
Kare Anderson Profile

  • Respected columnist for Forbes and Huffington Post.

  • An Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter.

  • One of SAP’s Top 51 Human Potential Influencers.

  • She captivates audiences with her keynotes, teaching personal and professional strengthening through direct engagement, thoughtful collaboration, and positive communication.
  • It doesn’t get much higher-level than a presidential campaign, and Kare Anderson created over 208 issues-formation teams for President Obama’s first run for office. She is an expert in getting a message across, connecting with others to turn situations into opportunities and collaborating with others to accomplish more than you can accomplish alone.

    Kare has worked on the Wall Street Journal and as a journalist for NBC where she received an Emmy. She has been invited to speak across the world, has appeared at TedXBerkeley and been consulted by governments, sports teams, start-ups and prestigious companies and institutions including Google, the London School of Economics, Siemens, Deloitte and Novartis. She was the first Pacific Telesis Cable TV and Wideband Division Director and founding board member of Annie’s Homegrown.

    Passionate as well as expert, Kare has co-founded nine women’s political action committees. Her views are widely quoted in many publications and she has a global following for her blog, Moving from Me to We. She has published four books, Getting What You Want, Walk Your Talk, Beauty Inside Out and Resolving Conflict Sooner.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Enjoying a More Accomplished, Adventuresome and Satisfying Life – With Others

      The Rube Goldberg-style marble ladder contraption on the side table in my second grade class completely captured my attention, more than the teacher’s lesson plan, and I wasn’t the only one. When the recess bell finally rang, instead of going outside, three of us rushed over to re-jigger it so the marbles would have a more zig zaggy way to meander down, from the top to the bottom. That should have been a clue to me then that I’d rather reconfigure or create something new – with others — than to simply learn how things are now.

      Inventiveness is increasingly vital, for individuals and organizations, in this technology-enabled Age of Engagement, so you, too, may want to hone the skills needed to tap that talent inside of you.

      As a reporter, inventor and co-collaborator on many projects – I have honed three passionate interests that can benefit you, too, in this increasingly complex yet connected world. Now, more than ever, these skills are needed to stay relevant, sought-after and enjoying the true adventure story you were meant to live:

      1. Quotability

      More than smarts, experience, hard work or even money and attractiveness the key first step to standing out and to attracting involvement is your capacity to get your ideas heard and shared. There is an art and a science to being frequently-quoted.

      The A.I.R formula for quotability is as vital to life as oxygen in this connected era:

        • Actionable
        • Interesting
        • Relevant

      2. Connectability

      Disconcertingly, likeability often trumps competence when people choose whom to support, buy from or befriend, research shows. Discover how to turn more situations into opportunities to connect around a sweet spot of shared interest, using one or more of the 30 Connectability Cues Kare has discovered from tracking behavioral research over the past decade. Use them to bring out the brighter side in others. Only then will they see and support your best side.

      3. Collaborative

      Inevitably those who become sought-after in any sphere, from personal to social or work settings, have co-created the most tempting offering for their “market.” Understand how to choose one or more of the seven most successful and widely-applicable methods to solve a problem or seize an opportunity:

        • Self-organized teams, loosely networked together
        • Co-creation, scalable and/or templatable
        • Crowdsourcing
        • Mini-charettes
        • Special interest communities, online and in-person
        • Storyboarding an experience, place, event or content
        • Mass customization

      If you put any of these to use I’m betting that later, looking back on your life, some of your most meaningful memories and friendships will be the result of accomplishing something greater with others than you could have by working alone. You can bring out each others best talents and temperaments by evolving one of these specific structured collaboration methods to your situation

      Kare Can Support You in Two Ways

      Want to use your best talents more often to accomplish greater things with others? Like to be recognized and rewarded as you hone these traits? Then hire Kare to:

        • Speak at your conference or meeting
        • Provide coaching by phone and/or in-person
        • The arc of Kare’s work and life so far…

      Forbes columnist and Emmy-winning former Wall Street Journal and NBC journalist, Kare Anderson has been a public speaker in 18 countries, speaker at TEDxBerkeley, and consultant to companies, sports teams, startups, government leaders and non-profits as diverse as Google, The Skoll Foundation, London School of Economics, Nordstrom, Siemens, Deloitte, and Novartis.

      For Obama’s first presidential campaign she created over 208 issues formation teams. She was Pacific Telesis first Cable TV and Wideband Division Director and a founding board member of Annie’s Homegrown. Anderson co-founded nine women’s political action committees. Her ideas are cited in at least 18 books. She is the author of Getting What You Want, Walk Your Talk, Beauty Inside Out and Resolving Conflict Sooner. People in 28 countries read her blog, Moving From Me to We.

