
Julie Morgenstern

Life Balance, Time Management

Travels from New York, USA

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$15,000 to $20,000

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Julie Morgenstern Profile

  • Known as "America's Organizing Queen," Morgenstern's customized approach to organization has boosted productivity for American Express, Hearst, Deloitte, Microsoft, FedEx, GlaxoSmithKline, and many more clients around the globe.

  • Morgenstern is the author of business classics like Organizing from the Inside Out, Time Management from the Inside Out, and Never Check E-mail in the Morning.

  • Morgenstern's strategies for organizing your home, workplace, and schedule have been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Rachael Ray Show, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and National Public Radio.
  • Best-selling author and Oprah favorite, Julie Morgenstern is America’s organizing queen. Her client-tailored sustainable approaches have made her a sought-out time management expert, business productivity consultant, and popular keynote speaker.

    Since 1989, Julie and her team at Julie Morgenstern Enterprises have collaborated with individuals and companies to organize their space, time, and resources, so that they can get more from less. Morgenstern’s career path to professional organizer was not a clear one. As a young woman, she considered the chaos in her life a mark of her creativity; however, after her daughter was born, she quickly realized her old lifestyle was no longer functional. She began to create different formulas to organize spaces from her little one’s diaper bag to the kitchen cabinet, based on her family’s habits and needs at the time. Her style and strategies have evolved to organizing entire corporations like American Express, Hearst, Deloitte, Microsoft, FedEx, GlaxoSmithKline, and the NBC-Newsroom.

    Morgenstern is the author of Organizing From The Inside Out, a fun guidebook that has helped hundreds of thousands of readers turn chaos into maintainable order. Her later hits Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life and Never Check E-mail in the Morning have guided readers to transformative achievements in the areas of change management, time management, and productivity. She’s worked organizational magic, offering insights and advice on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Rachael Ray Show, Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR, and in the New York Times, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health, and Redbook.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Julie Morgenstern is an internationally renowned organizing and time management expert, New York Times best-selling author, consultant and speaker. Her work spans the distance between individuals and workforces – homes and corporations. The “Inside Out” philosophy that is now synonymous with her name result in customized solutions that are innovative, practical and ensure long-term success. Since 1989, Julie and her staff have transformed the way individuals and companies function around the globe, including American Express, Hearst, Deloitte, Microsoft, FedEx, GlaxoSmithKline, the NBC-Newsroom, the NYC Mayor’s Office, Sony Music, State Farm Insurance, and Viacom/MTV.

      As a speaker, media personality, and corporate spokesperson, Julie is known for her passionate, articulate style and warm sense of humor. She is a contributor to Redbook, helping readers solve problems by inspiring order in their lives through her monthly column. She has shared her expertise on countless TV and radio outlets, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, The Rachael Ray Show, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and National Public Radio. She is quoted and featured regularly in a wide variety of publications and has been seen in The New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, Best Life, O Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Fitness Magazine, and Men’s Health.

      Julie is the author of the classic tomes ORGANIZING FROM THE INSIDE OUT and TIME MANAGEMENT FROM THE INSIDE OUT, both of which have been developed into popular specials for PBS. Julie and her teenage daughter, Jessi Morgenstern-Colon, co-authored ORGANIZING FROM THE INSIDE OUT FOR TEENS. Her workplace productivity and work-life balance tome, NEVER CHECK E-MAIL IN THE MORNING, is now the basis of a popular training program conducted for the Fortune 500 and businesses worldwide. Julie’s latest book, SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life takes her message to a new level, showing people how to use the process of decluttering to ‘get unstuck’ in their lives. Beyond books, the core principles of her organization and time management philosophies are made tangible through the Julie Morgenstern Collection of organizers, totes, and leather accessories. The line was designed in partnership with FranklinCovey, to provide intelligent organizing tools for the way people really live.

      The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) honored Julie with its prestigious Founder’s Award in 2002 for her significant contributions to the professional organizing industry. She served actively on the Board of Directors for NAPO for many years and is also a member of The National Speakers Association (NSA).

      Julie’s background in the theatre as a director, producer, and performer provides the foundation for her work as an Organizer. She believes organizing requires the same set of skills as directing/producing – an appreciation of spatial design, the ability to see the big picture as well as the tiny details, and the talent to blend psychology and practical skills to guide people where they want to go.

      Her education includes a BA in Theatre from Temple University and graduate studies in Directing at the Goodman School of Drama. Julie lives in New York City.

