
Fredrik Haren Profile

  • Fredrik Härén, the global conference speaker on creativity, innovation and change.

  • Awarded “International Ambassadors Award” by the Global Speakers Federation.

  • Fredrik has delivered more than 2,000 speeches, from huge conferences with 10,000+ people in the audience, to small, intimate groups of VIP guests.

  • With over a 20-year professional speaking career, Fredrik has met with, learnt from and interviewed thousands of business leaders from across the world. He has written ten books, hundreds of articles and created hundreds of videos with content. He constantly creates new content.
  • One of the new stars in creativity and innovation, Fredrik Härén has been invited to deliver more than 1500 speeches and workshops in more than fifty countries.

    A Swedish “Speaker of the Year,” Fredrik uses humor and a powerful presentational style to explain to audiences the importance of creativity and how everyone is more creative than they think.

    Fredrik’s clients have included ABB, American Express, China Mobile, China Telecom, Ericsson, GE, HP, IBM, INSEAD, IKEA, Microsoft, Ministry of Finance Singapore, Nokia, Ogilvy, Pfizer, Saab, Sandvik, SonyEricsson, Swedish National Bank, Swedish Radio, Swedish Parliament, Stockholm School of Economics, TeliaSonera and many more.

    The Idea Book, a combination book and notebook for awakening creativity, has sold more than 150,000 copies in Sweden and has been translated into many languages. It has been nominated as one of the “100 Best Business Books of All Time.” His other books include The Developing World, a meditation on creativity that warns of the dangers of ignoring global change, and One World. One Company.” which proposes a vision for truly global companies.

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      Fredrik Härén has quickly become one of the most talked-about names in the field of creativity. Based in Singapore, he is an accomplished author and speaker who has delivered over 1,500 presentations, lectures and workshops across 50+ countries, focused on creativity, idea generation and global business.

      He was voted “Speaker of the Year” in 2007 in Sweden is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and has been invited to speak on 6 continents. (Just last year alone he spoke in 26 different countries.)

      Fredrik presents on a range of topics including: From the Information Age to the Innovation Age; Why business creativity will become even more important in the future; Why we are less creative than we think – but more creative than we can imagine! He punctuates his messages with a number of amusing examples to help the audience understand the value of thinking in new ways, yet appreciate just how difficult this is to accomplish.

      Fredrik has worked with clients including ABB, American Express, China Mobile, China Telecom, Ericsson, GE, HP, IBM, INSEAD, IKEA, Microsoft, Ministry of Finance Singapore, Nokia, Ogilvy, Pfizer, Saab, Sandvik, Sony Ericsson, Swedish National Bank, Swedish Radio, Swedish Parliament, Stockholm School of Economics, TeliaSonera and many others.

      He is the author of The Idea Book (2004), which is a book and notebook combined, designed to awaken creativity. This has sold over 150,000 copies of the Swedish version alone and is now produced and sold in countries all over the world. The Idea Book was included in “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.” His second book, The Developing World (2009) is about creativity, dreams and a curiosity about the world, written about change and awakening and the dangers of not seeing what is going on in the world today. His latest book “One World. One Company.” talks about what it means to be a truly global company.

      Fredrik speaks on the topics of Business Creativity, Change and Innovation, and he can tailor his speeches to a wide variety of angles from “creativity and customer service” to “how to handle rapid change”. He can deliver everything from practical speeches on how you can become more creative as a person, leader, or a team; to more strategic topics like what innovation looks like in the future or about how to create an innovative culture.

      He is a truly global speaker, with examples from all over the world – suitable for your global (or international) conference. Fredrik was invited to speak in 24 different countries last year alone and has been based in Asia since 2005.

      Fredrik was voted Speaker of The Year in Sweden and selected as one of the “The Best Swedish Speakers Ever”. He is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional – one of 700 globally) as well as Global Speaking Fellow (one of only 30 globally). And he is the most recent recipient of “TIA”, given by The Global Speakers Federation and considered the highest award in the international speaking community. (It has only been given to 13 speakers globally.)

      Fredrik was born and raised in Sweden, and following a period of time living and working in Beijing is currently based in Singapore.


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    Fredrik Haren's Speech Descriptions

    Fredrik Härén explains in his keynote speeches and workshops why creativity is important and also why it can be difficult; he offers solutions to help your employees become more creative. His theme is that most people are both less creative than they think and more creative than they can imagine. He also explains how the creativity now flowing from developing countries is going to change the world.

