
Jack Sims Profile

    • “It′s not how much you want, but how much you want it!” – Jack Sims

Jack Sims – Founder and CEO of America′s largest marketing agency, author of business growth books and highly regarded Professional Golf teacher, was recently voted as one of meeting planners′ favorite keynote speakers in a poll in Meetings & Conventions when they were asked “Who is the best keynote presenter you have ever heard or used”?

After founding and growing successful international corporations, Jack knows that it′s all about making businesses profitable first, and then the motivation, passion, people, industry related product and promotion to keep it that way. It′s his experiences and on stage performance of information, motivation and humor that makes him one of today′s in demand motivational keynote speakers.

Jack started his business education by working in his parents Mom & Pop store in England at the age of eleven. That′s where he learned the importance of customers, keeping your promises and developing a brand that people will go out of their way to get ( and pay a premium price for). This of course led to profit making.

This business strategy stood the test of time and enabled Jack to create America′s largest marketing agency with some of the biggest companies in the world as his clients. Brands like Polaroid, British Airways, Burger King, Lever, General Foods, General Electric, Nestle and many more signed on as retained clients. His company won the promotional marketing industry′s highest awards, not once but twice, on the way to becoming the #1 ranked and largest marketing agency in the United States.

Jack′s motivational vision is all about inspiring people to be the very best they can be, moving the business, brand, market share or growth needle towards making a serious profit for the long haul.

After selling his business to Wall Street, Jack wrote business growth and branding books and began motivating audiences with information and humor using his unique success stories, and showing how others can apply this thinking to their businesses. He has given highly acclaimed motivational and informational keynote sessions for corporations like Harley-Davidson, Panasonic, Novartis, LexisNexis and dozens of associations that range from Photo Marketing Association, National Frame Building Association to the American Perfume Society and everything in between.

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Jack Sims's Speech Descriptions

    Jack’s presentations are high energy and loaded with information that he has proven works in the real business world. You will laugh at his stories, be excited by his delivery, but most importantly you will be able to walk away with information that will help you get serious about marketing and business growth.

    Speaker Programs:

    Serious BUSINESS GROWTH for Serious People
    Profit… it’s the purpose of business. And numbers are how we keep score. It’s always about the numbers. Knowing the numbers is the easy part. The tough part is in achieving the numbers and then growing them for the long haul.
    What does it take to run great numbers for the long haul?

    Jack has done just that! He knows how to run great numbers… and numbers are the way we keep score in business. Jack has literally “been there, done that,” creating two hugely successful businesses on two continents as a result. One became the largest marketing agency in America by helping some of the biggest brands on the planet grow their businesses.

    Developing a successful business strategy is not easy. The problem is in the execution of the plan. Jack Sims will show you how as he shares his business experiences and knowledge to help you realize “serious business growth.”

    • Find out what your biggest business asset is, and make it even bigger and better.
    • Learn what is imperative to understand to get serious grow th for y ou r bus iness.
    • Discover the very core of successful marketing communications.
    • Know the top 3 growth tools that will positively affect serious businesses grow th.
    • Learn the number one thing you need to know to become a huge business success.

    Serious MARKET GROWTH for Serious People
    Most people that start businesses are usually very good at what they do. But it doesn’t mean that they are good at business. The truth is that 50% of all start-up’s fail in the first two years because they don’t know how to market their business.

    In this session Jack covers many of the real world experiences that have enabled him to grow two successful businesses of his own and some of the best businesses in the world. Jack get’s down and dirty on the things that
    work and more importantly don’t work in the world we compete in.


    • Learn the “Top Ten” marketing mistakes that most companies make!
    • Discover what great leaders do to give their businesses the best chance of success.
    • Find the big secret of what the top companies do to maintain their leadership status.
    • Learn the answer to the biggest question on getting serious business growth.
    • How your customers can help you skyrocket your business.

    Serious BRAND GROWTH for Serious People
    There is always a brand leader and brand leaders make more money than their competition. They get better customers, hire better employees, and charge a premium price. Reality check; your brand is probably the biggest financial asset you have. Do you know what it stands for; do you have a brand plan of action?

    Growing a successful brand is not just for the Apple Computers, Nike, Toyota’s etc of this world, every business, indeed, every person has a brand, and that’s what makes us stand out in a crowd and customers pay a premium price to do business with us.

    What you will take away:

    • Learn the 6 key components of BRAND BUILDING Jack has used to help grow some of the biggest brands in the world.
    • How you can get your customers to grow your business and your BRAND.
    • How to positively impact short and long term BRAND growth for your business?
    • Why a down market is a huge opportunity for you to get serious business growth and incremental brand share.
    • Discover the biggest brand building mistakes that companies make, so that you don’t have to!

    How to Seriously WIN at Business & Golf
    Wouldn’t you like to know the same secrets that great business leaders know and use in making their companies to become brand leaders, and professional golfers like Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Ernie Els know in becoming winners in their sport too? Well now you can!

