
Joseph Michelli Profile

  • Acclaimed for his work with Zappos, Starbucks, and the Ritz-Carleton, Dr. Michelli is one of the world's leading experts on creating stand-out customer experiences.

  • Energetic and thought-provoking, Dr. Michelli imparts practical tools that can transform a company's culture and the demand for their services.

  • Dr. Michelli is the Wall Street Journal and New York Times number one bestselling author of ten books, including Leading the Starbucks Way and The Zappos Experience.
  • Psychologist and customer experience expert, Dr. Joseph Michelli helps companies and organizations define their legacy. Michelli works with leaders and frontline employees alike to find joy in every aspect of their daily lives while consistently delivering an uncommon experience that strengthens customer loyalty and drives up profits.

    Dr. Michelli is the Wall Street Journal and New York Times number one bestselling author of seven books, including Leading the Starbucks Way, The Zappos Experience, and his most recent work, Driven to Delight: Delivering World-Class Customer Experience the Mercedes-Benz Way. Dr. Michelli has been recognized for his in-depth research and analysis on the business models and best practices of the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle,, Starbucks, UCLA Health System, and the Ritz Carleton. He was named one of the top ten thought leaders in customer service by Global Gurus and holds a Certified Speaking Professional designation.

    In addition to having spoken in most of the 50 US states, Dr. Michelli has presented throughout Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, and Australia.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., is an internationally sought-after speaker, author, and organizational consultant committed to helping leaders and front-line team members elevate customer experiences, enhance employee engagement, improve resilience, and achieve purposeful success.

      Dr. Michelli is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Businessweek #1 bestselling author of ten McGraw-Hill published books, including: Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges; The Airbnb Way: 5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging; Driven to Delight: Delivering World-Class Customer Experience the Mercedes-Benz Way; Leading The Starbucks Way: 5 Principles for Connecting with Your Customer, Your Products, and Your People; The Zappos Experience: 5 Principles to Inspire Engage and WOW; Prescription for Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Creating a World-Class Customer Experience from UCLA Health System; The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary; The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company; and When Fish Fly: Lessons for Creating a Vital and Energized Workplace, which was co-authored with the owner of the “World Famous” Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle.

      Joseph holds the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association (NSA). He is a member of the Authors Guild, an editorial board member for the Beryl Institute’s Patient Experience Journal (PXJ) and is on the founders’ council of CustomerExperienceOne. Other achievements include winning the Asian Brand Excellence Award and being named a Top Five thought leader in Customer Experience for five consecutive years. He received his master’s and doctorate from the University of Southern California.

      Having journeyed with a close family member through a six-year battle with breast cancer, Dr. Michelli is committed to social causes associated with curing cancer and abating world hunger

    Joseph Michelli Speaking Videos

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    Joseph Michelli's Speech Descriptions

    Remarkable customer experience is not limited to global brands. Customer experience expert and organizational consultant, Dr. Joseph Michelli shows leaders and employees how they can forge a culture where meaningful exchanges with consumers are the norm.
    An animated speaker acclaimed for his work with Zappos, Starbucks, and Seattle’s Pike Place Fish Market, Michelli models best practices that will make your organization stand out in your market and industry, on a regional or even global level.

    Service Excellence and Customer Experience Sample Presentations:


    You are not alone in wanting to deliver outstanding customer experiences. According to Forrester Research, customer experience elevation is on the strategic priority list of 92% of businesses. Despite that prioritization, consumer satisfaction continues to decline. This presentation outlines the difference between companies that “aspire to” and those like Mercedes-Benz USA that “execute to” deliver customer delight. It outlines the importance of leadership vision and approaches to inspire customer-centricity for everyone who represents your brand. Moreover, the presentation offers practical tools for integrating technology with human service delivery to create a unique, special bond with your customers.


