
James Mapes Profile

Author of the acclaimed book Quantum Leap Thinking, James Mapes is the authority on the psychology of applied imagination. Drawing from his unique background in neurology, psychology, philosophy, and theater, James has helped thousands of people reach the next level in their lives with his scientifically based approach to breaking through the mental and emotional barriers that prevent most people from realizing their full potential.

Over the past 30 years, James’s expert understanding of the subconscious mind has taken his career to diverse settings. He’s helped professional athletes improve their performance, cancer patients reduce their pain and phobias, and violent crime victims recall details that led to the apprehension of dangerous criminals.

As a speaker James has delivered life-changing presentations to public and corporate audiences in more than 70 countries. Companies, associations, universities and business schools, including IBM Corporate, U.S. Coast Guard, Lockheed Martin and The Princeton Center for Leadership Training, have quoted him in training manuals and textbooks. His reputation for creating key breakthroughs in personal and organizational excellence have earned him appearances on CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America and Fox Family Channel, among other media outlets.

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    Speaker, expert of the psychology of “applied imagination,” performance coach, author: Quantum Leap Thinking

    James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best-selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, seminar leader and personal excellence coach. For over 30 years, James has been an ardent student of human behavior and dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations identify and break through barriers to reach their goals and achieve success. He encourages people to be open to new ways of thinking, and his goal is to help everyone make the “quantum leap” toward more creative, productive and confident lives. For both businesses and individuals, his message promotes an innovative, powerful way of thinking and provides a new-found mastery over their imagination and perceptions so that, in his words, “the invisible becomes visible and the impossible becomes possible.” The results have been nothing short of extraordinary, creating key breakthroughs in both organizational and personal excellence.

    James Mapes’ success as a speaker and highly regarded authority on the imagination, creative thinking, communication, managing change, organizational problem-solving, successful teamwork, leadership and coaching is due to his early training as an actor and experience as a theatrical producer. In 1969, he graduated from California State University with a Master of Arts degree in theater and speech. He then worked in repertory theater, off-Broadway and directed two of his own theater companies, amassing dozens of television and movie credits including Taxi Driver, Star Trek, and The Wicker Tree. As a performer, he developed a unique stage presence with a special talent for connecting with his audience. Mapes’ work has earned him appearances on CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America and Fox Family Channel, among other media outlets.

    As a recognized business speaker and performance coach, James has spoken to hundreds of public and private companies in more than 70 countries. His clients include financial institutions, software companies, the military, the healthcare industry, training and development divisions of large corporations and major non-profit organizations. Companies, associations, universities and business schools including—IBM Corporate, U.S. Coast Guard, Lockheed Martin and The Princeton Center for Leadership Training—have quoted Mapes in training manuals and textbooks.

    James Mapes’ personal goal of living an exceptional life is reflected in both his business activities as well as his recreational pursuits, which range from scuba-diving, ballooning, racecar driving, Kempo Karate, and world travel, to an avid interest in reading. His two highly regarded books are Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind and The Workbook: The Magic of Quantum Leap Thinking. His new book Imagine That!: Firing up the Brain is scheduled for publication in 2014, and his newest 2-CD program—Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™—was released January 2013.

    In the 1970’s, James became interested in the power of the subconscious mind. To better understand this intriguing area, he researched psychology, philosophy, neurology and eventually, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. His expertise quickly earned him recognition as a clinical hypnotist, becoming highly effective in assisting clients in weight reduction, smoking cessation, the elimination of phobias and pain reduction for terminally ill cancer patients. As a skilled practitioner of regression techniques, he helped the New York City Police Department in “memory recovery” with both witnesses to, and victims of, crime and he has worked with professional athletes to help improve their performance in their sport.

    James Mapes has created an ongoing series of self-improvement audio recordings and writes a syndicated newspaper column for Hearst newspapers and The Arizona Reporter. James also enjoys presenting his one-man show, Journey Into the Imagination at performing arts centers and universities around the country. He has appeared on Broadway, and presented A Whirlwind Tour of the Mind at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center in Manhattan. When not touring, James and his wife divide their time between residences in Westport, Connecticut, and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

James Mapes Speaking Videos

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James Mapes's Speech Descriptions

James Mapes has been dedicated to helping people live exceptional lives for more than 30 years. His lively, interactive programs on wellness, creativity and leadership provide results-based strategies to take ‘quantum leaps’ in all areas of life. When you blend together a storyteller, an expert on the power of the imagination, and a clinical researcher of the mind, you have “The Mapes Experience.”

