
Jeff Butler Profile

  • Jeff Butler is a speaker, author and workplace strategist who helps organizations create workplaces where employees thrive.

  • While the U.S. is facing record numbers of employee turnover and disengagement, top-notch speaker and consultant, Jeff Butler shows companies how to attract, harness, and retain Millennial talent.

  • Drawing from the latest research and his own experience as a Millennial and Silicon Valley native, Butler has partnered with Fortune 500s, small businesses, and startups to help them make work an experience employees look forward to.

  • Featured in Forbes, Fast Company, and three TEDx events, Butler’s international reputation for on point insights and real world solutions has soared since launching his consulting company just a few years ago.
  • If you’re looking for a Millennial expert, get someone who speaks the language. Internationally respected speaker and consultant, Jeff Butler helps bridge generational gaps between Millennials and companies looking for their talent and patronage.

    Butler has quickly built his reputation as a memorable presenter with tangible solutions for attracting, retaining, and engaging Millennials as employees and customers. Within just the past three years, he has spoken at three TEDx events and multiple Fortune 500 companies.

    Butler is a third-generational Silicon Valley entrepreneur. He grew up in the era with the highest employee turnover rate in American history…a rate which shows no signs of reversal. As a computer science major at U.C. Berkeley, whose program was ranked second in the country, he experienced the ongoing parade of companies and recruiters trying to woo him and his classmates.

    Butler spent the first years of his career at some of the world’s fastest-charging startups and tech companies before launching his consulting company in 2016. He is the author of two books The Authentic Workplace and The Key to the New You.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Jeff Butler is an author and workplace strategist who explores human behavior within the working world. His experience spans over 40 industries in 4 continents on how different cultures and employees interact with each other. He studies common threads of behavior in industries such as IT professionals, underground utility workers, police officers to clothing retail chains. In addition, companies like Google, Amazon, John Deere, and Coldwell Banker. As a researcher and practitioner, he also runs a consulting company and a tech company, TrinityFix where he is able to test his ideas in different workplace environments. His ideas have made it to TEDx twice, appeared in dozens of media outlets including two books on human behavior:- The Authentic Workplace and The Key To The New You . Currently, he lives in Dallas, Texas as an out of place Californian.

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    Jeff Butler's Speech Descriptions

    Media and pop culture is littered with misconceptions about the American workforce’s youngest, most diverse, and largest generation so far. Jeff Butler weeds out falsehoods to get to the root of the Millennial mindset and how to resonate with it. Butler combines the latest research with his own firsthand experience as a Millennial growing up in Silicon Valley to impart relevant actionable information for attracting and retaining Millennial talent and customer loyalty.

    Building An Effective Multi-Generational Workplace

    Modern day workplace has four generations working under one roof: Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Millennials and now Generation Z. All work together to accomplish common organizational goals, however, with differences in each of these generation’s viewpoints, upbringings, culture, ideas, beliefs and experiences, it is likely to see some tiffs or clashes within the organization. Hence, makes managing four different generations in the workplace an extremely difficult task to accomplish, though not impossible. With right guidance, support and advice, the task of managing these four generations under one roof is achievable. The support may come in various forms, one of which is this program.

    This program focuses on managing four different generations in the workplace where author and practitioner Jeff Butler, backed by a decade of psychological research, shares insights about motivations, differences, and communication styles of these four generations. You will learn how organizations across various industries are thriving with a multigenerational workforce and how yours can too. Through this program you’ll find specific actionable strategies to manage your cross-generational challenges and turn your multigenerational workforce into a competitive advantage.

    Learning Points

    - Discover potential points of generational conflict and tactics to handle them
    - Learn how to strengthen cross-generational communication to foster company wide ideation
    - Obtain specific strategies to leverage multi generational differences like optimizing recruitment and retention

    Leading In Times Of Uncertainty

    Benjamin Franklin in the late 17th century famously that "the only two things certain in life are death and taxes" satirically, yet truthfully implying that uncertainty is here to stay. Beyond just the recent pandemic, various industries continuously face changing times, and the unfortunate inevitably remaining that those that don't change eventually become obsolete. Hence, how do leaders adapt to changing times and ensure that they are not only doing what they need to adapt, but do so in a way that doesn't create setbacks? In this program, Jeff Butler reveals the roadmap that various organization have used to maximize their employees leadership abilities to stay ahead in uncertainty. More specifically, how to create a team where leadership is encouraged and a growth mindset is instilled in order to handle changing times. Some strategies are commonplace like instantiating strong management systems, but others require obscure leader tactics to truly understand how the mind works in order to unlock their employee's potential.

