
Jim Murphy Profile

  • As the founder of Afterburn, Murphy has trained over 1.7 million business professionals to apply the U.S. Military's Flawless Execution model to their organizations.

  • Murphy was an F-15 fighter pilot, trainer, and leader for the U.S. Airforce, who guided numerous teams to success in high-stakes situations.

  • Murphy's engaging programs and the results they produce have put his firm on the Inc. 500 list two times.
  • Jim Murphy uses his tales from flying an F-15 at 9G to get business teams focused and aligned around common goals from start to finish. The U.S. Air Force veteran and founder of the consulting group Afterburner, makes achievement more accessible with the Flawless Execution model, a process utilized by the U.S. elite armed forces.

    As a flight leader, Murphy was responsible for multiple high stakes missions in which failure was not an option. He served as the 116th Fighter Wing′s Chief of Training for the Georgia Air National Guard, where he was in charge of 42 combat-trained fighter pilots who faced the possibility of being deployed to any corner of the earth with just a few days’ notice.

    After his time in the Air Force, Murphy worked in sales, applying military tactics and principles to grow a small paint company’s sales from $5 million to $52 million. Seeing a demand, he created Afterburner, a small team of former and current elite military leaders who apply their expertise in strategic execution to organizations globally. To date his team has trained 1.7 million business professionals and 85% of Fortune 50 companies. Under Murphy’s leadership, Afterburn has appeared on the Inc. 500 two times.

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      Murph, the Founder & CEO of Afterburner, Inc., has a unique and powerful mix of leadership skills in both the military and business worlds. After graduating from the University of Kentucky, Murph joined the US Air Force, where he learned to fly the F-15. He has logged over 1,200 hours as an instructor pilot in the F-15, and has accumulated over 3,200 hours of flight time in other high-performance jet aircraft. As the 116th Fighter Wing′s Chief of Training for the Georgia Air National Guard, Murph′s job was to keep 42 combat-trained fighter pilots ready to deploy worldwide within 72 hours. As a flight leader, he has flown missions to Central America, Asia, Central Europe and the Middle East.

      After years in the military, Murph returned to his love of business. Prior to his service in the U.S. Air Force, Murph had a successful career in imaging equipment sales, where he helped increase his company′s sales by 500%. Years later, Murph became Director of Sales for a small paint company. Realizing that the concepts of the Flawless Execution Model℠ could be applied to business, he engaged the proven model – “Plan. Brief. Execute. Debrief.” – and increased his company′s sales from $5 million to $52 million. Realizing that many companies could benefit from these same concepts, Murph started Afterburner in early 1996.

      Through his leadership, Afterburner has landed on Inc. Magazine′s “Inc. 500 List” twice. Murph has been regularly featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Inc. Magazine, Newsweek, Meetings & Conventions Magazine and has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and Bloomberg news to name a few. He has also been named as one of Atlanta′s top 50 entrepreneurs by Catalyst Magazine.

      To date, the Afterburner team of elite military professionals has led over 1 million executives, sales professionals, and business people from every industry through Afterburner′s Flawless Execution Model℠, and its unique, high-energy programs. Afterburner notable clients include the Who′s Who of the Global 1000 list of companies. Murph′s groundbreaking book Business Is Combat, is now in its third printing, and his latest book Flawless Execution was released by Harper Collins publishing. Murph has spoken at the world′s notable business schools to include Harvard, Wharton, Cornell, Emory, and Duke.

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    Jim Murphy's Speech Descriptions

    Based on the framework used by elite military forces to accomplish some of the world’s most dangerous missions, Jim Murphy’s interactive keynotes excite audiences about fortifying their teams and moving forward together. His proven management techniques get entire organizations aligned through every step of the execution process. Past audiences have been floored by the results they’ve gotten thanks to the former fighter pilot’s insights; years later, they are still using his practices on a daily basis.

    Leading Flawless Execution from the Top with Keynote Speaker Jim Murphy

    Give keynote speaker Jim Murphy 90 minutes to 2 hours. He′ll increase your team′s leadership skills 10-fold.

    Your leadership team will learn the Flawless Execution Model℠: a roadmap for leading teams to get aligned and execute on your mission critical business objectives. In larger organizations, strategy tends to be disjointed. It doesn′t travel down to the front line. The organization is not aligned - execution is disorganized and unfocused.

    If you think your team knows where it′s going, think again.

    Vision tends to be vague. Every team member has a different idea what it means. But a future picture is specific and measurable - a place everyone can see and get to. When the destination is clear, people are drawn to it. It is a powerful motivator. Anyone on a team can look at it and answer questions necessary to their role in achieving it. Imagine what your company will achieve when everyone is thinking and working on their piece of a common future picture.

    Execution is not a buzzword. It is critical for your company′s survival.

    Execution is life or death for Air Force fighter pilots. These guys have to walk, talk and live Flawless Execution℠ every mission. They have to work with a staff of hundreds - coordinating, communicating and executing flawlessly. In the same way Flawless Execution℠ aligns the Air Force, it will align your organization.

    What if you could bring a sense of strategic urgency to your entire organization?