MIND OVER BODY: Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy
Become a partner in your own wellness. Studies prove that how we think impacts our health. Not only have mind/body techniques become a vital part of integrative medicine, they have also presented us with limitless possibilities on creativity, innovation, motivation and leadership.

In James Mapes’ cutting-edge, interactive program, participants gain a clear understanding of how the brain works and the importance of communication to create positive expectations. They learn how to influence the subconscious with optimistic, affirmative suggestions, enabling them to look at their life and work with “new eyes.” They leave the program armed with practical strategies and valuable tools to control what can be controlled and let go of the rest.

The attendees will leave this inspiring and captivating program having learned:

  • The mechanics of thinking, how the brain works and the importance of focus.
  • How vision can sway the subconscious to create positive outcomes.
  • How to apply mental imagery to reduce anxiety and spark creativity.
  • How to create and communicate a clear, realistic, emotionally-charged vision to inspire wellness.
  • How to recognize and break through the fear that impedes creativity, motivation and healing.
  • How to “reframe” thinking to instill hope and confidence.

In MIND OVER BODY, James integrates more than three decades of experience as a speaker on creativity and leadership, performance coach, medical facilitator for pre-surgery patients, and clinical hypnotist. He draws from the latest research in brain science as well as lessons learned from his own open-heart surgery. James projects amazing positive energy and is passionate about educating everyone about the elegance of the imagination and the incredible power of the human mind and spirit.

This presentation can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs as either a keynote or workshop.

Program Length: 20 minutes – 1/2 day

Patient Pre-op/Post-op Healing Therapy™ for Pre-Surgery Patients explores James Mapes’ “FiveKeys to Living an Exceptional Life”, learned from a combination of his research, three decades helping people prepare for all types of surgery and his world-wide executive business coaching.

1. MAKE FRIENDS WITH REALITY: If you can accept the reality of the situation, you can turn fear
into positive action and control what can be controlled.

2. ADJUST YOUR ATTITUDE: A positive attitude affects everyone – from patient to family and
friends to hospital staff.

3. CREATE A SOLID SUPPORT SYSTEM: Surround yourself with people who have a positive
attitude and your best interest in mind. This includes choosing an advocate to act on your

4. ASK FOR HELP AND EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE: Friends and caregivers need to know you
need them. Set aside your ego and ask for help. What friends and caregivers provide are
comfort and peace of mind. Say “Thank you.” Gratitude is a surprisingly powerful force.

to quiet stress and fear and create a positive expectation (hope) for the future. Visualization is a
powerful mental tool that will serve you for life.

IMAGINE THAT! Unleashing the Power of the Imagination for Extreme Success

What is the springboard for achievement? How do you manage your thinking? Do you know how to focus your imagination? Do you have a “future vision?” In these challenging times, success literally depends on the importance of knowing the answers to these questions. As Einstein said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is a preview of life’s coming attractions.”Exceptional individuals in all walks of life are distinguished by their capability to think creatively and perceive new opportunities for innovation. They have understood and mastered the skill of “creative visualization” and communicating a dynamic, clear and emotionally charged future vision with optimism and hope.

James Mapes, the leading authority on the psychology of “applied imagination” and creator of Quantum Leap Thinking™,” demonstrates how extreme success can be achieved by understanding and applying these concepts in your life. James skillfully stretches your perceptions to see new possibilities. He guides his audience to clearly recognize that the powerful mental pictures we all carry around definitely impact the opportunities we see and the choices we make.

In this cutting-edge, practical, interactive and entertaining program, James captures and holds the audience’s attention with dynamic, compelling stories and demonstrations that leave no doubt – “you can achieve what you imagine.”

The audience leaves this thought-provoking, fascinating and inspiring journey having learned:

    • How to apply their imagination to achieve extreme success.
    • How to craft a compelling, emotional, realistic and persuasive future vision.
    • How to recognize and break through “illusory” fears.
    • How to use core values to unlock motivation and propel action.
    • How to manage change for growth through visualization.

