
Gary Null Profile

  • Since the 1980s, nutritionist and natural healing proponent Gary Null has used research and case studies to rewrite attitudes toward chronic disease, pharmaceuticals, and alternative medicine.

  • Null's award-winning syndicated public radio show, “Natural Living with Gary Null,” is the longest-running, continuously aired health program in the country.

  • Null is the author of over 70 medical articles and books including the national bestseller Get Healthy Now! with Gary Null, A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Healthy Living.
  • Since the 1980s, Gary Null has been one of America’s most outspoken and respected advocates of alternative and natural medicine. He holds a Ph.D. in human nutrition and public health science and has conducted over 100 investigative projects into issues such as arthritis, cancer, stress management, AIDS, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet and exercise, vaccines, and allergies.

    Null is known for challenging conventional medicine, pharmaceuticals, and attitudes toward aging, backing his stances up with a slew of credible case studies from around the world. He spotlights natural slow-placed lifestyles from long-living communities in Italy and Japan and local remedies that have been practiced and proven effective for hundreds of years. His findings have been featured in ABC’s 20/20 and 60 Minutes. His syndicated public radio show, “Natural Living with Gary Null,” is the longest-running, continuously aired health program in the country and has earned 21 Silver Microphone Awards.

    Null has authored over 70 medical articles and books including The Complete Guide to Sensible Eating, The Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, and his national bestseller Get Healthy Now! with Gary Null, A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Healthy Living. He has spoken at the U.N. on environmental issues and climate change, publicly taken on the FDA, and appeared at numerous conferences on anti-aging and alternative medicine across the country as well as internationally.

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      Investigative Reporter, Alternative Medicine and Healing Advocate

      Time magazine called him “The New Mr. Natural.” My Generation magazine dubbed him one of the top health gurus in the United States. For over 35 years, Gary Null has been one of the foremost voices of the health movement.

      Through his New York Times Bestselling books, documentaries, and daily radio show Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big pharmaceutical corporations. Gary has also exposed the massive drugging of children in our schools, the medicinal abuse of seniors, and the unnecessary and overuse of X-Rays. In addition, he has conducted original investigative reports on the suppression of alternative therapies.

      He has also challenged the diseases produced by an unhealthy diet. In this regard he has publicly debated spokespersons for the meat, dairy, and sugar industries. Additionally, he has investigated industries such as pesticides, herbicides, artificial sweeteners, food irradiation, water fluoridation, mercury in dental fillings, unsafe ingredients in vaccines, the connection between autism and vaccines, Gulf War Syndrome, the pathologizing of African Americans by Psychiatry, Iatrogenesis (medically induced injury or death) medicines assault against women’s bodies and health – including the dangers or synthetic hormone replacement therapy and overuse of mammography, the limitations and dangers of orthodox treatments for cancer, heart disease, mental issues, AIDS and arthritis, the adulteration of the American diet, the degradation of our environment, politics of our healthcare system including the FDA, the CDC and the AMA, Corporate control of real science, exploiting fears for profit – plus hundreds of other topics. In short Gary’s entire adult life has been spent fighting for a better way for all of us to live. He has the longest running health radio program in American history. He broadcasts 15 hours live per week.

      On weekdays he hosts The Gary Null Show, an on-air health forum where Gary and other leading experts discuss a wide range of matters from food production and alternative healing, including the politics of our healthcare system. Gary uses well-researched scientific information to support his points of view. Gary also does original investigative reporting series on a regular basis on such themes as Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own, The Politics of AIDS, Poverty Inc., Autism: Made in the U.S.A. and over 100 original investigative reporting articles.

      For more than 35 years Gary has had weekly programs on Pacifica radio stations KPFK, WPFW and WBAI. He also had his own very popular weekly program on WABC as well as ABC national radio. Additionally Gary has had more than 25 separate special programs presented on various Public Television Stations.

      Gary Null lives in New York City.