    Fredrik has spoken to over one million people and he customizes his proactive style to his targeted audience. Whether you want to know about creativity for your salesforce, for leadership, for education or for customer service he can help you to realize and capitalize upon the creativity within.


    About what creativity is, why it is important and what we can all do to become more creative. Popular in both highly creative industries as well as in industries that want to become more creative.



    About our need to see, understand and react to change in our business and our environment. Popular in fast changing industries, or industries that feel that big changes are coming.


    Fredrik believe in the potential of humanity and the power of ideas. He have spent the last 25 years studying, writing and speaking about creativity, change, and global mindset and he is passionate about helping as many people as possible reach their full creative potential.


    What it means to have a global mindset, how to run a truly global company and – ultimately – what it means to be human. About what it means to be a Truly Global Company, how to develop a more global mindset. Popular with Multinational organisations in all industries.


    Fredrik Harens definition of an idea is: IDEA = P(K+I). An idea equals that a Person takes his/her Knowledge and combines it with Information. It means that there is nothing totally new, everything is a combination of previously known things in a new way. When we look at creativity like that we understand that there are infinite new ideas waiting to be revealed by combining the knowledge and the information we have access to.

    Fredrik Haren on Speaking

    The most effective – but also the most difficult – speech to give is one that is both inspirational and provocative at the same time. The audience leaves feeling empowered and challenged simultaneously.

    SPEAKING.COM: What do you want people to learn / take away from your presentations?

    HAREN: I was once called “an inspirational kick-in-the-butt” by a client. It was meant as a compliment, and I took it as such. 😉

    The most effective – but also the most difficult – speech to give is one that is both inspirational and provocative at the same time. The audience leaves feeling empowered and challenged simultaneously.

    SPEAKING.COM: Have you had any particularly memorable speaking engagements / unusual situations arise while on the road?

    HAREN: I have done more than 1500 speeches in over 60 countries, and there are so many memorable engagements that I have done. But let me share some from the last month:

    a) I got to speak to 4000 business people in Ukraine – a country torn apart by internal fighting, and yet the business people there were so hungry for inspiration on how to develop their businesses.
    b) I gave a speech to a very small, but exclusive group of global HR managers of the largest multinational Chinese companies – to learn how Chinese companies are now trying to become more global.
    c) I gave a speech to all the employees of BMW Brazil. This was the first time I spoke in South America, which means I’ve now given talks on all continents except Antarctica. (That same month I also spoke in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany and Norway.)

    SPEAKING.COM: What types of audiences would most benefit from your message?

    HAREN: My specialty is to speak to global audiences (i.e. an audience consisting of people from many different countries). I am mostly booked for global (or international) conferences. I am not focused on any specific industry since business creativity, change and global business are themes that are relevant for virtually all businesses.

    SPEAKING.COM: Which of your keynote speaking topics are your favorites and why?

    HAREN: Right now my favorite topic is to speak on change, because it seems that so many industries are going through such rapid change right now. In my 20 years of speaking on change and innovation, the pace of chance has never been faster than now.

    SPEAKING.COM: Your talks on Business Creativity are based on your best selling book, The Idea Book. What do you teach in these talks?

    HAREN: The sad thing is that according to studies that we have conducted, 98% of employees do not think that their company is doing enough to develop the creativity of its staff. Yet most people think that creativity is important in their job.

    In my talks, my main goal is to get the audience excited and confident about their own creative abilities. Because if you do not think that you are creative, then there is a big chance that this lack of confidence – by itself – stops you from having great ideas. So while I can teach many specific techniques on how to develop your own creativity, the most important part of my speech is to leave the audience with a feeling of “I am now going to try to do things differently.”

    SPEAKING.COM: What inspired you to start doing speaking engagements?

    HAREN: I wrote a book about the Internet and marketing in 1995, which was quite early so I was asked to speak a lot. (I was 27 years old at the time.). Around the year 2000, I stopped speaking specifically on the Internet and started speaking more generally on innovation and business.

    SPEAKING.COM: How much do case studies, personal stories and/or humor factor into your keynote speech content?

    HAREN: I am a speaker who relies a lot on stories. I think humans are programmed to learn the best from a strong message communicated through a story. I take pride in the fact that a very high percentage of my stories are personal anecdotes that I myself have collected from the companies I’ve worked with, as opposed to “hearsay-stories” about big companies that the speaker has never worked with.

    SPEAKING.COM: What are some of the successes you’ve helped clients make?