TRUE LEADERSHIP: The Neuroscience of Effective Leaders

What is a leader? The business world is awash with leadership philosophies, how-to books and training institutes that can leave even the savvy manager perplexed as exactly how to encourage employees to develop their own leadership style. It is
important to push aside the clutter and get back to a fundamental understanding of why “true” leadership traits are essential for success. The adage “leaders are born, not made” is questionable, as it takes hard work to craft a leadership style that works for each individual. Have you assessed your leadership skills lately?
In this provocative, challenging, lively and interactive presentation, renowned “evangelist of the imagination,” brain researcher, break-through thinking coach and best-selling author, James Mapes, incorporates his legendary humor and an array of audience
exercises to reveal:

    • The five “culturally and morally neutral” traits of all successful leaders.
    • Why morality, a nice disposition and power do not necessarily make a great leader.
    • A guide to transform and enhance their personal leadership style.
    • How to craft an emotionally charged, clearly compelling and realistic future


MIND OVER BODY: Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy

For Health Care Associations/Professionals

Brain science and case studies of mind-over-body prove that how we think impacts our health. Not only have mind-body techniques become a vital part of integrative medicine, they have also resented us with limitless possibilities on creativity, innovation, productivity and motivation.
In this groundbreaking, interactive program, participants gain a clear understanding of how the brain works and the importance of communication to create a positive expectation of the future. They learn how to influence the subconscious with optimistic, affirmative suggestions, enabling them to look at their life and work with “new eyes,” armed with practical strategies and valuable tools to control what can be controlled and to let go of the rest. James topples common beliefs about stress, recovery, motivation, pain management,communication and high performance. Participants learn exactly how to help themselves and others use the power of vision to lead, motivate, break through self-sabotaging fears, manage negative stress and heal faster.

The attendees will leave this thought-provoking and inspiring program having learned:

    • -The mechanics of thinking, how the brain works and the importance of focus.
    • -How vision sways the subconscious to create positive outcomes.
    • -How to apply mental imagery to reduce anxiety and worry, recharge and spark creativity.
    • -The importance of mindfulness (short closed-eye process).
    • -Why creating and communicating a clear, emotionally charged vision is the core of leadership.
    • -Why fear impedes creativity, motivation and healing.
    • -How to “reframe” thinking to mute fearful thoughts and instill hope and confidence.

By utilizing his three decades of experience as a researcher, business speaker, performance coach, medical facilitator and clinical hypnotist, James projects amazing positive energy and is passionate about educating everyone about the elegance of the imagination and the incredible power of the human mind and spirit. James keeps his audience involved and entranced throughout the presentation.

This program was inspired by James’ own open-heart surgery and based on his CD program Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™ and was endorsed by John Elefteriades, W.L. Glenn Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Yale/New Haven Hospital.
This presentation can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs as either a keynote or workshop.

MIND OVER BODY: Patient Pre-op/Post-op Healing Therapy™

For Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Physicians, Nurses and Hospital Staff
“James, I want to thank you for the great presentation you made at The Grand Rounds at Bridgeport Hospital.
It was excellently prepared and presented… Many who attended expressed
great appreciation for your style and ideas how to improve the approach to sickness and surgery.”
-Nabil A. Atweh M.D., FACS, FCCM, FCCP, Surgeon in Chief and Chairman Department of Surgery, Bridgeport Hospital, CT

More than 250 clinical studies have been featured in medical journals, including JAMA, The
Lancet, and The New England Journal of Medicine, documenting the benefits, cost-savings and
patient satisfaction of mind-body programs for patients undergoing surgery. Studies show that
managing stress reduces fear, improves immune function, mutes pain and helps patients heal
faster from surgery.

Utilizing this information, James Mapes presents an insightful, interactive program - specifically
designed for medical professionals. His wellness strategy programs provide a new paradigm on
how the expectations and thinking of patients impact the results of their surgery and ultimate
satisfaction. He explores how to positively affect the subconscious before, during and after
surgery through the techniques of NLP, hypnosis, visualization and mindfulness.

The attendees will leave this practical and inspiring program having learned:

    • The mechanics of thinking, how the brain works and the importance of focus.
    • How to use relaxation techniques to improve sleep – before and after surgery.
    • How to “reframe” thinking and mute fearful thoughts.
    • Why positive communication before, during and following surgery improves self-confidence.
    • How vision stimulates the subconscious to create positive outcomes and faster healing.
    • How to instill hope and confidence by crafting a compelling future vision.