    Let's face it: the wants, needs, and desires of your customers are constantly changing. In this presentation, Dr. Michelli distinguishes between product, service, and experience-based strategies for acquiring, retaining, and driving referrals from your customers. Leveraging key principles from customer experience design technology, Joseph shows the importance of crafting a Way We Serve™ Statement, which helps staff members understand the nature of the optimal experience you seek to deliver. In this keynote, Dr. Michelli also demonstrates how to make cost-conscious decisions that drive customer loyalty and increase customer spend.


    No company makes money or stays in business unless they serve the needs of others. Moreover, "crave-able" customer experiences drive consumer loyalty. Conservative estimates suggest it costs six times more to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one. By offering solutions to address stated and unstated customer needs, you increase your customers' desire to spend more money on your business. In this keynote or workshop, Dr. Michelli discusses ways to innovate solutions that will enhance the customer's life, such that existing customers spend more and increase their referrals to your business. By identifying loyalty drivers, Dr. Michelli helps audience members understand how to allocate limited financial and staff resources for maximum customer experience return.


    Who is responsible for creating compelling experiences that draw customers? The short answer is everyone in the business! Dr. Michelli's presentation challenges each audience member to take ownership of the experiences they provide to assure long-term viability. By making distinctions involving varying levels of employee engagement (owners, renters, and squatters), Dr. Michelli helps redefine the role of every employee as an "equity generator." He demonstrates that every employee affects the engagement level of colleagues and contributes to positive or negative customer experiences. Dr. Michelli shows how a single employee can change a culture, lift morale, innovate breakthrough products, create customer evangelists, and even save a business. This inspirational presentation is an impassioned yet optimistic call for strong action in rapidly changing times. It is a call for rock-solid execution of customer service standards.

    Employee Engagement and Customer Loyalty Sample Presentations:


    The drivers of customer loyalty are changing! Consumers no longer stay loyal to brands that simply satisfy them. Increasingly, customers churn because brands are difficult to do business with and/or those brands don’t develop emotional or lifestyle connections with them. In this customer loyalty presentation, Dr. Michelli looks at best practices from brands like Mercedes-Benz USA, Zappos, and Starbucks as they forge emotional connections at high-value touchpoints. He also demonstrates how an entire workforce listens to the voice of customers and looks for ways to remove pain points and enhance delight. This presentation also explores the role of employee loyalty to customer loyalty and the leadership behaviors needed to achieve both.


    A Harvard Business Review research article suggests that customer experience initiatives are failing because they are not grounded in cultures of service excellence. In "Transforming Your Culture," Dr. Michelli looks at how brands like Mercedes-Benz USA create a compelling vision of change urgency, align leaders in pursuit of tangible customer experience objectives, offer technology and process tools to delight customers, and change the internal conversation to discuss the business from the customer’s vantage point. If you are seeking a fundamental shift toward true “customer-centric” execution, this presentation will offer a roadmap and tools for transformational change!

    Mastering Change, Unleashing Innovation and Leaving a Legacy Sample Presentations:


    The phrase “new normal” is being overused these days! When most people say it, you can hear the pain in their voice and a nostalgic longing for the way things used to be. There are lots of “if onlys” packed into the phrase. “If only,” we could go back to the “old normal.” This presentation focuses on a different set of “what if” questions. What if you can disrupt the pandemic to make the future better than the old normal? What if you could leverage technology tools in conjunction with higher human service levels to deliver a more engaging experience to all stakeholders (peers, team members, customers, and vendors)? Dr. Michelli will customize this presentation to offer immediate impact tools to design and deliver humanity and technology-rich experiences that drive loyalty and referrals.


    This presentation examines the primary drivers of change in the technological age. It demonstrates ways to establish flexible service and quality standards while encouraging the sharing of unique ideas and talents of employees. By making important leadership distinctions between "being" and "doing," Dr. Michelli offers a fun yet practical approach to infusing greater employee vitality, ownership, and fun. This presentation helps participants utilize essential strategies for seizing opportunities in a rapidly changing world.


