
Jeff Goldsmith Profile

Renown healthcare futurist and industry analyst, Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D. specializes in corporate strategy, trend analysis, health policy, and emerging technologies. He is President of Health Futures where he has advised a variety of clients on key decisions in policy, development, and investment since 1982.

Jeff Goldsmith earned his doctorate degree in sociology from the University of Chicago. For four decades he has worked across the health system- hospitals, health plans, physician groups, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and health manufacturing and distribution sectors- advising senior management and Boards on issues such as the future of information technology and healthcare; implications of new biotechnology developments; health care trend analysis; the internet’s impact on medicine; the future of managed care and of integrated health systems. His clients include University Hospitals of Cleveland,
Scripps Memorial Hospitals, NutraSweet Corporation, Hospital Corporation of America, American Hospital Supply Corporation , General Electric Medical Systems, and the New Zealand Ministry of Health.

He has published multiple articles in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Harvard Business Review, Time, among other major outlets, and has lectured on health care organization and management at: Harvard University, John Hopkins University, Wake Forest University, University of California at Berkeley, Washington University, Wharton School/ University of Pennsylvania. He is an Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences at the University of Virginia and serves on the Board of Directors of onFocus Healthcare which provides enterprise performance management software to healthcare organizations.

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    Jeff Goldsmith is President of Health Futures, Inc. He is also Associate Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia. For eleven years ending in l990, Jeff Goldsmith was a lecturer in the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago, on health services management and policy. He has also lectured on these topics at the Harvard Business School, the Wharton School of Finance, Johns Hopkins, Washington University and the University of California at Berkeley. Jeff Goldsmith′s interests include: biotechnology, international health systems, and the future of health services.

    From 1982 to 1994, Jeff Goldsmith served as National Advisor for Healthcare for the firm Ernst and Young, and provided strategy consultation to a wide variety of healthcare systems, health plans, supply and technology firms. Prior to 1982, he was Director of Planning and Government Affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center and Special Assistant to the Dean of the Pritzker School of Medicine. From 1973 to 1975, Jeff Goldsmith worked in the Office of the Governor, State of Illinois as a fiscal and policy analyst, and Special Assistant to the State Budget Director.

    Jeff Goldsmith earned his doctorate in Sociology from the University of Chicago in 1973, studying complex organizations, sociology of the professions, and politics of developing nations. He graduated from Reed College in 1970, majoring in psychology and classics, earning a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for graduate study in 1971.

    Jeff Goldsmith was the recipient of the Corning Award for excellence in health planning from the American Hospital Association′s Society for Healthcare Planning in 1990, and has received the Dean Conley Award for best healthcare article three times (1985, 1990 and 1995) from the American College of Healthcare Executives. He has written five articles for the Harvard Business Review, and has been a source for articles on medical technology and health services for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Business Week, Time and other publications. Jeff Goldsmith is a member of the editorial board of Health Affairs. He is a Director of the Cerner Corporation, a healthcare informatics firm. Jeff Goldsmith is also Director of Essent Healthcare, a hospital management firm, and a member of the Board of Advisors of Burrill and Company, a private merchant bank in biotechnology and health sciences.

    Latest News
    Jeff Goldsmith has joined the Board of Directors of onFocus Healthcare a Nashville based company that provides enterprise performance management (EPM) software to healthcare organizations. OnFocus? provides on a “software as a service” basis a suite of management tools which enable top executives to track continuously the progress of their organization and direct reports on key management goals and metrics on a special custom website, updated automatically. The Chairman of onFocus is Ron Galbraith, Ph.D. and CEO is Steven Mason, Jr.

    On April 9, 2009 Health Affairs posted a new Jeff Goldsmith blog entry on the missing Obama financing plan for health reform: “Health Reform: Show Us the Money!”. Mr. Goldsmith’s post-election Health Affairs blog posting “Obama’s Health Policy Options: Three Scenarios” (Nov. 5, 2008) was the most read blog posting on the Health Affairs site for 2008. Mr. Goldsmith also posted blogs on Health Affairs profiling the new Administration’s major healthcare actors. They include Thomas Daschle “Daschle: What Can We Expect from the Health Czar in Waiting” Dec. 15, 2008 and “Orszag: A Powerful New Voice in Health Policy Takes Command at OMB” on February 9, 2009.

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Jeff Goldsmith's Speech Descriptions

The ultimate insider to the healthcare industry, Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D. unravels complex issues that medical professionals and patients face today and tomorrow. With more than thirty years of experience spanning all the major sectors of the health field, Jeff helps sort the trivial from the significant, and explain in English where the real opportunities and challenges for providers and managers lie – without fear or favor.

Jeff Goldsmith speaks on a wide range of issues in healthcare and is constantly updating the programs described below to reflect the constantly evolving nature of these topics. Event planners are welcome to pose their own health related topic so that Jeff can address it.

