
Joseph Jaffe Profile

Author of best selling book Flip the Funnel Joseph Jaffe has a new way of looking at things. He is an outspoken leader on innovation marketing through focusing on existing “zealot” customers, word-of-mouth, and new media.

As a serial entrepreneur, Jaffe has created and steered various ventures aimed at growing start-ups and helping marketing catch up to technology. He is CEO and Co-founder of Evol8tion, an innovation boutique that connects early stage startups with leading brands to partner via pilot programs, acceleration and/or investment. Additionally, he is President of Founder of Jaffe, LLC, a consultancy focusing on new media, social media, customer experience and marketing innovation, and in the past founded Crayon, a boutique business that specializes in new marketing methods for new consumers.

Jaffe discusses and analyzes the latest developments in marketing on his popular blog, podcast, and video show at “” His latest book Z.E.R.O.: Zero Paid Media as the New Marketing Model explores how the future of the advertising industry hinges on a much needed paradigm shift. Using crowdfunding to research and write the book, Jaffe and his coauthor Maarten Albarda raised $51,000, making Z.E.R.O. the second most funded business book in the history of Kickstarter.

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    One of the most sought-after consultants, speakers and thought leaders on innovation, marketing, new media and social media, Joseph Jaffe is Founder & Partner of Evol8tion, LLC (, an innovation agency that matches early stage startups with established brands to partner via mentoring, pilot programs, investment and/or acquisition.

    Evol8tion launched in January 2012 with Anheuser-Busch InBev and Kraft Foods as founding clients.

    In 2006, Joseph founded and ran strategic consultancy, crayon, until it was acquired by Powered in January of 2010 and again by Dachis Group in December of 2010. crayon’s clients included The Coca-Cola Company, Panasonic, Kraft Foods and H&R Block. Powered, a social media agency, included Target, Verisign, Anheuser-Busch InBev, General Motors/Onstar in its client roster. Before that, Joseph was Director of Interactive Media at TBWA/Chiat/Day and OMD USA, where he worked on Kmart, ABSOLUT Vodka, Embassy Suites and Samsonite.

    Jaffe’s popular blog and audio podcast, “Jaffe Juice”, provides daily and weekly commentary respectively on all things new marketing. His podcast was voted a Readers’ Choice Award as “Best Marketing Podcast” by MarketingSherpa. You can subscribe via iTunes. In 2009, he launched his first foray into video in the form of JaffeJuiceTV, in an effort to prove once and for all that he does not have a face for radio.

    His first book, Life After The 30-Second Spot: Energize Your Brand With A Bold Mix Of Alternatives To Traditional Advertising (Wiley/Adweek), and focuses on how advertising is evolving in a world ruled by an empowered consumer and no longer governed solely by the 30-second spot.

    His second book titled, Join the Conversation: How to Engage Marketing-weary Consumers with the Power of Community, Dialogue and Partnership (Wiley, October 2007) outlines the birth and rise of “conversational marketing”—a vision of how marketers can become part of the conversation, instead of constantly disrupting it.

    His third book, Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones, presents a powerful hypothesis that retention can become the new acquisition through the strategic incorporation and elevation of customer service, customer experience and customer initiated word-of-mouth, content creation and incentive-based referrals.

    Joseph’s impassioned, straight-shooting and honest perspectives have found their way to every major media outlet, including the likes of CBS Evening News, ABC World News, Bloomberg, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, Fortune, Newsweek, Business Week, Ad Age, Adweek and the list continues.

    Joseph is a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School, as well as the Society for New Communications Research. He also has lectured at NYU’s Stern School, Cornell’s Johnson School of Business and Syracuse University.

    Hailing from South Africa, he lives with his wife, daughter and two sons in Westport, CT.

Joseph Jaffe Speaking Videos

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Joseph Jaffe's Speech Descriptions

No matter your sector, marketing today may be costing you millions of dollars with no return value to show. An outspoken entrepreneur on the forefront of marketing innovation, Joseph Jaffe spotlights the revolution that may kill the advertising industry as we know it, presenting tactics your company can use to effectively capture and retain customers.

Whether you’re interested in a bit of inspiration, motivation, degradation or deprecation, Joseph Jaffe will keep you on your toes and challenge you to face change head-on with a healthy dose of insight, foresight and prescription.
His primary signature keynote presentations are loosely based on his four books, Life after the 30-second spot, Join the Conversation, Flip the Funnel: How to use existing customers to gain new ones, and Z.E.R.O.: Zero paid media as the new marketing model.