    Innovation is a daunting word. In this presentation, Dr. Michelli demystifies the innovative process. By exploring the inside (ideas of staff) and outside (benchmarking other businesses) lanes, Dr. Michelli demonstrates how your business can gain a competitive advantage in creative product development and service delivery. Dr. Michelli shows how to effectively elicit and implement staff-generated ideas while also looking for best practices inside and outside your industry. This presentation also offers structured and advanced innovation strategies that lead to results-based breakthroughs.

    Legacy/Service Significance Sample Presentations:


    Everyone leaves a legacy. The scope of that legacy is largely a function of the degree to which it is designed versus left to chance. Utilizing a legacy model, Dr. Michelli helps frontline team members, managers and leaders understand the importance of finding defining the lasting emotional impact they wish to have on colleagues and customers. Further, he guides audience members to see their influence as a function of effort as well as the scope of impact. "Engineering Legacy - The Art of Lasting Significance," takes participants through a process to define and be held accountable to their own personal “Legacy Vision."


    "Why do you come to work?" That fundamental question is the foundation for a presentation that analyzes the transformational power of work and service. By shifting the focus away from the task nature of work to the purpose of a person's job choice, Dr. Michelli helps participants ignite their passion and calling for their work. Dr. Michelli guides employees at all levels of the organization to understand how they can do more than transact business. Instead, he shows how they can develop their gifts and talents in service of powerful transcendent goals.

    Joseph Michelli on Speaking

    Together, the planners,, and my team can shape the content to maximize learning effectiveness, impact, and memorability.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    MICHELLI: I want them to learn and take away the things that the event planners/sponsors and I agree upon. A keynote speech or a workshop is a special event that must be carefully co-created. It is my job to determine what the success of the event will look and feel like from the perspective of the event sponsors. It is then my job to offer up possible ways to achieve those deliverables. Together, the planners,, and my team can shape the content to maximize learning effectiveness, impact, and memorability.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    MICHELLI: We go beyond initial surveys which are fairly common in the industry. We have as many planning meetings with stakeholders as is necessary to agree on the throughput of the event (content, level of interactivity, and the desired emotional impact). We then talk about ways we might achieve those goals and craft a draft deck.

    Afterwards, we do video conference walkthroughs of the deck to make edits and revisions until there is final approval. This approach results in “no surprises” with regard to content, stories that are used to make a point, correct logos, etc. The only surprise we want clients to have is the level of passion and enthusiasm we bring to the content on the day I take the stage for them.

    I am entrusted to have a transformative effect on an audience. That transformation might involve taking people from one state of knowledge to another or guiding them from change resistance to inspired change readiness.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    MICHELLI: Honestly, every event is memorable to me. I am entrusted to have a transformative effect on an audience. That transformation might involve taking people from one state of knowledge to another or guiding them from change resistance to inspired change readiness. Being given that opportunity over and over again is a blessing.

    The most memorable presentation of my life was probably at a Fathering Conference right after the birth of my son and just before my own father’s death. At that event, I was fortunate enough to have two of my favorite men take the stage with me for a moment that will live forever in my memory.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?


  • Leaders, managers, or frontline workers who want to make a difference in the lives of those they serve.
  • People who are looking for ways to have a greater impact on others and in turn produce profitable and sustainable businesses.
  • Individuals who seek to gain a competitive advantage by executing well-defined employee and customer experience strategies and tactics. Hmm, I’m not sure that excludes many people in business today.

    In a more serious vein, we have been blessed to have my suite of content resonate with a wide swath of audiences.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    MICHELLI: I love talking about legacy, service, “otherness”, coaching for greatness, merging technology and human service delivery, and what any leader or front line worker can learn from the “world-class” customer experience businesses with whom I have worked and/or about whom I’ve written.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    MICHELLI: My first job was as a radio announcer in a small town station when I was 13. I have been a professional communicator since puberty! I continued in radio through high school and college and began giving “stress management” presentations after getting my Ph.D. in psychology. I kept honing the speaking craft by doing unpaid “using humor to manage stress” type presentations, and gradually, the growing demand required I get some compensation to steal time away from my day job. I think the impact of informing, engaging, and inspiring an audience was the fuel that kept me going.