James Mapes on Speaking

I am always doing my best to keep up on the latest information about brain science which I weave into the program.

SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

MAPES: This depends on the client’s needs, but here is a short list:

    • The mechanics of conscious and subconscious thinking, how the brain works and the importance of focus.
    • How to craft and communicate a compelling, emotional, realistic and persuasive future vision to spark creativity.
    • How to recognize and break through the fear that impedes creativity and motivation.
    • How to “reframe” negative thinking to instill hope and confidence.

SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

MAPES: While I have three separate topics, I have no set script. After hearing what the client wants to achieve as an end result, I present ideas on how I can help achieve that end. I am always doing my best to keep up on the latest information about brain science which I weave into the program.

SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

MAPES: I feel like this is a trick question but I shall attempt to answer it. Audiences that would benefit most from my message are the audiences who are willing to softly step out of their comfort zone and open their minds.

Imagination and creativity have been my playground for as long as I remember.

SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

MAPES: I only speak on topics I am passionate about. All three topics — “MIND OVER BODY: Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy – IMAGINE THAT!,” “Igniting Your Brain for Creativity” and “Peak Performance and TRUE LEADERSHIP: The Neuroscience of Effective Leaders” — have emerged out of my love to present provocative information in new, interesting ways. All these topics involve specific ways of applying the imagination to instill new beliefs and open up new choices.

SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

MAPES: Imagination and creativity have been my playground for as long as I remember. As a child, my mother supported and encouraged all my interests. I wrote stories, acted in plays, painted and took an interest in performing magic. I loved entertaining and mystifying an audience. So, it was a natural progression for me to embrace the theater and learn clinical hypnosis. From there, it was a natural path to demonstrate hypnosis, which morphed into a number of self-help workshops on creativity, motivation, self-confidence and success.

In the mid 1980’s, I was asked to present an interactive program on creativity by Washington Speakers Bureau for PepsiCo. It was a wonderful experience which incorporated all my passions and ignited my speaking career.

By learning how the mind works and how to use the imagination, all of us can take the quantum leap to new and extraordinary levels of living.

SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

MAPES: I keep audiences engaged through interaction and storytelling. I pepper my program with a number of interactive exercises that leave no doubt about the power of the imagination and our ability to explode our creativity. Instead of doing a Q & A at the end, I ask and answer questions through the program. I keep case studies to a minimum and audience engagement to a maximum. Throughout, I encourage fun and humor. People relax and learn through humor.

SPEAKING.COM: What makes you different from other speakers?

MAPES: Of course this is purely subjective. I believe my approach to creativity, motivation, leadership and wellness is unique – in that I help my audiences understand, embrace, explore and learn about the tremendous power of the imagination.

Most of us assume that what we imagine just happens, when – in fact – what we imagine has a huge impact on our emotions, actions and behavior. By learning how the mind works and how to use the imagination, all of us can take the quantum leap to new and extraordinary levels of living. We become the COO of our own mind.

SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

MAPES: Most people are have never had the opportunity to learn about the power of their mind nor how to recognize and overcome fear and be more creative. Over the years, I’ve been proud to have helped clients think in new ways, communicate more clearly and bond as teams. I’ve witnessed organizations reach objectives that they once thought were impossible. Plus, there’s the immense satisfaction of watching individuals grow mentally, emotionally and socially. Exclusive Interview with James Mapes
How to Lead an Exceptional Life, with James Mapes
In this interview, James Mapes discusses:
    • Ways to lead an exceptional life.
    • How the subconscious affects our decisions and actions.
    • Mental tools for accomplishing your goals and dreams.
Read the Full Interview

"Those who choose to live an exceptional life have the courage and grit to identify their top life priorities and determine if their actions are congruent with those priorities."
- James Mapes

What People are Saying about Seeing James Speak

Rating Entries

“You did a great thing today to awaken myself and everyone else in the room. It was great to
see one of my all-time favorites in action again. Your scores were excellent and nothing but
excellent feedback. Your stories are fantastic and I appreciate you sharing them with me.”

-Dale Carnegie Tampa Bay
Rick Gallegos, President/CEO

“Thanks!! It was great meeting you and I really enjoyed your presentation. Thank you for
positively impacting my personal and professional life!!”

