
Jacob Morgan Profile

  • Jacob is one of the world’s most sought-after speakers on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience.

  • His best-selling book The Future of Work has been praised by the CEO of Zappos, CEO of Whirlpool, CEO of Mandalay Entertainment, and many more global business leaders.

  • As the co-founder of the invitation-only Future If Community made up of the globe's most forward-thinking brands, Jacob has access to the hottest ideas and strategies shaping the modern business world.

  • Jacob is a professionally trained futurist, keynote speaker, and the international best-selling author of 5 books which focus on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience. His passion and mission is to create great leaders, engaged employees, and future-ready organizations.
  • Jacob Morgan: 5x Best-Selling Author and Speaker on Leadership, The Future of Work, & Employee Experience

    Jacob Morgan is moving companies forward by helping them adapt to the changing world of work. He guides companies in revamping their approach to talent management, the physical workplace, and culture so that personal growth, professional development, and performance flourish.

    Jacob’s best-selling books The Employee Experience Advantage, The Future of Work and The Collaborative Organization have been endorsed by numerous global leaders. He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, NPR, Fast Company, and CNN. His widely read blog, and his column for Forbes investigate the latest trends shaping careers and the way we work.

    As the co-founder of the Future If Community, an invite only brand council made up of the world’s most progressive business players, Jacob is at the forefront of the latest ideas and practices revolutionizing the world of work, concepts he in turn applies to every one of his speaking engagements. He speaks at over 40 conferences a year on topics ranging from AI and automation, management and leadership, the future of work, the 4th industrial revolution, employee experience, the internet of things, and other related themes.

    • View Extended/Alternate Bio

      Jacob is a professionally trained futurist, keynote speaker, and the international best-selling author of 5 books which focus on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience. His passion and mission is to create great leaders, engaged employees, and future-ready organizations.

      He is also the host of Great Leadership With Jacob Morgan, one of the most popular leadership podcasts. His work has been endorsed by the CEOs of: Unilever, Cisco, Mastercard, Nestle, Best Buy, SAP, KPMG, T-Mobile, Audi, Kaiser Permanente, and many others. Jacob has also contributed to and been cited in publications such as Cosmopolitan, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNN, Glamour, the MIT Sloan Management Review, USA Today, and The Harvard Business Review.

      Jacob lives in Los Angeles, California with his amazing wife Blake, their two kids, and their two Yorkie rescue dogs. You can learn more about Jacob and get access to his content by visiting

      He doesn’t deliver keynotes; he creates powerful experiences designed to create better leaders, transform organizations, and positively impact the lives of your audience. Jacob’s talks are customized, filled with both research and stories, and most importantly, they are actionable.

      Coming from an immigrant family (The Republic of Georgia) Jacob was taught the values of hard work, fighting for what you believe in, and having a vision. He took a job after college working for a company that promised to treat him well and help him grow, but instead he was stuck doing cold calling and PowerPoint presentations. Jacob quit shortly after the CEO made him fetch coffee. That was one of the last jobs he ever had.

      Today, Jacob is an international best-selling author, acclaimed keynote speaker, professionally trained futurist, and entrepreneur with a global audience. Using his own proprietary research which includes surveying tens of thousands of employees and working with hundreds of CEOs around the world, Jacob designs each speech to be impactful, filled with stories, and backed by data.

      His speaking topics focus on leadership, the future of work, and employee experience. His goal with every presentation is to show your audience the art of the possible, to inspire people to take action, and provide actionable tools to allow your people turn the possible into reality.

      Jacob works collaboratively with your team to make the keynote align with your vision for a successful event, whether that’s for a group of ten CEOs or a packed house of thousands of team members.

    Jacob Morgan Speaking Videos

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    Jacob Morgan's Speech Descriptions

    Being a millennial allows Jacob Morgan to bring a unique perspective to his speaking and client engagements without being bogged down by a legacy mentality. Additionally, Jacob is constantly getting the latest ideas, insights, and feedback from the world’s leading companies due to his central role with The Future of Work Community, a brand council of around 50 global brands who come together to explore the future of work. As a result he brings fresh ideas, unique content, and the latest ideas and strategies to his events.

    The list below include some of the more common themes he is asked to speak on but they are by not means the only themes he speaks on. He has also done plenty of niche keynotes around specific industries, companies, and geographies. If you have an idea for a session that isn’t listed below he can explore the possibility with you.

