
Ichiro Fujisaki Profile

Having served as Japan’s top diplomat for issues concerning economy, trade, politics, and security, the honorable Ichiro Fujisaki is one of the most well connected individuals to Japan’s political and bureaucratic circles. He is respected and admired for his wise and steadfast leadership during some of the most trying times Japan has seen in recent history: the 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.

Since retiring his diplomatic post in 2012, multiple academic institutes and intercultural associations have sought his knowledge and opinions on world affairs. Currently Fujisaki is President of the America-Japan Society in Tokyo as well as a distinguished professor of Sophia University and a visiting professor of Keio University. Additionally, he continues to support the tsunami devastated regions by serving as chairman of the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund, a non-profit organization that helps students, schools, and families recover from the earthquake and tsunami.

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    Ichiro Fujisaki has been Japan’s top diplomat for the economy and trade, as well as political, security and regional issues. He served as ambassador to the United States following his service as Japan’s ambassador to the United Nations and World Trade Organization in Geneva. Due to Japan’s constantly changing political leadership, Fujisaki became the key interlocutor between Japan and the U.S. especially during the critical period following the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in March 2011. In Washington as well as in Geneva, Fujisaki quickly became famous as an individual who excels in presenting complicated matters concerning the economy, energy, security and regional issues in a succinct manner with exceptional clarity and impeccable English. His humor and informal presentations were featured in national and local print media.

    Prior to becoming ambassador, he served as the deputy foreign minister of Japan. With his negotiating skills and with the trust gained from different governmental ministries, he was chosen as the chief negotiator of Japan for all free trade area agreements Japan was negotiating at the time with the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. He also initiated the regular high-level economic dialogue with China which he himself headed. In Japan’s Foreign Ministry, he has also held such posts as deputy director general for Asian Affairs and director general for North American Affairs. His overseas posts include Jakarta, Paris and London. He is reputed as a rare Japanese speaker who engages audiences instantly with his engaging and dynamic style coupled with his vast experiences and thoughtful reasoning. He currently serves as Chairman, International Strategies at Sophia University in Tokyo.

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Ichiro Fujisaki's Speech Descriptions

Ichiro Fujisaki promotes peace, goodwill, and relationship building through his calm yet warm demeanor, lighthearted quips, and years of acting as a sturdy bridge between Japan and the U.S. throughout some of the most devastating events ever to unfold in his home country. His powerful messages reflect a unique blend of his fluent understanding of two very different cultures, pushing audiences’ minds past borders and challenging them to restructure the way they see their country, culture, and role on an international stage.

Using his remarkable credentials and depth of experience, Ambassador Fujisaki addresses many of today's critical issues.

Topic areas include:

  • U.S. - Japan Relations
  • Global Economy
  • Leadership on the World Stage
  • Negotiation Lessons Learned
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Education
  • Future of High Speed Rail

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