-Medical Technology Associates, Inc.
Valeri Marks, President & CEO, Chairman of The CEO Council of Tampa Bay

“Mutual impact from my perspective… I would like to send you some resources as well. Loved the
program – Tangible, Actionable, Memorable.”

-Metropolitan Ministries
Tim Marks, President

“I thought you did a great job. The reviews from our members were also terrific. I know we were
time limited but I would have loved to try the board breaking exercise. Next time!!”

-Creative Sign Designs
Jamie Harden, President & CEO

“Through some strange and powerful principle of ‘mental chemistry’ which she has never
divulged, Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire ‘that something’ which recognizes no
such word as impossible, and accepts no such reality as failure.”

-Napoleon Hill Foundation

“I look forward to seeing the results of our group’s commitment and pledge.”

-Siesta Beach Resort
Gregg Nicklaus, President

“I really liked your presentation.”

-Visibility Management
Richard L. Sanchez,
Managing Partner

“James Mapes’ customer conference session IMAGINE THAT! was a huge success. James
has a very engaging style and he focused on making sure that audience takes away something
tangible out of his session. His high audience ratings reflected the impact he made.”

-Majesco Mastek
Ketan Mehta, CEO

“James was at his best and the entire team just loved him. His contribution and impression on me
personally was more than I ever expected. If James ever needs a recommendation, I would be
happy to provide it.”

-Merisant Company
Paul Block, CEO

“What an enjoyable luncheon program you provided. As promised, you delivered information,
interaction, and humor. I would be glad to recommend you.”

-Finance & Administration Roundtable
Patricia Adkins, Event Director

“You have done it again, James. The presentation of ‘Imagine That!’ at the DMA Nonprofit
Federation Conference was sensational! You communicated new and insightful information in an
inspiring manner. It was the perfect combination of content and motivation. Your style, humor
and audience engagement had everyone on the edge of their seats.”

-Russ Reid
Thomas A. Harrison, CEO

“James’ ‘True Leadership’ keynote address at the 2011 Mercer Latin America HR Forum was
excellent – both thought provoking and inspiring. It really made you think about how you can
improve your own personal leadership style. James has a great delivery which is both informative
and entertaining. He really engages with his audience!”

-Mercer Latin America
Ian Brooks, Business Development Leader

“The ‘Imagine That!” workshop that you lead was outstanding. All the feedback was extremely

-Abbott Labs
Michael Ferrara, District Manager-NYC

“James was FANTASTIC. I’ve gotten extremely positive feedback from all our senior executives,
both verbally and via e-mail. His personalization of the material really impressed everyone, as
well as his energy. He was a great way to end the conference. I have to tell you, James is the
ultimate professional.”

– Colliers Turley Martin Tucker
Lynn A. Miller, Director of Corporate Training

“What an inspirational evening! You truly captivated HP’s management team with your
presentation and opened their minds to ‘anything & everything’ is possible. Your message and
your delivery were extremely effective for ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking and personal application. We
highly recommend you for rejuvenating a conference and helping people through change. Your
message is perfect for peak performers.

– Hewlett Packard Company
Dan Vertrees, VP

“James was GREAT! Our group really enjoyed his presentation and walked away with very useful
ideas on how to embrace and leverage change.”

– Sun Trust Commercial Banking
Darrell C. Green, FVP, Sales Administration

“I am in my fifties, in sales all of my life, and I have seen many programs regarding self-help
and motivation, and I would say that James’ program was among the very best that I have ever
seen – right up there with Zig Ziglar. When you can get someone who has been around for a
while pumped-up again, and at the same time provide new thoughts and ideas, you have a most
valuable program.”

– State Farm Insurance Companies
Dave Wells, Senior Sales Agent

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Books by James Mapes:

Quantum Leap Thinking: An Owner’s Guide to the Mind
Positive change can happen in sudden and profound leaps. Quantum Leap Thinking provides the foundation for breakthrough thinking that will trigger astonishing growth in your personal and professional life.

What if it was possible to break through fear and make positive changes in your life in an instant by a simple shift in your thinking? What if you could lower your anxiety in a matter of seconds by changing your perceptions? How would your life change if you had unshakable motivation for whatever you chose to do? Quantum Leap Thinking is the key to unlocking the door to new-found potential and peak performance.

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