme Court law clerk, Laura is a graduate of University of Virginia School of law and Dartmouth College. She is also an avid supporter of our troops and a variety of military organizations.

    Laura′s first book, The Hillary Trap, was first released in June 2000. Her second and third books, Shut Up & Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the Media are Subverting America and Power to the People, respectively, are both bestsellers. The Obama Diaries, was released July 13, 2010, and immediately shot to the top of The New York Times bestseller list.

    In Power to the People, Ingraham focuses on what she calls the “pornification” of America. She discusses issues such as traditional family values, education, and American patriotism. Power to the People stresses the importance of getting involved in the culture: “The main thread that runs through these topics I cover in the book is civic involvement and civic virtue. Get in the game. Start a blog, report on what is happening at your local PTA. If you are a parent, and you are disgusted at what you see on your kid′s computer screen, do something. Track where your kids go on the Internet. Tell your kids that you are going to review where they are on the Internet. Be a parental filter. Learn about threats that face America–from within and out. Education is the first line of defense.”

    In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham tackles the cynical “razzle-dazzle” marketing of the Obama White House and exposes the administration′s true plans to “remake America.” Major media outlets love to describe the president as “no drama Obama,” but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale through hilarious and informative “diary entries.”

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Laura Ingraham's Speech Descriptions

Dubbed one of the most influential women in the GOP, Laura Ingraham presents compelling talks on politics through a conservative lens. Passionate, funny, and thought-provoking, the trusted radio show host and media personality champions life, liberty, and traditional values in keynotes that get audiences thinking, talking, and acting.

The Political Conversation Today
Can our country really thrive and remain the envy of the world, when our public continues to be so fed up with both political parties? Why is confidence in our elected leaders at a record low? How can we the people get the leadership we truly deserve? Is it time for us to re-think our two-party system? How has our popular culture affected our political conversation?

We as parents, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and all concerned citizens are often so busy with our daily lives that we miss signs of trouble (political, economic and cultural) and thus the solutions for tackling them. These are some of the questions Laura Ingraham tackles in her substantive, passionate, hilarious—and always thought provoking—speeches to business, academic and issues-oriented audiences across America.

Embrace and Conquer Your Challenges
As a breast cancer "thriver," a mother of three internationally adopted children, an avid sportswoman, and a trailblazer in national media, Laura Ingraham has a message for today's women: embrace, then conquer, your challenges--with humor! Ingraham, the nation's #1 female talk political/cultural radio host, Fox News star, and #1 bestsellingNew York Times author, inspires women and girls across America with her can-do, take-no-prisoners, joyful, approach to life's pinnacles and pitfalls. Part of Laura's message: Each of us, rich or poor, successful or struggling, has a unique set of challenges, yet we also have the the inner strength and individual talents to overcome them.

Her presentations remind audiences that everything they need to achieve the elusive balance between our professional and personal pursuits is within their own control. A grueling regimen of chemotherapy, business dilemmas, and personal demands, didn't stop her from producing another top selling book, hosting her daily three-hour a day show, or planning her first broadcast live from Iraq during the war. She wouldn't let it. Whether she's holding both political parties accountable while hosting a television show or moderating a debate on ADHD on her radio show, Ingraham offers a captivating presentation that invariably has audiences talking long after her program has concluded.

The Challenge of Governing a Country Divided

Is it possible to cut through the political divide and unite the country on any issue other than the war in Iraq? The answer is yes, but it will take an all-too lacking trait in political leaders: courage. Ingraham offers her 3-step guide to get the country back on track.

The Goal of Bipartisanship—Worthwhile or Foolhardy?

What′s so great about bipartisanship anyway? When both sides are in agreement, it′s usually time to watch your wallet. Ingraham will discuss the pros and cons of bipartisanship, and determine whether it is really necessary.

That Other Branch of Government: The Supreme Court and its Identity Crisis

Ingraham weaves her own experiences as a clear for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas into her discussion of the direction of the Court, and what will happen in the future as it remains as divided as the rest of the country.

