
Gabor George Burt Profile

As an expert on overstepping boundaries, Gabor George Burt helps companies expand and succeed by teaching them how to eliminate perceived limitations. He provides an informative, step-by-step framework for re-imagining self-imposed limits in his book Slingshot.

Gabor is an authority on a new approach to creating high-growth strategies known as Blue Ocean Strategy and Value Innovation. He has been called a visionary for shaping strategies for organizations, which have included start-ups and Fortune 500 companies.

Gabor also offers valuable insight on the cognitive perspective of defying conventional wisdom.

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    Gabor is the global authority on re-imagining boundaries. A mastermind of innovation, creativity and strategy development, he is highly successful in enabling organizations to overstep perceived limitations and to carve out successful growth strategies.

    Gabor is an internationally recognized expert on Blue Ocean Strategy and Value Innovation; the highly acclaimed, new approach to high-growth strategy formation and implementation conceived by INSEAD professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. He is also regarded as a thought leader on the cognitive perspective of Defying Conventional Wisdom. Taken together, his two spheres of expertise are especially relevant in helping organizations to create successful strategies during times of economic uncertainty.

    Gabor is also the chief architect and original host of the Blue Ocean Executive Experience series, an exclusive immersion forum on Blue Ocean Strategy and Defying Conventional Wisdom. He is actively involved in shaping strategy with a diverse group of international clients spanning from Fortune 500 firms to successful start-ups, as well as in his own wide-ranging application of the Blue Ocean and DCW concepts.

    Gabor’s book Slingshot is the source and step-by-step framework for re-imagining self-imposed, mental limits.

      • Gabor is actively involved in shaping strategy for diverse groups of international clients ranging from top multinationals to start-ups, and leads by example through his own initiatives.
      • As the foundation for Slingshot, Gabor was a leading practitioner of Blue Ocean Strategy, the new millennium’s most influential business strategy approach. He contributed case study material to the worldwide bestselling book of the same name.
      • Gabor is named on a recent list of Top Visionaries, gave the opening presentation at the World Marketing Forum in 2013 and is the architect and facilitator of the 2014 Forum for Partnership in the Americas. In media, he hosted a nationally broadcast radio series in the U.S., writes articles for leading business publications, and is interviewed on major television, radio and newspaper networks.

    Gabor holds a BA in psychology and economics from Amherst College as well as an MBA from INSEAD, France.

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Gabor George Burt's Speech Descriptions

Gabor George Burt provides programs that teach companies to overstep self-imposed boundaries so that they can experience sustained growth and obtain a deeper and more effective relationship with their consumers.

Re-Imagine the Boundaries of Your Business

In a business environment without borders, standing still is not an option. According to visionary Burt, you are either actively shaping the future of your market space or being left behind by others who are. His “slingshot framework” enables a participant to become a future-shaper in his/her organization and harness creative thinking to drive relevance and growth. During his interactive presentations using his proprietary framework, he teaches audiences to:

· Turn the weakest points of their customers’ experience into the strongest

· Aim not simply to satisfy, but to “infatuate” customers

· Stretch the definition of business in order to discover new markets of relevance and impact

· Embrace the “Shortcut to Meaningful Innovation” by unlocking powerful combinations of already existing components

At the end of the session, participants will possess the critical link between creativity and smart strategy and be empowered to:

· Systematically use new creativity

· Create and sustain strong emotional connection with target audiences

· Elevate business to shape lifestyles (and workstyles) rather than simply be a provider of goods or services

· Pursue meaningful innovation with the most impact and lowest cost

Harness the Full Creative Potential of Your Organization

A survey of 100,000 people by found that 98% believe creativity is important for their work, yet only 45% consider themselves creative, and a mere 2% think that their place of work fosters creativity. The good news, says Burt, is that creativity is a vastly underused, but completely free, abundant and immensely powerful resource we all possess. In this session, Burt shows how to capture and utilize creative thinking as a key resource that enables participants to:

· Connect systematic creativity with smart strategy

· Align the organization around the pursuit of meaningful innovation

· Shape the future of the market space

· Achieve strong customer loyalty, expanded relevance and sustained growth

How to Create Continuous Blue Oceans

Most companies are unable to find blue oceans—market spaces they have all to themselves. If they do find them, they are incapable of keeping them and discovering subsequent blue ocean spaces. In this presentation, Burt will show participants how they can create ongoing blue oceans of high customer value with no competition. A leading expert in blue ocean strategy, Burt pinpoints the key elements and simple approach to creating continuous blue oceans, while allowing an organization to maintain high growth, distinctive market offerings, and sidestep cutthroat price competition.