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    Gary Null's Speech Descriptions

    For three decades and counting, Gary Null’s research and insights have helped millions of Americans achieve a higher quality of life. Null compares and contrasts U.S. health trends and practices to societies with stellar life expectancy records. He also draws connections between public health policies, conventional medical practices, and the corporations that are financially profiting from them. His findings prompt audiences to question mainstream medicine as he makes a compelling case that we can reverse and prevent disease through diet and lifestyle changes rather than reliance on invasive medical procedures and pharmaceuticals.

      Most Requested Speaking Programs:

      • The 7 Steps to Perfect Health: Join Dr. Null as he takes you through the 7 critical steps to achieving optimal health for a lifetime.
      • Power Foods: Dr. Null will show you all of the foods that will keep you vibrantly healthy and disease-free for a lifetime and those foods that you must always avoid.
      • How to Look and Feel 25 Years Younger: From ancient natural remedies to the latest scientific breakthroughs, Dr. Null reveals everything you need to look, feel and be youthful for life.
      • De-Stress Now: In a world that is more stressful than ever before, we need tools too to effectively dial with stress before it destroys our health and our lives. Dr. Null shares a multitude of all-natural stress relievers that help us to relax, rejuvenate and prevent or reverse stress-related health disorders.
      • You’re Smarter Than You Think: Join Dr. Null as he reveals the secrets to enjoying a happier, healthier and more meaningful life.
      • The Drugging of Our Children: At a time when prescriptions for Psychiatric drugs for children are at an all-time high, Dr. Null exposes the tragic dangers associated with these drugs and how to effectively treat and protect our children.

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    Books by Gary Null:

      Death by Medicine

      The medical environment has become a labyrinth of interlocking corporate, hospital, and governmental boards of directors, infiltrated by the drug companies. Drug company representatives write glowing articles about pharmaceuticals, which are then signed by physicians paid handsomely for their cooperation, though they may not know the adverse side effects of the drugs they promote. The most toxic substances are often approved first, while milder and more natural alternatives are ignored for financial reasons. It′s death by medicine.

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      Get Healthy Now!: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment, and Healthy Living (Nook Book)

      The fully revised and updated edition to the national bestseller Get Healthy Now! includes new research and nutritional advice for treating allergies, Diabetes, PMS, Andropause, and everything in-between. From healthy skin and hair to foot and leg care, and featuring an up-to-date Alternative Practitioners Guide, Get Healthy Now! is your one-stop guide to becoming healthier from top to bottom, inside and out.

      Let “the new Mr. Natural” (Time Magazine) show you the best alternatives to drugs, surgical intervention, and other standard Western techniques. Drawing from methods that have been supported by thousands of years of use in other societies, as well as more recent discoveries in modern medicine, this comprehensive guide to healthy living offers a wide range of alternative approaches to help you stay healthy.

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      The Food-Mood Connection: Nutrition-Based and Environmental Approaches to Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing (Second Edition)

      “Null, a longtime champion of alternative health care, makes a good case… His book is sure to find a big audience among those (including families) affected by these conditions.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

      “In an increasingly Balkanized medical community, fractured by all manner of alternative therapies, Null, a PhD in human nutrition and public-health science, is leading one of the biggest breakaway republics of all.”—Jeffrey Kluger, TIME

      Now, at a time when the effects of nutrition on mental health are becoming increasingly recognized and accepted by the general public, comes a completely revised and updated tome from an early advocate of the subject: Behold the second edition of The Food-Mood-Body Connection, by best-selling health and nutrition expert Gary Null, who was affectionately dubbed “the new Mister Natural” by TIME magazine.

      Drawing from up-to-the-minute research and a wealth of patient testimonials, Null reveals how alternative, nutrition-based approaches can effectively treat many mental disorders, chronic conditions, and a variety of commonly misdiagnosed organic conditions. With participation from more than sixty-five alternative practitioners, this edition includes several new chapters, plus updates on topics ranging from alcoholism and depression to food allergies and PMS.

      Best-selling health and nutrition author Gary Null is one of America’s most popular health and fitness writers. Dr. Null has a PhD in nutrition and is the author of dozens of books and hundreds of medical articles. He is also the host of a popular daily radio show on VoiceAmerica.

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