
John Mattone Profile

One of only nine executive coaches in the world to hold the prestigious Master Corporate Executive Coach certification, John Mattone is globally recognized as a game-changing thinker in the fields of leadership and human resources. He has appeared twice on the prestigious Thinkers50 “Guru Radar,” being identified as one of the most important rising stars in his field.

The author of seven books, two of which have recently been bestsellers, John is also co-author of The Trends in Executive Development hand Talent Management, a biannual Pearson publication which leads its field in studies of leadership and talent management.

John’s work has been featured in many of the world’s most prestigious media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Businessweek, Inc. Magazine, MarketWatch, The Huffington Post, The CEO Magazine,, CLO Magazine, CIO Magazine, The Globe and Mail, and the Harvard Business Review. His work has been showcased in a thirty-minute documentary on PBS and he hosts his own show, The CEO Magazine’s C-suite Coaching Show.

With over 30 years’ experience of executive development and human capital management, John is president and CEO of John Mattone–Global, Inc., specializing in executive assessment, development and coaching. Renowned throughout the Fortune 500 as one of the most exciting and effective coaches working today, John was President of Executive Development Associates, one of the world’s top leadership consulting firms, prior to founding his own firm.

In great demand, John has coached more than 200 top executives and addressed more than half a million people in over 2000 speeches. His prolific output of books, journalism and audio and video programs is unmatched either in quality or popularity.

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    John Mattone is The Game-Changer

    He is the man current and future leaders turn to for “game-changing” insights and keys that will:

      • Unleash their full potential
      • Sharpen and strengthen their leadership thinking and execution
      • Prepare them and their organizations to compete and thrive in an ever-changing and complex, global economy

    John Mattone is the world’s leading “game-changing” leadership and talent management authority. He was nominated for the prestigious 2013 Thinkers50 Leadership Award, which recognizes the global thinker who has contributed most significantly to our understanding of leadership over the last two years. He was named to the Thinkers50 “Guru Radar” in 2011 and 2013, which recognizes the world’s fastest rising stars in the fields of leadership and management thinking. He is also currently recognized by and Warren Bennis’ Leadership Excellence Magazine as one of the world’s top independent leadership consultants, executive coaches, and speakers. John is one of nine executive coaches in the world who have been awarded the coveted Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC) certification from the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches.

    John Mattone is the author of seven books, including two recent best-sellers and he is the co-author of one of the most authoritative studies of leadership and talent management in the world, The Trends in Executive Development and Talent Management, published bi-annually by Pearson. John was recently appointed Distinguished Senior Fellow of one of leading business schools in the world, the Hult International Business School and he is the host of his own show, The CEO Magazine’s C-Suite Coaching Show.

    John Mattone’s work has been featured by The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Businessweek, Inc. Magazine, MarketWatch, The Huffington Post, The CEO Magazine,, CLO Magazine, CIO Magazine, The Globe and Mail, Harvard Business Review, and many other respected global news outlets. John Mattone and his work have also been the subject of a 30-minute documentary produced by PBS.

    He is recognized globally as a powerful keynote speaker, prolific author, and a highly sought-after C-level and high-potential executive coach. John is the President and CEO of John Mattone-Global, Inc., a global leadership consulting firm that specializes in executive assessment, development, and coaching.

    John has over 30 years experience in the fields of executive development and human capital management, as an entrepreneur who has built two successful human capital consulting firms, as the President of a multi-million dollar leadership consulting firm, and as a leading researcher and author known throughout the Fortune 500 as a cutting edge thinker in the area of trends in executive development and developing high-potential and emerging leaders.

    Prior to John Mattone-Global, John was the President of one of the top leadership consulting firms in the world, Executive Development Associates, Inc., (EDA) and prior to EDA he was the Vice President of Assessments for Linkage, Inc. Prior to Linkage, John was the Vice President of Sales for Drake Beam Morin, the global career and outplacement firm. Before joining DBM, John spent 10 years building his first successful consulting firm, Human Resources International.