Re-Imagine Dinners

Burt’s Re-Imagine Dinners are intimate, exclusive gatherings of VIP attendees designed to explore how to overstep boundaries for continuous growth and relevance. Burt plays the role of host and provocateur, leading a combination of conversation and activities that challenges attendees to learn from each other. Each dinner is organized in a memorable setting with a creative chef who demonstrates the principles of “re-imagining boundaries” in the dinner itself, using ingredients in unusual yet savory combinations. All participants sit around a single table, which fosters an environment of strong group interaction.

Gabor George Burt on Speaking

What I look to achieve via my presentations is to have my audience experience the thrill and power of re-imagining such boundaries.

SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn and take away from your presentations?

BURT: Even the most successful individuals and organizations operate within certain self-imposed, mental boundaries limiting greater success. What I look to achieve via my presentations is to have my audience experience the thrill and power of re-imagining such boundaries.

I use an interactive, provocative style to distill the complexity of strategy formation to the core essence of what customers ultimately want and how organizations can deliver that by continuously overstepping boundaries. People take away both the inspiration and the simple, immediately actionable framework to go beyond perceived limitations in pursuit of ongoing growth, relevance, and customer affection.

SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

BURT: Understanding how to effectively apply creative thinking to overstep perceived boundaries is equally important for all segments of society and all levels of an organization. Therefore my presentations, framework, as well as my book are all designed to be beneficial to a wide range of audiences – be it senior executives, government and NGO leaders, or organization-wide staff, entrepreneurs and students.

Essentially any audience interested in understanding how to break out of current limitations and shape its own future would benefit from my message.

Participants acquired the mindset and methodology to shape the future of their business for ongoing growth and relevance.

SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients achieve?

BURT: Here are a few examples:

• I helped American Express create a whole new business based on the application of the Slingshot Framework. The business was founded in partnership with Wal-Mart and is called Bluebird: . The entire process, from the initial Slingshot workshop where the idea was hatched to its market introduction, took less than 15 months.

• I was asked by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to design and host a high-profile event for government and business leaders from across the Western Hemisphere, on how to re-imagine boundaries. The result was the Forum for Partnership of the Americas, whose
agenda was modeled on the Slingshot Framework. The event helped stimulate new thinking among private and public sector leaders, and led to the successful application of the Slingshot Framework in both sectors.

• After being a featured speaker alongside Sir Richard Branson at
Forum One (one of Europe’s biggest leadership events.) I conducted Slingshot application workshops for senior executives, directors of sales, marketing, strategy, and HR, as well as entrepreneurs. Participants acquired the mindset and methodology to shape the future of their business for ongoing growth and relevance. Exclusive Interview with Gabor George Burt
Breaking Past Your Boundaries with Gabor George Burt
In this interview, Gabor George Burt discusses:
  • Overcoming common blocks to creative thinking.
  • How companies can jumpstart employees' imaginations.
  • Ways to break past the self-imposed boundaries that are limiting your organization's success.
    Read the Full Interview
  • "Today companies must continuously innovate and do it organization-wide in order to actively shape the future of the market space they occupy. Otherwise, they risk being left behind."
    - Gabor George Burt

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    Books by Gabor George Burt:


    Slingshot: Re-Imagine Your Business Re-Imagine Your Life
    What if you could reignite your childhood creativity in a systematic way, to overstep self-imposed limitations and to discover what you are really capable of achieving? It’s all here at your fingertips. Defy conventional wisdom and give reign to your imagination for success in your business and your life.

    Continuous innovation is both necessary and exhilarating, and we all possess the inner capacity for it. Our capacity has simply been buried and lays dormant within us. As children, our imagination knew no boundaries. We would grab a slingshot and be instantly transformed into a warrior, a spy, a huntress, or protector of treasure. But as we grew older, our intellectual comfort zone shifted from that of continuous exploration and inquisitiveness to that of conformity with accepted norms of perception. All is not lost, however. We just need the right framework to re-engage our youthful creativity: the Slingshot Framework.

    Find out why you need to infatuate your target audience and to provide them continuous lifestyle enrichment; how to become market-driving and to shape your offering for broadest relevance; and how to channel your reclaimed creativity into smart strategy. Launch yourself to new business and personal heights and have fun doing it.

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