Other topics:

  • Inside Washington
  • The Changing Face of Conservatism
  • The Future of Politics and Journalism in an Online World
  • Redefining Feminism

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    Books by Laura Ingraham:

    Of Thee I Zing: America′s Cultural Decline from Muffin Tops to Body Shots

    While Laura Ingraham was walking through a Northern Virginia shopping mall one Saturday afternoon, it all became clear to her. Everywhere she turned, she saw signs of the impending disaster: zombie teens texting each other across a café table; a man having his eyebrows threaded at a kiosk; a fiftyish woman shoe-horned into a tube top and skinny jeans; and a storefront ad featuring a Victoria’s Secret model spilling out of her push-up bra and into the faces of young passersby. Ingraham wondered to herself, “Is this it? Is this what our forefathers fought for? What my parents struggled for? I wonder if Victoria’s Secret is still having that two-for-one sale?”

    A menacing force surrounds us. We see it, we feel it, we know it. The country we love is in grave peril. While politicians and “experts” prattle on about the debt crisis at home, and terrorism abroad, a more insidious homegrown threat is emerging. It endangers our future and undermines our present. The uncomfortable truth is: We have become our own worst enemy. The culture we have created is now turning on us. We’re on the verge of drowning in our ignorance, arrogance, gluttony . . . can you believe there are only three shots of vanilla in a Caramel Macchiato?!?

    Now in an act of patriotic intervention the most-listened-to woman in talk radio casts her satirical eye upon all that ails American society. In this sharp-witted, comic romp, Laura Ingraham takes you on a guided tour through ten levels of our cultural hell.

    You know we’re in trouble when . . .

  • Airplane seats shrink—just as the passengers expand.
  • Celebrity baby names go from the peculiar (Apple, Stetson, and Daisy Boo) to the pathetic (Bamboo, Blanket, and Bronx).
  • People meticulously tend their virtual crops on Farmville, while their children eat takeout.
  • “Breaking News” usually means it happened yesterday.
  • The weddings last longer than the marriages.
  • Facebook has become a verb and reading has become an ancient art form.

    Of Thee I Zing is cultural commentary too funny to ignore, igniting a national conversation long past due. America, your cultural recovery begins here.

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    Power to the People

    Top-rated radio personality Laura Ingraham is fed up with the rule of the elites, and Power to the People issues a call to arms- a plea to reinvigorate our birthright of liberty, to reconnect to our American heritage, to revive our commitment to traditional, conservative principles, and to grow as people by summoning our moral resolve and living our faith.

    Ingraham exposes the threats we face from an emboldened cultural Left, global dogmatists, science worshippers, and politicians who spend more time on their hair than on constituency outreach. She also offers real-world solutions for how we can demand more from our leaders and ourselves. Power to the People will not just rile up Ingraham′s millions of fans, it will also incite readers to do their part to protect the country that we love. “It is ours to lose,” she writes, “and there are many at home and abroad who are more than willing to take it from us. Let′s get to work. If each of us does our part, we can′t lose.”

    And amidst these rallying cries and clarion calls to America, Ingraham reveals with heart wrenching honesty and in poignant detail her battle with cancer and the surprising gifts the insidious illness bestowed upon her – incredible strength through weakness, the meaning of sacrificial concern for others, and most importantly, a new-found and deeper faith.

    In true Laura Ingraham spitfire style, Power to the People rallies Americans to grab their pitchforks and storm the castles of the old media, over-reaching judges, openborders politicians, radical academics, and unelected bureaucrats. She challenges people to not only take back the power, but to also give of themselves to recapture America′s spirit and greatness.

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    The Obama Diaries

    On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama. While retrieving her automobile from the underground garage at the Watergate complex (where she had just enjoyed her weekly pedicure), Ingraham discovered a manila envelope on the hood of her car. When she picked it up, a deep baritone voice called out from a nearby stairwell: “Just read it. You’ll know what to do.” The shadowy figure then disappeared into the darkness without another word.

    The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama, his family, and high-ranking administration officials. Because the “diaries” are so revealing, Ingraham felt compelled to release them to the American public and the citizens of the world.

    Major media outlets love to describe the president as “no drama Obama,” but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale. Through these “diary entries,” readers will see past the carefully constructed Obama façade to the administration’s true plans to “remake America.”

    In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham hilariously skewers the president and his minions. She takes aim at:

  • the cynical “razzle-dazzle” marketing of Obama’s radical agenda
  • the use of the Obama “brand” and family to obscure Obama’s true aims
  • Michelle Obama’s gardening and anti-obesity initiative; and much more.

    Informative and hugely entertaining, The Obama Diaries will inspire both laughter and critical thinking about the future of the nation and the man currently at the helm.

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