    Leading With Vulnerability: Unlock Your Superpower and Transform Yourself, Your Team, And Your Company

    Vulnerability is crucial for leading through change, unlocking the potential of others, driving business performance, and creating trust. But is vulnerability for leaders the same as it is for everyone else? It turns out, it’s not. We all know what it feels like to be vulnerable but very few know how to lead with vulnerability. Based on over 100 CEO interviews and a survey of 14,000 employees, Jacob shares groundbreaking new research which shows how leaders can tap into vulnerability to transform themselves, their teams, and their organization. Leading with vulnerability is the most powerful thing a leader can do when they know how to do it the right way, and that’s what this session uncovers. Filled with candid stories and examples, frameworks, and data to back everything up, this session will make everyone in the room a better leader.

    Learning objectives:

    • How vulnerability can be used to lead through change.
    • The difference between vulnerability and vulnerable leadership.
    • Why leaders struggle with vulnerability.
    • The different types of vulnerable leaders and the pros and cons of each.
    • The 8 attributes of vulnerable leaders.
    • The ROI of leading with vulnerability.
    • What happens if being vulnerable backfires.
    • The importance of competence.

    The Future Leader: The 9 Skills and Mindsets to Lead in The Future Of Work

    Leadership is changing right before our eyes and the pandemic has only accelerated the transformation. It’s never been harder to be a leader but the impact that leaders have has also never been greater. How should current and prospective leaders think and what do they need to know how to do? In this groundbreaking keynote Jacob shares insights from the exclusive research he conducted by interviewing over 140 of the world’s top CEOs and surveying nearly 14,000 employees. Jacob identified a specific set of four mindsets and five skills that all leaders must practice if they wish to guide themselves, their teams, and their organizations to success in the future of work. In this keynote Jacob will explore why and how leadership is changing, what all of the mindsets and skills are, and give actionable steps that attendees can take to practice them. The session is filled with lots of stories, insights, and research.

    Learning objectives:

    • Why and how leadership is changing.
    • What it means to be a leader and the impact that leaders have.
    • The four mindsets and five skills leaders must practice.
    • Why many leaders struggle with change.
    • How to become a future-ready leader.

    The Employee Experience Advantage: How To Create An Organization Where People Want, Not NEED to Show Up

    Nothing matters more than the experience organizations create for their people, this has become glaringly true in a post-pandemic world. For decades, organizations have been investing in short-term “adrenaline shot” programs such as free food or workfrom-home Fridays with no impact for team members or the organization. Organizations have been using these “engagement programs” to distract employees from the sad reality of what it’s like to actually work there.

    But now it’s time to make actual changes to the core workplaces of organizations. Instead of forcing people into outdated workplace practices, the world’s top companies are redesigning work around their people by focusing on three environments: culture, technology, and space. In this session, Jacob will share research he did on 252 organizations and will uncover what the world’s top organizations are doing to attract and retain top talent. Employee experience is no longer an “HR thing” it is a “leader thing” and after this session you will know why and what to do about it!

    Learning objectives:

    • Why and how the workplace is changing.
    • The ROI of employee experience.
    • Why employee experience and employee engagement are not the same thing.
    • The three employee experience environments: culture, physical space, and technology.
    • Why employee experience is not an “HR thing.”
    • How you can design and create great employee experiences.

    The Future of Work

    How is the world of work changing and how should we set ourselves and our organizations up for success? Talent is transforming, there is fear of AI and automation taking jobs, change is accelerating, work and life are integrating, and leadership is evolving. In this talk Jacob explores how employees, leaders, and organizations are evolving and what that means for all of us.

    Learning objectives:

    • Trends shaping the future of work.
    • How employees, leaders, and organizations are evolving.
    • The role technology plays.
    • How to think about the future of work.

    Jacob Morgan on Speaking

    I want attendees to learn that challenging workplace convention is the best way to evolve an organization…If you don’t prepare for the future of work then you and your organization have no future!

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn/take away from your presentations?

    MORGAN: I’ll admit I’m a millennial. This means that I don’t have any of the legacy workplace baggage that so many employees have. I like to think this has allowed me to think a bit more creatively and outside of the traditional box. Many of the concepts and ideas I come up with are completely unique to me and have gone on to be used by other speakers and authors around the world. In addition to being a nice thing to see, it also tells me that there’s an unmet need for someone who can think creatively about the future of work. That’s where I come in!