    The art of the keynote is a lot about putting yourself in the seats of your audience.

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    MICHELLI: The art of the keynote is a lot about putting yourself in the seats of your audience. It means varying the content by quickly shifting from personal stories, concise, impactful information, and moments of interaction. It is a function of consciously speeding up and slowing down, moving with purpose, using gestures, and punctuating with vocal inflection. Most importantly it is a matter of making your message relevant, unpretentious, approachable, inspirational, and practical.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    MICHELLI: Our work with clients has contributed to measured improvement on KPIs such as substantial increases in retail store conversion (the proportion of people who enter a store that end up buying), substantial movement on customer-facing metrics like J.D. Power (year-over-year improvements in employee or internal metrics of customer engagement, improvements in measurements of change readiness, or morale), and higher Net Promoter Scores (on a 10 point scale, in response to the question, “How likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague?” – subtract the percentage of customers who rate you 6 or below from the percentage who rate you a 9 or 10).

    We have been blessed to be able to demonstrate the impact and value of our presentations and consulting; thus, we are able to sleep well at night knowing we aren’t generating the “bad profit” I reference in my interview!

  • Exclusive Interview with Joseph Michelli
    How to Create the Best Customer Experience with Dr. Joseph Michelli
    In this interview, customer service speaker Dr. Joseph Michelli discusses:
    • How to make your business stand out.
    • Ways leaders can inspire and create customer and employee loyalty.
    • Incorporating technology into the customer experience.
    • Orchestrating a turnaround and winning back customers.
    Read the Full Interview

    "A brand’s personality must emerge in the perception of customers when they are surveyed or spontaneously share their perceptions/reviews socially."
    - Joseph Michelli

    What People are Saying about Seeing Joseph Speak

    Rating Entries

    “It was an incredible experience having Joseph Michelli, a visionary and author of books on Starbucks, Ritz Carlton, Zappos, and Mercedes-Benz, lend his customer-centric insight to ACUITY’s formalized strategic planning process. He embraced our organization, intent on fully understanding our culture, direction, and goals, doing so with excitement and captivation. Such discernment allowed Joseph to tailor an extraordinary presentation to ACUITY’s management team, helping foster discussions and ideas that are heightening our company’s future. I was absolutely delighted and honored by Joseph Michelli’s engagement with ACUITY. His message and unique delivery style are unmatched.”

    Ben Salzmann, President and CEO, ACUITY, A Mutual Insurance Company

    “I can’t say enough good things about the experience Joseph provided for the agents and advisors at our annual World Series of Sales. He was the first of our featured speakers and he set a high bar for all who would follow with a compelling and enthusiastic presentation that both reminded us of the importance of going above and beyond for our clients and provided us with key insights into how to make that happen across our organizations. Joseph’s real-life examples really helped drive home that all business truly is personal and that if we’re not finding a way to reach our clients on a person level, we’re doing a disservice to them and to ourselves. I’ve already had several agents and advisors tell me that they’ve purchased Joseph’s books and are working with their staffs to begin implementing his ideas. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone who wanted to help build capacity in their organization for creating positive and memorable client experiences.”

    Cody Foster, Founder, Advisors Excel

    “Joseph provided us with an absolutely phenomenal “Michelli Experience!” He wowed our front line staff with his presentation on service; many of our folks commented that it was probably the best workshop they had ever attended. He also provided exceptional insights into leaving a leadership legacy with our donors and special friends of Lethbridge College. I have no hesitation in recommending Joseph as an outstanding speaker!”

    Dr. Tracy Edwards, President and CEO, Lethbridge College

    “Dr. Michelli provided an energetic and thought provoking kick-off to our annual client conference. His energy and ability to relate the experiences of his research with leading edge organizations immediately captured and inspired the audience. Our clients gave us kudos for his insights into the opportunities that exist to connect all employees to the daily delivery of a company’s mission. His central message is right on the mark and even more so for organizations trying to remain competitive in today’s challenging economic climate.”

