
Juliet Funt Profile

  • As CEO and Founder of Whitespace at Work, Funt shows organizations how they can accomplish more by focusing on less.

  • Funt's proven skill sets enable employees and leadership across multiple industries to combat burn-out and overload, helping they can reclaim their full potential and personal lives.

  • A nationally recognized on time management and raising productivity, Funt tailors her rare blend of substance, humor, and practical tools to tackle your talents' most pressing pain points.
  • From Costco to the military, Juliet Funt has helped hundreds of organizations flip the norms of business in order to reclaim their creativity, productivity, morale, and, most amazingly of all, downtime. A nationally recognized expert in coping with the “Age of Overload,” Juliet is the founder and owner of WhiteSpace at Work, a training and consulting firm dedicated to helping companies and groups across all industries change the negative patterns and behaviors that prevent them from achieving optimum results.

    The daughter of Candid Camera’s Allen Funt, Juliet grew up with a father in show business and saw firsthand how the rigors of a career could affect family life. Her edgy effective presentations and training sessions draw from a mixture of rich professional experience including working as an improv comedian, a meeting planner, a human resources trainer for the Los Angeles Police Department and a liaison for a Palestinian/Israeli peace project.

    Juliet lives her own WhiteSpace concept each day as she balances speaking to audiences of sometimes over 7,000 people with the challenges and joys of being a mother of three.

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      Juliet Funt is the CEO of WhiteSpace at Work, a performance improvement and productivity firm that helps organizations, their leaders and employees flip the norms of business in order to reclaim their creativity, productivity and engagement. With thought-provoking content and immediately actionable tools, she has become a nationally recognized expert in coping with the Age of Overload in which we all live and work.

      Juliet helps attendees learn the pivotal difference between activity and productivity. She teaches them a streamlined method for personal process improvement – leading to more creativity and engagement. She helps executives, managers and teams answer the critical question “What thoughts deserve my full attention today?”

      Juliet regularly wows audiences as a high-impact, high-energy speaker. Yet her deeper mission is to show organizations how WhiteSpace® can change the negative patterns and behaviors that prevent them from achieving optimum results. Her clients include a number of Fortune 100 companies and span a wide array of industries, from financial services to technology, manufacturing to the military – executive workshops to audiences as large as 7,000.

      Incredibly intuitive, Juliet successfully blends highly customized content with a keen understanding of clients’ needs in her programs and consulting work. With a unique blend of charisma, humor and tough love, she has the uncanny ability to connect with people at all levels, compelling them to make real, lasting change. Yet beneath her powerful assets, she is both authentic and accessible. As a busy corporate speaker and consultant, business owner, wife, and mother of three young boys, she practices on a daily basis the WhiteSpace® concept she shares with clients.

      Juliet Funt is a force for change in organizations around the world, helping them and their WhiteSpace, recharge their people and reclaim their passion for work.

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    Juliet Funt's Speech Descriptions

    Juliet Funt gives leaders from all industries, from Wall Street to Healthcare, the ability to distinguish activity and productivity. Her valuable, entertaining, and current programs help organizations reclaim “white space”: that strategic pause taken between activities that allows you reflect, rejuvenate, and generate greater ideas and accomplishments by pursuing less. Juliet shows you how to reset your mindset and turn your work and home into an environment where tackling less yields more. Furthermore, her dynamic presentations will equip your group with the “white space skills” they need to nurture creativity, production, and motivation.

    Activity is not Productivity:
    Raising Execution Through Reclaiming WhiteSpace
    (Our signature keynote for general audiences, adaptable for leadership)

    Every executive and team has only a select handful of true priorities. And they’ll do anything to move them forward quickly and triumphantly. But when talented workers are lost in unnecessary emails, meetings, reporting and other low-value tasks, they crawl toward these pivotal objectives. Distraction, interruption and unnecessary complexity further addle their creative spark. And they have no time to think.

    Imagine instead a workplace where a majority of time is spent on tasks of true importance. Where thoughtful time is a priority and where norms and habits protect employees from touching work that drains them. This is a WhiteSpace culture, one where strategic pauses allow time for strategy and insight — and its creation may be more possible than you think.

    In this high-energy session, we’ll learn the basics of bringing positive changes such as these to you and your organization by examining the critical difference between activity and true productivity, between cramming in more tasks and selectively choosing to dive into the right ones with thoughtfulness.

    We also meet and arm ourselves against The Thieves of Productivity, a group of positive assets that can often run amuck. By examining the surprising downside of these attributes, we create a customized road map toward more WhiteSpace at the individual, team and organizational level.

    Performing to the Level of Culture:
    How to liberate talented teams from busywork and complexity
    (A program designed for senior leaders)

    Employees drive themselves hard in the Age of Overload. We’re fooled into thinking they’re more productive than ever. But is that true? Overloaded populations often habituate to their discomfort. But their companies tend to suffer from one or more de cits that affect the bottom line: the QQS De cits- downfalls in Quantity, Quality or Sustainability.

    Sometimes it’s a quantity problem with constant complaints about headcount and bandwidth. Sometimes it’s a quality issue; work level is slipping, and time to think high-altitude thoughts has evaporated. Or it’s a sustainability issue; employees are surviving but collectively asking, “How long can we keep this up?” Most companies endure a mixture of two or even all three.

    Seventy-seven percent of surveyed CEOs noted that their organizational complexity is higher than three years ago. In this program, we consider a different path, one where a reductive lens helps pare back busyness and make room to reclaim and effectively use mental capacity. Also featured is actionable content that combats The Tools that Turn on You. These are support systems and devices that promise to improve our work style. In reality, they tend to defy boundaries, hijacking time and resources — think email, meetings, decks and more.

    Lastly, we will discuss the relevance of WhiteSpace to leadership legacy, the story about us that is yet to be written.


    What People are Saying about Seeing Juliet Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Juliet’s powerful appeal is based on an incredibly intuitive presentation style, where heartwarming stories and infectious humor play significant roles. She successfully blends sincerity, passion, excitement, and amazingly audience-appropriate content. I’d highly recommend her—she is outstanding!”
        Gail B. Stoops, Philips

    “Thank goodness for speakers like you who actually become a part of the meeting team. Your attitude, the way you stuck around and spent time with participants, offering to pitch in and help if WE needed anything… truly you were a meeting planner’s dream.”
        Chris Crocker, Coldwell Banker Real Estate

    “What a wonderfully balanced and effective presentation! With a charismatic and approachable style, Juliet struck the perfect balance of high energy, humor and insightful, applicable content. Not only did we have a great time, we left with tools we could use on a daily basis.”
        Mark D. Robeson, Wells Fargo

    “Thank you!!! You’re the gift that keeps on giving—satisfied conference participants. We have just opened registration for our Annual Conference and callers are still praising your keynote last year (and hoping for more). And bottom line (As Executive Directors are always focused on), The return on our investment in your fee has exceeded our highest expectations!”
        Dr. Bill Braden, Kentucky Counseling Association

    “Ms. Funt’s workshop was exhilarating. She captivated our audience and presented key information in a humorous and thought provoking manner. After almost one hour she left our audience wanting to hear more. The Los Angeles Air Force base highly recommends Juliet to any military or civilian organization that is looking for a someone who can motivate, teach and inspire.”
        Terrence F. Regan Lt. Col, Department of the Air Force

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