    I really enjoy what I do because I’ve worked in organizations that drain your soul and make you feel like you’d rather stand in the DMV line naked. (I know that’s a tough visual to grasp.) I’m determined to make sure that we all work for organizations where we feel like we genuinely want to be there as opposed to needing to be there.

    I literally wrote the book on the future of work, and with my newest book, I can say the same thing for Employee Experience. These are complex topics but I like to break them down and make them simpler to understand and grasp. I’ve done this for international audiences, business executives, HR leaders, IT professionals, and quite literally everyone in between.

    I always have tons of fun with my keynotes and try to make them as funny, insightful, entertaining, and engaging as I can. I want attendees to learn that challenging workplace convention is the best way to evolve an organization. Hopefully after listening to my keynote attendees will walk away feeling inspired, motivated, and prepared to make some kind of change in their lives and in their organizations. I always say: if you don’t prepare for the future of work then you and your organization have no future!

    SPEAKING.COM: What kind of special prep work do you do prior to an event? How do you prepare for your speaking engagements?

    MORGAN: If it’s a private client event for an organization, I always speak with a few members of their team to learn more about what they want and expect. I ask them about talks they’ve had in the past that went well plus talks that didn’t go well and why. I also want to make sure that anyone who wants to, can ask me any questions they might have to get to know me a bit better. I want people to feel as comfortable with me as they can, almost like going to meet a friend for coffee.

    Aside from that, I research the organization, their industry/market, and try to make my talks as customized and personalized as I can.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    MORGAN: The one that stands out was a keynote I did on the East Coast in 2015 for a group of around 2,000 business professionals. It was an awesome event, but when I showed up to the hotel I was told I didn’t have a room reserved and it was around midnight. Apparently there had been some confusion and they had mixed up the dates.

    Not only was the hotel sold out but so was every other hotel nearby! I ended up having to sleep in one of those meeting suites that look like a room but without a bed. Thankfully they had a little pullout bed in the couch with a nice metal bar that was sticking into back while I was sleeping, which added a special touch. Still, the client and I had a good laugh about it and they were very embarrassed. They wanted to kick out one of their own employees from their hotel room so that I could have it, but I said absolutely not. Sometimes you just have to deal with those seemingly unpleasant yet funny situations!

    If you have an audience that wants to have fun, be inspired, and get doused with awesome future of work knowledge then I’m a pretty good fit!

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    MORGAN: I’ve given keynotes to pretty much any type of audience you can think of all over the world. I’d say it’s less of a business profile or demographic and more of an audience with a certain set of attitudes. My talks resonate best with people who are looking to explore new ideas, concepts, and ways of thinking about work. I want to challenge attendees and get them to move beyond their comfort zone. If you have an audience that wants to have fun, be inspired, and get doused with awesome future of work knowledge then I’m a pretty good fit! This can be anyone and everyone from HR/People leaders, business executives, IT professionals, technologists, entrepreneurs, innovation leaders, and everyone in between. We all have jobs, and we all deserve to work for great organizations.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    MORGAN: It would be weird if I only picked one topic, because it might imply I don’t like the others! It’s kind of like having kids and picking your favorite one. I love all of them equally. None of my speaking topics are based on what’s popular or makes the most money; they are based on things that I genuinely care about and am passionate about. However, since my new book is going to be all about employee experience, I’d have to say that may be my favorite one…just don’t tell the others.

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    MORGAN: I always wanted to be an actor and did all sorts of theatre work when I was younger. I never planned to be a speaker or an author; it just sort of happened. Speaking felt like a natural evolution of the stage work that I had done when I was younger so it just made sense. I never had any speaking training and never had a speaking coach. I just treat it like theatre and try to have fun with it. I get energized and excited when I’m in front of a large group of people, especially when I get to share something that I’m so passionate about!

    I’d like to think that the content I present is so unique and interesting that it also helps capture the attention of the audience. It’s not something they will hear anywhere else!

    SPEAKING.COM: How do you keep your audience engaged and actively listening during your keynotes? Do you use case studies, personal stories and/or in your speeches?

