
Keren Elazari Profile

  • Globally renowned cybersecurity expert, Keren Elazari is a prominent advocate of hackers doing good by exposing vulnerabilities so that companies and governments can reduce risks and make the Internet a more secure place.

  • Pioneering cybersecurity issues since the late 1990s, Elazari is a senior researcher at the Tel Aviv University Cyber Security Research Center and an adjunct professor at Singular University.

  • Elazari is an in-demand consultant and speaker who has presented at TED, TEDx, TEDMED, DLD, CyCon, DEFCON, RSA Conference and for organizations like Google, eBay, GE, Intel, PayPal, Microsoft, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, The Young Presidents Organization, KPMG, CitiBank, Carmel Ventures, NATO, and WIRED.
  • TED speaker, Keren Elazari is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert known for her stance that hackers and “hacktivists” can make the Internet a safer place by exposing vulnerabilities and pushing governments and companies to act on them. An advisor to numerous multinational corporations, government organizations, and start-ups, Elazari focuses especially on strengthening IoT devices and inspiring more girls and women to get into the tech industry.

    Born in Israel, Elazari is a senior researcher at the Tel Aviv University Cyber Security Research Center and an adjunct professor at Singular University.
    She is a contributing writer to WIRED, the Financial Times, and Scientific American, as well as the co-author of the book Women in Tech.

    Elazari has spoken at TED, TEDx, TEDMED, DLD, CyCon, DEFCON, RSA Conference and for organizations like Google, eBay, GE, Intel, PayPal, Microsoft, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, The Young Presidents Organization, KPMG, CitiBank, Carmel Ventures, NATO, WIRED, and Singularity University. Her 2014 TED Talk on how hackers act as the Internet’s immune system was selected as one of TED’s most powerful ideas of that year.

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      Keren Elazari, a former hacker turned cyber security expert, is an internationally celebrated speaker and author on matters of cyber security and privacy. Her 2014 TED talk, viewed by millions, helped shape the conversation about hackers and their important role in society.

      Keren Elazari brings years of experience in the international cyber security industry to the stage. Since 2000, Keren has worked with leading Israeli security firms, government organizations, Global Big 4 and Fortune 500 companies. Her research work and writing about security trends has been featured by Scientific American, WIRED, GIGAOM, CNN and more. Keren holds a CISSP security certification and MA in Security Studies from the prestigious Security & Technology workshop at Tel Aviv University – where she is a senior researcher with the Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center. In 2012, Keren held the position of Security Teaching Fellow with Singularity University, a private think tank, founded by Dr. Ray Kurzweil and sponsored by Google & NASA amongst others. Since 2013, Keren covers emerging security technologies as a security industry analyst with GIGAOM research, the leading independent media voice on all matters technology. In 2014, Keren became the first Israeli woman to be invited to speak at the annual TED conference. Keren’s TED talk has been viewed by 1.5 million people online, translated to 25 languages selected for TED’s list of ‘Most Powerful Ideas in 2014’ and for’s list of ‘Top TED Talks of 2014’.

      Since 2000, Keren has worked with leading IT vendors, government organizations, Big 4 firms and Fortune 500 companies.

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    Keren Elazari's Speech Descriptions

    Cybersecurity speaker Keren Elazari inspires businesses, government organizations, and the general public to tackle top threats – and they’re not limited to identity theft. While IoT is bringing convenience to our lifestyle, it’s also presenting unprecedented challenges: the “problems of the future”, Elazari contends, will include scenarios like “your neighborhood kids trying to hack your toaster.”

    Elazari educates audiences on how hackers are working with companies to discover and patch security vulnerabilities. She recommends simple actions that anyone can take to boost their own security and also addresses what we can do to close the diversity gap in the tech field.

    From Target to Sony Pictures, GPS Hijacking to Zero Days : This talk will look at the major trends and the problems we have to deal with, as an industry and as a community of security professionals. Elazari will shed light on new security threats and inspire the audience of security professionals to take action with practical ideas on how to make a difference. This talk has been well received by audiences of security & technology professionals worldwide, from the US (DEFCON) to Europe (BELNET) and Asia (Code Blue Tokyo).

    In cyber space, race or gender should not matter. But in the real world, there’s huge gender bias and lack of diversity in the information security community.