    Julie Morgenstern Speaking Videos

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    Julie Morgenstern's Speech Descriptions

    People hearing Julie Morgenstern for the first time wonder aloud, “Where has she been all my life?” Millions have connected with Morgenstern’s guidelines for organizing, decluttering, and time management, declaring that her methodologies are applicable to every aspect of life. Morgenstern realizes that “cookie cutter methods” don’t work for everybody; rather, her approach focuses on developing systems and processes based on your lifestyle and goals – an approach that people claim not only works, but has actually “given them their lives back.”

      With humor, compassion, and insight Julie and her team give audiences critical skills for today’s busy world … How to get and stay organized. The results? Program attendees laugh, learn and leave with practical tools and strategies they can apply immediately, along with the motivation to take action right away.

      Clutter Control: Skills for Life
      Ready to get organized but don’t know where to start? Don’t give up … beneath those piles there lurks a foolproof system for tackling any space! Learn to convert your favorite disaster area into a laboratory for mastering universal organizing skills – forever turning chaos into order! Identify what’s holding you back, design your system on the unique way you think, arrange your space for convenience, stretch storage, and avoid the most common pitfalls in getting organized.

      Filing is for Retrieval: Keys to an Organized Office
      The average executive wastes six weeks per year searching for information in messy desks and files, according to the Wall Street Journal. Boost your productivity, speed your response to information requests, and prevent loss of opportunities by conquering office clutter. Discover the secrets of a user-friendly filing system that “speaks” to you; liberate limited storage space by archiving or tossing irrelevant materials; organize your desktop for easy paper flow, and create an easy maintenance plan.

      The Great Juggling Act: Creating Balance in Our Lives
      Too much to do, and not enough time? Do you ever feel off, by just a step? Create and sustain the balance you crave with innovative tools that will keep you on track. Develop a brand new perception of time, discover the #1 gateway skill to good time management, connect daily activities to big picture goals, work with your natural style instead of against it, and master the 4 D’s for creating a manageable to-do list. Complete everyday with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

      Making Work, Work: Thriving in the New Reality
      Demanding workloads, a hyper-speed pace, and constantly changing responsibilities create a challenging work environment. Brand new, counterintuitive skills are required to boost your value and increase job security without sacrificing your personal life. Learn to prioritize your to-do list with confidence, create the time to concentrate in a highly distractible environment, outsmart email and interruptions, optimize your time off to ensure peak performance, and work fewer hours while getting more done. Small changes in your behavior will put you instantly back in control.


      An organized work space speeds information retrieval, reduces stress and preserves institutional knowledge. And an organized home is a great place to recharge.

      Julie’s New York Times best-selling book, Organizing from the Inside Out , is the touchstone of this talk. Her approach is unexpected, fun and practical, showing audiences how to design a sustainable system based on their unique personality, needs and style. Step by step, she teaches audience members how to identify what’s holding them back and how to use that insight to transform chaos into order, so no opportunity is lost to the clutter.


      Geared toward entrepreneurs and small business owners, Julie shares the strategies she used to establish her brand as one of the most respected in her industry and grow her small business from an idea – born in a corner of her living room – to an international enterprise.

      Audience members will learn how to position themselves as experts, target a core client base, cultivate relationships with the media, leverage the authenticity of their brands, and develop systems to manage time, space and content to maintain a competitive edge and generate revenue. Any professional in business for themselves, whether startup or veteran, will find value in this content.


      A company’s competitiveness is increasingly reliant on their talent and human capital, one of the greatest investments in today’s knowledge based economy. Julie guides organizational leaders in creating an environment that cultivates peak performance to ensure time is spent on the right tasks with the proper focus.

      Drawing on decades of experience consulting with leading executives at many of the world’s largest companies, Julie shows how leaders and companies who invest in the creation of norms around workflow are able to build a culture that promotes productivity and boosts employee effectiveness and satisfaction. Time leadership enables companies to efficiently fulfill their objectives, recruit and retain top talent, and stay far ahead of the competition.

      *NOTE: All topics can be customized for your group.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Julie Speak

    Rating Entries

    Julies organization methods work form the inside out!


