
Faith Popcorn

Branding, Trends, Women Speakers

Travels from New York, USA

Faith Popcorn's speaking fee falls within range:
$30,000 to $50,000

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Faith Popcorn Profile

  • The New York Times has called her "The Trend Oracle".

  • Fortune magazine named her, "The Nostradamus of Marketing".

  • Faith Popcorn is recognized as America’s foremost Trend expert.
  • The world’s premier Futurist Faith Popcorn has mesmerized audiences for decades and her Consultancy, BrainReserve, is responsible for adding incremental billions to her clients’ C-suite portfolios. Her uncanny ability to identify and apply emerging cultural currents at least a decade out is the centerpiece of her legendary career.

    Her presentations not only explore how our world will evolve but share category-specific implications that answer the uber question guiding her work: If you knew everything about tomorrow, what would you do differently today? She speaks on an array of provocative topics, including Corona-Cocooning: Our Post-Pandemic Future; The Future of Work; Wellness 2030; The Future of Masculinity, Child-Free by Choice, A Gender-Fluid Future, and The Rise of Plant Foods.

    Dubbed the “The Trend Oracle” by The New York Times and “The Nostradamus of Marketing” by Fortune, Faith has named and framed such sweeping societal movements as “Cocooning,” “99 Lives,” AtmosFear” and “Vigilante Consumer.” During times of uncertainty or short-sighted decision-making, she has propelled global giants such as Allergan, Chipotle, Citigroup, Comcast, Constellation Brands, The Home Depot, Investec, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, PepsiCo, and Tyson. Her legendary leadership has led to double-digit market-share gains, time and time again with her ability to describe Tomorrow in great detail and astounding authority.

    She is a best-selling author of The Popcorn Report, which introduces the world to the practice of future-tracking; Clicking; EVEolution; Dictionary of the Future and the upcoming book The Popcorn Report, 2030. Faith is frequently interviewed and cited in the media by The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, “The Today Show,” “Face the Nation,” and CNN as well as all the social channels. She has launched a podcast entitled Jolty which covers topics help us spot the trends as we live them.

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    Faith Popcorn's Speech Descriptions


    If you knew everything about tomorrow, what would you do differently today? Faith Popcorn raises that provocative question and helps you envision the Future with this dynamic, interactive presentation. It provides a blueprint for “Brailling the Culture” and identifying the trends that are shaping the consumer landscape, and also shares Faith’s most recent predictions. Her customized presentation is guaranteed to challenge beliefs, jump-start creativity, and improve the business and personal decision-making process of virtually any audience.





    What People are Saying about Seeing Faith Speak

    Rating Entries

      “Awesome is overused but that was… literally life defining. Utter respect for everything you’ve achieved and the mindset you engender. You have 12 new disciples in the UK.”
      Joel Bradley,
      Director of Innovation,

      “Your expertise and insights into consumer trends set the tone for a powerful afternoon of programming for all those in attendance. Since returning I have heard nothing but rave reviews for your session and the day in general. Our bookstore manager noted that your books were one of the first to sell out!”
      Janine Pesci,
      Managing Director of Programs,
      Urban Land Institute

      “You have opened a window for us, a unique keyhole view into 2030. A number of your Trends are allowing us to pressure test product and service concepts relevant to the Cocooning related use cases.”
      Jon Molod,
      Strategy & Planning,
      Xfinity Consumer Services, Comcast

      “You were brilliant! You are an amazing speaker, I was very entertained and I learned a lot. Your talk refueled me!”
      Elise Beth Kramer,
      International Spa Association

      “Our client, Wessanen, was thrilled to have her speak at their general session. Her speech was energetic and articulate! All of the attendees remarked on how the subject matter fit in with what the company is trying to achieve in the near future.”
      Katie Kirchner,
      Program Manager,

      “Faith Popcorn′s outstanding presentation was regarded as the highlight of the ′Berlin Resources Summit 2000′ by the whole audience.”
      Wolfgang Schutt,
      INTEC GmbH

      “Closing with your key note address helped to make it one of the most successful conferences we have ever had. The feedback from the clients and our own associates who attended your presentation was tremendous. You demonstrated a truly unique style of thought leadership that simply dazzled the audience. I was immensely impressed with the remarkable way in which you engaged us and stimulated our thinking around some of the new trends and ideas that you have forecasted. We were engrossed as we pondered the questions you raised around everyday life issues that we, as business leaders and marketers, should absolutely have on our radar screen.”
      Constance M. Bentley,
      Consulting & Training Division Time Mirror Training Group

      “I have just seen the final evaluations from the AAAA annual meeting and wanted to confirm to you what you should have heard — you were a smash! Eighty percent of the respondents gave you an excellent rating – one of the highest scores we’ve ever seen.”
      O. Burtch Drake,
      President and Chief Executive Officer American Association of Advertising Agencies

      “As you know, we face significant business challenges. Having you on our team, partnering with us – enhances our changes of success dramatically. Sharing your thoughts with a broader group of personnel expands your influence on where we are heading. Thank you for your fabulous presentation, and most of all for your thoughts on our business.”
      Jim Goldman,
      President Nabisco Tablespreads Company

      “I think the overall reaction to Faith′s speech was good. It was very thought – provoking! I spoke to one of the attendees who was in marketing before he joined Andersen Consulting, and he spoke very highly of Faith, and thought the presentation was outstanding. We deeply appreciate your efforts to work with us to develop an excellent presentation.”
      Jennifer Benson,
      Andersen Consulting

      “I want to thank you for the contribution that you made. You helped empower women and your message was an excellent springboard to the introduction of our new Sense personal care line.”
      Dallin Larsen,

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    Books by Faith Popcorn:

      Eveolution: Understanding Women–Eight Essential Truths That Work In Your Business And Your Life

      Faith Popcorn′s name is synonymous with prediction: She has accurately foretold the business and personal trends that have defined our lives for the past two decades. Her frequent media appearances and groundbreaking national best-sellers, The Popcorn Report and Clicking, have made her familiar to most of the world. Called “the Nostradamus of marketing” by Fortune magazine, Popcorn now turns her incredible acumen to one of the most important segments in marketing: the female consumer.

      Every day we read about a new scientific study that confirms the physiological differences between the sexes: how women′s brains are different; how they see, hear, acquire and use language differently. What we haven′t heard is how these differences manifest themselves in the marketplace — until now.

      Today, women make 80% of all purchasing decisions. In EVEolution, Faith Popcorn shows you that you cannot succeed in business or successfully start one without understanding how to market to women. Whether you make cornflakes or concrete, pillows or pixels, she reveals why women must be your chief target. Even if you just want to understand the landscape of tomorrowland, this book is a must read.

      Order Here

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