What if the Crowd is Wrong: Six Debatable Propositions about the Future of Healthcare and What They Mean for Strategy
“Everyone knows” what the future of US healthcare looks like. It’s unanimous! We’re moving away from fee-for-service to population health- and from “volume to value”. The health system is shifting from “treatment to prevention”. Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) are the future state of healthcare organization. “Disruptive technologies” will undermine the traditional businesses of hospitals and physicians. And empowered consumers will force the health system to be accountable for the cost of care and move healthcare markets.

This talk asks the provocative question: what if these things don’t actually happen? And what is the state of the evidence that they are actually happening? How would your strategy change (for hospitals, physicians, health plans and the medical technology sector) if the future actually turns out to be different from what “everyone” expects. Jeff Goldsmith talks about the future of healthcare payment and delivery reform, how it is affecting local markets around the US and talks about the “no regrets” strategies that position healthcare’s major actors for an uncertain, post-health reform future.

2035: What Will the Health System Look Like?
Healthcare is on the cusp of transformative technological changes that will reshape not only the care system, but also increase life expectancy and function. This talk explores the major features of the digital health revolution: clinical genomics, the electronic health record. digital imaging, mHelath, connectivity/social media and the brain/machine interface. It will not only explain in English where these technologies stand in their state of development, but make specific forecast of what we can expect from them in twenty years- in 2035. It will also explore why technologies fail to scale up to the societal level and what it takes for them to succeed- and change our lives.

Changing of the Guard: How the Impending Generational Transition among Physicians will Change Medicine and Health Services.
The present US health system is “powered by baby boom physicians”. As these physicians gear down or retire outright, they are being replaced by younger physicians with different values, practice goals and communications styles. How will this generational transition affect medical practice, as well as hospital/physician relations? How will policymakers cope with the impending scarcity of practicing physicians as the baby boom itself enrolls in Medicare?

Obama’s Health Reforms: How Will They Affect the Health System.
President Obama won the Presidency in part on a pledge to reform healthcare, and provide coverage to the more than 45 million uninsured people in the United States. How will the present economic crisis constrain him from fulfilling this pledge? Who has he chosen to lead his health reform efforts, and how will they shape his policy choices? What are the new Administration’s options in closing the coverage gap, as well as in containing and managing health spending?

Healthcare and the Economic Crisis .
As the US struggles to recover from the recession which began in 2008, it is clear that the health system has been profoundly affected. Not only have healthcare finances been affected by the debt crisis. Healthcare demand itself has weakened as hard pressed consumers postpone using health services. How will the unfolding economic crisis affect hospitals, physicians, health plans and healthcare technology firms? What strategic adaptations are required to weather this crisis, and anticipate the future shape of the health system?

The Fate of the Baby Boomers. A Twenty-year Look Forward at the Impact of the Baby Boom generation on the health system and society. Will they trigger a boom in the demand for health services, and in doing so, wreck our safety net programs- Medicare and Social Security? What will they need and how will we market to them? What are the plans of baby boomers, and will the U.S. economy survive their retirement?

Can Hospitals Survive? Hospitals and physicians seem headed in different directions. What are the major tensions in this troubled relationship? How does new and emerging technology affect their collaboration? Will it remove hospitals from the center of the health system? What strategic choices await hospitals as baby boomer care givers retire and the demand for care grows?

The Consumer Revolution in Healthcare. A brief history of consumer-centric health care and its major driving forces. How will consumers leverage their access to knowledge about their own illness and about the capabilities of the health system to assume greater control over their and their family’s health?

The Future of Consumer Directed Health Plans. A New Business Model is emerging in American health insurance. How does it work? How will consumer directed health insurance plans interact with baby boomers and their children to change the health system? Will it damage our health insurance system? What factors limit its growth? How will consumer directed health plans evolve as more Americans enroll?

Digital Medicine: The Future of Information Technology in Healthcare. How will modern information technology alter the role of the major actors in healthcare: consumers, health plans, hospitals, physicians and pharmaceutical firms? How will modern IT transform health services, and improve quality, productivity and health worker morale at the same time? Why has IT adoption been so slow and painful in healthcare?

A Twenty Year Look Forward at Healthcare Technology. The U.S. invests more than $100 billion a year in research and product development in healthcare, almost 70% of the entire world’s health R+D budget! What is in the R+D pipeline, and how will it change the health system? How is the War on Terror and the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) changing the face of medical technology? How will genomics, personalized medicine, advanced imaging, preparation for bioterrorism and pandemic flu, regenerative medicine and remote patient monitoring (RPM) interact to reshape healthcare?

    NOTE: These topics are all evolving at varying paces, as new knowledge and analysis becomes available. They are modular, and can be mixed and matched to respond to client interests and needs. No two versions of any one topic are the same. Clients are encouraged to frame their own topics and challenge Mr. Goldsmith to address them.

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