      “The Mid-Atlantic Microsoft Sales Team loved your presentation! They thought you were an excellent speaker, they loved the interactivity and are looking forward to implementing the ideas from your book. Everyone has been vying for the extra copies of the Making Work Work Books. Your prenstation kicked off a very successful day of partner and customer meetings as well. Thanks for making me look so good!”
      ~ Lisa Malone, Microsoft

      “Your upbeat, engaging style made ‘organizing’ fun. The tips and strategies you presented, in just 60 minutes, had an impact on everyone lucky enough to attend. We are all more efficient, productive, indeed organized, thanks to you.”
      ~ Lisa Grossman, Viacom

      “I recently had Julie speak at one of my seminars to a group of 230 people. The response I had immediately after Julie’s presentation was incredible, but more importantly one week later I am hearing amazing stories of success and personal change from my seminar attendees resulting from what Julie said.”
      ~ Sam Beckford, Successful Studio Strategies

      “Thank you a million times over for your workshop! The Oregon Downtown Development Association is grateful to you for the help and insight you have given us. We hope to continue our relationship, as we continue to look for ways to reduce stress and manage our time in our work and personal lives.”
      ~ Heidi Henry, Oregon Downtown Development Association

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    Books by Julie Morgenstern:

        Making Work Work: New Strategies for Surviving and Thriving at the Office

        Maintaining control in today′s hectic workplace is a challenge — everything is lean, competitive, and uncertain. What does it take to survive? Must you sign away your life in blood? Live in fear of being fired? Quit your job and move to the countryside? Not at all.

        Through the mastery of nine essential skills, Morgenstern shows how small changes in your thinking and behavior will help you achieve the seemingly impossible — boost your value, increase your job security, and afford you the time to still have a life. Morgenstern has helped clients of all levels take control of their work lives in every industry imaginable. This book mirrors the individual consulting services she provides by showing you how to start with yourself and then tackle the more complex external issues of working relationships and the job.

        With insight and warmth, Morgenstern gives fresh “grab-and-go” strategies such as:

        • Avoid e-mail for the first hour of the day. It′s addictive and steals your most productive time.
        • Trust your truth. Never undervalue your unique self, skills, and point of view.
        • Beware multitasking. Scattering your efforts makes for a longer day.
        • “Dance close to the revenue line.” Making and saving money is where your greatest value lies.
        • “Crunch the container.” Shorten your workday by thirty minutes and you will get more done.

        Making Work Work transcends industries, job titles, and even economic climates. With the process taught in this book, you will feel less trapped and more in charge — you′ll able to make a bad situation better, restore a formerly good situation, or search for a job that′s a better fit for who you are.

        With Morgenstern′s guidance you can find a way to make work work.

        Order Here

        SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life: A Four-Step Guide to Getting Unstuck

        Now in paperback, organizing guru Julie morgenstern shows how to get rid of the physical, mental, and time clutter that’s keeping you from the life you want.

        Julie Morgenstern has made a career out of helping her clients get organized. But in the process, she discovered something surprising: for many of her clients, organizing isn’t enough. For those who are eager to make a change in their lives—a new job, a new relationship, a new stage in life— they need to get rid of the old before they can organize the new. They need to SHED their stuff before they can change their lives! So Julie created the SHED process—a four-step plan to get rid of the physical, mental, and schedule clutter that holds back so many of us. But SHEDing isn’t just about throwing things away! Julie teaches that its just as important to focus on what comes before and after you heave the clutter, so that the changes you make really stick in the long term. Learn about:

        • Separating the treasures (figuring out what really matters)
        • Heaving the rest (undertaking the tough work of eliminating excess)
        • Embracing your true identity (figuring out who you really want to be)
        • Driving yourself forward (achieving real change now that the past isn’t holding you back any longer)

        Whether you’re facing a move, a promotion, an empty nest, a marriage, divorce, or retirement, SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life provides a practical, transformative plan for positively managing change in every aspect of your life.

        Order Here

        Organizing from the inside Out: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your Life

        A completely revised and expanded edition of the New York Times bestselling guide to putting things in order

        Getting organized is a skill that anyone can learn, and there′s no better teacher than America′s organizing queen, Julie Morgenstern, as hundreds of thousands of readers have learned. Drawing on her years of experience as a professional organizer, Morgenstern outlines a simple organizing plan that starts with understanding your individual goals, natural habits, and psychological needs, so that you can work with your priorities and personality rather than against them. The basic steps-Analyze, Strategize, Attack-can be applied to any space or situation.

        In this thoroughly revised edition, Morgenstern has incorporated new information in response to feedback from her clients and audiences. These changes include:

        • new chapters on living or working with someone who is disorganized
        • new chapters on organizing photographs, handbags, briefcases, and travel bags
        • an expanded program for organizing your kitchen
        • a new guide to getting started
        • a fully updated resource guide

        Order Here

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