    The Career Highlights of John Mattone:

      • Consulted for more than 250 organizations and coached more than 200 executives
      • Addressed more than 500,000 people in over 2,000 speeches and seminars in the U.S., Canada, and other countries worldwide
      • Co-author of Trends in Executive Development & Talent Management Research Reports (Pearson, 2011 & 2013)
      • Author of the award winning The Role of Assessment in Driving Operating Results, published in Jac Fitz-enz’ book, “The New HR Analytics” (AMACOM, 2010)
      • Author of Predictive HR Leadership, published in Jac Fitz-enz’ “Workforce Intelligence Report” (2008)
      • Author of Talent Leadership: A Proven Method for Identifying & Developing High-Potential Employees (AMACOM, 2012). An Amazon Best-Seller
      • Author of Intellegent Leadership: What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential (AMACOM, 2013-Foreword by Marshall Goldsmith). A Bloomsberg/Businessweek Best-Seller
      • Author of 3 E-Books: Powerful Performance Management: The Leader as Coach; Powerful Executive Coaching: A Roadmap to Unleashing Greatness in Your Current & Future Leaders; and Succession Planning & Management (AMACOM, 2012)
      • Author of Success Yourself (MasterMedia, 1996) and Positive Performance Management (National Press, 1996)
      • John’s has written over 100 professional articles; his work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Globe and Mail, Huffington Post, CEO Magazine, CIO Magazine, CLO Magazine, Leadership Excellence Magazine, HR Executive Magazine, Entrepreneurs Digest (Singapore), Conocimiento Dirrecion (South America), and many others.
      • Written and performed in numerous audio and video programs, including Hiring & Performance Management, Focus on Success, The Essentials of Delegation, and the award winning Street Smart Supervision

    The Professional Qualifications of John Mattone

    John Mattone holds a B.S. Degree in Management and Organizational Behavior from Babson College and an M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Central Florida. John serves as an executive MBA faculty member at Florida Atlantic University where he teaches his popular course Global Leadership Assessment and Development. John also serves as a Sr. Talent Management Consultant and Master Executive Coach for Executive Development Associates (where he formerly served as President) and as a Sr. Faculty Member with The Talent Management Academy, a worldwide leader in leadership conferences.

    John is a member of numerous professional associations including the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC), where he was recently named to the advisory board of The University of Continuing Education Coaching Education (UCECE) and was also appointed as ACEC’s Middle East Ambassador.

John Mattone Speaking Videos

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John Mattone's Speech Descriptions

John Mattone teaches his audiences the principles of leadership, using his proprietary “Leadership Maturity Model” to show leaders and emerging leaders how to access their full potential. Not only does he show leaders how to make themselves better, he also teaches how they can coach others and assess and nurture developing talent.

John presents programs which allow his audience to overcome their self-imposed limitations, whether in business or in personal relationships. He trains his listeners to achieve a stronger mental state that will allow them to reach out and touch all those with whom they work and live.

Whether you are a leader yourself, an aspiring leader or someone looking out for the next great leader, John Mattone can help you to develop the skills and strength to achieve your aspirations more fully than you could ever imagine.

How to Unlock Your Massive Leadership Potential.
This powerful program is based on John's Mattone's new CEO Read/Inc. Magazine best-seller, Intelligent Leadership (March, 2013). John Mattone will teach you the principles that make him the man current and future Fortune 500 leaders turn to for game-changing insights on how to overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts and habits. He reveals his key insights for unlocking and unleashing greatness in yourself and your teams.

The ideal audience for this program are current successful leaders, high-potential leaders, and the vast number of Gen X and Y'ers who must strengthen themselves as leaders, regardless of their own aspirations to become a manager or not. Ultimately, this program is for leaders and future leaders at all levels who desire to become the best they can be.

John Mattone utilizes his proprietary "Leadership Maturity Model" as the foundation for teaching leaders and emerging leaders the predictive components that unlock and unleash their full potential. These components include:

    1. the core of achieving emotional maturity--possessing a strong self-awareness, self-concept, values, and optimistic belief system
    2. positive thinking
    3. positive emotions that empower both the leader and others
    4. possessing the skills to execute mature leadership behaviors and competencies that drive leadership success.

It's About Talent...It Will Always Be About Talent!
This program is based on John Mattone's new breakthrough Amazon best-seller, Talent Leadership. The program is geared for HR professionals and operations leaders who are charged with designing, implementing and/or conducting leadership assessment and coaching processes and practices.

John Mattone's proprietary "Stealth Leadership" Model provides the foundation for learning about the critical leadership assessment and coaching practices that need to be optimized and integrated in order for an organization to achieve and sustain success. These elements include:

    1. isolating target leadership competencies
    2. utilizing a variety of objective assessments to calibrate performance, potential and readiness
    3. integrating assessment data to identify strengths and development needs
    4. creating compelling IDP's that guide and motivate
    5. coaching leaders from the "inside-out."

