
Henry Mintzberg Profile

  • Mintzberg is known worldwide for his experience-based learning approaches to management education and development.

  • Mintzberg is the cofounder of the popular International Masters Program in Practical Management (IMPM), which has been dubbed "the anti-MBA."

  • Mintzberg is the author of 170 articles, 17 books, and has twice received the McKinsey Award for having the best article of the year in The Harvard Review.
  • International management authority, Henry Mintzberg has been acclaimed for turning traditional business education upside down. In addition to being an influential author and speaker in the area of strategic planning, he is the cofounder of the popular International Masters Program in Practical Management (IMPM) as well as the International Masters for Health Leadership Program, both at McGill University.

    Dubbed the “anti-MBA” by The New York Times, the IMPM focuses on business professionals who already have been working in the field at least a few years, as opposed to recent undergrads. The program develops different managerial mindsets by tapping into students’ real world experience, rekindling their curiosity, and challenging them through action learning. It has been highly praised by executive alumni from Lufthansa, LG, POSCO, the Brazilian Development Bank, the Kenyan Red Cross, Panasonic, Novartis, and Swiss Airlines.

    Professor Mintzberg’s alternative approaches to business education have contributed to his election as an Officer of the Order of Canada and an Officer of the National Order of Quebec. He has published 170 articles, 17 books, and has twice received the McKinsey Award for having the best article of the year in The Harvard Review. Some of his best-known books are Managers, Not MBAs, Simply Managing, and most recently, Rebalancing Society.

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      A leading authority on business strategy, Henry Mintzberg is Professor of Management at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and a Visiting Scholar at INSEAD in Fontainbleau, France. His entire career has focused on understanding how big business make decisions. In 2009 and 2007 Thinkers 50, the global ranking of management gurus, placed him among the list of most influential thinkers.

      Professor Mintzberg has devoted himself largely to writing and research about managerial work, strategy formation, and forms of organizing. In 2004 he published Managers Not MBAs, in 2007, Tracking Strategies and in 2009 Managing.

      In collaboration with colleagues from Canada, England, France, India, and Japan, Mintzberg has worked for much of the past decade to develop new approaches to management education and development. The International Masters in Practicing Management has been running since 1996; the Advanced Leadership Program and the International Masters for Health Leadership have been running since 2006. All are rather novel ways to help managers learn from their own experience.

      In 2007, along with Phil LeNier, Sasha Sadilova, and Jonathan Gosling, Mintzberg created, which brings all these efforts to natural fruition: practicing managers developing themselves in small groups. Mintzberg teaches in these programs and supervises doctoral students.

      In all, Professor Mintzberg has published about 150 articles and 15 books. Honors have included election as an Officer of the Order of Canada and of l′Ordre national du Quebec, selection as Distinguished Scholar for the year 2000 by the Academy of Management, and two McKinsey prizes for articles in the Harvard Business Review.

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    Henry Mintzberg's Speech Descriptions

    Interspersed with his quirky sense of humor, thought-provoking activities, and spot-on visual aides, Henry Mintzberg’s programs present novel ways of helping managers tap into their experience and learn from it. Throughout his career Professor Mintzberg has demonstrated that the most effective way to improve management and strategy is leveraging, sharing, and reflecting on the experiences of those who have been doing it. The award winning faculty-member of McGill University executes a one-of-a-kind real world approach to breakthrough improvements in management, leadership, and teamwork.

    Mintzberg′s presentations provide the opportunity to enhance managerial and leadership skills. His interests focus on issues of General Management and Organization, including the process of strategy formation, the design of Organizations as well as the impact of design on Organizations and the roles of intuition, insight and inspiration in a world of "thin" Management. This is not about empowerment; it assumes that you are already empowered and engaged too. Mintzberg′s presentations go beyond, enabling you to improve yourself, your team, and your organization.

    Suggested Speaking Topics:

      • The Problem Is Enterprise, Not Economics
      • The Best Leadership Is Good Management
      • Management by Reflection

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    Books by Henry Mintzberg:

    Rebalancing Society

    Enough of the imbalance that is causing the degradation of our environment, the demise of our democracies, and the denigration of ourselves. Enough of the pendulum politics of left and right and paralysis in the political center. We require an unprecedented form of radical renewal. In this book Henry Mintzberg offers a new understanding of the root of our current crisis and a strategy for restoring the balance so vital to the survival of our progeny and our planet.

    With the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe, Western pundits declared that capitalism had triumphed. They were wrong—balance triumphed. A healthy society balances a public sector of respected governments, a private sector of responsible businesses, and a plural sector of robust communities. Communism collapsed under the weight of its overbearing public sector.

    Now the “liberal democracies” are threatened—socially, politically, even economically—by the unchecked excesses of the private sector.

    Radical renewal will have to begin in the plural sector, which alone has the inclination and the independence to challenge unacceptable practices and develop better ones. Too many governments have been co-opted by the private sector. And corporate social responsibility can’t compensate for the corporate social irresponsibility we see around us “They” won’t do it. We shall have to do it, each of us and all of us, not as passive “human resources,” but as resourceful human beings.

    Tom Paine wrote in 1776, “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” He was right then. Can we be right again now? Can we afford not to be?

    Mintzberg calls attention to numerous popular but false views about the nature of managerial work, separates fact from folklore, and provides the best information yet published on what managers do and how they do it. He analyzes models, characteristics, and approaches to managing. He examines commonalities and differences in managing in various contexts, including business, government, health care, and social services.

    By shadowing 29 managers through a day in their lives, he reveals how managing is affected by many factors — including national and industry cultures, organizational differences, level of the manager in the organization, and personal styles — and examines the various strategies that managers adopt to deal with these factors.

    Mintzberg then identifies the main “conundrums” or dilemmas that managers must wrestle with (such as delegating versus retaining control, balancing order and flexibility, and gathering more data versus needing to take action) and describes how managers deal with those conundrums. And he offers provocative and powerful new understandings of what makes managers effective and ineffective.

    Strategy Bites Back
    Strategy Bites Back is the antidote to conventional strategy books — and conventional strategy formation. Edited by the legendary Henry Mintzberg, it contains contributions from everyone from Gary Hamel to Napoleon Bonaparte, Michael Porter to Hans Christian Andersen: essays, poems, case studies, cartoons, whatever it takes to ′free your mind′ and unleash the crucial emotional side of strategy formation.

    Coverage includes: strategy and brinkmanship, culture, seduction; strategy lessons from your mother, from beehives, chess grandmasters, even the National Zoo. Along the way, Mintzberg and his colleagues take on the sacred cows and entrenched beliefs that keep strategists from recognizing their most powerful options.

    Strategy Bites Back doesn′t just make strategy fun: it helps define strategies that offer huge upsides and real inspiration.

    Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Development
    Mintzberg explains in detail how to cultivate balanced, dedicated managers who practice a style that can be called “engaging,” and how they can transform the business world and, ultimately, society.

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