    MORGAN: I try to use many different things. It’s not uncommon for me to throw in personal stories. I’ve had many talks where my parents, wife, or dogs make an appearance on a slide in front of thousands of people. It makes the talk more personal and I think it makes me more human and less of “a guy on a stage.” Of course, I infuse plenty of humor, because I love to hear laughter! I use tons of examples and case studies, too. However, I’d like to think that the content I present is so unique and interesting that it also helps capture the attention of the audience. It’s not something they will hear anywhere else!

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

    MORGAN: As a speaker I’ve received countless emails from executives and employees who have told me about various changes they have made to their lives or organizations. This ranges from an entry-level employee learning to speak up more to share her experiences and ideas inside of her company to an executive at a global organization learning to embrace vulnerability in the workplace. Perhaps the best compliment I can receive is an email that says, “you helped me think differently about X.” That’s really all I want to do. It’s a magical thing to be able to get someone to change the way they have thought about something for many years. It’s why I do what I do! Exclusive Interview with Jacob Morgan
    The Future of Work, with Jacob Morgan
    In this interview, Jacob Morgan discusses:
    • The major trends that are changing the way we work.
    • The Employee Experience and why it's crucial to your business' future.
    • Building a career as a freelancer.
    Read the Full Interview

    "The way we think about and approach work has fundamentally changed. We are more comfortable living a more public life where we share, communicate, and collaborate in front of the whole world to see."
    - Jacob Morgan

    What People are Saying about Seeing Jacob Speak

    Rating Entries

    Jacob spoke to our customers at four of our events across the United States on the future of work and unlocking human potential. His sessions were both informative and engaging and we received excellent feedback from attendees. When it comes to the future of work and collaboration Jacob is both very knowledgeable and extremely passionate. I highly recommend him!”

    – Jim Fields, VP of Marketing, SAP

    “When it comes to the future of work, Jacob is both extremely passionate and knowledgeable about the subject. He also has an interesting spin on the kinds of things that can be done to engage and stimulate creative thought in the workplace. I participated in a session he ran and found it to be engaging and informative. I highly recommend Jacob as a speaker!”

    – Nolan Bushnell, Founder, Atari

    Jacob’s presentation was extremely insightful and well- researched. Additionally, he went out of his way to give our audience useful tips and resources that they can apply within their own organization immediately. I really enjoyed working with Jacob and highly recommend him as a speaker.”

    – Lynn Brown-Reyes, Manager Career Resource Center and Member Benefits, American Marketing Association

    “Jacob delivered a powerful, compelling, and insightful keynote on the future of work with a global perspective. He shared very interesting examples and global practices with 200 of our HR leaders through a session that combined effective presentation skills with knowledge of next practices.”

    – Dr N S Rajan -Member Group Executive Council & Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Tata Sons

    “Jacob delivered a compelling and insightful presentation to our audience of top performers on how the workplace is changing. Attendees walked away more informed, inspired, and ready to lead change in their organizations. I definitely recommend Jacob as a speaker.”

    – Dr. Murray Mazer, Global Head of Innovation & Research, Amadeus IT Group

    “Jacob delivered a compelling presentation at Lowe’s Social Business Symposium. Our audience gave Jacob high marks for his comments. His experience and insight help propel companies forward as they begin the journey to transform the way they work. I highly recommend Jacob Morgan as a speaker and his book “The Collaborative Organization” is a must-read for any one considering social business. The book will help any company build a roadmap for success.”

    – Clarissa Felts, VP Collaboration, Diversity & Inclusion at Lowe’s Companies, Inc.

    “Jacob is an excellent speaker who knows how to educate and engage his audience and he did just that for my class of NYU students! He’s extremely knowledgeable about everything related to the future of work and collaboration. I highly recommend him!”

    – Nathan Bricklin, SVP Wells Fargo and Adjunct Instructor at NYU

    “Jacob Morgan has his finger on the pulse of what makes organizations more collaborative and effective. He deeply understands the drivers that make us want to collaborative, and can effectively speak on how to engage people throughout all levels.”

    – Robin Daniels, Head of Enterprise Product Marketing, Box

    “The power of social to affect how we collaborate with each other has become a critical tool for forward thinking CMO’s and CIO’s. Nobody understands this like Jacob Morgan, and for the first time, we have qualitative and quantitative data to both understand this trend, and take appropriate action for our company or brand. I would highly recommend bringing Jacob on as a speaker for your event or conference.”

    – Ben Watson, VP Marketing at HootSuite

    “Jacob delivered an inspiring and educational presentation on the future of work and collaboration to our management team. He took a complex topic and distilled it down to something that was easy to understand and grasp. This was crucial since English was not the primary language of our audience. I highly recommend Jacob!’