    Learning points:

    - Uncover the paradoxical hurdle that every leader faces when confronted with uncertainty.
    - How to navigate challenging conversations with different parties
    - Discover strategies that leaders use to create buy in during drastic changes.


    Have you ever wondered why some employees continue to underperform while others become rock stars? Or better yet, is it possible to turn new hires into a team linchpins consistently? Imagine being able to lay out a roadmap for employees so that they are able to maximize their leadership ability without having to micro manage them. A path where employees feel empowered and want to contribute versus being obliged to by their over bearing boss. In this program, Jeff Butler reveals the roadmap that the most disruptive companies in the world are leveraging to maximize their employees leadership abilities. More specifically, how to create a team where leadership is encouraged and cultivated to the point where an entire organization benefits. Some strategies are commonplace like instantiating strong management systems, but others are obscure requiring a leader to truly understand how the mind works in order to unlock their employee's potential.

    Learning Points

    - The mental traps that hold back high performing employees that attempt to move into leadership positions.
    - Discover the 3 employee levels and how to help employees climb the performance ladder.
    - Learn how to harness employee intrinsic motivation in order to maximize their leadership ability.


    Have you ever struggled to recruit the right person for your team? And if you were able to find them, was it even more difficult to keep them? More than ever before, talent is in peak demand and companies are having to completely change the way they view human capital in order to stay competitive. In this program you will hear up-to-the-minute data and case studies presented by author Jeff Butler on how organizations are winning the war for talent. Jeff has helped dozens of companies on winning the war for talent and has seen unusual and ground breaking ways to attract talent that some many employers are chasing after.

    Jeff has mapped out the complete employee life-cycle from hiring, managing to retaining. Each segment covers key areas where companies often lose their talent ranging from: mistakes in their recruitment process, to failing to adjust management styles to accommodate the changing workplace expectations. Both high-level theories as well as tactical strategies on workplace leaders are included so leaders can guide their teams to talent victories. Sometimes its a simple change like adding a video to a job ad, other times, it requires viewing your company in a completely different paradigm.

    Learning Points

    - Discover the 3 phases of employee recruitment – attention, interest, commitment.
    - Hear about best practices of screening employees for maximum future performance.
    - Techniques to spot effective succession planning.

    AI Disruption – Overcoming The Hype And Discovering The Opportunity

    In 1954 a Georgetown-IBM team predicted that language translation programs would be perfected in three to five years- 60 years later, we still haven’t perfected translation. That claim is nowhere close to Herbert Simon, Nobel prize winner in 1965 where he said that “machines will be capable, within twenty years of doing any work a man can do.” These exorbitant claims didn’t seem outlandish at the time of their inception because technology, especially artificial intelligence has an enormous promise, but rarely is ever met- leading to the inevitable AI Hype. Delve into the dynamic landscape of Artificial Intelligence as we navigate through the buzz and uncover the legitimate opportunities. Jeff Butler will guide you through the intricate realm of AI from AI generative text to image recognition, separating fact from fiction, and providing valuable insights into how businesses can leverage the true potential of this disruptive technology. In addition, how employees can stay ahead of AI through the ‘reskilling movement’. Gain a clearer perspective on the realistic applications and strategic advantages AI offers, ensuring you stay ahead in an era of rapid technological evolution.

    Learning Points

    - Clarity Amidst the Hype: Gain a clear understanding of the current state of AI by learning about the ‘Hype Curve’ and distinguish between exaggerated claims and genuine opportunities, empowering you to make informed decisions for your business.
    - Strategic Insights: Acquire strategic insights into up-to-date AI case studies and how they can be practically applied to enhance business processes, drive innovation, and gain a competitive edge in your industry.
    - Future-Proofing Strategies: Discover specific technological milestones that need to happen before major break throughs occur to harness the power of AI for long-term success, ensuring your organization is well-positioned to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technological disruption.

    Being Human In The Age Of Digital Innovation

    Digital innovation not only changes corporations but also who we are as humans. Technology continues to evolve at an exponential rate, swiftly collapsing industries that took decades to build. As cutting-edge technology seems to update every day, questions arise such as: How will this evolution change the way we humans work? What does this mean for the next generation? The reality is that the every industry will be affected just as any other.

    In his presentation, Jeff Butler unravels which technological changes to anticipate (such as autonomous vehicles, Blockchain and artificial intelligence) and how their integration impacts the workforce; not only from a business perspective but sociological, psychological, and existential as well. How might this wave of change affect industries—and us as the people that work for them—faster than experts originally anticipated? While inevitable, one of the most important things that people can do now is learn where the tide is coming from… and be prepared for its impact. Jeff’s timely presentation will help guide and navigate conference attendees through this meteoric challenge called “technology change”!

