
Herb Sorensen

Marketing, Retail

Travels from Oregon, USA

Herb Sorensen's speaking fee falls within range:
$10,000 to $15,000

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Herb Sorensen Profile

    • Herb Sorensen, Ph.D. is a pre-eminent authority on observing and measuring shopping behavior and attitudes. He is the Global Scientific Director, TNS Shopper Insights, serving Fortune 100 retailers and consumer packaged goods manufacturers in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America for over 35 years.

Dr. Sorensen, Ph.D. biochemist, looks at consumer behavior from a scientific viewpoint but clearly explains the impact for the bottom line of merchants. Dr. Sorensen and Paco Underhill have been called the “Yin and Yang” of observational research. Dr. Sorensen′s unique perspective, based on tracking millions of shopping trips throughout the world is the subject of Inside The Mind of the Shopper published by Wharton School Publishing, and released May 2009.

“Herb Sorensen is the dean of behaviorally responsive shopper marketing.” – James Tenser Principal, VSN Strategies Fast Company Magazine named him one of its top 50 Innovators. He has been quoted in The Wall St. Journal, Forbes, Business Week, MSNBC, Supermarket News, and Progressive Grocer. He is a member of Retail Wire′s Brain Trust and has received numerous awards for his ground-breaking work in re-thinking how retailers and manufacturers can tap into the power of the mind of the shopper.

Dr. Sorensen′s insights are game-changing, moving beyond marketing or simple ethnography. His speaking style is a refreshing combination of down-to-earth, erudite, frank and colorful. His unique presentations on shopping will challenge and entertain practitioners and the deeply curious alike.

Herb Sorensen Speaking Videos

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Herb Sorensen's Speech Descriptions

Recovery of Personal Selling in Self Service World
Bricks and mortar retailers are looking for answers on how to compete in today’s fractured and highly competitive market. The answers are both in the humble beginnings of retail and the latest online selling strategies used by digital pioneers, Amazon. Active retailers, like the original shopkeepers, know what sells in their stores, where it’s located and how to make shoppers happy with the experience. Amazon is hugely successful because they’re doing exactly the same thing.

Herb Sorensen, Ph.D., shopper insights expert reveals how bricks and mortar retailers can apply self-service selling strategies used by Amazon within the four walls of their store. You′ll learn how Coke and others are using "low-tech" strategies that have given traditional retailers over 100% sales lift.

Game Changing Retail: Beyond Category Management
Retailers are losing millions of dollars every day because they don′t understand shopper behavior. This game-changing presentation provides new insights into how to design stores and manage and merchandise inventory for dramatic sales increases. Learn what three "votes" shoppers make on every trip that determine what they′ll buy and how to leverage secondary placement strategies without actual secondary placements.

The Vision Thing: Shopping Through Customers′ Eyes
Ninety percent of all the sensory information arriving in the brain comes from the eyes. What the shopper sees and what they react to isn′t random and haphazard. Shoppers look down, not up. They look more to their left than to their right. This presentation visually deconstructs, second-by-second, the purchase process, including interaction with the products, POS promotions, signage, staff and other shoppers to provide an eye-opening insight into how to sell more effectively.

What People are Saying about Seeing Herb Speak

Rating Entries

    “Herb Sorensen′s unequivocal knowledge of retail, coupled with his excellent speaking style, has made him a consistently high ranking and sought-out speaker at our conferences.”
    — Ronit Lawlor
    In-Store Marketing Institute

    “What Herb Sorensen shares about how customers shop and how you can use it to improve your customer′s shopping performance and your earnings is long overdue.”
    — Norm Myhr
    Fred Meyer Stores

    “Herb Sorensen opens the doors to a new world. He challenged my long-held beliefs.”
    — Jens Nordfalt
    Nordic School of Retail Management

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