    – Didier Dumont, CEO The Americas, Sodexo

    “Jacob understands the complexity around the future of work and has the keen ability to break it down into practical solution steps that help companies achieve ultimate value and success. He does a great job of educating and inspiring the audience and his passion and expertise are clearly felt. I highly recommend Jacob as a speaker!”

    – Gloria Burke, Chief Knowledge Officer, Unisys

    “Jacob Morgan is attuned to what companies need to do to attract and retain the next generation of workers. He understands what works, what doesn’t, and has a beat on the next wave on insights regarding the future of work. He is a very engaging and impactful speaker and moderator. I highly recommend him”

    – Jeff Winter, VP of Field Marketing, SAP

    “Jacob presented on the future of work and collaboration as part of a successful expert webinar series for Intuit QuickBase. Feedback from the presentation was extremely positive and we were pleased with Jacob’s command of the subject and professional delivery. Jacob is an engaging, entertaining and knowledgeable speaker I would recommend!”

    – Alex Forbes, Editor-in-Chief, The Fast Track, Intuit

    “I had the pleasure of working with Jacob recently on a Social Business webinar for OpenText. Jacob is an excellent story teller and speaks with conviction on the future of work in a way that motivates his listeners. Jacob is very passionate in his content delivery and conveys the perfect amount of insight and advice to help steer customers on the right path to embracing the future of work. We had had many requests from attendees to have him back again!”

    – Kimberly Edwards, Senior Product Marketing Manager, OpenText

    “Jacob is clearly a passionate speaker and he delivered an engaging and informative keynote session at the Harvard Business Review Summit. He did a great job of conveying his ideas while inspiring attendees to think differently about the future of work. His session received great feedback and I highly recommend him as a speaker!”

    – Adi Ignatius, Editor in Chief, Harvard Business Review

    “I recently collaborated with Jacob on a Future of Work session with Cisco’s partners and customers. As a leader focused on the employee experience, leadership and workforce trends, Jacob’s perspectives into the trends of the future workforce are insightful and spot on. It was a pleasure partnering with him.”

    – Francine Katsoudas SVP, Chief Human Resources Officer Cisco

    “Jacob Morgan was a speaker at our annual Microsoft Enterprise Summit which is the most important gathering of our C-level customers where we share our vision, latest trends, and customer stories around digital transformation. Jacob did a great job of of helping our C-level leaders understand the trends that are shaping the future of work and what they should be doing in their organizations as a result. His session was engaging and informative!”

    – Blijana Weber, CEO, Microsoft Czech Republic

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    Books by Jacob Morgan:

    Leading with Vulnerability: Unlock Your Greatest Superpower to Transform Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization

    How do some of the world’s top leaders unlock the potential of others, create trust, and lead through change?

    Jacob started out with one basic question: Is vulnerability the same for leaders as it is for everyone else? It turns out that it’s not. On August 20, 1991, Hollis Harris, the CEO of struggling Continental Airlines told his 42,000 employees to pray for the future of the company. The next day he was fired. What Hollis did was vulnerable, but it was not leadership.

    While vulnerability cripples some leaders, others tap into it and use it as a superpower. Vulnerability alone makes leaders seem incompetent. Competence on its own makes it hard for leaders to connect with their people. The key is to develop both competence and vulnerability, what Jacob calls “The Vulnerable Leader Equation.”

    Based on over 100 CEO interviews and a survey of nearly 14,000 employees, renowned leadership thought leader and futurist Jacob Morgan shares candid stories and original research that shows how leaders can tap into vulnerability to transform themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

    The Future Leader: 9 Skills and Mindsets to Succeed in the Next Decade

    The world has changed more in the past 10 months than it has in the past ten years. We know that what worked in the past will not work in the future. If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that you need to be a future-ready leader. But how?

    Based on exclusive interviews with over 140 of the world’s top CEOs and a survey of nearly 14,000 people. The Future Leader uncovers the 9 most crucial skills and mindsets for leading in the future of work.