    Jack Sims discovered these secrets after a career of successfully founding businesses in Europe and the US, including America’s largest marketing agency, and by becoming an acclaimed golf teaching professional. The fact is that the secrets of great business leaders and winning professional golfers are EXACTLY the same. In this keynote session he will share those secrets with the audience to help them grow their business and make their golf game better too!

    What you will take away:
    The 3 key Secrets great business leaders and leading professional golfers know, making you a winner in the office and on the golf course...

    • Understand and Embrace the Six Winning Success Strategies Used by Tiger Woods and other golf professionals that can be used by successful management teams.
    • Unlock the Key to the Single Most Important Tip to Improving the Odds in your Business....and it′ll improve your golf game too!
    • Discover the 6 most important steps that will give you the ultimate measurement of success that leads to WINNING NUMBERS; They are based on Jack’s inside knowledge of business growth and the world of professional golfers.

What People are Saying about Seeing Jack Speak

Rating Entries

    “Jack, thanks for the great job you did speaking to our dealer group on the subject of branding. Your insights and experience opened their eyes to what a brand really means and how to promote it. We look forward to having you back next year”.
    Andy Smith

    “Jack did a great job, and he fitted right in with our Directors and Managers, once again, thanks”
    Sue Lynch VP HR
    Goddard Enterprises

    “Jack took a year-old, faltering product launch plan and retooled the national TV advertising, brand identity, packaging, consumer promotion, trade promotion — even the sales force presentation materials. He successfully revived the product launch, gained new distribution in several national retail chains, and provided comprehensive marketing guidance. The results? We grew from $5 million to eventually over $50 million in annual sales!”
    Larry Swensen
    Vice President

    “Jack′s group really moved the needle with our sales force, bottlers and consumers on our A&W, Squirt and Verners Brands”
    Mike Weinstein

    “Jack is an extraordinarily important strategic partner. He is smart, funny, energetic, and passionate about creative problem solving. Jack Sims has proven himself to be a champion of big, breakthrough ideas — the kind of ideas that build big, breakthrough brands.”
    Matt Savage
    Managing Director
    The Integer Group

    “We enjoyed your presentation tremendously, and there was a lot of valuable “take away” information for professionals.  And, imagine a speaker who is funny, witty and knowledgeable!

    Thank you for your wonderful compliments about my meeting planning skills, but I must say you were probably the easiest, most flexible, agreeable, dedicated and patient speaker I have EVER worked with!  You were so responsive to my requests it just made working with you so delightful, and so non-stressful.”
    Darlene Evans, CMP, CMM
    President and Chief Interaction Officer
    MPISCC “2001-2002 Planner of the Year

    “I highly recommend Jack Sims as both a marketing consultant and as a speaker on sales and marketing related subjects.  I would not hesitate to recommend him to any company.”
    Jeff Vincent
    Laird Norton

    As the Director of Programs for the WSCMPI it is hard to find programs that will appeal to both planners and suppliers – and your program was perfect for that.  In fact I daresay that 55 minutes was barely enough time, but at least it enabled our members to leave with some plans on what they can do to get on the branding wheel.
    William Geach
    Director of Programs

    “I’m proud to say that with Jack’s vision and brand-building guidance, along with our committed efforts, we  now have the highest customer satisfaction rate in the industry — over 98% positive response. Two Thumbs Up!”
    Larry Bedosky,
    Director of Marketing
    Durasol Systems, Inc.

    “It was a pleasure to have you as our keynote speaker during our Annual Conference at the Leadership Luncheon.  As a volunteer based Association, our leaders were excited to hear about the valuable lessons you shared on branding. It not only had relevance to their Executive Women’s Golf Association leadership roles in building their local Chapters, it had applications in their own professional lives.”
    Pamela Swensen
    Vice President, Sales and Marketing
    Executive Women’s Golf Association

    “He is a brilliant, strategic thinker when it comes to marketing, branding, customer service and the analysis of the customer experience. Jack helped provide both the leadership and partnership we needed to be successful. As a result of his efforts, LifeClips gained an immediate foothold in Eckerd Drug, Sharper Image and Wal-Mart stores. The consumer acceptance and satisfaction of this service were driven thanks to Jack’s efforts.”
    Brian D Poggi
    President & CEO

    Selected Clients:

  • Automated Solutions
  • American Shippers Association
  • A&W
  • The Automotive Parts Association
  • British Airways
  • Burger King
  • Cadbury Schweppes
  • Chamberlain Group
  • Colgate Palmolive
  • Durasol Awnings
  • The Executive Committee
  • The Executive Women′s Golf Association
  • Fromageries Bel
  • General Electric
  • General Foods
  • The Governors Conference – Visit Florida
  • Harley Davidson
  • International Door Association
  • Industrial Fabrics Association
  • James River
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • M&S Systems
  • Meeting Planners International
  • Nestle
  • Lever Bros.
  • Life Clips
  • Lipton
  • NBC
  • Polaroid
  • Peter Paul

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Books by Jack Sims:
    Growing Small Businesses into Big Brands

    “Jack Sims has written the definitive book for small and medium sized businesses on the importance of branding to grow their business”. Tom Watson, Chief Growth Officer, Omnicom

    Order Here

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