    Learning Points

    - Explore what are the impacts of block chain technology on the financial economy
    - Learn how technology is unraveling the ways our brains work and what that means for our future
    - Discover how artificial intelligence is on course to bring some of the most challenging times in our history

    Jeff Butler on Speaking

    If the generation stereotypes are so weakly applicable to the people in the room, why should we apply them to others?

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

    BUTLER: It really depends on the topic. One of the central themes running through my generation talks is focusing on the individual rather than the stereotype. Unfortunately, our society is barred down by media outlets pitting different generation groups against one another in order to get a few more clicks.

    Therefore, when I address new audiences, I occasionally take a poll asking attendees which of these stereotypes completely apply to them; I rarely get more than 5 percent of the audience agreeing with them. My point then, is if the generation stereotypes are so weakly applicable to the people in the room, why should we apply them to others? Instead we should focus on the individual, not the stereotype.

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    BUTLER: First, I will interview a few people in the target demographic in the audience. From those conversations I will be able to draw up some of the industry pain points and craft a keynote that solves those problems.

    If I am lucky, I will have an attendee list, so I can use specific case studies of companies in the room doing the right things. One thing I learned about speaking along the way is that you make a point more effectively by showing a company doing something right as opposed to something wrong. Not only does this get the audience perking their ears up, knowing that this company is in the room, but it also flatters the attendee from that company. It is a win-win tactic.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    BUTLER: All the time. One of the more surprising moments was when I was preparing the AV equipment for a talk, and someone intentionally pushed me over the equipment. Now since I am a fairly tall individual, people generally don’t pick fights with me, so there I was, livid and shocked. I turned around to see who in their right mind had assaulted me like that.

    There stood my aunt laughing and pointing at me, telling me how serious I looked.

    We embraced, took a picture and I shared it with my family. It turns out she was attending the conference and didn’t know I was going to be there. To this day, she still tells the story at family gatherings about how she scared me at one of my speaking engagements.

    The audience members who usually benefit the most are the ones who know their space relatively well and are looking for a different, well thought-out perspective on the manner. They are going to the event looking for things that they can take away and put to use, rather than pure entertainment.

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    BUTLER: Even though I started out as a motivational speaker, I realize now that my talks are more action-oriented and based heavily on ideas that pierce the core of problems. The audience members who usually benefit the most are the ones who know their space relatively well and are looking for a different, well thought-out perspective on the manner. They are going to the event looking for things that they can take away and put to use, rather than pure entertainment.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    BUTLER: One of my favorite keynotes was one I did for an association in Texas where we spent several weeks going back and forth on the talk. They were the most involved client I had and to be honest, I was a bit frustrated on how many adjustments they wanted in the presentation. Fortunately, after the keynote was delivered, a swarm of people came up to me thanking me for the talk. In turn, I told each person to thank the board for being tough on me and making sure that the audience had a great experience.

    I learned more in that single talk than many of the others I’ve given. Sure, it is more work to customize a talk, but when you get tons of feedback on your talks from industry experts, it makes the next iteration of the talk so much more effective.

    During the meeting, I spoke for a minute in the impromptu session in front of an eight-person audience. After I sat down, I didn’t remember anything I had said, but I realized that public speaking was something I wanted to spend the next 10-20 years of my life doing.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    BUTLER: When I was 25, I had a profitable tech company that I co-founded with my parents. After a year of running it, I decided that I didn’t think analyzing data for a living was for me. I exited and decided to take care of a few of my bucket list items. Probably number nine on the list was doing speaking engagements.

    Before I was paid to do speaking, I was an extremely quiet individual who spent time thinking about how things could be better but I never vocalized my opinion. When I decided to try my hand at speaking, the first thing I did was go to a local Toastmasters public speaking club. During the meeting, I spoke for a minute in the impromptu session in front of an eight-person audience. After I sat down, I didn’t remember anything I had said, but I realized that public speaking was something I wanted to spend the next 10-20 years of my life doing. The rest is history.

    SPEAKING.COM: How much do case studies, personal stories and or humor factor into your keynote speech content?

    BUTLER: All three play a very important role. People remember case studies and they also work wonders when trying to drive a point home. Personal stories do, too, but speakers need to be cautious that they don’t make the entire speech about them – a misstep that unfortunately happens quite a bit in the speaking industry.

    Lastly, humor is definitely needed. It loosens the tension in the room and gives the audience a small mental break. I usually go for a good laugh every 3-4 minutes because I don’t want the speech to be too dry. On the other end, if it’s too funny, people are less likely to absorb the more complex material of the presentation.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients make?