    HAREN: I have a file on my computer where I save extra-inspiring speaker feedback. It has 1500+ emails in it. One strong email came from a young woman who had been depressed and for six weeks had not left her apartment. But after a friend brought a video of one of my speeches, she snapped out of her depression and took charge of her life again.

    In the corporate world the most common long-term feedback I get is that I have helped the organizations to think differently. Last month, a client told me right after my speech, “You did more in 45 minutes than we (the global marketing department) have been able to do in 5 years.” Exclusive Interview with Fredrik Haren
    Creativity with Fredrik Härén
    In this interview, Fredrik discusses:

  • The role of creativity in efficiency.
  • The importance of truly global companies.
  • How individuals can use creativity to become more successful in their lives and careers.
    Read the Full Interview
  • "A truly global company will be much more effective, productive, innovative, and competitive than an international, or multinational company."
    - Fredrik Haren

    What People are Saying about Seeing Fredrik Speak

    Rating Entries

    Fredrik is an acclaimed speaker whose speeches genuinely resonate with audiences across the globe. He listened to our brief and adapted his content perfectly for our global tax event in Singapore, his presentation style visibly lifted the audience’s
    – Manager Global Strategic Events, Big Four Accounting firm

    “One of the guests said it was the best speech he had heard in his life. Almost everyone said that they felt highly motivated. So thank you very much again, it’s been a pleasure having Fredrik with us and it has also been great working with you!”
    – Blumberry (Event booked by Speakers Platform)

    “Fredrik Härén spoke at our kick off and everyone who attended was extremely impressed and were all inspired to create new innovations. Fredrik’s speech was the only thing everyone talked about at the end of the conference. I highly recommend to bring Fredrik in as a key note speaker.”
    – Mikael Pawlo, CEO,Mr Green

    “Thank you so much for giving such an interesting presentation at our conference in Stockholm. We have had an extremely good feedback.”
    – Sarah Garside, Praxit

    “I’ve never heard someone speak on creativity so creatively.”
    – Tom Estad, Singapore Management University

    “At our regional conference Fredrik demonstrated an unique ability to both challenge and inspire an extremely diverse global Leadership group. He has set a hard act for anyone to follow.”
    – Paddy Crawshaw, OMD (OMD Asia Management Conference)

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    Books by Fredrik Haren:

    The Idea Book

    A book on creativity should not be like other books.

    The Idea Book is 150 pages of ideas, 150 empty pages for your own idea. It’s an idea book.

    The “book part” consists of 63 different chapters on how you can develop new ideas. Every chapter ends with a practical activity, or exercise, where the reader can practice the lesson of that chapter.

    The book is full of stories, anecdotes, and quotes about how to generate ideas. The “notebook part” is a place for you to work on and store your best ideas. Follow the tradition of a long line of creatives who have used a small, black notebook to catch their ideas.

    The combination of creativity boosts from the chapters, and a beautiful notebook for your ideas makes The Idea Book the perfect companion for anyone who wants to nurture their creativity.

    The Developing World: How an Explosion of Creativity in the Developing World Is Changing the World, and Why the Developed World Has to Start Paying Attention

    There is an explosion of creativity happening in the developing world right now. Best selling creativity author and keynote speaker Fredrik Härén wanted to understand what this creativity explosion means, what it will lead to and how it will change the world. So he set out to find out. For five years Fredrik Härén went to 18 developing countries (and 8 developed countries) and done more than 200 interviews with people who in some way are involved with business and creativity. He has met with cosmetics executives in Russia, professors in South Africa, creativity consultants in Egypt, IT-journalists in Iran, hotel managers in Dubai, designers in Indonesia, government officials in Thailand and mobile phone designers in South Korea and many, many more. The result of his research is this book. A book about “The Developing World.” In this book you will learn about the advantages of being a creative person in a developing country, about what the developed world can learn from the developing world, and most importantly, you will read about the dangers of defining yourself as “developed” in a world that has never been developing faster than now. It is a book that may turn your view of the world up-side-down, and that hopefully will inspire you to become more curious about the great changes happening in the world right now.

    One World One Company: How some of the best companies in the world are becoming global and why you should too

    It is time to update the way we view the world of business. In this book, Fredrik Härén argues for why—and how—companies need to become global in the way they conduct business.
    Learn how some of the most successful companies, big and small, have been able to make this transition; what other companies can learn from them; the challenges you will face when going global; and the dangers that loom for those who choose not to.

    A perfect business consulting book for executive education as well as a great case source for business schools who are building the foundation of our future leaders today.

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