    There has been a lot written about leadership for the present day, but the world is changing quickly. What worked in the past won’t work in the future. We need to know how to prepare leaders who can successfully navigate and guide us through the next decade and beyond. How is leadership changing, and why? How ready are leaders today for these changes? What should leaders do now? To answer these questions, Jacob interviewed over 140 CEOs from companies like Unilever, Mastercard, Best Buy, Oracle, Verizon, Kaiser, KPMG, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Yum! Brands, Saint-Gobain, Dominos, Philip Morris International, and over a hundred others. Jacob also partnered with Linkedin to survey almost 14,000 of their members around the globe to see how CEO insights align with employee perspectives.

    The majority of the world’s top business leaders that Jacob interviewed believe that while some core aspects of leadership will remain the same, such as creating a vision and executing on strategy, leaders of the future will need a new arsenal of skills and mindsets to succeed.

    What emerged from all of this research is the most accurate groundbreaking book on the future of leadership, which shares exclusive insights from the world’s top CEOs and never before seen research. After reading it, you will:
    · Learn the greatest trends impacting the future of leadership and their implications
    · Understand the top skills and mindsets that leaders of the future will need to possess and how to learn them
    · Change your perception of who a leader is and what leadership means
    · Tackle the greatest challenges that leaders of the future will face
    · See the gap that exists between what CEOs identified versus what employees are actually experiencing
    · Become a future-ready leader

    This is the book that you, your team, and your organization must to read in order to lead in the future of work.

    The Employee Experience Advantage: How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces they Want, the Tools they Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate

    Recently a new type of organization has emerged, one that focuses on employee experiences as a way to drive innovation, increase customer satisfaction, find and hire the best people, make work more engaging, and improve overall performance. The Employee Experience Advantage is the first book of its kind to tackle this emerging topic that is becoming the #1 priority for business leaders around the world. Although everyone talks about employee experience nobody has really been able to explain concretely what it is and how to go about designing for it…until now.

    How can organizations truly create a place where employees want to show up to work versus need to show up to work? For decades the business world has focused on measuring employee engagement meanwhile global engagement scores remain at an all time low despite all the surveys and institutes that been springing up tackle this problem. Clearly something is not working. Employee engagement has become the short-term adrenaline shot that organizations turn to when they need to increase their engagement scores. Instead, we have to focus on designing employee experiences which is the long term organizational design that leads to engaged employees. This is the only long-term solution. Organizations have been stuck focusing on the cause instead of the effect. The cause is employee experience; the effect is an engaged workforce.

    Backed by an extensive research project that looked at over 150 studies and articles, featured extensive interviews with over 150 executives, and analyzed over 250 global organizations, this book clearly breaks down the three environments that make up every single employee experience at every organization around the world and how to design for them. These are the cultural, technological, and physical environments. This book explores the attributes that organizations need to focus on in each one of these environments to create COOL spaces, ACE technology, and a CELEBRATED culture. Featuring exclusive case studies, unique frameworks, and never before seen research, The Employee Experience Advantage guides readers on a journey of creating a place where people actually want to show up to work.

    The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization

    The Future of Work is all about challenging convention around work. It explores and answers several questions such as: How is the world of work changing and what are the trends driving that change? How are these changes impacting the way employees work, the way managers lead, and how organizations are structured? What needs to be done to adapt to these changes?

    The future of work breaks down specific principles for employees, managers, and organizations to adopt in order to stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly changing world. Readers will find valuable examples, research, and unique visuals created specifically for this book. The Future of Work has been endorsed by the world’s top business leaders such as the CEO of KPMG, CEO of SAP, CEO of Intuit, CEO of Whirlpool, CEO of Schneider Electric, CEO of Mandalay Entertainment, CEO of PARC, CEO of Zappos, Dan Pink, and Gary Hamel.

    The Collaborative Organization: A Strategic Guide to Solving Your Internal Business Challenges Using Emerging Social and Collaborative Tools

    The Collaborative Organization it the first and only comprehensive strategy guide to enterprise/social collaboration in the workplace. It features over 300 pages of content covering topics such as developing and mapping use cases, selecting collaboration vendors, full strategy development, ROI, employee adoption, how to structure a collaboration team, and everything else you would need and want to build out a full-scale collaboration initiative.

    The Collaborative Organization features data from an in-depth research project conducted by Chess Media Group as well as pioneering models and concepts around collaboration. The book was endorsed by business leaders such as the CEO of Unisys, CIO of the USA, CMO of Dell, Chair of the MIT Sloan Management Review, Founder and CEO of Craigslist, and many others. The afterword was written by Don Tapscott.

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