    BUTLER: One of my favorites was for a client that was really struggling with retention, and when I say “struggling”, I mean over 140% struggling. The company hired me two weeks before I needed to present in front of the board and in that short time, the event planner and I were able to put together a slick presentation that brought to light the immediate problem. After the talk, the CEO pulled me aside and told me that this was exactly what they needed to hear to handle their retention problem and they will be putting it in their next quarter initiatives. However, the biggest tell-tale sign that it went well was when I was allowed to hang out in the CEO’s office after the talk.

    Another success was helping a group of small to medium sized companies acquire more Millennial customers. This was an international meeting, so I had to make sure that the information was applicable from a global standpoint. After the talk, several of the attendees did a full revamp of their digital branding and saw an immediate conversion increase on their target demographic. Sometimes it just takes a different viewpoint to make a small yet radically positive change in a company. Exclusive Interview with Jeff Butler
    Understanding Millennial Employees with Jeff Butler
    In this exclusive interview with SPEAKING.COM, Millennial speaker, Jeff Butler discusses:
  • What people get wrong about Millennials.
  • How to attract and retain Millennial talent.
  • Aligning employer and employee expectations. Read the Full Interview
  • "The other definition of Millennial, which is a sociological one, pertains to a young individual who is addicted to technology, naive, progressive and likes avocado sandwiches. The problem arises when that definition is erroneously associated with people born between 1982-2004."
    - Jeff Butler

    What People are Saying about Seeing Jeff Speak

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    I have been reading posts regarding this topic and this post is one of the most interesting and informative one I have read. Thank you for this!


    “I invited Jeff to speak at our group. He really captivated and entertained the audience. He additionally presented very thought provoking material that left our assembly talking about for hours after.”

    – Debra, Bay Area Teacher

    “Jeff spoke at our company and gave an enormous amount of value that can immediately applied to our lives at Google. Would totally recommend!”

    – Alex, Data Team at Google

    “I have seen a lot of speaker and Jeff was by far one of the best speakers I have ever seen!”

    – Susan, VP of Sales at Intelliswift

    “Jeff Butler was a refreshing guest speaker at the Michigan Association of Realtors Convention in Traverse City, MI. As a “Millennial Expert”, Jeff gave many insights to this generation of home buyers, and how to understand what they are thinking and how to communicate with them.

    I could see many “Ah-Ha” moments in the room. I would recommend Jeff Butler to speak to any group of audience. He is professional, knowledgeable and a pleasure to listen to. His preparation and communication is top notch! Thanks Jeff “

    – Ray Stark, America’s Preferred Home Warranty

    “You nailed it, great presentation. Congratulations, I heard only good feedback especially from millennial!”

    – Stéphane Vidal, Vice-président marketing & communications, Big Bang Conference

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    Books by Jeff Butler:

    The Authentic Workplace: How Authenticity Is Creating The Workplace Of Tomorrow

    Whether it’s branding, marketing, sales, leadership, managing, or recruiting, every aspect of the modern workplace is shifting. Companies are now expected to interact with customers through the digital world. Leaders are required to be tranparent. Managers are now expected to be coaches due to the rapid changing times. But where is this all headed?

    The new destination is authenticity. But what is authenticity? Is it simply being yourself and expect the world to respond? And how can this be applied to create a workplace where people actually enjoy working? In this book, Jeff Butler explores what it means to be authentic, the shifting workplace trends requiring authenticity and effective ways to create a culture employees enjoy. This book is a must if you are look ing to be relevant in today’s changing workplace.

    The Key To the New You: Tools to Help Students Become the Person They Want to Be

    Can you survive high school to get to your dream college? Will you be able to handle the new international competition, social media, cliques, SATs, ACTs, maintaining a ‘good enough’ GPA all while finding a date to prom? And don’t forget student loan debt is higher than ever which means you should also be looking for scholarships. Many of these questions haunt us as we try to get into our dream college. The struggle of keeping up often to leads to burnout and psychological breakdowns. Because of this increasing challenging academic world, personal change is a must. While personal change is not taught in the classroom; it is the complete focus of this book. This book is to the point and full of content to help you:

    • Survive in high school social warfare.
    • Receive the results you want consistently and on time.
    • Perform under rigorous academic pressure.
    • Discover what you want out of life.
    • Relieve stress in the most complex of situations.

    So if you are an aspiring high schooler looking to get into an IVY league or a student simply looking for some ways to mitigate your stress, this book will help. The author dives deep into how the mind works so you will be able to make personal change that will influence every area in your life in a positive way. His tips are tested and taught by the top experts in psychology. If you are interested in changing the course of your life, then open up this book to and the key to The New You.

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