    Kare Anderson Speaking Videos

    Bring Kare Anderson to Speak Live at Your Event


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    Kare Anderson's Speech Descriptions

    Kare Anderson presents highly entertaining and engaging keynote speeches that immediately get your attendees engaging with each other. Kare believes in people practicing as they go along, and she teaches the three vital skills for remaining relevant amid the complexity of the modern world; credibility, connectivity and collaboration. Kare goes to great lengths to prepare for all her presentations, customizing them specifically to your area and to current events, using the names of audience members and offering one-on-one confidential coaching sessions as part of her service.

    Kare teaches her audience the skills of becoming quotable and collaborative and provides them with a toolkit which will make this become second nature. She shows how you can create smart partnerships that can attract more and higher-spending clients without increasing your outlay. Using a storyboarding technique, Kare can show you how to revamp your online presence so that visitors are constantly stimulated to buy, return and refer others.

    One particular special keynote that Kare offers can enormously enhance any exhibition; once the exhibition floor is set up, Kare can provide a “30 tips in 30 minutes” session which will show your exhibitors how they can immediately improve the engagement potential of their stands.

    Become a Sought-After Opportunity Maker
    In our tech-enabled world bad and good can hit faster, travel farther and become more contagious. Thus, more than wealth, talent, hard work or even charisma, the most valuable individuals are those who can recruit the right team to seize opportunities, solve problems and innovate faster and better than others. They share three “mutuality minded” traits: capacity to connect with unexpected allies who have complementary talents, ability to recognize methods that leverage value for all participants and be more deeply connected and widely quoted. Kare literally demonstrates concrete cues to hone these interconnected skills. Nothing optimizes collective performance more than spurring and enabling diverse people to use their best talents together around strong sweet spots of mutual interest. This approach clearly resonates as it has attracted over 2.3 million views of Kare Anderson’s TED talk on this topic.

    Hidden Behavioral Cues That Boost or Bust Credibility
    Your in-person and online actions are never neutral. Those who emanate warmth, competence and a mutuality mindset attitude (how can we accomplish something greater together) are most likely to be trusted as leader, allies and collaborators. Learn from a former NBC and WSJ journalist, who has spent the past decade translating behavioral research into ways to attract and provide smarter support sooner. Gain actionable insights that enable you to accomplish more by adopting a mutuality mindset. From the angle at which you face others to the shape of the room and the sound of your voice, you emanate a presence that is never neutral. Three Outcomes:
    • Discover how to bring out others' better side sooner so they see and support yours
    • Practice ways to communicate to connect and spur others’ bragging rights in retelling your ideas
    • Become the glue that holds diverse groups together so you accomplish more, become indispensable and attract more opportunities

    Become the Unforgettable Face of Your Organization
    Do people stop listening before you stop talking? More than your smarts, good intentions, wealth, or even attractiveness your most vital traits in this increasingly complex, connected and information-flooded world are your capacity to be more widely quoted and deeply connected with diverse, sometimes unexpected allies. That’s the only way to stay relevant and sought-after. Literally see demonstrated the three vital behavioral cues that bring out others’ better side so they naturally see and support yours. Discover seven core methods ways to turn every in-person or virtual situation into an opportunity to demonstrate value and create opportunity with and for others. Learn the A.I.R. formula for making every message memorable, meaningful and actionable. From a once phobically shy stutterer-turned-global journalist discover how to turn the next chapter of your life into the adventure story you were truly meant to live with others. As David Rockefeller Jr., said after hearing Kare speak, “She will forever change how you see yourself and your world.”

    Turn Employees Into Avid, Articulate Ambassadors of Your Firm’s Brand
    Perhaps the biggest missed opportunity to attract more customers --and retain top talent -- is to support your employees in engaging with customers, prospects and other key stakeholders in timely and helpful ways. Such connectivity strikes fear into the hearts of many executives, yet the upside benefits can far outweigh the mistakes. With the right rules in place and apt training, employees who are entrusted to be brand ambassadors are likely to strengthen relationships inside and outside your firm, see problems and opportunities sooner, generate greater shared learning with each other and boost esprit de corps. From an expert on communicating-to-connect discover exactly how to make your employees credible and compelling ambassadors for your firm. Three Outcomes:
    • Optimize your organization's talents and contacts to strengthen relationships with key stakeholders
    • Solve problems and seize opportunities faster and better by involving more
    • Spur relevant learning and esprit de corps among employees as they engage more with key stakeholders and with each other around meaningful projects and relationship building

    Make Your Event or Public Serving Place More Meaningful by Storyboarding the Sequence of Scenes They Experience
    Just as a movie director storyboards the sequence of scenes to pull audiences into the story, you can increase the number of positive multi-sensory and human interaction moments your “audience” feels when stepping into your place or event. From the first sight to the last touch, increase the multi-sensory cues that nudge people to participate more fully and meaningfully. Those who manage people-serving places or events can evoke a more memorable experience in staff and those they serve, using Kare’s behavioral research-based storyboarding method. Discover how to conduct an “Exposures Audit”, to then craft the moment-by-moment, one-of-a-kind experiences that others rave about. See more about Kare on that topic at The Modern Event:

    What People are Saying about Seeing Kare Speak

    Rating Entries

      As a program planner, I constantly search for that exceptional individual who not only is an outstanding presenter, but creates that special bond between audience and speaker. That I found in you.
      – National Dental Association

      Kare′s contagious passion, high content, and extraordinary presence compelled us to bring her back four times.
      – American Association of Nurse Executives

      Your uncanny insights into how we can leverage the success of our advertising campaign were the icing on the cake when we brought you to teach us how to become more compelling communicators–so much learning and fun in such a short time.
      – California Tree Fruit Agreement

      Your keynote at our rally got even our most seasoned people up, alive and very active, talking with each other about how they want to support our political action. We couldn′t have asked for anything better.
      – Florida Association of Counties

      You were the meeting′s highlight–all aimed at our seasoned sales force′s needs.
      – The 3M Company Post-It Project

      Kare, you were amazing as usual and 100% of your audience loved you!
      – California Gift Show

      Attendees said ′Wow!!,′ ′Must bring her back!,′ and more as you received a 4.97 out of a possible 5 for your extremely relevant program. You have our highest recommendation.
      – Annual Credit Union Auditors′ Association

      Your speech was exceptional, highly rated, and extremely pertinent to our competitive industry AGAIN!
      – Produce Marketing Association

      Our attendees gave your keynote our highest rating ever. We′ll bring you and your books back next year!
      – Institute of Real Estate Management

      The insights you provided on personal influence were compelling, ethical, and prompted a great deal of intellectual curiosity through the audience.
      – Nabisco

      You were riveting at our women′s conference: practical and inspiring.
      – Women of AT&T

      You have a commanding presence and clear strong knowledge of cross-promotions. Thanks for making a great contribution to our program.
      – Rogers Instruments Corporation

      You were the ′highest overall rated′ and ′most innovative′ speaker for our quality selling conference. People were actually using your techniques over dinner and in the hallways the next two days of the conference.
      – Lucent Technologies

      You provided the new ideas, inspiration, and clarity I wanted for our very seasoned sales force to start the year out on a new high.
      – Planters

      You have an amazing magnetism, not only in front of an audience at Point of Purchase Advertising Institute, but even to talk with you ahead of time and by phone.
      – Thomson-Leeds Company

      Her innovative and workable techniques are used daily by thousands from such diverse organizations as Catholic Council of Bishops, Hewlett Packard, and the Sierra Club. Why? Because they work.
      – The New York Times

      Her practical and often startling style makes people laugh as they learn.
      – Campbell Soup

      Kare won over our tough group in minutes and kept their total attention for two hours.
      – Utah Auto Dealers Association

      Our people are seasoned seminar goers, and your session knocked their socks off with ′state-of-the-art′ new information they can use. We loved it.
      – The Marriott Company

      Your morning keynote after a late night dance woke everybody up. Even our business owners were writing notes–people I′d never seen sit still for a speaker before.
      – The Printing Industries Council

      You ranked as the most effective segment at the Institute.
      – George Hospital Association

      You reach minds and touch emotions. Wow. Thank you for making me look good.
      – California Apple Day

      You won rave reviews for your ′Selling Your Ideas & Winning Agreement′ program with words in evaluations like ′Eight hours with her would have been great-–mesmerizing,′ ′She was captivating,′ ′Best of the convention by far,′ ′Most insightful–new ideas for us,′ ′Exceptional delivery,′ and ′Bring her back!′
      – National Association of Realtors

      Perhaps the strongest affirmation of your impact on our group was the consistent use of the terms ′great′ and ′we want more!′
      – Kaiser Permanente

      You were by far the best speaker at the conference, with strategies to influence legislators that inspired even the novice.
      – American Red Cross

      Your insightful message on cross-cultural cues for business partnerships was so well received that we are reorganizing how our group operates. As our first woman keynoter, your approach set a new standard which we appreciate.
      – Hong Kong Council of CEOs

      You kept a sometimes restless and very diverse group of elected and staff officials glued to your words, and ready to act. Thank you!
      – National League of Cities

      Your leadership keynote closed our conference with a resoundingly upbeat call to action — exactly what we hoped for.
      – Margaret Wolfe, American Farm Bureau

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    Books by Kare Anderson:

      Resolving Conflict Sooner

      Conflict can be an opportunity for people to come together and establish deeper connections. Kare Anderson provides a fresh illuminating perspective and shows us how to resolve conflicts sooner with four simple steps. Helpful tips to keep in mind as we practice the art of conflict resolution are woven throughout the book making it as engaging as well as useful.

      Order Here

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