    It is absolutely possible - keynote speaker James Murphy has proven it by teaching the Air Force′s methods to businesses around the world. Through Afterburner, more than 1.5 million business leaders have discovered the power of Flawless Execution℠. They know how to hardwire strategy to tactics. Their teambuilding skills get everybody pointing in the same direction.

    Driving excitement about strategy down through the ranks.

    "Leading Flawless Execution from the Top" keynote address is much more than a speech led by your average keynote speaker. It is an interactive lesson that will energize your managers, and get them thinking about organizational alignment. And your troops aren′t just energized for the day - they are motivated and educated to make important changes back on the job. The result is teams that execute daily against critical leverage points - and generate massive momentum toward a desired future picture.

    Teams resist change. Flawless Execution makes change appealing and exciting.

    This keynote speaker teaches leaders how to find critical leverage points - internally and externally. At these points is where your limited resources gain the most impact. Charging teams with attacking these points in parallel - all at once - powerfully motivates members because they can see the positive results. Think about the damage you could do to the competition with every team member applying their energy and focus to key leverage points.

    This keynote speaker is not entertainment. Keynote speaker Jim Murphy provides valuable tools in the pursuit of Flawless Execution.

    You′re spending valuable time to get all your people together. So be sure every piece of the program is going to generate ROI. This is not your typical leadership seminar led by your average keynote speaker - it is a powerful catalyst to get your leaders thinking in new ways about their role. And it will get them equipped to act effectively in the new paradigm. The ROI will show when your troops are back at the office and the company begins advancing flawlessly on mission critical objectives.

    Flawless Execution made believable and achievable.

    Your company doesn′t need another non-productive speech with your average keynote speaker to kick off its conference. It doesn′t need another motivational speaker who only motivates for an hour. Book keynote speaker Jim Murphy to show your mangers how to "Lead Flawless Execution from the Top". They′ll discover a lasting source of motivation for themselves - and everyone on their teams.

    What People are Saying about Seeing Jim Speak

    Rating Entries

    “Last week at our annual kick-off sales meeting, Jim Murphy was one of our keynote speakers. He was fantastic…I questioned the relevance of a fighter pilot to business. Believe me, he brings it all together in terms we could relate to and with a program that keeps you on the edge of your seat with periodic goose bumps on your arms. He spoke for 1-1/2 hours; I wish it would have been 3.”
        Vice President International, Honeywell

    “Our attendees were definitely equipped with new strategies and tactics to improve team work, thwart channelizing and minimize task saturation in the work place. Your video presentations were wonderful and the way you engaged the audience and had fun with each other was very well received. You are definitely a hit with the American Red Cross and we truly appreciated your interest in learning as much as you could about the particular challenges faced by Red Cross fund raisers.”
        Senior Director, Office of Events Management, American Red Cross

    “Everyone was thrilled you were there and that they had the opportunity to spend time with all of you. My dream come true event! Afterburner in the afternoon made it a perfect tie in for the conference theme event …”
        Manager, Corporate & Sales Events, Northwest/KLM Airlines

    “The feedback I have received from the participants has been phenomenal and everyone thought the program was ′Sierra Hotel!′…I am looking forward to working with my management team to implement your techniques of Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief to improve communication and achieve Flawless Execution in accomplishing our objectives.”
        Mattel, Inc.

    “We have received lots of positive feedback from your dynamic interactive team building program. It was a great way to introduce our sales and marketing goals and it provided us with many useful strategies that we continue to use on a daily basis. The Mission Planning Exercise took these concepts to the next level. It was a huge hit with our sales and marketing team and everyone walked away feeling energized & motivated.”
        Sony Ericsson

    “Your mission planning theory and explanation of the serious ramifications of not planning were a crucial learning experience for our 1,200 employees that attended our National Meeting.”
        Vice President Human Resources, Nestle

    “Our very diverse group of owners and managers thoroughly enjoyed the half day and lessons learned about the increased certitude of success if the Plan, Brief, Execute and Debrief. We look forward to working with you again so that we can build on this excellent foundation.”
        Regional Director, RE/MAX

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    Books by Jim Murphy:


    Courage to Execute: What elite U.S. military units can teach business about leadership and team performance
    How to build a culture of high performance within your organization

    The U.S. military in general, and its many elite organizations in particular, possesses a culture of high performance. Courage to Execute outlines the six basic principles that operate at the foundation of high performance, which include leadership, organization, communication, knowledge, experience, and discipline, known together as LOCKED. When all are practiced effectively, teamwork emerges. But the most elusive quality that exists at the heart of all elite military teams, the element that organizations and businesses deeply desire to perform more efficiently and effectively, is trust. Trust is easily spent, but hard won. Author James Murphy, an employer of approximately fifty senior military officers that have served in elite units such as the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, U.S. Navy SEALS, and U.S. Army Rangers, shares a multitude of personal leadership stories that illustrates the principles of LOCKED.

      • Shares compelling anecdotes from leaders in elite units of the U.S. Military
      • Written by James D. Murphy, founder and CEO of Afterburner, Inc., which has trained over 1.5 million executives, sales professionals, and business people from every industry in Afterburner’s Flawless Execution Model, and its unique, high-energy programs

    Courage to Execute will help you develop effective leadership skills and build high-performance teams that out-compete your rivals every time.

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