    David Lissy, CEO, Bright Horizons

    “I highly recommend Joseph to any organization that is focused on providing the highest degree of customer service and obtaining world-class results. In the competitive and crowded field of consultants and business advisers helping organizations align and integrate their customer service objectives into their core mission and daily operations, Joseph stands out. He has separated himself from the pack and, once you see him in action, you’ll understand why.”

    Bernie Snow, Director of Organizational Development, St. David’s HealthCare

    “The goal of our conference was to provide small businesses with a roadmap to developing a customer service model that drives referrals through word of mouth. Dr. Joseph Michelli’s workshop delivered exactly what we needed. In 20 years of conference programming his workshop has to rank at the top in terms of useable content. Too many speakers rely solely on entertainment and gimmicks. Dr. Michelli provides content that, if implemented appropriately, can actually result in meaningful change in a company’s culture and in demand for their services.”

    David Brown, Executive Director, America Outdoors Association

    “Thank you for your help in making the Travel Alberta Industry Conference a great success. We sincerely appreciate the time and effort you took to plan and deliver excellent and thought-provoking session information. Your willingness to share your experience, expertise and knowledge helped provide participants with a valuable, practical learning experience. Evaluations for the conference have been very positive, as follows:

    – Fantastic, smart, well informed presentation from an equally smart and fantastic individual.
    – Words cannot express how amazing this presentation was – WOW!!
    – Absolutely amazing – well spoken, professional, authentic, personal, genuine – a true pleasure to listen to.

    – Very engaging, great messaging, relevant to business “people business” really, really well done.
    – Emotional and engaging – haven’t cried in a presentation before.
    – Excellent!! Wow!! What else can I say?!
    – Enlightening and encouraging – great speaker.
    – The best and most insightful presentation.”

    Jean Silzer, Conference Manager, Travel Alberta

    “Thank you for the outstanding presentation you gave to our managers and sales staff. Your message was right on track with our company’s goals and philosophy, and you presented in such a way as to reach everyone in the audience. Your ability to share examples and insight regarding culture were an inspiration to us all. As a company moving along in a 5 year journey, your talk inspired us to continue to become better every day. Again, thank you for a great presentation and helping to make our annual sales conference a huge success.”

    Steve Bunger, President & CEO, Mobile Mini, Inc.

    “I highly recommended Joseph’s services. He is terrific. We’re holding our breath a bit because the speaker we have hired for next summit has some pretty BIG shoes to fill! We just hope we didn’t raise the bar too high with Dr. Michelli!!!”

    Kathi Herman, General Manager, IT&BI Business Relations, Southern California Edison

    “Dr. Michelli not only met our expectations, but exceeded them. When our group gave him a standing ovation, I knew he was a big hit.”

    Betty Thomas, Director, Expositions and Special Events, California Association of Realtors

    “I would like to personally thank Joseph Michelli on his tremendously popular keynote. Our operators, exhibitors and partners were so enthusiastic about the subject and rated the presentation as one of the key highlights of the entire event.”

    Ana Shmin, Customer Relations & Events Manager, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft

    “Over the years I have enjoyed the privilege of hearing many top business and leadership speakers, including Joseph Michelli. Prior to hearing him speak, I had read his book “The Starbucks Experience” and thought it was a dynamic overview of Starbucks and more importantly, full of excellent business lessons for us all. But hearing Joseph live was a special occasion. Joseph was phenomenal. His presentation was absolutely full of content and practical application. His style was humorous yet sobering and his personal story was the grand finale that makes him a true “Icon” in the speaker world today. I will seek out opportunities to hear Joseph again. He is truly one of the best business speakers available today.”
    Mark Nichols, Chick-fil-A Franchisee