SUCCESS MAPPING: How to Create Your Powerful, Compelling Future.
John Mattone is the man Fortune 500 companies turn to for game-changing insights on how to help their leaders and employees overcome their self-imposed limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits, and discover powerful and unique ways to unlock and unleash their potential. John Mattone helps people achieve an "inner-core" balance by strengthening their self-image, character and values, thinking patterns, beliefs, emotions, and actions, so they realize greater success…stronger relationships, stronger partnerships, and new levels of achievement.

This interactive program will prepare and cultivate your heart, mind and soul so you are poised to "touch" the hearts, minds and souls of those with whom you work and live. In the role of grandparent, parent, spouse, son or daughter, and as a working professional-regardless of title or occupation, there is truly no more a noble, worthy or rewarding life pursuit than discovering the keys to achieving a stronger "mental state" as a foundation to unlocking and unleashing your own massive potential, as well as the potential of those with whom you work and live. John Mattone will teach you that success is not tied to having abundance; his philosophy is that it is the "disciplined pursuit of less, in the end, will give you more".

This is a research and empirically-based program that uses my Wheel of Professional Success™ and Map of Maturity™ as the foundation for explaining the predictive relationships that exist between an individual’s "inner-core" strength, "outer-core" competencies, achieving "mental balance", and how your heightened "brilliance" can drive a stronger, more vibrant and effective person. Beyond explanation, however, this program will challenge you to reflect on, connect with, and accept both the "gifts" and development opportunities you possess. From there, I will guide you in specific ways on how to strengthen your "inner-core" character, values, beliefs, thoughts and emotions as well as your "outer-core" competencies so you breakthrough your self-imposed limitations and can achieve all that you are capable of achieving as a person and professional.

This engaging and insightful program is based on John Mattone's "Trends in Executive Development" research published by Pearson, the world's leading education company. Professor John Mattone's research is widely regarded as one of the most authoritative and respected global research studies in the field of leadership development. John Mattone surveyed and interviewed over 100 global organizations to isolate the cutting edge executive development and talent management practices and processes they use to drive operating success.

In this dynamic presentation, Mattone will:

    • show you how leading edge companies develop their talent
    • show you how your organization's efforts compare to the "best of the best"
    • discuss the critical competency gaps of the next generation of leaders
    • pinpoint the processes companies use to identify high-potential and emerging leaders
    • discuss the implications of the impending baby boomer exit
    • equip you with ideas and strategies for accurately identifying and developing your future leaders
    • show you how to prepare your leaders and emerging leaders for the future

John Mattone's Twenty 2020 concept offers a compelling look at the future of talent management and executive development. The Twenty 2020 concept identifies the critical 20 leadership development and talent management practices that must be implemented and executed immediately by any organization to successfully mitigate their operating risk and to ensure their long term survival and viability—through the year 2020 and beyond.

How to Identify and Develop Your High- Potential and Future Leaders.
Having great leaders and a bench of future great leaders is the foundation for building and sustaining a great organization. Although this has always been true, never in recent history has the need for outstanding leaders been more acute than it is today.

This engaging program is designed to enable attendees to understand and develop a succession management process, including: building a succession management value proposition; benchmarking your succession program utilizing Mattone's Succession Management Index (SMI), applying state-of-the-art bench strength analyses, conducting formal succession reviews, planning and executing development activities, integrating with other HR programs, and measuring the ROI of your succession management system.

TALENT MANAGEMENT: How to Engage, Inspire, Retain and Achieve Results
In today's tough economy, managers at all levels are facing numerous challenges when it comes to effective talent management. Are you asking your managers to do more with less? Are you worried that top talent in your organization will be lured away by your competition? Are you asking your managers to attract, engage, retain and motivate their employees? This powerful program addresses the core talent management issues all organizations face—so, what's the message? Accountability for executing talent management resides with managers—not HR!