He also speaks on Innovation and specifically the intersection of Madison & Mountain View (collaboration with startups, companies becoming more entrepreneurial).

Z.E.R.O. Paid Media as the New Marketing Model
A perfect storm is coming... in fact it may already be here. A combination of forces that could very well cause the bottom to fall out the media model. To prepare for this scenario, consider a new marketing model in which the optimal paid media budget would be zero. In this bold and provocative keynote, 4-time author and thought leader, Joseph Jaffe will outline the Z.E.R.O. Manifesto of how brands can move from being tenants to landlords and successfully adopt and activate the 4-pronged approach of Zealots, Entrepreneurship, Retention and Owned Assets. Jaffe will introduce a 10-point action plan based on his Marketing BowTie framework designed to help brands get to a 50/50 split between "direct" investment and "indirect" expenditure before 2020. Be a hero... commit to Z.E.R.O.

Flip the Funnel: How to use existing customers to gain new ones
What if we got it all wrong? What if we've been going about marketing completely the wrong way? In this provocative keynote, Joseph Jaffe will outline how retention can become the new acquisition for businesses today and in doing so, literally transform the way companies go to market and establish a critical competitive edge and advantage. Using his new "flipped funnel" methodology, Jaffe will outline the notion of customer experience, introduce the 10 new rules of customer service and present a social media-powered customer activation model that harnesses the true potential and impact of customer-generated word-of-mouth, reviews and referrals. If "getting more from less" has become your new mandate, you won’t want to miss a new approach which presents the possibility of doubling your revenues whilst halving your budget in the process.

Marketing as a (customer) service
Marketing is no longer a spectator sport... it’s a contact sport. Think Roller Derby. And amidst all this chaos, the opportunities and roles for brands have never been more profound and relevant. Call it customer experience or customer service 2.0. Or flip the words and just call it servicing customers. Either way, we’re talking about a return to not just customer centricity but in fact customer authenticity. Over the next decade, companies will be held accountable and judged no longer by "what they say", but in fact "what they do"; no longer by the "promises they make", but by the "promises they keep". And in this scenario, marketing’s role will be one of collaboration, partnership and unification. In this closing keynote, thought leader and bestselling author Joseph Jaffe, will introduce the true C.O.S.T. of marketing as a service. He’ll outline the shift from campaigns to commitments to platforms and how social media can play an indelible role in "flipping the funnel" and in doing so, transforming marketing from an uninvited guest to a welcome and invaluable one.

The REAL Role of Social Media
Hey Social Media? New Media called—they want their Bubble back. We’re currently operating in a time where the signal to noise ratio for all things social media is off the charts (and not in a good way). But perhaps the problem is our short memories as we look to teach an old, tired dog new tricks with a mission critical opportunity and imperative: the ability to build real, authentic and tangible relationships between brands, employees and the customers and communities they serve. In this presentation by thought leader and bestselling author Joseph Jaffe, he’ll outline what he believes is the real role of social media, the rise of "non media"; together with the importance of combining a proven, classic and fundamental account planning discipline to the game changing possibilities that social media brings to the table.

Madison & Mountain View:
Today startups seems to be all the rage and arguably the next big thing. Only they aren't. As in they always WERE the big thing. So how should brands be thinking about partnering with startups? Or should they be collaborating at all in the first place? And what's in it for the startups? Perhaps the best place to begin as the point at which these two diametrically worlds come together: marketing.

Change the Game (or go home)
Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. If that’s the case, then the antidote would be "productive originality" i.e. doing things differently to get a result. Besides, being a definition of "creativity" itself, "productive originality" is just the beginning. The prime directive should be Transformational Change. Metamorphosis. Building a better mousetrap. A complete reinvention of the customer journey, customer experience and ultimately go to market strategy. Not only can it be done for any company, it’s already being done by some. In this provocative keynote, thought leader and bestselling author Joseph Jaffe will outline the brand evolution from campaign to commitments to platforms that flip the funnel, activate advocacy and profoundly differentiate brands from their commoditized competitors.