    “You WOWED us beyond all expectations!! I can’t thank you enough for all the time, energy and enthusiasm you brought to your presentation. And your willingness to sit in on the table discussion was completely unexpected. To top all of this off, the comments I’ve received from everyone, especially senior management, were all incredibly positive. Thanks again for a fabulous day.”
    Dana Klein, former Director, Janus Labs

    “Dr. Michelli was OUTSTANDING at our Good Morning Tucson breakfast event. His enthusiasm and expertise is just what Tucson businesses needed to hear to pump them up and motivate them to rise above their competition. We are still hearing great things about the event weeks after it took place! Our members truly took to heart Dr. Michelli’s presentation and passed along the information to their own respective personnel. Dr. Michelli’s open personality and depth of knowledge made for an exciting and memorable presentation.”
    Jack Camper, President/CEO, Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

    “Dr. Joseph Michelli’s presentation to the leadership of Saint Peter’s Healthcare System was one of the most insightful and inspirational educational programs we have ever organized or attended. Dr. Michelli’s “Prescription for Excellence” reminded and challenged us to remember our calling. We were left with not only a better understanding of WOW experiences, but how we have the potential each and every day to deliver world class service, forge lasting relationships, and change lives. We are forever grateful to Dr. Michelli for participating in our ongoing journey to excellence!”

    Robert Puglisi, Leadership Development Team, Saint Peter’s Healthcare System

    “It was an absolute pleasure working with Dr. Michelli leading up to and at our event. He is extremely professional, personable and is a great listener. From our pre conference phone calls he was able to tailor a keynote presentation to our audience on Leaving a Legacy that Lasts. He provide a energetic and moving presentation. Having to present to a mixed audience (home building industry professionals and their spouses) is difficult for anyone but I believe he delivered a great presentation that had an impact on many of our attendees.”

    Laara Braz, Awards & Events Manager, Canadian Home Builders’ Association

    “Joseph, we could not have been more pleased with your message and the delivery of your positive strategy for success. We Get It! On behalf of our 7,000 CMAA members, the 2.3 million members of the clubs managed by CMAA members and the small business vendor community who were exposed to your presentation for the first time – a huge ‘Thank You.’

    We played hard, worked harder and succeeded in New Orleans at our 85th Annual Conference and Club Business Expo this past week. Your keynote presentation was a significant part of that success. Thank you, again, for exceeding our expectations.”
    Jim Singerling, CEO, CMAA

    “I recently had the opportunity to see Joseph speak to an auditorium that was engaged, moved, touched and found themselves leaving the room, realizing that something special had just happened. Joseph has gained access to and the confidence of some of the most inspirational leaders and organizations of our time. He combines the academic perspective of a PHD, with the lightness of a comedian and the human perspective of a husband, a father and an individual, who just wants to be his best. I left feeling educated, inspired and compelled to make the world, and the world of my friends and family, a better place.”
    Kevin MacDonald, Partner, The Coaching Department

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    Books by Joseph Michelli:

    Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges

    From business guru Joseph Michelli―the leadership lessons needed to thrive beyond the greatest business crisis in modern history

    COVID-19 has disrupted business and life in ways we never imagined. Within days of the outbreak, Joseph Michelli—the world-renowned business expert who has cracked the leadership codes of Starbucks, Airbnb, Mercedes-Benz USA, and many other top companies—went to work. He contacted 140+ senior leaders at major companies about their specific challenges and how they were meeting them—getting raw yet thoughtful real-time insights into a crisis that will define an entire generation of leaders.

    The result is Stronger Through Adversity. In this business guide for our times, Michelli distills best leadership practices that can be used in any company, in any industry. Organized into four main themes—Set the Foundation, Build Connections, Move with Purpose, and Harness Change—Stronger Through Adversity provides a deep dive into the methods, tactics, and approaches leaders have used to keep their company afloat and to position it for success long after the pandemic.

    You’ll get invaluable insights into crisis management, keeping employees and customers safe, maintaining a culture of engagement, and rapidly innovating. Applying powerful leadership methods used by Microsoft, Starbucks, Google, DHL, Target, Verizon, Kohl’s, Marriott, and many others, you’ll seize and hold the competitive edge in your industry.