What People are Saying about Seeing John Speak

Rating Entries

    “We hired John Mattone to address our association of CEOs from the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Our group has seen every speaker on every imaginable topic throughout the years and our group is demanding. John Mattone′s presentation was the highest rated ever. He has a unique ability to deliver a powerful message in a fun and effective manner.”
    Marvin Berkeley, Former Director CEO Roundtable, Dallas CEO Meeting

    “It was our pleasure to have John Mattone present at the 2010 Austin Human Resource Management Association Annual Conference. As the Chairperson of the Speakers Committee, John was a pleasure to work with. I originally contacted John about presenting a session about HR Management, and after additional discussion with him, John was willing to customize a presentation to truly fit our Chapters specific topic request and his presentation was also approved for HRCI Strategic Credit. It was my pleasure to work with John and we hope he will speak to our Chapter in the future.”
    Wendy Chance, CTS 2011 President, Austin Human Resource Management Association

    “John Mattone was the Keynote Speaker at 19th Annual Management Centre Turkey Human Resources Summit in Istanbul on February 12th, 2014. Speaking in front of 2000 attendees, John was an amazing speaker who engaged the audience with his incredible passion. His presentation influenced all the attendees and gave them a whole new perspective on Talent Management. His international knowledge easily distinguishes him. He has an excellent work ethic and we look forward to working with him again in the near future”

    Maya Gamildi, Program Manager Management Centre Turkey

    “Mr. Mattone is a masterful speaker who engages and captures his audience and shepherds the exploration of undiscovered aptitudes. He delivered his powerful message with unmatched style, which impacted me deeply. He created an enduring awareness of my inherent talents which I continue to use to fuel my personal and professional growth”.

    Fabio Potenti, MD, Chief Administrator Cleveland Clinic

    “When John Mattone was named on the Guru Watch List for 2011 and 2013 Thinkers50, I was not surprised. John is an incredible speaker, coach and author and he has been flying under the radar for years. I highly recommend John Mattone as a speaker and coach”

    Bonnie Hagemann, CEO Executive Development Associates, Inc.

    “I strongly recommend John Mattone as a thought expert and speaker in the area of leadership development and talent management. John possesses incredible insights, and a unique perspective, with regards to cultivating talent within an organization. Moreover, John is a highly engaging speaker and presents these concepts in a new and refreshing way. Thank you John for all your support and we look forward to a continued relationship with you in the future”

    Paul J. Cortissoz, Executive Director, Learning & Development Columbia University

    Comments from attendees at Austin Human Resource Management Association speaking engagement:

    “His Passion shows – inspiration helps. Appreciate offer to send slides and article to us.”
    “Very stimulating, thought-provoking…”
    “Wonderful engaging speaker, wish there was more time…”
    “Thank you so much. By far, the best session I′ve attended yesterday and this morning.”
    “Excellent, lots of food for thought and follow-up.”

    Partial Client List:

    Allied Van Lines
    American Veterinary
    Management Association
    Art Institute of Philadelphia
    Augusta Mental Health Institute
    Automotive Services
    Bank Atlantic
    Berkley College
    Berkshire Medical Center
    Blue Cross/Blue Shield
    Boston Bar Association
    Boston Edison
    Boston Police Department
    Bristol Myers Squibb
    Casket Manufacturer’s
    California Autobody
    Canadian Broadcasting
    Chesapeake Energy
    Chief Executives Roundtable
    Central Intelligence Agency
    City of Pittsburgh
    Club Resorts
    Cobb Electric
    ConMed Linvatec
    Concorde Financial
    Connecticut Department of Social Services
    Dean Witter Reynolds
    Detroit Edision
    First Interstate Banks
    Florida International University
    Florida Power & Light
    Georgia Power
    Golf Course Owners
    Association of America
    Green Mountain Coffee
    HR Association of Long Island
    Internal Revenue Service
    Liberty Mutual
    Manchester (NH) Credit Union
    Miles Pharmaceuticals
    Morehead State University
    National Board of Realtors
    National Tour Association
    Navy Federal Credit Union
    Nebraska Machinery Inc.
    Neighborhood Healthplan
    NE HR Association
    New Jersey Board of Realtors
    Nyack Hospital
    Private Healthcare Systems
    Regions Bank
    Rohm Tech
    Smithsonian Institution
    SmithKline Beechum
    Society for Nutrition Education
    Sonoco Products
    State of Alaska
    State of Florida
    State of New York
    State University of New York
    State Police of Rhode Island
    St Mary’s Hospital
    St. Joseph’s University
    Tennessee Valley Authority
    United States Air Force
    United States Army Corp of Engineers
    United States Defense
    Mapping Agency
    United States Department of Agriculture
    United States Department of Energy
    United States Fish and Wildlife
    Ventana Roche
    Wake Forest University
    Young President’s Organization

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