Retention is the new acquisition
For too long loyalty, customer service and relationship marketing have been thought of as passive, reactionary and/or defensive tactics. No more. In a world that is becoming ever more transparent, networked and dynamic, listening and responding has become a cultural imperative. But the real question is, "with whom?" And the answer is an unequivocal, "our customers". In fact if you think about it, without our customers we have no business; we have no budget to invest in acquisition or awareness efforts. If this is in fact the case, why do we continue to throw good money after bad wooing strangers with no overt or explicit affinity towards our brand? Why do we relatively ignore our lifeblood—our customers? What would happen if we turn conventional business practices on its head and in doing so, elevate CRM, loyalty and retention marketing to head of the class; from back to front office; give it its deserved seat at the strategic planning table? What might the result be? Flip the funnel and you’ll find out for yourself!

The new customer service
This is no longer your grandfather’s customer service. With the explosive and exponential advances and evolution in technology innovation and adoption, companies have limitless opportunities to connect with their customers in unprecedented ways. No longer considered to be a cost center, but indeed a strategic imperative capable of building the business—efficiently and effectively—from the inside-out. Using a revolutionary "flipped funnel" methodology, author and thought leader Joseph Jaffe will introduce and outline how customer service 2.0—and its umbrella parent, customer experience—can become a powerful 1-2 punch capable of profoundly differentiating a brand from its competitors, establishing powerful relationships with customer evangelists and influencers and more importantly, arming this base with tools, techniques and incentives to spread word-of-mouth, recommendations and referrals to social networks, trusted peers and communities.

Join the Conversation
Continuing the conversation (literally) about how new forms of marketing are transforming the way brands are introduced, nurtured and strengthened, Jaffe introduces "what comes next" i.e. the rise of "conversational marketing". The central message is simple: There are literally millions of alive, flawed, human, passionate, influential and authentic conversations going on around you right now: isn’t it time you joined in? The fact remains, all the marketing communication, media, messaging and advertising in the world can only get you so far. At worst, breaking down the door (there will be repercussions!) At best, getting a foot in the door. After which, conversation takes over. Through the power of community, dialogue and partnership, marketing can be a conversation; a welcome guest in the homes, experiences and lives of our consumers, if—and only if—certain principles, pathways and philosophies are put into practice.

Getting more from less using the power of innovation
It’s a double-whammy—a catch-22. You see the world changing in front of your eyes—consumer empowerment, democratization of creativity and content production, loss of control, reduction of trust in a new social media playing field dominated by new phenomena (microblogging, lifestreaming), new players (Facebook, Twitter), new products ( Kindle), marketplaces (iPhone App Store) and technologies (Nintendo Wii)—and all the while, spinning out of control at the same time. You’re under increasing and unprecedented pressure to increase sales or at the very minimum maintain status quo, amidst never-ending budget cuts and scrutiny. Innovation and Experimentation are vital and yet seemingly out of reach. Well here’s the good news—investing in "commitment-based" marketing and coping during a recession are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they’re interconnected. By "joining the conversation" through leveraging the power of community, dialogue and partnership, you’ll quickly find yourselves on the right side of the "punch"—the 1-2 punch of growing your business and differentiating your brand from your competitors.

Life After the 30-Second Spot
Centered around his first book. Jaffe discusses the demise of the 30-second spot as the primary communications vehicle and in its place, the rise of bold alternatives to traditional advertising (the "93 colors") such as interactive, experiential marketing, long form content, communal marketing, gaming, and on-demand viewing. You’ll be introduced to new models such as E.P.I.C., R.E.A.C.H., C.O.S.T. and R.U.E., amidst a cacophony of real-world illustrations and pragmatic and prescriptive advice on how to win in a world where the only constant is change.

There are plenty of other presentations as well, including—but not limited to:

    • Integrating Interactive into the Integrated Mix
    • The New Consumer
    • Web 2.0 (uggh)
    • New Marketing for a New Consumer

Past speaking engagements include:

    • J&J (Sydney)
    • Festival of Media (Montreux, Switzerland)
    • Coca-Cola (Moscow)
    • Cisco (Barcelona)
    • DMA (Helsinki)
    • Disney (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    • ExactTarget (Sao Paulo, Brasil)
    • Symantec (Vegas)
    • Anheuser-Busch (Shanghai, Sao Paulo, St Louis, Leuven)
    • Canadian Marketing Association (Toronto)
    • Nextel (Mexico)
    • Social Media Atlanta (Atlanta)
    • Futureworks (Detroit)
    • Kana Software (London)
    • Nascom (Belgium)
    • Buzzlogic (San Francisco)
    • Google Client event (Sao Paulo, Brazil and Mexico City, Mexico)
    • ANA Senior Marketing Think Tank (Dallas, TX)
    • ANA Marketing Accountability Forum (New York City, NY)
    • PRSA Conference (San Diego, CA)
    • Coca-Cola Workshop (Moscow, Russia)
    • ADMA Forum (Sydney, Australia)
    • Satmetrix Client Forum (San Francisco, CA)
    • Richmond Events/Digital Forum Keynote (London, United Kingdom)
    • Association of Canadian Advertisers Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada)
    • SNCR Forum Keynote (Napa, CA)
    • Danish Post Conference & Award Show (Copenhagen, Denmark)
    • Televisa Corporate Offsite/Conference (Mexico City, Mexico)
    • ANA Integration Conference (New York City, NY)
    • Weekend Media Festival September (Rovinj, Croatia)
    • ExactTarget Conference (Indianapolis, IN)
    • DMA Keynote (Las Vegas, NV)
    • Evenpro Seminar (Caracas, Venezuala)

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Books by Joseph Jaffe:


Z.E.R.O.: Zero Paid Media as the New Marketing Model
The world has changed. Everyone keeps reminding marketers and advertisers about the never ending and accelerating forces of technology disruption, consumer changes, and innovation evolution in the marketing world today. Sounds exciting except for the fact that we’re doing absolutely nothing about it. Zero.

Simply put, under current operating conditions, the advertising industry will not be able to sustain itself and without taking action, is likely to result in severe to catastrophic outcomes—from financial underperformance to job loss to even a collapse of the current media ecosystem.

The solution? The Marketing Model can be fixed by slashing your ad budget, and investing in the Z.E.R.O. framework:

    • Zealots
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Retention
    • Owned Assets


Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones
Why customer retention is the new acquisition

If there’s anything the recession of 2009 taught us, it was the importance of investing in our customers, but when was this any different? So says Joseph Jaffe, bestselling author of Life After the 30-Second Spot and Join the Conversation, and a leading expert and thought leader on new media and social media. In most businesses, it costs roughly five-to-ten times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one, and yet companies continue to disproportionately spend their budgets into the “wrong” end of the funnel—the mass media or awareness side.

What we haven’t paid enough attention to is the “right” end of the funnel-the word-of-mouth component that essentially acts as a multiplier for future business. The economic impact of an active, engaged and loyal customer is tremendous.

And the same is true of the opposite scenario, namely the impact of angry customers and negative word-of-mouth or referrals. It is this thinking that Jaffe has channeled to challenge marketers to “flip the funnel” once and for all. With a renewed focus and energy on customer experience, it is possible to grow your sales, while decreasing your budget—in other words, getting more from less. Engaging a few customers to spread the word to many.

Using this new “flipped funnel” model, together with a set of new rules of customer service and a revolutionary customer referral and activation process, you’ll learn how to transform your existing customers into your best salespeople. In addition, Jaffe will explain how to best introduce and combine both digital and social media tools to boost your loyalty arsenal, deploy “influencer marketing” and implement word-of-mouth strategies that inspire your loyal, opinionated, and most vocal customers to become credible, persuasive, and influential endorsers of your products and services.

    • Explains how to cut your marketing budget AND grow sales!
    • Illustrates practical ways to use existing customers to reach out to new prospects
    • Outlines the authentic role of social media
    • Demonstrates key ideas with rich, real life examples including Comcast, Apple, The Obama Campaign, Dell, Panasonic, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and many, many more
    • Written by one of the most sought-after consultants, keynote speakers, and thought-leaders on new marketing change and innovation


Join the Conversation: How to Engage Marketing-Weary Consumers with the Power of Community, Dialogue, and Partnership
With the continued fragmentation of the media and proliferation of media options, the balance of power has shifted from the marketer to the individual. In Join the Conversation, Jaffe discusses the changing role of the consumer and how marketers must adapt by joining the rich, deep and meaningful conversation already in progress. This book reveals what marketers must do to become a welcome and invited part of the dialogue, and how to leverage and integrate the resulting partnership in ways that provide win-win situations for businesses, brands and lives.

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