    Whether you run a Fortune 500 company, own a small business, or manage a department or team—this is your moment. Stronger Through Adversity delivers everything you need to prosper—to lead your people to an unprecedented recovery, to weather the toughest challenges your business faces from the pandemic and beyond, and to thrive in all storms, large and small.

    The Airbnb Way: 5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging

    How Airbnb has disrupted the hospitality industry for unparalleled success—critical lessons that apply to any 21st Century business

    No one understands better than Joseph Michelli how businesses create and leverage world-class customer experiences. Over the past decade, Michelli has guided businesses in human experience transformation and revealed how Starbucks, Zappos, Mercedes, and other top companies design and execute the strategies that made them the undisputed leaders of their industries.

    Now, Michelli turns his attention to major disrupter, Airbnb. In The Airbnb Way, he shows how innovative leaders have managed to build an unique brand by inspiring and engaging a community of hospitality entrepreneurs—a feat unparalleled in the shared economy. Inside, you’ll find:

    • Airbnb’s strategies and practices that drive customer engagement and loyalty
    • How to provide phenomenal customer service in the shared economy
    • Proven principles for getting the most from all stakeholders—including those who share resources and services
    • Exclusive interviews with Airbnb leaders, hosts, and guests that provide invaluable information for your business

    The shared economy is the future, but it introduces business challenges never before faced: How do you serve a broad range of customers across varying geographies through a distributed network of “partners?

    Airbnb has solved the puzzle, and Michelli shows you all the pieces—and how they fit together.

    Driven to Delight: Delivering World-Class Customer Experience the Mercedes-Benz Way

    Driven to Delight offers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at CEO Steve Cannon and his leadership team’s ambitious, multi-pronged strategy to elevate the company’s customer experience to best-in-class across all brands and industries. This is an in-depth, all-access look at senior leadership’s vision, strategy, and tactical steps to create and sustain the wide-sweeping actions needed to deliver a customer experience that lives up to the company’s brand promise, “the best of nothing.”

    Leading the Starbucks Way: 5 Principles for Connecting with Your Customers, Your Products and Your People

    One of the best-recognized and admired brands in the world, Starbucks singlehandedly transformed the ordinary delivery of coffee into a cultural phenomenon – a result of the company’s exemplary leadership practices. In Leading the Starbucks Way, Joseph Michelli describes that success is all about loving your product, loving your customers, and loving your employees. Sincerely. Without fail. Even in the face of business challenges.

    The Zappos Experience: 5 Principles to Inspire, Engage, and WOW

    In The Zappos Experience, learn about the rich and unorthodox service culture at Zappos, a company known primarily for selling shoes in playful and engaging ways. Joseph Michelli explores effective employee and customer engagement techniques and the integration of work and fun at Zappos. Prepare to be Zappified!

    Prescription for Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Creating a World-Class Customer Experience from UCLA Health System

    This book shares the journey of UCLA Health System to transform the satisfaction and engagement of their customers through a service-centric approach. Joseph Michelli examines the success and leadership principles of UCLA Health System and includes how-to tips, and practical tools useful to all business sectors. In essence, all business is personal.

    The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company

    The New Gold Standard takes you on an exclusive tour behind the scenes of the Ritz-Carlton. With access to the company’s executives, staff, and award-winning Leadership Center’s training facilities, Joseph Michelli explores every level of leadership within the organization.

    The Starbucks Experience: Five Principles for Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary

    For the first time, an outsider has been given unique access to Starbucks, offering readers an in-depth look at every level of the company. The Starbucks Experience offers a rare blend of boardroom strategies, employee motivation tips, community involvement, and customer satisfaction – for a full-bodied experience that really pays off.

    When Fish Fly: Lessons for Creating a Vital and Energized Workplace

    In this revealing business advice book, the magic of the World Famous Pike Place Fish Market proves a dynamic example of what a group of people can create when they are aligned and living a powerful vision.

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