    Elazari will look at this phenomenon from a global perspective, examining studies and examples from all over the world. She will share her personal story of pursuing a career in a mostly male dominated industry, and how serving in the Israeli military changed her life. She will discuss why women often exclude themselves from the powerful world of hacking and how this can change, with accessible role models, female industry leaders reaching out and more respectful business environments that can nurture the next generation of cyber warriors – of all genders.

    From hacking the human body to stopping our cars – Today’s innovative technologies are changing not just digital lives, but humanity in a broader sense, blurring the lines between the human and the artificial, the born and the made, creating new interfaces between man & machine.

    The next frontier of hacking will affect all aspects of our lives. As hackers discover the vulnerabilities of things like medical devices, “the internet of things” or the automotive industry, new boundaries will be explored and broken. This talk will highlight the new threats and opportunities of the next digital revolution, and why every organization should care about cyber security.

    The beauty of hackers is that they force us to evolve and improve. Yes, some hackers are bad guys, but many are working to fight government corruption and advocate for our rights. By exposing vulnerabilities, they push the Internet to become stronger and healthier, wielding their power to create a better world.

    Hackers, as manipulators of technology and information, are playing a key role in the future of man & machines evolution. Like an immune system, they are change agents, they continuously push the boundaries of technology, exploring new frontiers the turning science fiction into a reality. But with great power comes great responsibility, and the transformative power of hacking can become a positive influence in years to come, but only if we learn to embrace it.

    Cyber security is now a top concern for global corporates and governments alike. Since 2010 and the advent of cyber weapons and major cyber espionage campaigns, cyber warfare has become a critical issue affecting the national security of nation states worldwide. At the same time, Cybercrime and corporate espionage attacks are persistent – and more lucrative than ever. Intellectual Property (IP) theft, customer data breaches & damage to corporate reputation have caused business loses estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars.

    While the global security industry leads a constant cat and mouse game, trying to catch up with the bad guys – cyber criminals make millions with a click of a button – staying one step ahead of the game. This talk ventures deep “behind the scenes” and into the dark world of the global cybercrime industry, in order to reveal how innovative technologies are abused by cyber criminals and understand what this means for organizations in all sectors of industry.

    In the information age, data is the new currency and access to it is power. With battle cries such as “Information wants to be free”, “Hack the planet” and “we are legion” – in recent years, Hackers have risen to infamy. But can we learn anything about innovation from them?

    The surprising fact is that hacking can, and often does, improve products. It exposes vulnerabilities, supplies innovations, and demonstrates what is possible and how consumers actually want to use technology. In this talk we will learn how companies that once fought hackers, can now invite them to innovate – and how more and more organizations are learning to embrace the creative aspects of hacker culture.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Keren Speak

    Rating Entries

    “I do feel Keren fit our goals and vision for the conference very well! She brought in a lot of great information on what is happening in the cybersecurity world today as well as what she sees happening in the future which was exactly what we wanted! The audience loved her session, it was the highest rated session we had all day. On a scale of 1 – 10 (10 being the best) her session was rated 9.38. Below are a few comments people left in our survey about it.

    “The Keynote was excellent”
    “Overall, I’d have to say that Keren was a great choice for a Keynote speaker and the technology worked fluidly.”
    “The Keynote was fantastic – They always are”

    —Core BTS

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    Books by Keren Elazari:

    Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories
    Geared toward women who are considering getting into tech, or those already in a tech job who want to take their career to the next level, this book combines practical career advice and inspiring personal stories from successful female tech professionals Brianna Wu (founder, Giant Spacekat), Angie Chang (founder, Women 2.0), Keren Elazari (TED speaker and cybersecurity expert), Katie Cunningham (Python educator and developer), Miah Johnson (senior systems administrator), Kristin Toth Smith (tech executive and inventor), and Kamilah Taylor (mobile and social developer).

    Written by a female startup CEO and featuring a host of other successful contributors, this book will help dismantle the unconscious social bias against women in the tech industry. Readers will learn:

    · The secrets of salary negotiation
    · The best format for tech resumes
    · How to ace a tech interview
    · The perks of both contracting (W-9) and salaried full-time work
    · The secrets of mentorship
    · How to start your own company
    · And much more

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